I'm having trouble with a loop that counts the white pixels in a
piece of an image, and stores the total white pixels and the y and x
position of that piece in the image, each on its own array.
When I print the values inside the loop it works just fine, but right
after the loop the 3 arrays are filled with zeros.
Can anyone help?
y = zeros(altura*largura);
x = zeros(altura*largura);
v = zeros(altura*largura);
for j=0:altura-1
for k=0:largura-1
pedaco = f8(j*40+1 : j*40+40, k*40+1 : k*40+40); %binary piece
pedac = im2uint8(pedaco);
totalBrancos = sum(sum(pedac)); %sum white pixels
pos = altura*j+k+1;
y(pos) = j;
x(pos) = k;
v(pos) = totalBrancos;
disp(y(pos)); %works
disp(x(pos)); %works
disp(v(pos)); %works
disp(y); %all zeros
disp(x); %all zeros
disp(v); %all zeros
Your zeros calls are creating a (alturalargura) by (alturalargura) matrix, which I don't think is what you intended as you are saving data into by calculating a position
If that's the case, try
y = zeros(1, altura*largura);
x = zeros(1, altura*largura);
v = zeros(1, altura*largura);
It is possible to use a single index into a multi-index matrix, however your pos calculation is not correct for doing that.
enter image description here
I am having difficulty with my code aligning right shifted waveforms by the minimum peak point. In the left shifted, I copy the difference in indices between the desired minimum point and the given one to left of the waveform, and then delete those extra points after once this aligns the waveform. However, the same technique is not working for the right shifted ones. Any help would be much appreciated! Input (vals) is any n x 97 matrix.
function [vals] = align_wvs(wvs)
%Align_wvs - Align waveforms to minimum point
%wvs - matrix of waveforms
%Returns 'vals' - newly aligned matrix of waveforms
wvfrms = (wvs*10^6); %convert to microvolts
wvfrms = wvfrms(:,all(~isnan(wvfrms)));
min_pt = min(wvfrms(:)); %find minimum point in wvs
[~,col] = find(wvfrms==min_pt); %find index of min poin
if numel(col)>1
col = col(1);
%and that of other wvfrms
vals = zeros(size(wvfrms)); %matrix of size wvfrms, vals
for i = 1:size(vals,1) %for length of input
vals(i,:) = wvfrms(i,:); %copy og wvfrm into vals
nums = vals(i,:); %get second copy
ind_min = min(nums);
[~,colmin] = find(nums==ind_min);
diff_col = col-colmin;
if (diff_col~=0) %if difference is not = 0
if (diff_col>0) %if wvfrm is shifted to the left
inds = nums(1:diff_col); %copy first n values of nums, where n is diff_rows
new_length = length(nums)+length(inds); %extend wvfrm by amount ind
new_vals = zeros(1,new_length); %create new array of size new_length
new_vals(1:(diff_col)) = inds; %add inds to begining of new array
new_vals(diff_col+1:end) = nums; %add nums to rest of array
new_vals(1:(diff_col)) = [];%delete diff_rows-1 values from end
vals(i,:) = new_vals; %add to values
else %if wvfrm is shifted to the right
inds = nums(end+(diff_col+1):end); %copy last n values of nums, where n is diff_rows
new_length = length(nums)+length(inds); %extend wvfrm by amount ind
new_vals = zeros(1,new_length); %create new array of size new_length
new_vals(end+(diff_col+1):end) = inds;%add inds to end of new array
new_vals(1:(end+(diff_col))) = nums;%add nums to rest of array
new_vals(1:(diff_col*-1)) = []; %delete diff_rows-1 values from begining
vals(i,:) = new_vals; %add to values
List item
Does replacing the if (diff_col~=0) block with the following work?
if (diff_col~=0)
if (diff_col>0)
vals(i,:) = [zeros(1,diff_col) nums(1:(end-diff_col))];
vals(i,:) = [nums((-diff_col+1):end) zeros(1,-diff_col)];
Error: In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in ==> test at 22 Centroid(i)=k(i).Centroid;
I2 = Thresholding(I);
cc = bwconncomp(I2,8);
n = cc.NumObjects;
Area = zeros(n,1);
Centroid = zeros(n,1);
Perimeter = zeros(n,1);
MajorAxis = zeros(n,1);
MinorAxis = zeros(n,1);
k = regionprops(cc, 'Area','Centroid','Perimeter','MajorAxisLength', 'MinorAxisLength');
for i=1:n
Area(i) = k(i).Area;
Perimeter(i) = k(i).Perimeter;
MajorAxis(i) = k(i).MajorAxisLength(i);
MinorAxis(i) = k(i).MinorAxisLength(i);
handdata(1,1) = mean(Area);
handdata(2,1) = mean(Centroid);
handdata(3,1) = mean(Perimeter);
handdata(4,1) = mean(MajorAxis);
handdata(5,1) = mean(MinorAxis);
function im = Thresholding(I);
[r,c] = size(I);
im = zeros(r,c);
for i=1:r
for j=1:c
if I(i,j)>105
im = bwareaopen(im,5);
im = imfill(im, 'holes');
The Centroid field is a vector of size 1x2 (for holding the y and x coordinates).
Therefore, you'll need to modify your code accordingly:
Outside the for loop:
Centroid = zeros(n,2); %The centroids array should be nx2, to contain both x and y positions
Inside the for loop:
Centroid(i,:)=k(i).Centroid; %fill the corresponded i'th row
MajorAxis(i) = k(i).MajorAxisLength; %remove the coordinate from MajorAxisLength and MinorAxisLength fields
MinorAxis(i) = k(i).MinorAxisLength;
From that reason, you'll also need to modify the following line of code, since mean(Centroid) is a vector of size 1x2. handdata will be a vector of 4x1, and the centroid mean will be placed in a different variable, called centroidData.
handdata(1,1) = mean(Area);
handdata(2,1) = mean(Perimeter);
handdata(3,1) = mean(MajorAxis);
handdata(4,1) = mean(MinorAxis);
centroidData = mean(Centroid);
Two more suggestions
1.In the Thresholding function, instead of using double for loop you can simply write
im = I > 105;
2.in the main for loop (located in the main script) use ii instead of i as a variable name for your counter.
I need to generate a fixed number of non-overlapping circles located randomly. I can display circles, in this case 20, located randomly with this piece of code,
for i =1:20
x=0 + (5+5)*rand(1)
y=0 + (5+5)*rand(1)
hold on
however circles overlap and I would like to avoid this. This was achieved by previous users with Mathematica https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/69649/generate-nonoverlapping-random-circles , but I am using MATLAB and I would like to stick to it.
For reproducibility, this is the function, circle3, I am using to draw the circles
function h = circle3(x,y,r)
d = r*2;
px = x-r;
py = y-r;
h = rectangle('Position',[px py d d],'Curvature',[1,1]);
Thank you.
you can save a list of all the previously drawn circles. After
randomizing a new circle check that it doesn't intersects the previously drawn circles.
code example:
nCircles = 20;
circles = zeros(nCircles ,2);
r = 0.5;
for i=1:nCircles
%Flag which holds true whenever a new circle was found
newCircleFound = false;
%loop iteration which runs until finding a circle which doesnt intersect with previous ones
while ~newCircleFound
x = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
y = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
%calculates distances from previous drawn circles
prevCirclesY = circles(1:i-1,1);
prevCirclesX = circles(1:i-1,2);
distFromPrevCircles = ((prevCirclesX-x).^2+(prevCirclesY-y).^2).^0.5;
%if the distance is not to small - adds the new circle to the list
if i==1 || sum(distFromPrevCircles<=2*r)==0
newCircleFound = true;
circles(i,:) = [y x];
hold on
*notice that if the amount of circles is too big relatively to the range in which the x and y coordinates are drawn from, the loop may run infinitely.
in order to avoid it - define this range accordingly (it can be defined as a function of nCircles).
If you're happy with brute-forcing, consider this solution:
N = 60; % number of circles
r = 0.5; % radius
newpt = #() rand([1,2]) * 10; % function to generate a new candidate point
xy = newpt(); % matrix to store XY coordinates
fails = 0; % to avoid looping forever
while size(xy,1) < N
% generate new point and test distance
pt = newpt();
if all(pdist2(xy, pt) > 2*r)
xy = [xy; pt]; % add it
fails = 0; % reset failure counter
% increase failure counter,
fails = fails + 1;
% give up if exceeded some threshold
if fails > 1000
error('this is taking too long...');
% plot
plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), 'x'), hold on
for i=1:size(xy,1)
circle3(xy(i,1), xy(i,2), r);
hold off
Slightly amended code #drorco to make sure exact number of circles I want are drawn
nCircles = 20;
circles = zeros(nCircles ,2);
r = 0.5;
for i=1:nCircles
%Flag which holds true whenever a new circle was found
newCircleFound = false;
%loop iteration which runs until finding a circle which doesnt intersect with previous ones
while ~newCircleFound & c<=nCircles
x = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
y = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
%calculates distances from previous drawn circles
prevCirclesY = circles(1:i-1,1);
prevCirclesX = circles(1:i-1,2);
distFromPrevCircles = ((prevCirclesX-x).^2+(prevCirclesY-y).^2).^0.5;
%if the distance is not to small - adds the new circle to the list
if i==1 || sum(distFromPrevCircles<=2*r)==0
newCircleFound = true;
circles(i,:) = [y x];
hold on
Although this is an old post, and because I faced the same problem before I would like to share my solution, which uses anonymous functions: https://github.com/davidnsousa/mcsd/blob/master/mcsd/cells.m . This code allows to create 1, 2 or 3-D cell environments from user-defined cell radii distributions. The purpose was to create a complex environment for monte-carlo simulations of diffusion in biological tissues: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/67903-davidnsousa-mcsd
A simpler but less flexible version of this code would be the simple case of a 2-D environment. The following creates a space distribution of N randomly positioned and non-overlapping circles with radius R and with minimum distance D from other cells. All packed in a square region of length S.
function C = cells(N, R, D, S)
C = #(x, y, r) 0;
for n=1:N
o = randi(S-R,1,2);
while C(o(1),o(2),2 * R + D) ~= 0
o = randi(S-R,1,2);
f = #(x, y) sqrt ((x - o(1)) ^ 2 + (y - o(2)) ^ 2);
c = #(x, y, r) f(x, y) .* (f(x, y) < r);
C = #(x, y, r) + C(x, y, r) + c(x, y, r);
C = #(x, y) + C(x, y, R);
where the return C is the combined anonymous functions of all circles. Although it is a brute force solution it is fast and elegant, I believe.
There is a two-dimensional random walk that one can find here which works perfectly in Octave. However, when I tried to write a one-dimensional random walk program, I got an error. Here is the program:
for i=1:100000
if J<0.5
Here is the error:
error: A(I): index out of bounds; value 1 out of bound 0
Thank you.
No need for a loop:
N = 100000;
t = 1:N;
x = cumsum(2*(rand(1,N)<.5)-1);
For the 2D case you could use the same approach:
N = 100000;
%// t = 1:N; it won't be used in the plot, so not needed
x = cumsum(2*(rand(1,N)<.5)-1);
y = cumsum(2*(rand(1,N)<.5)-1);
axis square
You get an error because you ask MATLAB to use x(1) in the first iteration when you actually defined x to be of length 0. So you need to either initialize x and t with the proper size:
or change your loop to add the new values at the end of the vectors:
x(i+1)=[x(i) x(i)+1];
Since t and x are empty, therefore, you cannot index them through x(i+1) and x(i).
I believe you should intialize x and t with all zeros.
In the first iteration, i = 1, you have x(2) = x(1) +or- 1 while x has dimension of zero. You should define the starting point for x and t, which is usually the origin, you can also change the code a little bit,
x = 0;
N = 100000;
t = 0 : N;
for i = 1 : N
x(i+1) = x(i) + 2 * round(rand) - 1;
I'd like to return the indexes and values of the 8 cells surrounding a cell in a 3d matrix.
mat = rand(5,5,5);
% Cell of interest
pos = [3 3 3]
pos_val = mat(pos(1), pos(2), pos(3))
% Surrounding cells
surrounding_pos = [pos(1)-1:pos(1)+1; pos(2)-1:pos(2)+1; pos(2)-1:pos(2)+1]
surrounding_val = mat(surrounding_pos(1,:), surrounding_pos(2,:), surrounding_pos(3,:))
This works fine for values in the centre of a matrix, but it breaks if pos is on the edge. (E.g. if pos was [3,4,5], surrounding_pos would include [3,4,6], which is out of bounds)
I could obviously remove surrounding_pos values <0 or >size(mat), but this doesn't seem like a terribly MATLABian method. Any ideas?
Same solution as discussed here, but extended to multiple (any) dimensions:
mat = randi(10,5,5,5);
siz = size(mat );
N = numel(siz); % number of dimensions
M = 1; % surrounding region size
pos = [3 3 3];
pos_val = mat(pos(1), pos(2), pos(3));
surrounding_pos = cell(N,1);
for ii=1:N
surrounding_pos{ii} = max(1,pos(ii)-M):min(siz(ii),pos(ii)+M);
surrounding_val2 = mat(surrounding_pos{:});
The important part is the last four lines, it avoids having to c/p the max, min thing for every dimension..
Or if you like short code, the loop changed to an arrayfun:
surrounding_pos = arrayfun(#(ii) max(1,pos(ii)-M):min(siz(ii),pos(ii)+M), 1:N,'uni',false);
surrounding_val2 = mat(surrounding_pos{:});
Here is a tidied up version. Cheers.
mat = rand(5,5,5);
N = size(mat)
if length(N) < 3 || length(N) > 3; error('Input must be 3 dimensional'); end;
pos = [1 3 5]
surrounding_val = mat(max(pos(1)-1, 1):min(pos(1)+1, N(1)), max(pos(2)-1, 1):min(pos(2)+1, N(2)), max(pos(3)-1, 1):min(pos(3)+1, N(3)))
EDIT: Added an error trap.
I found this post because I needed to grab the surrounding indices of a chosen point in a Matrix. It seems like the answers here are returning a matrix of the surrounding values, but the question is also interested in the surrounding indices. I was able to do this with "try/catch" statements, which I previously did not know existed in MATLAB. For a 2D Matrix, Z:
%Select a node in the matrix
Current = Start_Node;
%Grab its x, y, values (these feel reversed for me...)
C_x = rem(Start_Node, length(Z));
if C_x ==0
C_x =length(Z);
C_y = ceil(Start_Node/length(Z));
C_C = [C_x, C_y];
%Grab the node's surrounding nodes.
TRY = Z(C_x - 1, C_y);
Top = Current -1;
Top = Inf;
TRY = Z(C_x + 1, C_y);
Bottom = Current +1;
Bottom = Inf;
TRY = Z(C_x, C_y + 1);
Right = Current + length(Z);
Right = Inf;
TRY = Z(C_x, C_y - 1);
Left = Current - length(Z);
Left = Inf;
surround = [Top, Bottom, Left, Right];
m = numel(surround == inf);
k = 1;
%Eliminate infinites.
surround(surround==inf) =[];
I hope someone finds this information relevant.