Scala ClassTag & classOf and type parameter. Strange case of generics - scala

Here is my code straight & simple:
package scalaproj
import scala.reflect._
case class MyClass() {}
def bar[T](cls : Class[T]) = println(cls)
def foobar[T: ClassTag] = println(classTag[T])
Results: class scalaproj.GetFields$MyClass$2
Now I would like to do the following without the famous error: "class type required but T found"
def foo[T] = println(classOf[T])
foo is just a function that takes a Generic Type Parameter and does not need a value parameter. I think this is strange given the two examples that work and all the flexibility build in into the Scala language and its handeling of generics.
Just to specify further strangeness:
def foo1[T](t : T) = {} // no compile error
def foo2[T](): List[T] = { List[T]() } // no compile error
def foo3[T](): T = { T() } // compile error: "not found: value T"
A good explanation is appreciated.

You can't, as classOf will not work with arbitrary types (and your T is an arbitrary type).
For example:
scala> classOf[Int with String]
<console>:15: error: class type required but Int with String found
classOf[Int with String]
You can achieve the same thing with ClassTag#runtimeClass:
def foo[T: ClassTag] = println(classTag[T].runtimeClass)


Polymorphic return type by using TypeTag in Scala

What I want to do is returning generics type in Scala function by using TypeTag. Here is the example code.
trait Parent[T]
object IntChild extends Parent[Int]
object StringChild extends Parent[String]
object SomeClass {
def of[A: TypeTag]: Parent[T] = {
getElementType[A] match {
case Int => IntChild
case String => StringChild
But it throws a compile error. Because the returned type of of method is not fixed in the compile type. Is there any way to get the type information from TypeTag and embed the type in the returned type?
What I am expecting is like
// T is inferred from TypeTag A.
def of[A: TypeTag, T]: Parent[T] = {
I found this code also has not passed compile. So we need to fix the type information inferred from A's TypeTag.
def of[A: TypeTag]: Parent[_] = {
This is the error.
type mismatch;
[error] found : Array[Int]
[error] required: Array[_$1]
How can I get the element type in advance?
I'm not sure it's possible with those definitions. How about changing the definitions a little?
trait Parent[T]
implicit object IntChild extends Parent[Int]
implicit object StringChild extends Parent[String]
object SomeClass {
def of[A: Parent]: Parent[A] = implicitly
This makes sure everything is done at the type level so that you get the return type you want. It requires the implicit modifier on IntChild and StringChild. There's no need to have another type parameter named T, as it would always be the same as A in your example.

Why does var cause a type variance error where val compiles in Scala?

scala> case class Data[+T](val value:T=null)
defined class Data
scala> val foo=Data[ArrayBuffer[Data[Any]]]()
foo: Data[scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Data[Any]]] = Data(null)
scala> foo.value+=Data[String]()
... 33 elided
I would like to have a Data class that is instantiated either as Data[String], Data[ArrayBuffer[Data[Any]]] or Data[Map[String,Data[Any]]]. In the above example I try to instantiate it as Data[ArrayBuffer[Data[Any]]] and add a Data[String] to its arraybuffer. Of course I get a null pointer exception because value is null. But the point of this example that it at least compiles and runs.
Now, in the Data constructor I would like to instantiate value as either a Data[String], an ArrayBuffer[Data[Any]] or Map[String,Data[Any]] depending on the type of the initially null value returned by the getClass method. However for this I need value to be a var, so that I can modify it after examining the type of its null value.
However I get this error:
scala> case class Data[+T](var value:T=null)
<console>:11: error: covariant type T occurs in contravariant position in type T of value value_=
case class Data[+T](var value:T=null)
Make your Data invariant in T. Just remove the +: Data[T] - this should compile.
Better yet, rethink your design to get rid of nulls and mutable variables - they both smell.
Edit: after reading your comments, I understand better what you are trying to do. Consider something like this for example as one of the options.
sealed trait Node
case class ListNode(list: Seq[Node]) extends Node
case class MapNode(map: Map[String, Node]) extends Node
case class LeafNode(data: String) extends Node
Now you can parse your document with something like (this is "pseudocode", adjust it to whatever xml-parsing library you are using):
def parseNode(tag: XMLTag): Node = tag.tagType match {
case LIST =>
val subNodes =
case MAP =>
val subNodes = { tag => -> parseNode(tag)
case _ =>
Variance and type safety
When defining a generic class with a var field we can get compile time errors:
scala> class Invariant[T](var t: T)
defined class Invariant
scala> class Covariant[+T](var t: T)
<console>:7: error: covariant type T occurs in contravariant position in type T of value t_=
class Covariant[+T](var t: T)
scala> class Contravariant[-T](var t: T)
<console>:7: error: contravariant type T occurs in covariant position in type => T of method t
class Contravariant[-T](var t: T)
Let’s break it down a little. Why doesn’t the compiler allow getters in the Covariant class?
scala> abstract trait Covariant[+T] {
| def take(t: T): Unit
| }
<console>:8: error: covariant type T occurs in contravariant position in type T of value t
def take(t: T): Unit
scala> abstract trait Contravariant[-T] {
| def take(t: T): Unit
| }
defined trait Contravariant
Why? Let’s think about usages of covariance let’s say that we have a class:
class Printer[+T] {
| def print(t: T): Unit = ???
| }
<console>:8: error: covariant type T occurs in contravariant position in type T of value t
def print(t: T): Unit = ???
If the print method can print Dogs does it make sense (in general) that it should also print Animals? Maybe sometimes but in the general sense if we want to generalize the Printer class we should use contravariance. The compiler is smart enough to check this type of usage for us.
Let’s think about the second use case: returning a generic parameter:
scala> class Create[-T] {
| def create: T = ???
| }
<console>:8: error: contravariant type T occurs in covariant position in type => T of method create
def create: T = ???
And again - does it make sense that Create should generalize by contravariance? If Create returns instances of the Animal class should we be able to use it in every place that expects Create[Dog]? The scala compiler is smart enough that it explodes in our face if we try it.
I can make it work this way:
package data
case class Data[+T](val value:T)
This way I have to explicitly initialize value from the constructor. Nothing wrong with this, just I find it a bit too verbose.
import data.Data
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
object Run extends App
val a=Data[ArrayBuffer[Data[Any]]](ArrayBuffer[Data[Any]]())
val m=Data[Map[String,Data[Any]]](Map[String,Data[Any]]())
This prints:
class scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class java.lang.String
class scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
class java.lang.String
Map(foo -> Data(bar))
The program only compiles with Data having +T type parameter, otherwise I get the error:
type mismatch;
[error] found : data.Data[String]
[error] required: data.Data[Any]
[error] Note: String <: Any, but class Data is invariant in type T.
[error] You may wish to define T as +T instead. (SLS 4.5)
[error] a.value+=Data[String]("bar")

Modifying Inherited Trait in Scala Function

I am trying to modify the Enterprise trait that extends the StarShip type.
(I apologize in advance for not knowing a proper title for this but I will update it after I understand the answer.)
For some reason I cannot get the parameters of the starShip that is passed.
I commented where I am getting the error.
Simple example to demonstrate this:
object Test {
trait Akira extends StarShip
trait Enterprise extends StarShip
sealed trait StarShip {
val captain: String
def doSomething[T: StarShip](starShip: T): T =
new T {
val captain = starShip.captain // Error: Cannot resolve symbol
doSomething(new Enterprise {
override val captain = "Picard"
Since I am passing an object of Enterprise I expect to get the same class out.
Just realized that I want all variables in the starShip that is passed to be copied to the new class. With the exception that I will modify a few of them.
I believe the Monocle lib may solve my problem.
When I compile your code with the scala REPL, I get this:
<console>:17: error: Test.StarShip does not take type parameters
def doSomething[T: StarShip](starShip: T): T =
<console>:18: error: class type required but T found
new T {
<console>:19: error: value captain is not a member of type parameter T
val captain = starShip.captain // Error: Cannot resolve symbol
<console>:18: error: type mismatch;
found : T{}
required: T
new T {
As #dcastro mentioned, you probably wanted a type bound on T. However, even fixing that syntactical error isn't good enough because:
scala> def doSomething[T <: StarShip](starShip : T) : T = new T { val captain = starShip.captain }
<console>:8: error: class type required but T found
It is not possible to instantiate an object from a type parameter because the compiler does not know the actual type to instantiate until runtime. It could be anything, including a type written after the compilation of this function.
Based on your invocation of doSomething, I don't think you want the type parameter or the instantiation at all. That is, this works:
scala> def doSomething[T <: StarShip](starShip : T) : T = { val captain = starShip.captain; starShip }
doSomething: [T <: StarShip](starShip: T)T
scala> doSomething(new Enterprise { val captain = "Kirk" })
res0: Enterprise = $anon$1#26653222
So, I think with the above adjustments you have accomplished your goal. You've modified your trait (StarShip) by insantiating an Enterprise with an overriden value for the captain member.

Implicit not found when omitting empty argument list

I have the following (simplified) code:
case class Value[T](value: T)
trait Absable[In,Out] {
def absoluteValue(in: In): Out
implicit class AbsValue[In, Out](in: Value[In]) {
def abs()(implicit ev: Absable[In, Out]): Value[Out] = Value(ev.absoluteValue(in.value))
implicit def AbsNumeric[A : Numeric] = new Absable[A, A] {
def absoluteValue(in: A) = implicitly[Numeric[A]].abs(in)
Now I want to use the abs function on a Value:
scala> Value(-3).abs()
res3: Value[Int] = Value(3)
scala> Value(-3).abs
<console>:14: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: Absable[Int,Nothing]
I added an empty argument list in front of the implicit arguments to give callers more flexibility, but now when I omit the empty list at the call site the compiler can't find the implicit... So now instead of more flexibility callers get confusing compile errors.
I don't understand how leaving off the argument list can affect the type inference or implicit resolution.
I am using scala 2.11.6

How to use a wildcard for a higher-kinded type in Scala?

Let's say I have this trait
trait Ctx[C, V[_]]
I am unable to construct any method signature that takes a Ctx of which the second type parameter is unspecified (wildcard). E.g. this:
def test(c: Ctx[_, _]) = ()
doesn't compile ("error: _$2 takes no type parameters, expected: one"). Neither can I do
def test(c: Ctx[_, _[_]]) = ()
("error: _$2 does not take type parameters"). What am I missing?
I'm able to define this one:
def test[V[X]](c:Ctx[_,V]) {}
And it seems to work ok with type inference:
scala> trait Ctx[ C, V[ _ ]]
defined trait Ctx
scala> def test[V[X]](c:Ctx[_,V]) {}
test: [V[X]](c: Ctx[_, V])Unit
scala> class P extends Ctx[Int, List]
defined class P
scala> new P
res0: P = P#1f49969
scala> test(res0)
Edit: I suspect it won't be practical to replace Ctx to use an abstract type, but this is what I was able to do:
trait Ctx[C] { type V[X] }
class CtxOption[C] extends Ctx[C] { type V[X] = Option[X] }
class CtxList[C] extends Ctx[C] { type V[X] = List[X] }
def test(ctx:Ctx[_]) { println(ctx) }
val ctxOptInt = new CtxOption[Int]
val ctxListStr = new CtxList[String]
val list = collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Ctx[_]]()
list += ctxOptInt
list += ctxListStr
Using an abstract type for V spares you the complicated (or impossible) task of figuring the type parameter syntax for a wildcard type constructor. Additionally as demonstrated in the ListBuffer example you can then handle objects where the V is a different type constructor (Option and List in my example). The first solution I provided would not allow you to do that.
Edit 2: How about?
trait AbstractCtx[C] { type W[X] }
trait Ctx[C,V[_]] extends AbstractCtx[C] { type W[X] = V[X] }
def test(ctx:AbstractCtx[_]) { println(ctx) }
You need to pass a type constructor for the second argument of Ctx. Scala is not able to infer the correct kind if you just pass _. Neither is it possible to define a type constructor with wildcards (i.e. _[_]] on the fly. Note that in your first example _$2 in the error message refers to the type passed as second argument to Ctx as a whole. In the second example however _$2 refers to the the first wildcard type in _[_]. See the location indicator in the error messages:
<console>:6: error: _$2 does not take type parameters
def test( c: Ctx[ _, _[ _ ]]) {}
The following works since here V is a type constructor of the right kind expected by Ctx.
def test[V[_]]( c: Ctx[ _, V]) {}