In VSTS, How to constraint/restrict a team member's working capacity in case working in multiple projects - azure-devops

Assume a team member A works with multiple projects/applications(P1,P2,P3). While doing Capacity planning, i'm able to allocate him with 8hrs per day in each project(P1,P2,P3). Is there any availability to freeze/constraint a team member's capacity to 8hrs in all projects combined(capacity should be restricted to 8hrs in combined). Any provision to create such a rule/restriction on account level?

There isn’t the feature to constraint a team member’s capacity to 8hrs in all projects. You need to do it manually.
There is a similar user voice that you can vote and follow, you also can create a new user voice for this feature.
Ability for TFS sprint capacity and days off for a project to be inherited by teams

Simple answer: You can't do this by technical means. The capacity per day field is not validated in any way. You can even enter more than 24h as capacity.
The capacity planning has to be done by organizational means.
I our projects it has proven as good practice to not even plan full 8h per day per person. For capacity planning we only assume 6h per developer. The rest is used for meetings, support and other unplanned stuff.


How to make a deployment with different parallel approvals?

I want to make a pipeline (or azure workflow of any kind) that deploys a snapshot of my software to somewhere for User Acceptance Tests, then having people approve this User Acceptance Test and after successful approvals deploy the very same snapshot to the final production place.
Having "Approvals & Checks" configured for an environment and making a YAML-Pipeline with a "Production"-Stage which is assigned to that environment solves the problem.
But only if I had one group of approvers.
In my case there need to be 3 groups of approvers with different rules each that should be able to have their approval process at the same time (to make it as fast as possible):
Change Advisory Board when one more than 50% of the assigned Change Advisory Board members give approval
Tech Review when anyone of the assigned people gives approval
Design Review when anyone of the assigned people gives approval
Any idea how to do that?

Set a daily limit or a permanent limit for reading and writing operations in the Firestore

The first question is, when I exceed the free limit, additional fees are applied, or does the application stop working, if additional fees are calculated without my knowledge, tell me how to determine the reading and writing operations for the free limit only, and when I exceed it, the server stops, for example.
Note: The application that you created can be written by everyone without an account, and the data is visible to everyone as well.
When you create new project on firebase, your billing plan is set to "spark", whitch is a start plan. That means, you will not be billed anything, unless you change your billing plan. In this plan, you have 50k reads/writes per day (it was like this a year ago, i am not sure if it wasn't changed). If you exceed this limit, the firebase API's will simply stop responding, so your app won't get any data furthermore that day.
If you want to see your billing plan and daily/monthly usage, go to "usage and billing" in your firebase project overview.
Here is a small screenshot where to find the setting:

Azure DevOps Pipelines: Back to free tier from paid agent?

We are currently on the free tier of Azure DevOps which comes with 1800 free build minutes per month.
As we sometimes hit resource constraints and witness a lot of variation on the build runtime we are considering switching to a paid agent hoping that we will get more performance or at least consistency on the hosted build servers compared to the free tier.
If the paid agent does not come up to our expectation, is there a way to get back to the free tier?
If the paid agent does not come up to our expectation, is there a way to get back to the free tier?
Yes, you can simply change the Paid parallel jobs to 0 to remove the paid agents.
Or remove billing will also remove the paid agents.
Yes, you can return to the free tier, you just have to take into account the cut-off date of your bill

Does getting out of the AWS Simple Mail Service sandbox require a support plan (other than basic)?

I'm trying to get a Simple Email Service account running.
I'm curious if I need a support plan (let's say developer - at 49$ per month currently) in order to make my account production-ready.
These are the support plans:
Currently, the sandbox only allows sending mails from and to verified addresses, and the limits on the account are quite low.
No, no support plan is needed to get out of the sandbox - two entirely different issues.
Having or not having a support plan has nothing to do with your sending limits.
You can create an Increase Limit request without having a support plan. You should have the option to create a case in the support center and choose Service Limit Increase. Then, just explain the reason for the request that it should be available in a short time.
What you can't do without a support plan is create a case for Technical Support.

Are there clusters available to rent?

I am wondering if there are clusters available to rent.
We have a program that will take what we estimate a week to run(after optimization) on a given file. Quite possibly, longer. Unfortunately, we also need to do approximately 300+ different files, resulting in approximately 300 weeks of compute time(roundable to 6 wallclock years of continuously running job). For a research job that should be done - at the latest - by December, that's simply unacceptable. While we are exploring other options, I am investigating the option of simply renting a Beowulf cluster. The job is academic and will lead towards the completion of a PhD.
What would be ideal would be a company that we send the source and the job files to the company and then receive a week or two later the result files. Voila!
Quick googling doesn't turn up anything terribly promising.
Suggested Solutions?
Cloud computing sounds like what you need. Amazon, Microsoft and Google rent computer resources on a pay for what you use basis.
Amazon's service is the most mature, and there are several questions already about Amazon's service, EG here and here.
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) sounds like exactly what you're looking for. You can sign up for one or more virtual machines (up to 20 automatically, more if you request permission), starting at $0.10 an hour per VM, plus bandwidth costs (free between EC 2 machines and Amazon's other web services). You can choose between several operating systems (various Linux distributions, OpenSolaris, Windows if you pay extra), and you can use pre-existing machine images or create your own. If you're using all open-source software and don't have much bandwidth costs, it sounds like it would cost you around $5000 to run your job (assuming that your 6 years of compute time was for something comparable to their small instances, with a single virtual CPU).
Once you sign up for the service and get their tools set up, it's pretty easy to get new virtual machines launched. I've even spent the $0.10 to launch a machine for a few minutes just to verify an answer I was giving someone here on StackOverflow; I wanted to check something on Solaris, so I just booted up an instance and had a Solaris VM at my disposal within 5 minutes.
I don't know where are you doing your PhD... Most of the Asian, European, and North American universities have some clusters. You can
meet directly the people at the lab which is in charge of the cluster.
ask your PhD director to arrange that. Maybe he/she have some friends that can handle that.
Also, the classical trick is to use the unused time of the computers of your lab/university... Basically, each computer run a client application that crunch numbers when the computer is not used. See
This lead may prove helpful:
And this is a fantastic resource site on the matter:
The thread has been replete with pointers to Amazon's EC2 - and correctly so. They are the most mature in this area. Recently, they've released their elastic map-reduce platform which sound similar (although not exactly) like what you are trying to do. Google is not an option for you as their compute model doesn't support the generic compute model you need.
For academic/scientific use, there are several public centers offering HPC capability. In Europe, there is DEISA. and DEISA members. There must be similar possibilities in the US, probably thru the NSF.
For commercial use, check IBM Deep Computing On Demand offerings.
There are several ways to get time on clusters.
Purchase time on Amazon elastic cloud. Depending on how familiar you are with their service, it may take time to get it configured the way you want it.
Approach a university and see if they have a commercial program to rent out the time to companies. I know several do. One that I know of specifically is private sector program at NCSA at UIUC. Depending on the institution, they also offer porting and optimization service for your code.
Or you could rent CPU time from a private provider.
I'm from Slovenia and, for example, here we have a great private provider called Arctur. The guys were helpful and and responsive when I contacted them.
You can find them here:
One option is to rent the virtual resources equivalent of whatever number of PCs you need, and set them up as a cluster, using the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Setting up a beowulf cluster of those is entirely possible.
Check out this link which provides resources and software to do exactly that.
Go to :
True HPC cluster, up to 200 TFlops.