Perl unexpected result - perl

Imagine I have this Perl script
my $name = " foo ";
my $sn = " foosu";
trim($name, \$sn);
print "name: [$name]\n";
print "sn: [$sn]\n";
exit 0;
sub trim{
my $fref_trim = sub{
my ($ref_input) = #_;
${$ref_input} =~ s/^\s+// ;
${$ref_input} =~ s/\s+$// ;
foreach my $input (#_){
if (ref($input) eq "SCALAR"){
} else {
name: [foo]
sn: [foosu]
I would expect $name to be "[ foo ]" when printing the value after calling trim, but the sub is setting $name as I would want it. Why is this working, when it really shouldn't?
I'm not passing $name by reference and the trim sub is not returning anything. I'd expect the trim sub to create a copy of the $name value, process the copy, but then the original $name would still have the leading and trailing white spaces when printed in the main code.
I assume it is because of the alias with #_, but shouldn't the foreach my $input (#_) force the sub to copy the value and only treat the value not the alias?
I know I can simplify this sub and I used it only as an example.

Elements of #_ are aliases to the original variables. What you are observing is the difference between:
sub ltrim {
$_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
return $_[0];
sub ltrim {
my ($s) = #_;
$s =~ s/^\s+//;
return $s;
Compare your code to:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $name = " foo ";
my $sn = " foosu";
trim($name, \$sn);
print "name: [$name]\n";
print "sn: [$sn]\n";
sub trim {
my #args = #_;
my $fref_trim = sub{
my ($ref_input) = #_;
${$ref_input} =~ s/^\s+//;
${$ref_input} =~ s/\s+\z//;
for my $input (#args) {
if (ref($input) eq "SCALAR") {
else {
$ ./
name: [ foo ]
sn: [foosu]
Note also that the loop variable in for my $input ( #array ) does not create a new copy for each element of the array. See perldoc perlsyn:
The foreach loop iterates over a normal list value and sets the scalar variable VAR to be each element of the list in turn. ...
the foreach loop index variable is an implicit alias for each item in the list that you're looping over.
In your case, this would mean that, at each iteration $input is an alias to the corresponding element of #_ which itself is an alias to the variable that was passed in as an argument to the subroutine.
Making a copy of #_ thus prevents the variables in the calling context from being modified. Of course, you could do something like:
sub trim {
my $fref_trim = sub{
my ($ref_input) = #_;
${$ref_input} =~ s/^\s+//;
${$ref_input} =~ s/\s+\z//;
for my $input (#_) {
my $input_copy = $input;
if (ref($input_copy) eq "SCALAR") {
else {
but I find making a wholesale copy of #_ once to be clearer and more efficient assuming you do not want to be selective.

I assume it is because of the alias with #_, but shouldn't the foreach my $input (#_) force the sub to copy the value and only treat the value not the alias?
You're right that #_ contains aliases. The part that's missing is that foreach also aliases the loop variable to the current list element. Quoting perldoc perlsyn:
If any element of LIST is an lvalue, you can modify it by modifying VAR inside the loop. Conversely, if any element of LIST is NOT an lvalue, any attempt to modify that element will fail. In other words, the foreach loop index variable is an implicit alias for each item in the list that you're looping over.
So ultimately $input is an alias for $_[0], which is an alias for $name, which is why you see the changes appearing in $name.


Perl: Change in Subroutine not printing outside of routine

So I want to change numbers that I pass into a subroutine, and then retain those numbers being changed, but it doesn't seem to work.
my $A = 0;
my $T = 0;
my $C = 0;
my $G = 0;
foreach my $bases in (keys %basereads){
count ($bases, $A, $T, $C, $G);
Here is my subroutine
sub count {
my $bases = shift;
my $A = shift;
my $T = shift;
my $C = shift;
my $G = shift;
for (my $i = 0; $i < length($bases); $i++){
print "$bases\t";
if (uc(substr($bases,$i,1)) eq 'A'){
}elsif (uc(substr($bases,$i,1)) eq 'T'){
} elsif (uc(substr($bases,$i,1)) eq 'G'){
} elsif (uc(substr($bases,$i,1)) eq 'C'){
} else { next; }
print "$A\t$C\t$T\t$G\n";
return my($bases, $A, $T, $C, $G);
after the subroutine, I want to stored the altered A, C, T, G into a hashmap. When I print bases and ATCG inside the subroutine, it prints, so I know the computer is running through the subroutine, but it's not saving it, and when I try to manipulate it outside the subroutine (after I've called it), it starts from zero (what I had defined the four bases as before). I'm new to Perl, so I'm a little weary of subroutines.
Could someone help?
Always include use strict; and use warnings; at the top of EVERY script.
With warnings enabled, you should've gotten the following messages:
"my" variable $bases masks earlier declaration in same scope at line ...
"my" variable $A masks earlier declaration in same scope at line ...
"my" variable $T masks earlier declaration in same scope at line ...
"my" variable $C masks earlier declaration in same scope at line ...
"my" variable $G masks earlier declaration in same scope at line ...
These are caused by the my before your return statement:
return my($bases, $A, $T, $C, $G);
Correct this by simply removing the my:
return ($bases, $A, $T, $C, $G);
And then you just need to capture your returned values
($bases, $A, $T, $C, $G) = count($bases, $A, $T, $C, $G);
Given that you're new to perl, I'm sure you won't be surprised that your code could be cleaned up further though. If one uses a hash, it makes it a lot easier to count various characters in a string, as demonstrated below:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $A = 0;
my $T = 0;
my $C = 0;
my $G = 0;
foreach my $bases (keys %basereads) {
my %counts;
for my $char (split //, $bases) {
$A += $counts{A};
$T += $counts{T};
$C += $counts{C};
$G += $counts{G};

What does dot-equals mean in Perl?

What does ".=" mean in Perl (dot-equals)? Example code below (in the while clause):
if( my $file = shift #ARGV ) {
$parser->parse( Source => {SystemId => $file} );
} else {
my $input = "";
while( <STDIN> ) { $input .= $_; }
$parser->parse( Source => {String => $input} );
Thanks for any insight.
The period . is the concatenation operator. The equal sign to the right means that this is an assignment operator, like in C.
For example:
$input .= $_;
Does the same as
$input = $input . $_;
However, there's also some perl magic in this, for example this removes the need to initialize a variable to avoid "uninitialized" warnings. Try the difference:
perl -we 'my $x; $x = $x + 1' # Use of uninitialized value in addition ...
perl -we 'my $x; $x += 1' # no warning
This means that the line in your code:
my $input = "";
Is quite redundant. Albeit some people might find it comforting.
For pretty much any binary operator X, $a X= $b is equivalent to $a = $a X $b. The dot . is a string concatenation operator; thus, $a .= $b means "stick $b at the end of $a".
In your code, you start with an empty $input, then repeatedly read a line and append it to $input until there's no lines left. You should end up with the entire file as the contents of $input, one line at a time.
It should be equivalent to the loopless
local $/;
$input = <STDIN>;
(define line separator as a non-defined character, then read until the "end of line" that never comes).
EDIT: Changed according to TLP's comment.
You have found the string concatenation operator.
Let's try it :
my $string = "foo";
$string .= "bar";
print $string;
This performs concatenation to the $input var. Whatever is coming in via STDIN is being assigned to $input.

Display And Pass Command Line Arguments in Perl

I have the following program "", which opens a file, finds the lines containing "warning....", "info...", "disabling..." then counts and prints the value and number of them. It is working ok.
What I want to do is to create command line arguments for each of the 3 matches - warning, disabling and infos and then run either of them from the command prompt.
Here is the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %warnings = ();
my %infos = ();
my %disablings = ();
open (my $file, '<', 'Warnings.txt') or die $!;
while (my $line = <$file>) {
if($line =~ /^warning ([a-zA-Z0-9]*):/i) {
if($line =~ /^disabling ([a-zA-Z0-9]*):/i) {
if($line =~ /^info ([a-zA-Z0-9]*):/i) {
close $file;
foreach my $w (sort {$warnings{$a} <=> $warnings{$b}} keys %warnings) {
print $w . ": " . $warnings{$w} . "\n";
foreach my $d (sort {$disablings{$a} <=> $disablings{$b}} keys %disablings) {
print $d . ": " . $disablings{$d} . "\n";
foreach my $i (sort {$infos{$a} <=> $infos{$b}} keys %infos) {
print $i . ": " . $infos{$i} . "\n";
The builtin special array #ARGV holds all command line arguments to the script, excluding the script file itself (and the interpreter, if called as perl In the case of a call like perl foo bar warnings, #ARGV would contain the values 'foo', 'bar', and 'warnings'. It's a normal array, so you could write something like (assuming the first argument is one of your options):
my ($warning, $info, $disabling);
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /warning/i) { $warning = 1 }
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /info/i) { $info = 1 }
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /disabling/i) { $disabling = 1 }
# [...] (opening the file, starting the main loop etc...)
if ( $warning and $line =~ /^warning ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/i ) {
elsif ( $info and $line =~ /^info ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/i ) {
elsif ( $disabling and $line =~ /^disabling ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/i ) {
I created flag variables for the three conditions before the main loop that goes through the file to avoid a regex compilation on every line of the file.
You could also use the Getopt::Long or Getopt::Std modules. These provide easy and flexible handling of the command line arguments.

perl "eq" doesn't work well. I can't found my fault

I'm writting a small server with perl. There is some small problem. When the client give me a sentence like this "op:xxx:xxx:xxx", I'll get op. then do things depending on what op is. It works will if the op is adduser and so on. (I use if $op eq "adduser"...)
But when I get a "getList:xxx:xxx" and I have get the $op = getList, it can't pass it like "if $op eq "getList"". I know, it must be my mistake. But I just can't find it.
thank you for everyone.
use warnings;
use strict;
package MyPackage;
use base qw(Net::Server);
our %data_base;
our %tag_base;
sub list {
my %resault;
foreach ( keys %tag_base) {
print STDERR $_ . "1";
my #tags = split /:/, $tag_base{$_};
foreach ( #tags) {
$resault{$_} ++;
my #tags;
foreach ( keys %resault) {
push #tags, "$_,$resault{$_}";
$_ = join ";", #tags;
print ;
print STDERR ;
sub users {
my $topic = shift;
my #users;
foreach ( keys %tag_base) {
push #users, $_ if $tag_base{$_} =~ /$topic/;
$_ = join ";", #users;
print ;
sub process_request {
my $self = shift;
my $person;
my #info;
while (<STDIN>) {
my #gets = split /:/, $_;
print STDERR "#gets\n";
# $data_base{shift #person} = join ":", #person;
my $op = shift #gets;
$op =~ s/\s//;
print STDERR $op . "\n";
if ( $op eq "adduser") {
my $user_name = shift #gets;
if ( exists $data_base{$user_name}) {
print "already_exist";
} else {
$data_base{$user_name} = join ":", #gets;
print "addUserSu";
} elsif ( $op eq "login") {
my $login_name = shift #gets;
my $login_pw = shift #gets;
if ( defined $data_base{$login_name}) {
$person = $data_base{$login_name};
#info = split /:/, $person;
$info[0] =~ s/\s+//;
if ($login_pw eq $info[0]) {
print "$person";
} else {
print "/$info[0]/";
} else {
print "unexist_user";
} elsif ( $op eq "addTag") {
my $tag_user = shift #gets;
$tag_base{$tag_user} = join ":", #gets;
print "addTagSu";
} elsif ( $op eq "getList") {
print STDERR "right";
} elsif ( $op eq "getUsers") {
MyPackage->run(port => 13800);
I can see two (simple) reasons this might fail:
$op =~ s/\s//;
You only remove one whitespace: The first one. If your intention is to strip all whitespace, you'd want s/\s+//g.
And second:
Random capital letters in strings, variable names and commands is Evil. eq is case sensitive, so if $op is "getlist", then if ($op eq "getList") will be false. Unless capitalization is important to you, you could do if (lc($op) eq "getlist").
Without sample input, expected output and actual output, this is however nothing more than guesswork.
Also, as a debug statement, this is useless:
print STDERR $op . "\n";
That is easily confused and overlooked. For example, if $op is empty, it just produces a blank line in your error log. Use:
print STDERR "OP is: '$op'\n";
Now you will be able to identify the line where $op should appear, and you will be more easily see whitespace surrounding it.
You are reading strings without chomping them.
When you run your code :
The input is stored as fred => "barney\n"
when you getList, the output is :
I suspect the client is expecting 1 line of output that reads :
So, just add a chomp in your code here :
while (<STDIN>) {
my #gets = split /:/, $_;

get hash ref key and value from another script

Hi all
I have a module with a sub that get its parameters from e.g.
In I call the function this way moduleName::sunName(\%hashref).
Now in module, and in sub body I want to print those parameters that passed. also I want to check if the value of each key of this href is empty print '-' instead of 0.
first part of module:
sub printOptions {
my $opt = shift;
# I have this
print $opt->{'id'};
# But I need all parameters!
sub printOptions {
my $opt = shift #_;
for my $key ( sort keys %$opt ){
if( defined( $opt->{$key} )){
print "$key: $opt->{$key}\n";
print "$key: undef\n";
Matt, what are you getting at the moment? To dereference the reference $opt you can do
%opt = %{ $opt }
To iterate over the keys you can then do
for my $key ( sort keys %opt ) {
print "$key: " . ($opt{ $key } || '-') . "\n";