Publish in Matlab truncates part of my text - matlab

I am using publish in Matlab to create html and pdfs. however, part of my text gets truncated. Wondering what's work around on that?
report.m is...
disp([TICKER, CUSIP]);
disp(categorical([SECTOR, SUBIND]));
Then to publish...
publishList = {'report.m'};
publish(publishList{1}, options);
Output looks like... but "Production" is cut off at the end...


How can I change the name of the file being saved without editing the code? MatLab

I am working on an experiment that take a lot of data samples and save it to different video files. For example, I take data and save it to a file called "slowmotion.avi" and then I take another set of data and save it to another file called "normalspeed.avi".
I am trying to find a way that I could change the name of file being saved without editing the code. The way I am using right now makes me have to open the code and change the name of the file directory within the code and then save the code. I want to make it a lot faster and easier to use.
I have tried the following code to fix this problem but it doesn't work.
graph=input('Graph of experiment: ');
vidObj = VideoWriter('%3.1f.avi\n',graph);
Hope I didn't confuse you.
A possible solution:
graph=input('Graph of experiment: ','s');
vidObj = VideoWriter([graph,'.avi']);
The 's' in the input() function indicates that the expected input is a string, and [graph,'.avi'] simply concatenates both strings.

How to Convert IPicture to Image - .NET 4.5 TagLib Sharp

I am wanting to display the album artwork of a song (accessed via the taglib-sharp library) within a Windows Forms picture box. The problem I'm running into is that the taglib-library returns an image of type TagLib.IPicture whereas the picture box requires an object of type System.Drawing.Image.
I have scoured the internet for many hours now, looking for a way to convert from an IPicture to Image, but to no avail. The best lead I have is this:, but I have yet to see a successful example of how to implement this.
Any help as to how to convert between these two types would be much appreciated. Note: IPicture is not analogous to IPictureDisp in this case.
I've done the opposite before - turning an existing .jpg into an IPicture for embedding in an .mp3 file. I just tried reversing that operation and, after tweaking and testing, came up with this:
TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(mp3FilePath);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(tagFile.Tag.Pictures[0].Data.Data);
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
Thanks for the question - I already know how I'm going to use this myself!
Update: Here's the other way (.jpg to IPicture that I've done before):
tagFile.Tag.Pictures = new TagLib.IPicture[]
new TagLib.Picture(new TagLib.ByteVector((byte[])new System.Drawing.ImageConverter().ConvertTo(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(jpgFilePath), typeof(byte[]))))

phpThumb is not setting parameter – fltr[] usm

I am using Brett's Mr. PHP thumb caching script along with phpThumb to create my thumbs. It works extremely well, except for one thing... I cannot get it to set and process the UnSharpMask filter. The relevant part of the script looks like this:
// generate the thumbnail
$phpThumb = new phpThumb();
$phpThumb->setParameter('q','95'); // set the quality to 95%
$phpThumb->setParameter('fltr[]','usm|80|0.5|3'); // <--- THIS SHOULD SET THE USM FILTER
$phpThumb->setParameter('f',substr($thumb,-3,3)); // set the output file format
if (!$phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) {
error('cannot generate thumbnail');
I'm guessing there's a problem with my syntax, since the fltr[] parameter requires brackets. I have tried escaping the brackets like so: 'fltr[]' but that didn't work either.
I've used several other possible parameters with good success (zoom cropping, max height, max width, etc...) Everything seems to work except the filters (including usm - UnSharpMask).
I don't get any errors. It spits out thumbs all day long. They're just not sharpened.
For reference, here's the official phpThumb readme file that discusses all the possible settings and filters.
Thanks for looking.
Well after much trial, error, and aggravation, I finally discovered the solution buried in one of the demo files that come with phpThumb.
It's a matter of removing the brackets all together. Basically changing this line:
to this:
After that, it's only a matter of tweaking the settings to get the desired amount of sharpness.

How to use PDFTextExtractor on iTextSharp

I want to retrieve the text from a pdf file using iTextSharp. However, I wasn't able to use PDFTextExtractor as in JAVA library of itextsharp(itext). I need readPDFOffline class to return content of file. I will give the pseudo below for you to understand well what I want.
private string readPDFOffline(string fileUri);
read PDF;
retrieve Text Content of This Pdf;*
save content into string contentOfflineFile;
return contentOfflineFile;
I would like to do the * part of Code
PdfTextExtractor is present in the most recent releases of iTextSharp, available here.
Retrieving text in PDF is not easy. Not impossible, but there are times when the only thing that will work is OCR. For all other cases, PdfTextExtractor should work. Cases of it not working are considered bugs and should be reported as such.
Be aware that there are several cases where what looks like valid text is not extractable:
Text with no encoding... just glyph indexes. OCR time.
"Text" that is just raw paths. Horribly inefficient, and time for more OCR.
"Text" that is pixels in a bitmap. OCR once more.
OCR: Optical Character Recognition. There's even a reasonably good one for free available on Google Code, though I don't recall the name off the top of my head.

storing & reading xml files iPhone

I am using text-editor to store xml files.
I know how to read xml files in iPhone application. But the problem which do i get is explained below.
When I store xml files through text-editors, it looks perfect.
But when iPhone - xCode debugs, xml file data is shown as below.
What kind of mistake have I Done?
{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier-Bold;}
\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 \CocoaLigature0 \
Play Your ShotEvery golfer likes to hit the ball long, high and straight, but experience tells you that you can expect a certain pattern to your shots.Shots Curve From Sidehill LiesSidehill fairway lies will cause the ball to curve, slice right or hook left. Here's a tip to help make better contact.Don't Ground The DriverKeep the clubhead just off the ground to get your swing off to a consistently smooth start.Tilt Your TeeHere's a tip to "max out" into-the-wind drives.}
Above given data isn't my xml file.
I tried to save my xml file through textEditor.
But it prefix something before my xml data.
What should be done by me to avoid this problem?
my actual xml data is following.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>\
<tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[1]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Play Your Shot</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Every golfer likes to hit the ball long, high and straight, but experience tells you that you can expect a certain pattern to your shots.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[2]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Shots Curve From Sidehill Lies</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Sidehill fairway lies will cause the ball to curve, slice right or hook left. Here's a tip to help make better contact.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[3]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Don't Ground The Driver</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Keep the clubhead just off the ground to get your swing off to a consistently smooth start.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[4]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Tilt Your Tee</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Here's a tip to "max out" into-the-wind drives.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips></tips>
Seems like you have written your XML file in a Rich Text Editor. It is saving the file in .rtf format, instead of raw text/xml.
Maybe the editor you are using has the option to save as raw txt. That should solve it.
You could also create the file using XCode. It will surely use raw txt.
Are you editing your XML file with TextEdit or something? You've got a whole bunch of RTF data in there, which would seem to imply that you're overwriting your XML data with RTF'd XML. Try using a text editor like Property List Editor or TextWrangler instead.