Count elements and return them - lisp

I want to count the elements in a list and return a list containing the elements paired with them respective quantity
Something like that:
(count-elements '(a b d d a b c c b d d))
((a 2) (b 3) (d 4) (c 2))
How can I do it? I'm not having any success trying to pair the element and its accounting

Your problem can be divided into three broad parts:
Duplicate recognition/ deletion : This can be done by either removing all the duplicates of every element, or by knowing that the current element is a duplicate(and thus not counting it as a new element.). This(the former strategy) can be done by using the function remove-duplicates
Counting: A way to actually count the elements. This can be done by the function count
Combination: A way to combine the results into a list. This can be done by the macro push.
The Code:
(defun count-elements (lst)
(loop for i in (remove-duplicates lst)
with ans = nil
do (push (list i (count i lst)) ans)
finally (return ans)))
CL-USER> (count-elements '(a a b c))
((C 1) (B 1) (A 2))
CL-USER> (count-elements '(a b c d d a b s a c d))
((D 3) (C 2) (A 3) (S 1) (B 2))
NOTE: The result might not be arranged as you would expect, because of the value returned by remove-duplicates
EDIT: As pointed out by coredump, a better version of count-elements would be:
(defun count-elements (lst)
(map 'list
(lambda (e)
(list e (count e lst)))
(remove-duplicates lst)))
which, instead of using loop, uses map.


A list with their position via for loop in racket

(define ( addposition x )
[(empty? x) "empty list"]
[#t (for/list ([i x])
(list i (add1 (index-of x i))))]
(addposition (list 'a 'b 'c ))
it returns me '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)), but I need the list like '(a 1 b 2 c 3)
As a bare minimum to get what you want you can throw that nested list to a (flatten) call:
> (flatten '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
'(a 1 b 2 c 3)
But overall the idea to build mini lists with index-of and then flattening it is not the most performant. Nor will it be correct if your list contains duplicate values.
If we keep our own record of the next index, and using recursion instead of the otherwise handy for/list structure, we can build our list this way:
(define (add-positions xs [ind 0])
(if (null? xs)
(append (list (first xs) ind)
(add-positions (rest xs) (add1 ind))
(add-positions '(a b c d))
;=> '(a 0 b 1 c 2 d 3)
This can be expressed pretty naturally using map and flatten:
;;; Using map and flatten:
(define (list-pos xs (start 0))
(flatten (map (lambda (x y) (list x y))
(range start (+ start (length xs))))))
Here map creates a list of lists, each containing one value from the input list and one value from a range list starting from start, and flatten flattens the result.
This seems more natural to me than the equivalent using for/list, but tastes may differ:
;;; Using for/list:
(define (list-pos xs (start 0))
(flatten (for/list ((x xs)
(p (range start (+ start (length xs)))))
(list x p))))
There are a lot of ways that you could write this, but I would avoid using append in loops. This is an expensive function, and calling append repeatedly in a loop is just creating unnecessary overhead. You could do this:
;;; Using Racket default arguments and add1:
(define (list-pos xs (pos 0))
(if (null? xs)
(cons (car xs)
(cons pos (list-pos (cdr xs) (add1 pos))))))
Here the first element of the list and a position counter are added onto the front of the result with every recursive call. This isn't tail recursive, so you might want to add an accumulator:
;;; Tail-recursive version using inner define:
(define (list-pos xs (start 0))
(define (loop xs pos acc)
(if (null? xs)
(reverse acc)
(loop (cdr xs)
(add1 pos)
(cons pos
(cons (car xs) acc)))))
(loop xs start '()))
Because the intermediate results are collected in an accumulator, reverse is needed to get the final result in the right order.
You could (and I would) replace the inner define with a named let. Named let should work in Racket or Scheme; here is a Scheme version. Note that Scheme does not have default arguments, so an optional argument is used for start:
;;; Tail-recursive Scheme version using named let:
(define (list-pos xs . start)
(let loop ((xs xs)
(pos (if (null? start) 0 (car start)))
(acc '()))
(if (null? xs)
(reverse acc)
(loop (cdr xs)
(add1 pos)
(cons pos
(cons (car xs) acc))))))
All of the above versions have the same behavior:
list-pos.rkt> (list-pos '(a b c))
'(a 0 b 1 c 2)
list-pos.rkt> (list-pos '(a b c) 1)
'(a 1 b 2 c 3)
Here is a simple solution using for/fold
(define (addposition l)
(for/fold ([accum empty]) ([elem l])
(append accum elem)))
I love the for loops in Racket 😌
Note: As pointed out by ad absurdum, append is expensive here. So we can simply reverse first and then use cons to accumulate
(define (addposition l)
(for/fold ([accum empty]) ([elem (reverse l)])
(cons (first elem) (cons (second elem) accum))))
As others have pointed out, you can start by making a list of lists. Let's use a list comprehension:
> (for/list ([x '(a b c)]
[pos (in-naturals 1)])
(list x pos))
'((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
Here, we iterate in parallel over two sets of data:
The list '(a b c)
The stream (in-naturals 1), which produces 1, 2, 3, ....
We combine them into lists with list, giving this structure:
'((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
This is called "zipping", and using list comprehensions is a convenient way to do it in Racket.
Next, we want to flatten our list, so it ends up looking like this:
'(a 1 b 2 c 3)
However, you shouldn't use flatten for this, as it flattens not just the outermost list, but any sub-lists as well. Imagine if we had data like this, with a nested list in the middle:
> (flatten
(for/list ([x '(a (b c d) e)]
[pos (in-naturals 1)])
(list x pos)))
'(a 1 b c d 2 e 3)
The nested list structure got clobbered! We don't want that. Unless we have a good reason, we should preserve the internal structure of each element in the list we're given. We'll do this by using append* instead, which flattens only the outermost list:
> (append*
(for/list ([x '(a (b c d) e)]
[pos (in-naturals 1)])
(list x pos)))
'(a 1 (b c d) 2 e 3)
Now that we've got it working, let's put it into a function:
> (define (addposition xs)
(for/list ([x xs]
[pos (in-naturals 1)])
(list x pos))))
> (addposition '(a b c))
'(a 1 b 2 c 3)
> (addposition '(a (b c d) e))
'(a 1 (b c d) 2 e 3)
Looks good!

For loop which prints out every 3rd number

I'm trying to make a for loop that iterates over a list of numbers and prints out every 3rd number.
Edit: I've only figured out how to use the for loop but I'm not entirely sure if there's a specific function I can use to only show every 3rd number. I feel like I might be on the right path when using car/cdr function except I'm getting an error
rest: contract violation
expected: (and/c list? (not/c empty?))
given: 0
My code:
(for/list ([x (in-range 20)] #:when (car(cdr(cdr x)))) (displayln x))
I'm trying to make a for loop that iterates over a list of numbers and prints out every 3rd number.
Typically it is more useful to create a new list with the desired values, and then print those values, or pass them to a function, or do whatever else may be needed. for/list does indeed return a list, and this is one reason for problems encountered by OP example code. (Other problems in OP code include that x is a number with [x (in-range 20)], so (cdr x) is not defined).
A possible solution would be to recurse over the input list, using take to grab the next three values, keeping the third, and using drop to reduce the input list:
;; Recurse using `take` and `drop`:
(define (every-3rd-1 lst)
(if (< (length lst) 3)
(cons (third (take lst 3))
(every-3rd-1 (drop lst 3)))))
Another option would be to recurse on the input list using an auxiliary counter; starting from 1, only keep the values from the input list when the counter is a multiple of 3:
;; Recurse using an auxilliary counter:
(define (every-3rd-2 lst)
(define (every-3rd-helper lst counter)
(cond [(null? lst)
[(zero? (remainder counter 3))
(cons (first lst) (every-3rd-helper (rest lst) (add1 counter)))]
[else (every-3rd-helper (rest lst) (add1 counter))]))
(every-3rd-helper lst 1))
Yet another possibility would be to use for/list to build a list; here i is bound to values from the input list, and counter is bound to values from a list of counting numbers:
;; Use `for/list` to build a list:
(define (every-3rd-3 lst)
(for/list ([i lst]
[counter (range 1 (add1 (length lst)))]
#:when (zero? (remainder counter 3)))
This function (or any of them, for that matter) could be usefully generalized to keep every nth element:
;; Generalize to `every-nth`:
(define (every-nth n lst)
(for/list ([i lst]
[counter (range 1 (add1 (length lst)))]
#:when (zero? (remainder counter n)))
Finally, map could be used to create a list containing every nth element by mapping over a range of every nth index into the list:
;; Use `map` and `range`:
(define (every-nth-map n lst)
(map (lambda (x) (list-ref lst x)) (range (sub1 n) (length lst) n)))
If what OP really requires is simply to print every third value, rather than to create a list of every third value, perhaps the code above can provide useful materials allowing OP to come to a satisfactory conclusion. But, each of these functions can be used to print results as OP desires, as well:
scratch.rkt> (for ([x (every-3rd-1 '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p))])
(displayln x))
scratch.rkt> (for ([x (every-3rd-2 '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p))])
(displayln x))
scratch.rkt> (for ([x (every-3rd-3 '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p))])
(displayln x))
scratch.rkt> (for ([x (every-nth 3 '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p))])
(displayln x))
scratch.rkt> (for ([x (every-nth-map 3 '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p))])
(displayln x))
Here is a template:
(for ([x (in-list xs)]
[i (in-naturals]
#:when some-condition-involving-i)
(displayln x))

How to count the occurences of different characters and return all of them as a table

Here's the exact question:
COUNT-BASES counts the number of bases of each type in
either single- or double-stranded DNA and returns the result
as a table.
(COUNT-BASES '((G C) (A T) (T A) (C G))) should return
((A 2) (T 2) (G 2) (C 2))
(COUNT-BASES '(A G T A C T C T)) should return
((A 2) (T 3) (G 1) (C 2)).
I've written a function my-count that returns the occurences of one char but can't figure out how to apply this for all 4 letters (A T G C) and return as a table.
;returns the count of a base (a) from a list (L)
(defun my-count (a L)
(cond ((null L) 0)
((equal a (car L)) (+ 1 (my-count a (cdr L))))
(t (my-count a (cdr L)))))
I'd handle the flat case (single stranded, i. e. a list of bases) first. Loop over the list and count each base into a hash table:
(defun count-bases (dna)
(let ((counts (make-hash-table)))
(dolist (base dna counts)
(incf (gethash base counts 0)))))
Now, it might be double stranded, so each element is not a base, but a list of bases. But we already know how to handle a list of bases. In order to count into a single table, make it possible to pass it into the recursive call:
(defun count-bases (dna &optional (counts (make-hash-table)))
(dolist (base-or-pair dna counts)
(if (symbolp base-or-pair)
(incf (gethash base-or-pair counts 0))
(count-bases base-or-pair counts))))
A purely imperative version of the code could be as follows:
(defun count-bases (bases)
(let ((atgc (vector 0 0 0 0)))
(dolist (dna bases (map 'list #'list #(a t g c) atgc))
(dolist (base (if (listp dna) dna (list dna)))
(incf (svref atgc (position base #(a t g c))))))))
Create a vector of 4 elements, that store counters for all bases.
Iterate over all entries in the list, and iterate over all bases in each entry: typically this is done with alexandria:ensure-list, but here it is written in plain.
Find the position of each base in the literal vector #(a t g c), a vector of symbols. Use the returned position to increment the associated counter.
Finally (last form in DOLIST), build the return value in the expected format:
MAP over both #(a t g c) and the counter vector atgc, build a 'list by applying the function #'list to each pair of elements taken from both sequences: for example, the first iteration visits a and the counter for base a, and calls #'list on them, which builds (a ...), where ... is the actual value.

Get list element by position

I want to give a number and return the element of this position.
List lab = (R K K K K) and I want to know if something like this (position 1 lab) exists on lisp. Like in C return lab[1].
In Common Lisp the operator that gets the n-th element of a list is called nth (see the manual):
(nth 2 '(a b c d)) ; returns C
A related operator is nthcdr that returns the rest of the list starting from the n-th element:
(nthcdr 2 '(a b c d)) ; returns (C D)
For an operator that works on vectors and proper lists, see elt.
(let ((list (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
(prog1 list
(setf (elt list 1) 1)))
=> (A 1 C D)

how to map an element in a list to a value from other list in LISP

I am new to lisp programming and i am trying to think about the below operation.
(extract '(0 1 0) '(a b c)) give us '(a b a)
(extract '(1 1 1 ) '(a b c)) gives us '(b b b)
how can i think about this and how to solve it.
As Chris Jester-Young described, it just returns elements from second list at indexes in first list. Writing such a function is very easy:
(defun extract (list-1 list-2)
(mapcar (lambda (n) (nth n list-2)) list-1))
CL-USER>(extract '(0 1 0) '(a b c))
(A B A)
CL-USER>(extract '(1 1 1 ) '(a b c))
(B B B)
If there no such index, it'll give you NIL in that place.
CL-USER> (extract '(1 100 1 ) '(a b c))
But this won't work on nested structures (trees). If you want it to return elements of list-2 shaped in the structure of list-1, you can use a simple maptree helper function, then do the same thing:
(defun maptree (fn tree)
((null tree) tree)
((atom tree) (funcall fn tree))
(t (cons
(maptree fn (first tree))
(maptree fn (rest tree))))))
(defun extract* (list-1 list-2)
(maptree (lambda (n)
(nth n list-2)) list-1))
CL-USER> (extract* '(3 (2 1 (0))) '(a b c d))
(D (C B (A)))
(extract a b) returns a copy of a where each element is replaced by the element of b in that position.