Equality for elements of sig type in Coq - coq

With a sig type defintion like:
Inductive A: Set := mkA : nat-> A.
Function getId (a: A) : nat := match a with mkA n => n end.
Function filter (a: A) : bool := if (beq_nat (getId a) 0) then true else false.
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
Definition subsetA : Set := { a : A | filter a }.
I try to prove its projection is injective:
Lemma projection_injective :
forall t1 t2: subsetA, proj1_sig t1 = proj1_sig t2 -> t1 = t2.
destruct t1.
destruct t2.
rewrite -> H. (* <- stuck here *)
At this point, Coq knows:
x : A
i : is_true (filter x)
x0 : A
i0 : is_true (filter x0)
H : x = x0
I tried some rewrite without success. For example, why can't I rewrite of i and H to give Coq a i0? May I ask what did I miss here? Thanks.

At the point where you got stuck, your goal looked roughly like this:
exist x i = exist x0 i0
If the rewrite you typed were to succeed, you would have obtained the following goal:
exist x0 i = exist x0 i0
Here, you can see why Coq is complaining: rewriting would have yielded an ill-typed term. The problem is that the subterm exist x0 i is using i as a term of type filter x0, when it really has type filter x. To convince Coq that this is not a problem, you need to massage your goal a little bit before rewriting:
Lemma projection_injective :
forall t1 t2: subsetA, proj1_sig t1 = proj1_sig t2 -> t1 = t2.
destruct t1.
destruct t2.
revert i. (* <- this is new *)
rewrite -> H. (* and now the tactic succeeds *)
intros i.
Alternatively, you could use the subst tactic, which tries to remove all redundant variables in the context. Here is a more compact version of the above script:
Lemma projection_injective :
forall t1 t2: subsetA, proj1_sig t1 = proj1_sig t2 -> t1 = t2.
intros [x1 i1] [x2 i2]; simpl; intros e.
You might run into another issue afterwards: showing that any two terms of type filter x0 are equal. In general, you would need the axiom of proof irrelevance to be able to show this; however, since filter is defined as an equality between two terms of a type with decidable equality, you can prove this property as a theorem (which the Coq standard library already does for you).
As a side note, the mathcomp library already has a generic lemma that subsumes your property, called val_inj. Just to give you an example, this is how one might use it:
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype.
Inductive A: Set := mkA : nat-> A.
Function getId (a: A) : nat := match a with mkA n => n end.
Function filter (a: A) : bool := if (Nat.eqb (getId a) 0) then true else false.
Definition subsetA : Set := { a : A | filter a }.
Lemma projection_injective :
forall t1 t2: subsetA, proj1_sig t1 = proj1_sig t2 -> t1 = t2.
intros t1 t2.
apply val_inj.


Using or_comm in Coq

I want to prove the following theorem:
Theorem T14 : forall s t u,
S u s t <-> S u t s.
Where S is defined like this:
Definition S u s t := forall v,
((ObS u v) <-> (ObS v s \/ ObS v t)).
The first tactics I used are:
intros s t u.
unfold S.
And my goal is now:
1 subgoal
s, t, u : Entity
(forall v : Entity, ObS u v <-> ObS v s \/ ObS v t) <->
(forall v : Entity, ObS u v <-> ObS v t \/ ObS v s)
It feels like the proof can be finished if I use the commutativity of the OR operator, and then apply the tauto tactic. However, I don't know how to rewrite the inner bit of only the right part of the equivalence. Is it possible?
This can be done using generalized rewriting.
Require Setoid.
Use setoid_rewrite because you are rewriting under a binder (forall v). (Without binders, rewrite would be sufficient).
It works out-of-the-box in this case, but when your project gets more sophisticated, with your own combinators/logical connectives, some work will be necessary to ensure that "rewriting" is sound. The reference manual describes the set up required by generalized rewriting.
(* 1 *)
Require Import Setoid.
Parameter T : Type.
Parameter ObS : T -> T -> Prop.
Definition S u s t := forall v,
((ObS u v) <-> (ObS v s \/ ObS v t)).
Theorem T14 : forall s t u,
S u s t <-> S u t s.
intros s t u.
unfold S.
(* 2 *)
setoid_rewrite (or_comm (ObS _ s)).

Understanding specialize tactic

Trying to comprehend the answer of #keep_learning I walked through this code step by step:
Inductive nostutter {X:Type} : list X -> Prop :=
| ns_nil : nostutter []
| ns_one : forall (x : X), nostutter [x]
| ns_cons: forall (x : X) (h : X) (t : list X), nostutter (h::t) -> x <> h -> nostutter (x::h::t).
Example test_nostutter_4: not (nostutter [3;1;1;4]).
inversion_clear H.
inversion_clear H0.
unfold not in H2.
(* We are here *)
specialize (H2 eq_refl).
apply H2.
Here is what we have before excuting specialize
H1 : 3 <> 1
H : nostutter [1; 4]
H2 : 1 = 1 -> False
Here is eq Prop whose constructor eq_refl is used in specialize:
Inductive eq (A:Type) (x:A) : A -> Prop :=
eq_refl : x = x :>A
where "x = y :> A" := (#eq A x y) : type_scope.
I can't explain, how this command works:
specialize (H2 eq_refl).
I read about specialize in reference manual, but the explanation there is too broad. As far as I understand it sees that "1 = 1" expression in H2 satisfies eq_refl constructor and therefore eq proposition is True. Then it simplifies the expression:
True -> False => False
And we get
H1 : 3 <> 1
H : nostutter [1; 4]
H2 : False
Can somebody provide me a minimal example with explanation of what is specialize doing, so I could freely use it?
Trying to imitate how specialize works using apply I did the following:
Example specialize {A B: Type} (H: A -> B) (a: A): B.
apply H in a.
This gives:
A : Type
B : Type
H : A -> B
a : B
Almost the same as specialize, only different hypothesis name.
In test_nostutter_4 theorem I tried this and it worked:
remember (#eq_refl nat 1) as Heq.
apply H2 in Heq as H3.
It gives us:
H1 : 3 <> 1
H : nostutter [1; 4]
H2 : 1 = 1 -> False
Heq : 1 = 1
H3 : False
HeqHeq : Heq = eq_refl
This one was more complex, we had to introduce a new hypothesis Heq. But we got what we need - H3 at the end.
Does specialize internally use something like remember? Or is it possible to solve it with apply but without remember?
specialize, in its simplest form, simply replaces a given hypothesis with that hypothesis applied to some other term.
In this proof,
Example specialize {A B: Type} (H: A -> B) (a: A): B.
specialize (H a).
exact H.
we initially have the hypothesis H: A -> B. When we call specialize (H a), we apply H to a (apply as in function application). This gives us something of type B. specialize then gets rid of the old H for us and replaces it with the result of the application. It gives the new hypothesis the same name: H.
In your case, we have H2: 1 = 1 -> False, which is a function from the type 1 = 1 to the type False. That means that H2 applied to eq_refl is of type False, i.e. H2 eq_refl: False. When we use the tactic specialize (H2 eq_refl)., the old H2 is cleared and replaced by a new term (H2 eq_refl) whose type is False. It keeps the old name H2, though.
specialize is useful when you're sure that you're only going to use a hypothesis once, since it automatically gets rid of the old hypothesis. One disadvantage is that the old name may not fit the meaning of the new hypothesis. However, in your case and in my example, H is a generic enough name that it works either way.
To your update...
specialize is a core tactic defined directly in the ltac plugin. It doesn't use any other tactic internally, since it is its internals.
If you want to keep a hypothesis, you can use the as modifier, which works for both specialize and apply. In the proof
Example specialize {A B: Type} (H: A -> B) (a: A): B.
if you do specialize (H a) as H0., instead of clearing H, it'll introduce a new hypothesis H0: B. apply H in a as H0. has the same effect.

How to project (with `proj1` or `proj2`) a universally quantified biconditional (iff)?

How to project (with proj1 or proj2) a universally quantified biconditional (iff) such as in the following example?
Parameter T : Set.
Parameter P Q R: T -> Prop.
Parameter H : forall (t : T), P t <-> Q t.
When I try to use proj1 H, it fails with the following error:
Error: The term "H" has type "forall t : T, P t <-> Q t" while it is
expected to have type "?A /\ ?B".
While I would like to get forall (t : T), P t -> Q t.
Using the suggested solution, I have now two ways to project the biconditional:
Theorem proj1' : (forall t, P t <-> Q t) -> forall t, P t -> Q t.
intros H t.
exact (proj1 (H t)).
Theorem foo : forall (t1 t2 : T),
(R t1 -> P t1) ->
(R t2 -> P t2) ->
R t1 /\ R t2 -> Q t1 /\ Q t2.
intros t1 t2 H1 H2 [H3 H4].
(* Does not solve the goal, as expected. *)
auto using H.
(* Solves the goal, but is unnecessary explicit. *)
(* auto using (proj1 (H t1)), (proj1 (H t2)). *)
(* Solves the goal and instanciations are infered. *)
auto using (proj1' H).
Now, a function such as proj1' seems to be quite useful. If it is not offered in the standard library, is it because such situations are actually not happening often enough to justify it, or is it simply an historical accident?
I do realize that a distinct function would be require for two, three, etc. universal quantification (e.g. proj1'' : (forall t u, P t u <-> Q t u) -> forall t u, P t u -> Q t u). But wouldn't functions for up to three or four arguments be enough for most cases?
How does `auto` interract with biconditional (iff)
Since a term of type forall (t : T), P t <-> Q t is a function, you need to apply it to a t of type T to get access to the body, which is a pair of proofs:
Goal (forall t, P t <-> Q t) -> forall t, P t -> Q t.
intros H t.
exact (proj1 (H t)).
The above is like the following (modulo transparency):
Definition proj1' : (forall t, P t <-> Q t) -> forall t, P t -> Q t :=
fun H t => proj1 (H t).
Respond to Edit
One can suggest many proofs of the foo theorem. I wouldn't use proj1' in any of them:
Theorem foo t1 t2 : (R t1 -> P t1) -> (R t2 -> P t2) ->
P t1 /\ P t2 -> Q t1 /\ Q t2.
Solution 1
apply is one smart tactic, it can handle biconditionals:
Proof. now split; apply H. Qed.
Solution 2
intros can apply lemmas when moving stuff to the context:
Proof. now intros _ _ [H3%H H4%H]. Qed.
It's like SSReflects's by move=> _ _ [/H H3 /H H4].
Solution 3
Coq can use biconditionals to do rewrites if you Require Import Setoid. first:
Proof. now rewrite !H. Qed.
! in front of a term means "rewrite as many times as you can, but at least once".

How to do induction on the length of a list in Coq?

When reasoning on paper, I often use arguments by induction on the length of some list. I want to formalized these arguments in Coq, but there doesn't seem to be any built in way to do induction on the length of a list.
How should I perform such an induction?
More concretely, I am trying to prove this theorem. On paper, I proved it by induction on the length of w. My goal is to formalize this proof in Coq.
There are many general patterns of induction like this one that can be covered
by the existing library on well founded induction. In this case, you can prove
any property P by induction on length of lists by using well_founded_induction, wf_inverse_image, and PeanoNat.Nat.lt_wf_0, as in the following comand:
induction l using (well_founded_induction
(wf_inverse_image _ nat _ (#length _)
if you are working with lists of type T and proving a goal P l, this generates an
hypothesis of the form
H : forall y : list T, length y < length l -> P y
This will apply to any other datatype (like trees for instance) as long as you can map that other datatype to nat using any size function from that datatype to nat instead of length.
Note that you need to add Require Import Wellfounded. at the head of your development for this to work.
Here is how to prove a general list-length induction principle.
Require Import List Omega.
Section list_length_ind.
Variable A : Type.
Variable P : list A -> Prop.
Hypothesis H : forall xs, (forall l, length l < length xs -> P l) -> P xs.
Theorem list_length_ind : forall xs, P xs.
assert (forall xs l : list A, length l <= length xs -> P l) as H_ind.
{ induction xs; intros l Hlen; apply H; intros l0 H0.
- inversion Hlen. omega.
- apply IHxs. simpl in Hlen. omega.
intros xs.
apply H_ind with (xs := xs).
End list_length_ind.
You can use it like this
Theorem foo : forall l : list nat, ...
induction l using list_length_ind.
That said, your concrete example example does not necessarily need induction on the length. You just need a sufficiently general induction hypothesis.
Import ListNotations.
(* ... some definitions elided here ... *)
Definition flip_state (s : state) :=
match s with
| A => B
| B => A
Definition delta (s : state) (n : input) : state :=
match n with
| zero => s
| one => flip_state s
(* ...some more definitions elided here ...*)
Theorem automata221: forall (w : list input),
extend_delta A w = B <-> Nat.odd (one_num w) = true.
assert (forall w s, extend_delta s w = if Nat.odd (one_num w) then flip_state s else s).
{ induction w as [|i w]; intros s; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite IHw.
destruct i; simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- Nat.negb_even, Nat.odd_succ.
destruct (Nat.even (one_num w)), s; reflexivity.
intros w.
rewrite H; simpl.
destruct (Nat.odd (one_num w)); intuition congruence.
In case like this, it is often faster to generalize your lemma directly:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Section SO.
Variable T : Type.
Implicit Types (s : seq T) (P : seq T -> Prop).
Lemma test P s : P s.
move: {2}(size _) (leqnn (size s)) => ss; elim: ss s => [|ss ihss] s hs.
Just introduce a fresh nat for the size of the list, and regular induction will work.

apply argument to equal functions in Coq

Suppose I have two functions f and g and I know f = g. Is there a forward reasoning 'function application' tactic that will allow me to add f a = g a to the context for some a in their common domain? In this contrived example, I could use assert (f a = g a) followed by f_equal. But I want to do something like this in more complex situations; e.g.,
Lemma fapp : forall (A B : Type) (P Q : A -> B) (a : A),
(fun (a : A) => P a) = (fun (a : A) => Q a) ->
P a = Q a.
I think I can't correctly infer the general problem that you have, given your description and example.
If you already know H : f = g, you can use that to rewrite H wherever you want to show something about f and g, or just elim H to rewrite everything at once. You don't need to assert a helper theorem and if you do, you'll obviously need something like assert or pose proof.
If that equality is hidden underneath some eta-expansion, like in your example, remove that layer and then proceed as above. Here are two (out of many) possible ways of doing that:
intros A B P Q a H. assert (P = Q) as H0 by apply H. rewrite H0; reflexivity.
This solves your example proof by asserting the equality, then rewriting. Another possibility is to define eta reduction helpers (haven't found predefined ones) and using these. That will be more verbose, but might work in more complex cases.
If you define
Lemma eta_reduce : forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B),
(fun x => f x) = f.
intros. reflexivity.
Tactic Notation "eta" constr(f) "in" ident(H) :=
pattern (fun x => f x) in H;
rewrite -> eta_reduce in H.
you can do the following:
intros A B P Q a H. eta P in H. eta Q in H. rewrite H; reflexivity.
(That notation is a bit of a loose cannon and might rewrite in the wrong places. Don't rely on it and in case of anomalies do the pattern and rewrite manually.)
I don't have a lot of experience with Coq or its tactics, but why not just use an auxiliary theorem?
Theorem fapp': forall (t0 t1: Type) (f0 f1: t0 -> t1),
f0 = f1 -> forall (x0: t0), f0 x0 = f1 x0.
rewrite H.
Lemma fapp : forall (A B : Type) (P Q : A -> B) (a : A),
(fun (a : A) => P a) = (fun (a : A) => Q a) ->
P a = Q a.
apply fapp' with (x0 := a) in H.