expiration time of refresh token and access token in bing API - bing

Could anyone tell me what is default expiration time of refresh token and access token provided by Bing API?

The official docs state the following:
Refresh tokens are, and always will be, completely opaque to your application. They are long-lived e.g., 90 days for public clients, but the app should not be written to expect that a refresh token will last for any period of time. Refresh tokens can be invalidated at any moment, and the only way for an app to know if a refresh token is valid is to attempt to redeem it by making a token request.
So basically, they recommend you as a developer not to rely on this time span.


Storing access tokens and handling their expirations

I'm using OAuth as:
a secondary method to sign users into my web application (rather than manually providing their name, email and password)
a way to receive to receive user data throughout the website.
What would be considered best practice when storing access tokens? I have two options:
Store access tokens in cookies
Store access tokens in a database
What are the advantages and disadvantages of either choice?
Regarding token expirations, what should be done to handle this?
One way I know I could handle this is by checking whether there was an error when calling the API and so requesting a new token and then calling the API again. However when requesting a new token, will I require the user to sign back in again? I would imagine this would be a problem when a page on my website requires data from Facebook, but to retrieve it, users have to log back in.
I don't understand how other websites manage to maintain access to Facebook, Google or Twitter APIs without requiring me to log back in again, especially when I'm on another device where I haven't once logged in to Facebook, Twitter or Google. How do they do this? Thanks.
If authentication is done using Google OAuth2.0. Google provides two tokens namely, Access Token and Refresh Token.
Access tokens have limited lifetime for 3600 seconds , but refresh tokens are valid for longer period of time.
Refresh token also expire. Read "Token expiration" section of the Google OAuth2.0 link
One can obtain new access token from refresh token without re-login. ReST api
So, one can have logic implemented to check for time elapsed after access token was generated and take precautionary steps for new access token generation.
Google tokens expire in 3600 seconds, so one can get access token say after every 3500 seconds and update the older access token stored with new one for further use. Also one other way could be, to set refresh token in GoogleCredential which is passed as parameter(httpRequestInitializer) while creating the service of any api.(For example look for Drive.Builder)
If you are not storing refresh token from which access token can be regenerated, you have to authenticate again to get new token.

Facebook - when does the SDK refresh the auth token?

According to the Facebook docs, mobile SDKs generate long lived tokens which are refreshed once per day when the person using your app makes a request to the Facebook servers. For the javascript SDK, short-lived tokens are generated and are refreshed periodically.
I'm curious as to what is meant by "the person using your app makes a request to the Facebook servers". Which calls specifically will cause the token to be refreshed? Or more importantly, which calls won't? Is it enough to check the login status or is something more active required? What I'm really interested in is keeping the token alive (or getting a new one) without sending the user back through the login flow, or doing anything that's particularly active with Facebooks APIs.
According to Facebook SDK Docu
Once a token expires ("auto" extend of Facebook SDK Token)
At any point, you can generate a new long-lived token by sending the person back to the login flow used by your web app - note that the person will not actually need to login again, they have already authorized your app, so they will immediately redirect back to your app from the login flow with a refreshed token
THERE IS no keep alive functionality in Facebook SDK.
User access tokens come in two forms: short-lived tokens and long-lived tokens. Short-lived tokens usually have a lifetime of about an hour or two, while long-lived tokens usually have a lifetime of about 60 days. You should not depend on these lifetimes remaining the same - the lifetime may change without warning or expire early. See more under handling errors.
long-lived = 60 days
Short-lived = 2 hour
Also according to Facebook SDK Docu
Mobile apps that use Facebook's mobile SDKs get long-lived tokens.
Once you force a user for a new oAuth/login, he will receive a new token. The old one will not expire. You are able to check the loginStatusby FB.getLoginStatus. No need for a keep alive.
The SDK will refresh the access token for you when an actual graph request is made (up to once a day). Any time the token is updated, the AccessTokenTracker will be notified, so you can register a tracker if you want to be notified of updates (e.g. for sending to the server).
If you only make graph requests from your server, then you'll need to handle expiration from there, and either try to extend, or prompt your user to do SSO again to get an updated token.

How to create never expires Acess Token for Facebook app

I created facebook app, now access token is for 60 days but i want to extend never expires access token .if you have any information please let me know.
There is no such thing as an access token that 'never expires'. Please read the Access Token Documentation. The best you can do is to get a token which is valid for 60 days and extend it after it has expired.
Native mobile applications using Facebook's SDKs will get long-lived
access tokens, good for about 60 days. These tokens will be refreshed
once per day when the person using your app makes a request to
Facebook's servers. If no requests are made, the token will expire
after about 60 days and the person will have to go through the login
flow again to get a new token.
Access tokens on the web often have a lifetime of about two hours, but
will automatically be refreshed when required. If you want to use
access tokens for longer-lived web apps, especially server side, you
need to generate a long-lived token. A long-lived token generally
lasts about 60 days.

Facebook OAuthException: This authorization code has been used

This question is related to this question already asked.
Does this Facebook change mean that we have to store the user token returned the first time and reuse that for all subsequent Facebook requests? What happens if we do not store this user token - can we request it again? If yes, how do we do that?
Also, when does the user token expire, if it ever expires?
This documentation shows how to get data about an access_token. You make a call to:
Best practice is to store an access token and its expiration. This documentation shows how to extend a session.
Note this quote found in the 2nd link:
When a user completes a client-side auth flow and you retrieve their
User Access Token, by default you'll receive a short-lived token that
is only valid for 1-2 hours. There is no Javascript SDK function to help extend this, however, you can exchange this token for a longer lived one (valid to 60 days)

Does a Facebook application's access token expire?

This is the access token associated with my Facebook application -- the thing that comes back from https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=APP_ID&client_secret=APP_SECRET. Can I get this once from FB and save it away somewhere for future use, or do I need to refresh it on a regular basis?
Access Token Tool - Facebook Developers
App tokens do not expire and should be kept secret as they are related to your app secret.
I don't know for sure, but since the documentation does not state that you get back an expiration time for the access token, I guess that it's an educated guess that it does not expire.
But why does it matter? the application authentication process is much simpler than the one with users, so just save the token somewhere (db, memory) and then try an api call, if it fails just issue one call to obtain a new token, save that, and continue as usual.
If you want a token to manage a page, never-expiring token can be obtained by
Get user token
Exchange user token to long-living token (Valid for 30days)
Obtain a page token with this user token (This page token is not going to expire)
When you check the token you've got, check it on Debugger. You will now see 'Expires Never'.
Documentation is on Facebook Developers ,Scenario 5: Page Access Tokens
My app access token does not seem to have changed for just under a month. I do not know if it changes. For fun I just changed my app secret...
My app access token then immediately changed and when I try to use the old one I get a
HTTP 400 error with a message body...
{"error":{"message":"Invalid OAuth access token signature.","type":"OAuthException","code":190}}
My advice is save the access token and use it. Unless you get the message above in which case obtain a new one and use that. One thing that I have not checked yet is if you get the same result if the user access token (that you may be querying) has expired instead.
For each and every user token (which is what you're getting from your link), there is an expiration date. Take one of those tokens to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug and debug it. You will see that generally they expire within 60 minutes or so.
To extend that user token, call the exchange command (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/offline-access-deprecation/) to get it to become a 60 day token. That user token has to be still valid (not expired) to do this.