Shiro.ini file is missing in Zeppelin - shiro

I am not able to find shiro.ini file inside conf folder, i need to enable authentication but i am not able to find shiro.ini.
I tried adding shiro.ini file manually but it doesn't work.

there should be shiro.ini.template file under conf/ folder. so you can just copy it into new file shiro.ini.
Update: shiro integration is available starting from version 0.6.0


How to copy or configure kafka connect plugin files?

I have downloaded plugin files from,
It has three folders lib, etc, doc, manifest.json. etc has,, I can add CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH to lib, but what about these config files?
In page they did not give clear instructions on where to copy these files.
How to copy or configure kafka connect plugin files for confluent?
Any direction is appreciated.
I installed only kafka-connect, schema-registry, kafka-broker, zookeeper. I didn't find a way to install hub on windows.
The instructions are here
You need to point plugin.path line in the Connect properties to the absoulte path of the extracted lib folder - the parent folder of where the JARs are located.
You can also use confluent-hub tool, which should set this all up for you.

How to set up prod mode to have configuration file in conf directory (not inside jar)?

I'm using activator to create my project and I use the command universal:packageBin to generate a .zip file.
I was wondering if it's possible to set up the application to read the configuration file from conf folder instead of the configuration from classpath ( the .conf file inside the jar).
Is it possible? If it's, how can i do it?
See for the mechanism of telling a Play application where to pickup its config from.
To tie that in with the universal:packageBin, just pass -Dconfig.file to the script inside the bin directory. e.g. if your application is called foo:
foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/foo -Dconfig-file=/path/to/app.conf

How to load configuration files for apps bundled using sbt-native-packager during runtime

I built a universal tarball using sbt-native-packager.
How do I load configuration files like c3p0 and application.conf from /etc/myapp or anyother custom location when I start the app.
I don't want the config files to be part of the distribution tarball itself.
I believe you can use typesafe config's "include" feature to grab from a direct location.
That said, this would require you to create different configurations based on where you're installing, if you wanted a global file as the config file.

project working in tomcat but not working from eclipse. error :cant find

I have a struts project which, I have imported to eclipse from a war file.
This is working perfectly by deploying it in tomcat. But the same after importing is showing up the error :
log4j:ERROR Could not read configuration file from URL [file:/D:/xxxfolder/xxxworkspace/xxxproject/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/]. D:xxx\xxx\xxx\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes\ (The system cannot find the path specified)
I have the in src folder.
Please help with proper solution to get rid of it !
Let me know if needed more info
I got the root of problem but cant find the solution
Bu default the ouput build path for src in eclipse is :build/classess. but the tomcat is searching the file at webContent/web_inf/ Classess/ Can you suggest how to do it . how to change the output file of only log4j to the specific it is tomcat is searching in.
In the comments above, the conclusion is that, the path is incorrect. After modifying the path, the issue is resolved.

Google Guava with WSO2 Application Server 4.1.0

I'm trying to use Google guava with Application Server 4.1.0, but I'm running into conflicts. I'm including the guava jar in the .aar file that uses it, but I get an error saying that does not have a method called copyOf. After looking around, WSO2 has a jar in the repository/components/plugins directory called google-collect-1.0.0.wso2v2.jar. This jar contains, but does not have the copyOf method. It looks like jars from the plugin directory get loaded before jars in the .aar when I try to access the service.
What would need to be done so that WSO2 uses the jar included in the .aar file instead of the jar in the plugins folder?
Did you try, enabling the ChildFirstClassLoading in your axis2, .aar file. If you haven't you can enable it in service level by putting the parameter,
<parameter name="EnableChildFirstClassLoading">true</parameter>
in your .aar, services.xml file.
Can you please try this and get back with the result ?