List of AWS instances by TAG value using powershell - powershell

We are taging our AWS instances, I will like to retrieve a list of ALL our instances (ELB, S3, EC2, Security Groups) by TAG reference. for instance we consistently TAG our resources with something like this:
{ "Key": "Project",
"Value": "bananas"
How can we obtain trough power-shell a list of ALL our resources that contain the TAG Project value "bananas"?
I was able to get all my EC2s using the below script:
$instance = Get-EC2Instance
-Filter #( #{name='tag:Project'; values="bananas"};
#{name='instance-state-code'; values = 16} )
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty instances #Get instance ID ignoring any terminated instances
$instance | Export-CSV "C:\ec2.csv"
But I'm not sure how to obtain all my tagged resources using one script.

Check out the AWS Resource Groups Tagging API cmdlets -- these are relatively new, so you may have to update your AWS Tools for PowerShell to the latest version to be able to use them.
The example below calls Get-RGTResource for the tag Key=Project, Value=Bananas, and filters the response to all ResourceARNs that were retrieved. The ResourceARN is a unique identifier for each AWS resource, and you can use these as a starting point to call out to other AWS services to get more details about each associated resource.
(Get-RGTResource -TagFilter #{Key="Project"; Values = #("bananas")}).ResourceARN
Example Output
Further Reading
AWS Documentation - Get-RGTResource
AWS Documentation - Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)


How can I get the Subscription Name if i know the resource Group Name using Powershell

So, I have the resource Group name and i want to programmatically (using powershell) set the subscription to the incoming resource group.
When i do a Get-AzResourceGroup I get the ResourceId which contains the the subscription id as part of a long string /subscriptions/<subscription id here>/resourceGroups/resourcegroupname. Is there a way to extract the subscription Id from that string?
You can get your subscription ID by triggering the below. You will also need to have azure cli installed.
az account list --refresh --query "[?contains(name, 'YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION')].id"
You can also split the output from powershell.
$myinput= "/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/resourcegroupname".Split("/")
Write-Host $myinput[2]

Unexpected error while passing variable group variables (Azure DevOps) to YAML pipeline

I'm a newbie to both Azure DevOps and Terraform but, I'm trying to deploy a pipeline using a YAML file.
I have tried to run a terraform plan using a YAML file and passing variables (from AZ DevOps) but, I got the following error:
2021-11-24T18:39:46.4604561Z Error: "name" may only contain alphanumeric characters, dash, underscores, parentheses and periods
2021-11-24T18:39:46.4605940Z on modules/aks/ line 2, in resource "azurerm_resource_group" "aks-resource-group":
2021-11-24T18:39:46.4606436Z 2: name = var.resource_group_name
2021-11-24T18:39:46.4607525Z Error: Error: Subnet: (Name "#{vnet_subnet_name}#" / Virtual Network Name "#{vnet_name}#" / Resource Group "RG-XX-XXXX-XXXXX-001") was not found
2021-11-24T18:39:46.4608580Z on modules/aks/ line 16, in data "azurerm_subnet" "subnet-project":
2021-11-24T18:39:46.4609335Z 16: data "azurerm_subnet" "subnet-project" {
The 'name' has the following format at the Variable group in the Azure DevOps UI:
This is the snippet of where I included the replace token at the YAML file:
displayName: 'Replace Secrets'
targetFiles: |
encoding: 'utf-8'
actionOnMissing: fail
tokenPattern: #{MyVar}#
And this is a sample of the variables I have in a variable group:
Also, I replace the terraform.tfvars file with something like this:
resource_group_name = "#{resource_group_name}#"
I have checked the name inserted at the UI several times but I feel the error is pointing to something else I cannot see.
Have anyone experienced something related to this error?
Thank you in advance!
tokenPattern: #{MyVar}#
It is looking for the pattern #{MyVar}# to replace. Not "something contained between #{ and }#, but the actual value #{MyVar}#. I'm guessing it's expecting a regular expression, but I'm not familiar with that task.
So the end result is that your #{token values}# aren't getting replaced.
Assuming you're using, you probably want to specify tokenPrefix: #{ and tokenSuffix: }# instead of using tokenPattern.
Now, having said that...
There is no reason for you to be using token replacement on a tfvars file. You should create different tfvars files for each environment, then pass in a tfvars file via the -var-file argument to Terraform. Secrets can be passed in on the command line via -var 'foo=bar'
Storing variables that represent application or deployment configuration in Azure DevOps (or GitHub, or any other CI system) is a big, big anti-pattern, because it's tightly coupling your deployment process to a particular platform. If you're sourcing all of your variables from Azure DevOps, you can't easily test locally or migrate to a different CI/CD provider like GitHub Actions in the future.
For values that shouldn't be in source control, such a secrets, you should use a secret provider like Azure KeyVault and integrate it with your application (or, in this case, use a data resource in Terraform to pull the necessary secrets automatically at deployment time).

Assign ITGlue Contact to the Field using API powershell

I just want to assign the contacts to Application's field and another field with API Powershell but I don't know how to do it. could anyone help me?
According to their API documentation, there is no 'Application' resource type. Is it a custom resource, or a field on a different type of object? (what type?)
Try installing ITGlue's PowerShell wrapper module ITGlueAPI from the gallery (or github link):
Install-Module ITGlueAPI
Import-Module ITGlueAPI
# Check out all the available commands
Get-Command -Module ITGlueAPI
# initial setup:
Add-ITGlueBaseURI -base_uri ''
Add-ITGlueAPIKey -ApiKey 'your-key-here'
# Play around with these kinds of "Get-" commands which exist for each resource type:
# This is a good way to see how the data is formatted, and which fields exist per resource
Get-ITGlueContacts -organization_id 1234 -filter_first_name 'Foo' -sort 'first_name'
# To make changes, run similar "Set-" or "New-" commands with the updates in hash table format:
Set-ITGlueContacts -id 1234 -data #{
location-id = 795
location-name = "San Francisco - HQ"
field-name = "Value"

Access SourceBranchName in Release pipeline

I'm trying to release my buildartifacts to a specific folder based on the name of the sourcebranch which upon creating a pull request triggered the build and therefor the release.
I've managed to so far to get:
This alias (from my point of view) is the primary artifcat alias which I need to access
Release.Artifacts.{Primary artifact alias}.SourceBranchName
based on this documentation. So how do I combine the alias to get the sourcebranchname
This doesn't seem to be working and neither does
Any advice is much appreciated.
You can read the variable in this way:
$branchNameVariable = "RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_$($triggerAlias)_SOURCEBRANCHNAME"
#Get the value of the environment variable Release.Artifacts.{alias}.SourceBranchName
$branchName = (Get-item env:$branchNameVariable).Value

OctopusDeploy - Every website in the deploy has a different AppPool and Website name; how to deal; no other differences

I'm trying to setup a deploy process that targets 16 web sites each hosting an instance of the same application.
Websites and AppPools are named as such:
...with each website having a correspondingly named AppPool.
I am desperately trying to determine how to use a single Deploy NuGet Package step to target all of these websites/app pools using variables and a combination of powershell scripts if possible.
I'd like to have a single step where I can variable substitute the website and app pool names. As this is the only difference. I basically need the equivalent of being able to loop the nuget package step passing it a list of website and app pool names. I cannot simply use variables because I can only resolve to the machine level with variable scoping.
Create list of all Website and AppPool names, iterate them passing each value to a Step for execution. ForEach processing step for lack of better words.
I do have the ability to rename the AppPools if need be for a more consistent pattern, but I cannot change the website names
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
There's a lot to your question, but I'm going to take a stab at explaining our approach, in hopes of jogging your creative juices.
simply put, use your own powershell scripts to install the web-application. In there you can set the app pool name on a per website basis
For starters, we do do a separate deployment step for each project. The scripts we use will allow you to do all deployments from a single deploy.ps1 (including unique appPool names), but we find that it really helps keep each deployment nice and lean, and easy to manage. Each project get's it's own nupkg and therein contains the predeploy.ps1, deploy.ps1, and postdeploy.ps1 as well as a folder of build/deploy scripts that we've open sourcesd, and a folder of environment config xml files.
A sample of an environment config would be this. The name is simply [envName].xml
<!-- environments\Production.xml -->
<!-- valid identityTypes are: [LocalSystem, LocalService, NetworkService, SpecificUser, ApplicationPoolIdentity] -->
<!-- Set this value to the User the Service will run under in the format DOMAIN\username -->
<!-- If Running as 'NetworkService' then 'NT AUTHORITY\Network Service' is used -->
<userName>NT AUTHORITY\Network Service</userName>
<!-- Leave blank unless using SpecificUser -->
<connectionString>REPLACED BY OCTOPUS</connectionString>
You can see in the corresponding Get-EnvironmentSettings.ps1 where we load up the config, and then update it with any Octopus variables. This is the trickiest part, because we use dot-Notation to update the paths (case sensitive).
Our octopus variables really only contain information that is secret, as everything else lives in [environment].xml
| Name | Value | Scope
| | supersecret | Production
So now a typical deployment script simply imports the modules, grab environmentSettings, update config, and install the web app.
# Top of the script, get Octopus environment and version
[string] $version = $OctopusPackageVersion,
[string] $environment = $OctopusEnvironmentName
# Make sure a failed deployment actually fails
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Import the modules
$currentDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$moduleDir = "$currentDir\modules"
Import-Module BuildDeployModules
# Grab the environment settings
$environmentSettings = Get-EnvironmentSettings $environment "//environmentSettings"
$databaseSettings = $environmentSettings.serverDatabase
$websiteSettings = $
# update the config
Update-XmlConfigValues $currentDir\website\Web.config "//appSettings/add[#key='databaseName']" $($ "value"
Update-XmlConfigValues $currentDir\website\Web.config "//connectionStrings/add[#name='databaseConnection']" $($databaseSettings.connectionString) "connectionString"
Update-XmlConfigValues $currentDir\website\Web.config "//connectionStrings/add[#name='databaseConnection']" $($databaseSettings.providerName) "providerName"
# Install the web application
Install-WebApplication $environment $websiteSettings $version "anonymousAuthentication"
In doing all of this, the web application is installed into IIS with a specific application pool, and appropriate config transforms without relying on any unknowns.
Our nupkg structure looks something like this
[all of our build modules]
[all of our website files]
This is super repeatable, easy to maintain, and easy to edit config. Hope it helps