Heroku Postgresql with Google Datastudio II - postgresql

I refer to this post:
Heroku Postgresql with Google Datastudio - does anyone have an idea when ssl support for postres will start or if there is a good workaround?
Many Thanks

There is already support for SSL connections using GDS. Here is another thread referecing the way to go: Heroku Postgresql with Google Datastudio


Unable to use Postgis on Bluemix Compose for Postgresql

I have a Compose for Postgresql service on IBM Bluemix which isn't allowing me run PostGIS functions on my cloud foundry rails app. I have run "CREATE EXTENSION PostGIS;" and I have also added the adapter to database.yml. Compose for Postgresql says PostGIS comes installed by default
I am using Ruby on Rails with the rgeo gem and the error is
ERR NoMethodError: undefined method `st_point' for #
Can you please let me know if there is anything I need to do to get PostGIS working?
Please raise a support request asking for the postgis plugin to be enabled on your compose instance.
Answered my own question. The problem was with the rgeo gem and the adapter. I needed the postgis:// adapter for working with the gem.
Bluemix does not allow you to change the adapter in their connections. It will always be postgresql. To get around this I set a CUSTOM_DATABASE_URL environment variable with the connection string postgis://<username>:<password>#host:port/<db_name>. Using the cf client this would look like
cf set-env <app-name> CUSTOM_DATABASE_URL postgis://<username>:<password>#host:port/<db_name>
Then in the command for my container in the manifest.yml, I prepended setting DATABASE_URL = CUSTOM_DATABASE_URL, specifically
Its a workaround for now until Bluemix allows us to change the adapter in the connections.

Heroku - Disable Postgresql SSL?

I have a PostGIS database on Heroku and I want to connect my external GeoServer to it. I can't do it because Geoserver does not support SSL and Heroku requires it.
Is there any way of disabling Heroku postgres SSL?
Thanks in advance
The simplified GeoServer UI does not allow to configure SSL connections, but you can setup a JNDI connection pool and provide all JDBC parameters you want that way:
If you do run into a client that doesn't support SSL at all, you can possibly proxy it using a tool like stunnel.

What client manager for postgres do you use? Phpmyadmin analog for postgres

colud you tell me what client manager do you use for postgres? I tried phppgadmin and desktop pgadmin but they have a lot of functionality limitations comparing to what phpmyadmin or heidiSql can do for mysql. I'm just wondering is there any good tool for postgres? What do you use?

How to enable SSL for postgres connections for Heroku on Tableau Mac version?

There is currently no way to enable SSL connections with a PostgreSQL connection on tableau's 8.2 version for Mac OSX. It used to be that you could create a generic ODBC and turn SSL as described here:
Now there is no ODBC connections and PostgreSQL only has the following options:
Has anyone solved for this problem with the Mac Tableau version with Heroku Postgres?
This may not be a great long term answer, and doesn't answer your exact question, but might be a viable workaround if you haven't considered it:
You can use the Tableau data extract API to connect via SSL, read the info you need and create a Tableau extract. Then you can connect to the extract via a mac, and rerun your program on a schedule to refresh the extract periodically. You may even see a nice performance improvement, at the expense of not reading live up to the minute updates.
Then you can replace the extract connection with a live one, once Tableau improves their PostgreSQL driver to support SSL from macs.

Connection to CloudBees database using MySQL Workbench

I've just uploaded my locally developed app to CloudBees. It works fine: I can load the web pages and it can access the database.
However, I cannot connect to its database (also provided by CloudBees) using MySQL Workbench or the command line tool. It always says
Can't connect to MySQL server on 'ec2-50-19-213-178.compute-1.amazonaws.com' (10060)
Any CloudBees configuration that I might be missing?
double check your database connection parameters using SDK : bees db:info -p <databasename>
you should be able to connect to DB using mysql workbench and other mysql tools.
In the MySQL forum exists a collection of links for various types of connections using MySQL Workbench. One is probably especially interesting for you as it deals with Amazon RDS databases. Among others it shows what connection parameters are needed.
Seems that there were some firewall problems in the corporate router that prevented me from connecting before. I tried at home and it worked.