Yocto: oe_runmake failed, error in do_compile from bitbake image - yocto

I'm building yocto image and a newbie for this.
I'm having an error when I type bitbake piflo command (piflo is my image name) like shown figure below:
It says ERROR: batctl-2017.1-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed and also says pkg-config not found. from makefile.
I found some solutions from web and tried, but it gave me same error as figure above.
It was building OK but after getting new batctl and batman-adv it fails building.
Does anybody have an idea for this?
Please help me out here.
If needs more information or code, I will EDIT.
Thanks in advance.

Sounds like a broken package. First things first, try cleaning it and rebuilding
bitbake -c cleanall batctl
bitbake -c cleanall batman-adv
bitbake batman-adv
bitbake batctl
Also, do you actually need those packages? If not just remove them by adding to your local.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = " batctl batman-adv "

Yes, like you just found out, you need to add pkg-config to your recipe's DEPENDS.
In earlier OpenEmbedded (Yocto) it often worked out anyway, as some other recipe had pkg-config in its DEPENDS. However, from the Pyro release, each recipe gets it's own sysroot; thus, you have to explicitly add everything that the recipe needs to it's DEPENDS. This is done to improve determinism in the builds.


yocto opendds does not create the sdknative files

I am trying to build an application that communicates with dds with opendds. I am using the opendds layer on krikstone. The bitbake image is built with the opendds libraries but when I build the sdk it seems the layer nativesdk is not installed. When I run the cmake I get the error "Missing required dependencies OPENDDS_IDL;ACE_GPERF;TAO_IDL".
from the opendds.inc I see there is the nativesdk install. I added a junk line and expected that when i build the opendds or build the populate-sdk I will fail but it seems that the nativesdk is not run.
build is for imx8mm variscite som with command bitbake fsl-image-qt5 -v populate_sdk_ext
layer with the problem is meta-opendds (krikstone branch) building version 3.22
the layer has a bb file that requires an opendds.inc file which has the nativesdk install
do_install:append:class-nativesdk() {
dfdf -- my junk line to trigger failure
ln -sf ${bindir}/opendds_idl ${D}${datadir}/dds/bin/opendds_idl
ln -sf ${bindir}/ace_gperf ${D}${datadir}/ace/bin/ace_gperf
ln -sf ${bindir}/tao_idl ${D}${datadir}/ace/bin/tao_idl
** i added a junk line to trigger failure but it doesnt fail with building the sdk or image itself
why is the nativesdk command not run and why is the sdk without the opendds_idl executable
I was able at last to build the nativesdk files. I had to build them specifically as they are not build by default. i had to "bitbake nativesdk-opendds" manually.
my mistake was to believe that the nativesdk will be defaulted. my assumption is that if i am using the opendds that most probable that i will build subscribers/produces applications and will need the opendds_idl executable.
!!!! after testing the nativesdk-opendds it did not solve the problem !!!
!! in general after adding building the opendds layer i cannot build the Messanger example for lack of the opendds_idl and other two (tao,ace) executable

Yocto: oe_runmake failed, iMX6 Apalis

I'm building a Yocto image for the first time in my life. I have some errors when I run bitbake -k angstrom-lxde-image (the demo Toradex distribution).
First part of the log and second part of the log.
It says a lot of things, e.g.
ERROR: imx-loader-native-git-r1 do_compile: oe_runmake failed
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -usb-1.0
MAkefile:27: recipe for target 'imx_usb' failed
I found some solution so far, but none of them seems to work...
Do you have any ideas how to resolve this problem?
Thank you in advance.

Unity Failed to Re-package Resources Error

I am getting an error when i try to build my game for android. The error is :
CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. See the Console for details.
C:\Users\halil.cosgun\Desktop\ADTBundle\adt_bundle\sdk\build-tools\21.1.1\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S "res" -I "C:/Users/halil.cosgun/Desktop/ADTBundle/adt_bundle/sdk\platforms\android-21\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_ --extra-packages com.fusepowered.unitytest:com.google.android.gms:com.unity3d.player:com.google.android.gms -S "C:\Users\halil.cosgun\Desktop\Projects\AmbulanceFirstDeneme\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\FuseSDK\res" -S "C:\Users\halil.cosgun\Desktop\Projects\AmbulanceFirstDeneme\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\google-play-services_lib\res" -S "C:\Users\halil.cosgun\Desktop\Projects\AmbulanceFirstDeneme\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\play-services-base-6.5.87\res"
If I delete the play_game_services_libs folder (play_game_services.jar is in there), the build is successful. But, PlayGamesPlatform.Activate() code is not work. If I delete the FuseSDK, the build is successful. I know there is a conflict between this two plugins, but I didn't figure it out how I fix this problem.
Please help me.
These are the screenshots my project folder :
Actually I didn't know how I can solve this problem at first. I tried so many ways to solve this error. First of all, I updated my JDK to latest version.(jdk1.8.0.65 - 64bit) - Then I deleted play_game_services_6.5.8.7 and AndroidSupportV4 which is in Plugins/Android/ folder. After that I added FuseSDK prefab to main scene of my project. Finally I hit Build and Run.
Have a nice day! :)

do_rootfs failed while installing gstreamer-1.0 packages

I am facing do_rootfs failed while I am installing the package using yocto in final image. Tried options like INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP but to of no use.
How can I force do_rootfs to execute is there any option.
You have not provided nearly enough information for anyone to help you. For example, what failed? What was/were the error message(s). INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP likely has nothing to do with your failure. You could also join #yocto or the yocto-related mail list as an alternative to posting here.

Error while compiling tossim in tiny OS

When I try to compile TOSSIM in tiny OS v-2.0.2 , this is the error that it is giving me:
# make micaz sim
Makefile:2: /opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/make/Makerules: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/make/Makerules'. Stop.
How to remove this error?
Did you run a ./configure ? This is usually the config script used by make files, but sometimes people use strange build systems so I'd look around in the project's root directory for something else relating to configuring or installing. There should also be a text file called 'INSTALL' which helps.
The usual build commands are:
make install clean