Dynamically reading point coordinates from Spreadsheet in GeoGebra - coordinates

I was using GeoGebra and I wanted to create a point whose co-ordinates are dynamically read off of a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet would have two columns for the values of x and y co-ordinates of this point, and this point would have to dynamically move from the first (x,y) value all the way through to the last one.
I tried using a slider to refer to the elements of the spreadsheet but am unable to do so. If this could be done, all I would have to do was create an animate button for the slider and that would be it. But I cannot figure out how to name the elements of the spreadsheet while incorporating the slider name as well.
If this idea cannot be implemented, is there another way of creating moving points in GeoGebra based on coordinate values created in an external file(which I was planning to copy to the spreadsheet)?

Yeah , there are two methods to do that one of them is using Object[] commend as you indicate in the comment ; the seconde method is creating a list follow these steps :
select a column for exemple A by clicking in the top of column
Right Click
then you can access to any element of the list in commend line by type for creating a point : (element(list1,n),element(list2,n))
n is the slider
hope i help you


How can I put the values in the table into the polygon function in the postgresql platform?

How can I put the values in the table into the polygon function?
Note : ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(75 29,77 29,77 29, 75 29)') --coordinates are representations. What I want is to put the values in the table into the function.
you could use the geometry directly (if they were suitable, which they are not, see below).
SELECT ST_MakePolygon(wkb_geometry) FROM madened50 WHERE ...
BUT, a polygon is made of at least 4 points, with the 1st and last point being the same. In your table, the lines have 2 points only, so how exactly do you want to make a polygon from a line?
Don't forget that you can't just add one of point multiple times (the polygon will be invalid where the vertex is repeated, and a lot of function won't work properly with invalid geometries)
If it was only for the last point, which must be the same as the 1st one, you could add it though
SELECT ST_MakePolygon(ST_AddPoint(wkb_geometry, ST_StartPoint(wkb_geometry)))
FROM madened50 WHERE ...

Filtering polygons based on text input in mapbox

I'm trying to work out a variation on the mapbox code provided in this tutorial here: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/filter-markers-by-input/
But instead of filtering individual points, I'm trying to figure out how to filter polygons from a GeoJSON that have names appended based on an integer feature. Basically, I want to be able to enter the appended name of a polygon into a text box and have the map filter to just that polygon. I'm having difficulty identifying which parts of the code in the example to isolate and graft over. Has anyone tried something like this before?
When you say "filter to just that polygon", I think what you mean (in geospatial terms) is "filter to show only points within that polygon".
You will want to use Turf's "booleanWithin" function.
You will want to change this code:
layerIDs.forEach(function(layerID) {
map.setLayoutProperty(layerID, 'visibility',
layerID.indexOf(value) > -1 ? 'visible' : 'none');
You will have to iterate over the points themselves (not just their IDs), and use the booleanWithin function to check whether the point is within the polygon that you have somewhere else loaded.

Report labels match a dropdown in report builders

I have a report that is designed to allow users who aren't proficient in Tableau visualize data in the form of a bar graph. There are some drop downs on the side that allow them to select some dimensions. These dimensions then populate the graph. The labels in the graph, however, do not match the dimension name selected, and I was curious how to do this. So for instance on the right hand side Dimension 1 is set to Item Subcategory, and I'd like it to say that in the graph as well, instead of being labeled Dimension 1.
The drop downs on the right are generated from this code in the dimension itself:
If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
The way I would do this would be to hide the column headers on the sheet itself, or edit their aliases to just a bunch of spaces so it appears blank.
You can then create a sheet with the Dimension 1 parameter on the Text shelf, formatted to look like a column header (or formatted however you want it to look), and add that sheet to the dashboard as a floating sheet. Repeat for the other two dimension parameters, position the sheet above the column so it looks like the header, and there you go! Whenever the parameter changes, the column header will change to match too.
I would note that this only works if the sheet is on a fixed-size dashboard, since floating sheets don't usually play nice with auto-sizing dashboards.

How to overlay Long/Lat points on a existing map

I have an existing map of ward in Chicago in Tableau:
I have a separate CSV file, linked to primary data source by Ward. It contains pairings of Long/Lat points. I can make a map of it by itself, but cannot find a way to place the points on this map. How would I do that?
If you want to overlay the dots to the existing area map you will need to use dual axis. Steps to follow are:
drag latitude (or longitude) from the csv datasource to rows (or columns); this will create another map
right click on the newly added measure and select "Dual axis"; this will overlap the two maps
in the marks box on the left you will be able to select different display settings for the two axis you will then have
You can also find a nice tutorial here

Line chart with pictures?

I want to show a line chart, each point in the line chart will refer to a user. So whomever looks at the chart understands who the user is, I'd like each point to have a picture of the user and the user's name. Does anyone know any API that will let me do that?
I was looking at googles line chart (http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart.html) but I cannot see anyway for me to have each data point represented as an image.
Using Java and JavaFX, you can build a StackPane where you can put two charts (one above other), where the back is a LineChart and the front is a ScatterChart. In this case, these charts will share the same X axis and Y axis, and on ScatterChart you can personalize the points with a picture.
How to personalize a chart style using Javafx and
How to produce an application with more than one chart in a StackPane
I hope this helps you.
It seems counter intuitive to have different points on the same line of a line graph represent different users.
(Line graphs) show in a linear form one or more variables that fluctuate over a period of time.
I believe if there is more than one variable that would mean there would be more than one line, so it is hard to make suggestions without more information about your specific application. With the currently available data I would recommend amcharts's Column chart with images on top: