Building calendar. Overlapping scrollable content. - flutter

I am building calendar based app and trying Flutter.
Can you give advice/example of hierarchy how build complex and efficient layout like Google Calendar daily view?
Main question: how should I layout constant hours background and overlapping dynamic events layer?
I used RecyclerView and custom RecyclerView.LayoutManager before, but have no idea about Flutter way.

You can construct your layout efficiently using GridView.custom.
A custom SliverGridDelegate can produce an aribtrary 2D arrangement of children, including arrangements that are unaligned or overlapping.
An easier option might be to use a CustomMultiChildLayout but that will require laying out all the children instead of just the ones that are visible. It could be slower, but maybe that isn't the bottleneck for a calendar app.


Flutter Responsive Layout

I am working on building a mobile application using flutter and am stuck on building a resposive login screen layout. To be precise, I am using the MediaQuery to find the screen size and to find the safe area and based on that I am spacing and building containers based on percentage of screen height. I would like to know if this is the best way or if I am unnecessarily complicating the entire process. I did come across a few youtube videos where most of them give random numbers but when I try doing that, my layout most often than not ends of overflowing!
So far, I have mostly done this with just mathematical calculations. i.e. I have stuck to calculating the available height (total height - safe area) and then built all my containers based on this height (including their spacing). But, I am struggling with getting the right font size and this constant struggle to balance the UI in both android and iOS setup is eating up most of my time.
I built hundreds of screens in Flutter. It is very rare that you need to use exact screen height for a layout. Most screens fall into one of the three categories:
There are too many elements to fit into a screen of any size.
In this case you wrap your layout in SingleChildScrollView widget that has a Column child, and then put all other widgets in that Column. Users scroll down to see all visible elements they need to see.
There are too many elements to fit into smaller screen sizes, but they fit into larger screens.
In this case you still wrap your layout in SingleChildScrollView widget. Then you make your layout look nice on larger screens, but users on smaller screens still have to scroll down. This is not ideal, but sometimes it's the right solution. Making design elements smaller on a small screen often makes it hard to use or even totally unusable. Plus, having various calculations related to a screen size in your layout logic makes it a nightmare to test your app: you have to test it on all sorts of screen sizes.
All design elements can fit into a small screen.
In this case you should use Flex widgets (like Column, Row, Spacer, Center, etc.) to create your layout. These widgets already have a logic for spacing their children in the available space (for example, using mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment properties in Column and Row).
There are also widgets that can take a specified percentage of a screen (or their parent widget), but I never use them. I can imagine situations where these widgets can be useful, but for the vast majority of designs using Flex layout is a better option that results in better looking screens.
If you post your design and the layout you came up with, we can point if there are ways to optimize it.

Flutter responsiveness: GridView with a single column on mobile VS mobile ListView, desktop GridView

I would like to make my Flutter app more responsive.
One simple fix would be to lay out items in a grid on larger screens, with a single-column view used on mobile screens.
What's the best way to achieve this?
Ideally, I'd like to use a GridView with a responsive number of columns, for both smaller and larger screens. This would be the most elegant solution in terms of code cleanliness. However, I'm concerned that using a single-column GridView on mobile might be less performant than using a ListView.
Does anyone here have data about potential performance penalties of this approach? Or does single-column GridView use the exact same code as ListView?
The other approach would be to use ListView vs GridView depending on the size of the window. This would lead to code duplication, but could possibly be more efficient.

Render an image only when it'll visible

Can i render an imagens only it'll visuble in scrollview?
My app has an list view with many products, when I scrolling down many times the performance of my app is down (i'm using a lazy list), i guess it's becase there many imagens (from web) render up my screen.
I'm thinking to do something like it:
You'll need to use Listview.builder with itemBuilder instead of a child
It will allow you to only render what is on the screen or what is likely to be on scrolled in the very near future - your performance will be considerably improved
I recommend watching this video from the Flutter Team on this topic (lazy load a big list view) at - if you'd like to go deeper into the topic
use .builder when ever you can find.
Creates a scrollable, linear array of widgets that are created on demand.
This constructor is appropriate for list views with a large (or infinite) number of children because the builder is called only for those children that are actually visible.
for more follow ListView.builder

GridView which keeps all elements instead of building them once on-screen

I have a grid view which is showing the heal status of many different services, and coloring them and/or auto-opening a webpage when the service goes down. The problem is that the elements which are off the screen are not being checked, which is more efficient, but not what is desired in this case.
I guess it's behaving similarly to the RecyclerView in android?
I want to be building the widgets which are checking service health even when they are not visible on the screen.
Currently the services don't start being checked until the moment I scroll them into the screen.
Assuming you are currently using the GridView.builder constructor, I recommend using the "normal" GridView constructor (with a children property). Since GridView.builder only builds the elements currently visible for efficiency reasons, the elements that are not rendered on the screen won't run your back end logic.
For more information, see the official docs:
[GridView.builder] constructor is appropriate for grid views with a large (or infinite) number of children because the builder is called only for those children that are actually visible.
Here you'll find alternatives:
The most commonly used grid layouts are GridView.count, which creates a layout with a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis, and GridView.extent, which creates a layout with tiles that have a maximum cross-axis extent.

Is it bad to have a lot of nested widgets with Flutter?

I have a strong background with Android development and I'm now trying to develop my first app with Flutter.
It is a common knowledge in the Android community that it's bad have too many nested views. It's bad for performance. (That's one of the reason why ConstraintLayout exists)
However, in Flutter tutorials I see that people nest a lot of widgets.
Could somebody confirm that it's not a problem to nest widgets with Flutter? Will my app suffer of bad performance if I do it?
Thanks in advance
TL;DR: Deeply nesting single-purpose widgets in Flutter is recommended.
There are fundamental differences in how Android and Flutter render view elements (aka widgets or views).
In Android, there are relatively few, complex views that inherit each other.
Each and every view provides a huge API surface, including stuff like padding, margin, colors etc.
Flutter, on the other hand, favors composition over inheritance.
Most widgets exist for a single purpose only and are very lightweight.
That means you need to nest widgets more deeply to achieve the same effects, but because their layout and rendering logic is easier, the rendering is typically faster.
For example, there's a Padding widget that makes some space around its child.
The Padding widget's rules are very simple, making the rendering very fast.
Additionally, the rules of every other widget also get simpler because they don't need to worry about padding anymore.
Basically, nesting widgets deeply is recommended in Flutter.
It's quite the opposite to Android's model:
If there's not much nesting, you probably did something wrong, because you have a huge widget that can often be split into simpler, faster, smaller widgets.
Here's an interesting Google Tech Talk about Flutter's rendering pipeline, which I recommend to anyone interested in this topic.
Nesting widgets is not a problem and is actually recommended.
In fact, the default counter application contains no less than 150 widgets.
Widgets are lightweight objects optimized specifically to create and destroy tons of them every frame. This is further prooved by Flutter FAQ:
Rather than having each widget provide a large number of parameters, Flutter embraces composition. Widgets are built out of smaller widgets that you can reuse and combine in novel ways to make custom widgets. For example, rather than subclassing a generic button widget, RaisedButton combines a Material widget with a GestureDetector widget. The Material widget provides the visual design and the GestureDetector widget provides the interaction design.
This quote says that you should purposefully nest widgets.