Is it possible to speedup Get-Mailboxstatistics for exchange online? - powershell

I need to run Get-MailboxStatistics for 4000 users, I'm thinking there is a way to speedup Get-MailboxStatistics.
I have read in a forum how to use Get-MailboxStatistics -Server, but I think it cannot be used for Exchange Online. As we don't know the servers where the mailboxes are.
Can I use the below cmdlet:
$MailboxStat = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
Get-MailboxStatistics $mailbox.UserPrincipalName |
Select-Object TotalItemSize,DisplayName
I just need TotalItemSize and DisplayName for each mailbox user. I don't know whether this will really speedup.

Perhaps you can Export directly from portal


Get-ADComputer Lastlogondate / Lastlogon

I'm currently asking myself if it is possible to determine the last logon time of any user of a computer object which is connected to an active directory?
I need to find out when any user was logged onto a specific computer which is still online, communicating with the domain but was not in use in the last X days by any user.
I've already tried the following queries:
get-adcomputer $computername -Properties lastlogon | select
get-adcomputer za31testvmrobin -Properties lastlogondate
I'm expecting the timestamp of the last logondate of a user on a computer object.
Hope you can help me.
I somehow figured it out with help from #boxdog . Thanks for that.
Here is the Powershell Code in one line:
Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4624 -ComputerName $computer |
`where {$_.Message -match "Kontoname: USERNAME" -and
`$_.Message -match "Anmeldetyp: 2" } | select -First 1)
Kontoname = Accountname
Anmeldetyp = Logontype (2 means interactive from console with keyboard & mouse)
The tabulator is needed. You can also use wildcards like an asterisk.
I could not find an easier way to get it working. Therefor I had to use the comparison operator "match" to find a string with which I could search within the Message property of the Eventlog.
Unfortunately searching takes some time. Via remote it takes up to 5 minutes each computer which is quiet unsatisfying.
Maybe someone has another solution which is faster or knows a way to work parallel, actually I don't really know how to do that, because I'm getting content with
get-content c:\data\input.txt
Thanks in advance

Powershell - Add users to groups without ansi

I am looking for a solution to add users to groups in active directory after I have created their users accounts. Currently my powershell script has a few things lacking but I am going to tackle them one at a time.
In this cycle I trying to learn the best way to add groups to newly created user accounts. Is it best to copy from a template account (which I am having problems doing as I keep getting a blank account... Or should I manage all new user information directly in the script. Which is best practice?
In my research I see how this can be done with adsi.
I was hoping not to use this method unless I have to. what I was hoping for was something like this. with Get-ADUser, Set-ADUser, Set-ADObject, Get-ADObject, or similar commands.
$user=get-aduser 'abc user'
$userModify=Set-aduser $user
$groups=get-aduser $tmplateUser | select -ExpandProperty memberof
# or groups could come from an array, I have not decided which is best.
foreach ($Group In $groups)
$usermodify.memberof.add -identity $Group -member $user
Does anyone have any suggestions or examples?
if you can use the 'ActiveDirectory' module then you can try:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
This will show you the cmdlets available for managing groupmembership.
Get-Command -Verb add -Noun *group*
This will show you examples of the cmdlet.
Help cmdletname -examples
There are many ways to create users, most use information stored in a csv file as input to say a cmdlet like New-ADUser.
The foreach construct will depend upon which cmdlet you choose to use.
$groups = Get-ADUser $tmplateUser -Properties memberof |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberof
foreach ($group in $groups)
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $newuser

Using PowerShell, can I find when a user account was created?

It's a simple question. I know the information is there somewhere. I've been hammering away with Powershell for 3 days and getting close. I'm runnin' out of time to be honest.
Here's the situation. Person goes in and creates an account on a local machine (windows 7). How do I find when the account was created. I understand looking NTUSER.DATE dates in the profile, but that doesn't quite work. I get information all spread out in the csv and no easy way to get it readable.
Get-Item -force "C:\Users\*\ntuser.dat" |
Where {((Get-Date)-$_.lastwritetime).days } |
Out-File c:\profiles.csv
I can see the information in the security log, and I can pull all 4720 events. However, that too is inconsistent, especially if some rascal (like me) cleared out the event log a couple of months ago.
Get-EventLog -LogName Security | Where-Object { $_.EventID -eq 4720 } |
EXPORT-CSV C:\NewStaff.csv
But that doesn't really get me what I need either. All I need is the username and the date the account was created. I know it's not that simple (although it should be LOL). It's a one time job and I suck at Powershell (although, I've learned a lot over the past couple of days).
Anyway, if someone wouldn't mind throwing me a bone, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks for looking.
You are indeed very close. All you need now is formatting. Example:
Get-EventLog -LogName "Security" | Where-Object { $_.EventID -eq 4720 } `
| Select-Object -Property `
#{Label="LogonName";Expression={$_.ReplacementStrings[0]}}, `
#{Label="CreationTime";Expression={$_.TimeGenerated}} `
| Export-Csv C:\NewStaff.csv -NoTypeInformation

List all mailboxes that forward to a specific user

I have this script that lists all mailboxes that are forwarding email, however, I am curious if there would be a way to make it return all mailboxes that forward to a specific user. Basically I'm trying to find out every mailbox that forwards mail to "johndoe". Any help would be greatly appreciated! This is for exchange 2007 btw...
Here's the script so far:
$fwds = get-mailbox | Where-Object { $_.ForwardingAddress -ne $null }
| select Name, ForwardingAddress
foreach ($fwd in $fwds) {$fwd | add-member -membertype noteproperty
-name “ContactAddress” -value (get-contact $fwd.ForwardingAddress).WindowsEmailAddress}
Exchange uses CanonicalName for the forwarding address, so you'll need to look that up from the user name. Since it could be a Mailbox, DL, or Contact, the easiest way I know of is to use Get-Recipient, and grab the Identity property.
$RecipientCN = (get-recipient johndoe).Identity
get-mailbox | Where-Object { $_.ForwardingAddress -eq $RecipientCN }
#mjolinor's version works, but is rather slow, since it loads all the mailboxes. On my system it took about 30 seconds to go through ~300 mailboxes.
This can be speed up by adding a filter to the Get-Mailbox command to only return ones that are actually being forwarded, like so:
$RecipientCN = (get-recipient johndoe).Identity
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | Where-Object {$_.ForwardingAddress -eq $RecipientCN}
But wait, we can get even faster! Why not search for the correct user right in the filter? Probably because it's hard to get the syntax right, because using variables in -Filter gets confusing.
The trick is to use double quotes around the entire filter expression, and single quotes around the variable:
$RecipientCN = (get-recipient johndoe).Identity
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter "ForwardingAddress -eq '$RecipientCN'"
This version returns the same results in 0.6s - about 50 times faster.

How can I filter mailboxes that have never been logged on in Exchange Management Shell?

I need to run a Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics command across a large number of mailboxes but the majority have never been used as it is a new install. As a result, I have to sit through hundreds of lines of
WARNING: There is no data to return for the specified mailbox '<mailbox DN>' because it has not been logged on to.
It would seem that I need to use a server-side filter of some kind but I haven't been able to find anything appropriate.
What can I do here?
There is no server side filtering in Get-MailboxStatistics and I can't repro it. Can you try this:
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics -warningAction silentlyContinue
This is the standard PS behavior for warnings. You can find Shay's parameter in the help for common_parameters get-help about_common_parameters. Alternately, you can set $WarningPreference = silentlycontinue. There are no statistics to return as the mailboxes have not yet been initialized, hence the warning.