My flexform configuration doesn't show up - typo3

I tried to to make it possible to configure the FE plugins of my own extension. The flexform configurion I tried doesn't show up in the backend.
Why it doesn't work and what do I need to change?
I'm working with Typo3 8.7.3.
Here are the relevant code parts:
'Nächste Kurse'
$extensionName = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::underscoredToUpperCamelCase($_EXTKEY);
$frontendpluginName = 'Nextcourse';
$pluginSignature = strtolower($extensionName).'_'.strtolower($frontendpluginName);
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$pluginSignature] = 'pi_flexform';
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPiFlexFormValue($pluginSignature, 'FILE:EXT:'.$_EXTKEY.'/Configuration/FlexForms/Nextcourse.xml');
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<label>Ort wählen</label>
<items type="array">
<numIndex index="0" type="array">
<numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
<numIndex index="1"></numIndex>
AND elterndatensatz = 0

You can Use GLOBAL variables like below. it's work for me.
Just replace below line in your ext_tables.php file
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$pluginSignature] = 'pi_flexform';

In your ext_tables.php change syntax of $extKey to $_EXTKEY which will solve your issue, like:
'Nächste Kurse'
$extensionName = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::underscoredToUpperCamelCase($_EXTKEY);
$frontendpluginName = 'Nextcourse';
$pluginSignature = strtolower($extensionName).'_'.strtolower($frontendpluginName);
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$pluginSignature] = 'pi_flexform';
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPiFlexFormValue($pluginSignature, 'FILE:EXT:'.$_EXTKEY.'/Configuration/FlexForms/Nextcourse.xml');
Hint: Avoid using $_EXTKEY in the future, use extension key as string instead. It has been changed in core and various 3rd party extensions. It helps, when you move such configs to folder Configuration/TCA/.. where $_EXTKEY is not available.
Your flexform file misses closing tag for T3DataStructure like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<label>Ort wählen</label>
<items type="array">
<numIndex index="0" type="array">
<numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
<numIndex index="1"></numIndex>
AND elterndatensatz = 0


TYPO3 FAL in Flexform

I have a flexform with following code:
<allowed>jpg, jpeg, gif, png</allowed>
Until now this worked. But now in TYPO3 10 I get this error:
TCA internal_type of field "image" in table tt_content must be set to "db" or "folder".
How can I resolve this? How can I migrate my flexform to FAL? I've testet a few solutions but they ended in:
Invalid flex form data structure on field name "pi_flexform" with element "image" in section container "sliderConfiguration": Nesting inline elements in flex form sections is not allowed.
if i write
<settings.slider type="array">
<!-- -->
<appearance type="array">
<enabledControls type="array">
<headerThumbnail type="array">
<foreign_match_fields type="array">
then i get this error
Invalid flex form data structure on field name "pi_flexform" with element "media" in section container "sliderConfiguration": Nesting inline elements in flex form sections is not allowed.
I have written here the full flexform config which will run with typo3 10.
<foreign_types type="array">
<numIndex index="0">
<numIndex index="2">
<fieldname>image</fieldname> <!-- CAUTION!! Replace "fal" with the variable name of this field! -->
<appearance type="array">
<columns type="array">
<uid_local type="array">
<config type="array">
<appearance type="array">
<types type="array">
<numIndex index="2">
I have tested this will my all-new typo3 10 projects.
I hope it helps you.
Thank you!
Solution by max.haredoom works :)
Great work, man.
It is strange that it only works without "settings..."
If you need this for a custom content element then you can add something like this to your processor file:
if (isset($processedData['content']['images']) &&
(int) $processedData['content']['images'] > 0) {
$fileRepository = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileRepository::class);
$fileObjects = $fileRepository->findByRelation('tt_content', 'image', $processedData['data']['uid']);
// now loop over objects and get sys_file uids via $fileObject->getOriginalFile()->getUid();
What about doing it like it is done in the standard content elements?
In the TYPO3 Backend go to the module Configuration
and select $GLOBALS['TCA'] (Table configuration array)
then find the path to
select those fields and values and insert it as XML in your definition
I found this. The selected image is saved in tt_content. but it doesn't appear in the backend form after saving.
I found a solution: Please see here: How to create a file upload field in flexform of a custom extbase extension in TYPO3 10?
Or for your convenience:
<sheetTitle>Example 1</sheetTitle>
<!-- example of a working fal image -->
<!-- end -->
I got a similar bug after updating Typo3 9.x to Typo3 10.x,
if you want to edit a Field which was created by the DCE Extension.
My past config of a dce element, which gave me the error was:
After changing the <internal_type> from file to folder the error was gone end everything is fine again. The Backend also told me the option "db" will maybe also work in some cases.

Typo3 8.7.10 Switchable Controller Actions not working

From researching examples I have tried to create a switchable control action for my extension plugin, but it is not showing up. Can anybody help me figure out why?
In my ext_localconf.php I have the following:
'Events' => 'list, display'
// non-cacheable actions
'Events' => 'list, display'
In my ext_tables.php I have the following:
$pluginSignature = 'myeventplugin_Pi1';
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$pluginSignature] = 'pi_flexform';
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPiFlexFormValue($pluginSignature, 'FILE:EXT:myeventplugin/Configuration/FlexForms/flexform_pi1.xml');
In my Configuration/FlexForms/flexform_pi1.xml I have the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sheetTitle>Events Plugin Config</sheetTitle>
<items type="array">
<numIndex index="0" type="array">
<numIndex index="0">Event List</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">Events->list</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1" type="array">
<numIndex index="0">Event Display</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">Events->display</numIndex>
When I include the plugin I don't see the additional select menu that I have created, therefore I can't specify which action I want it to call.
I thought that perhaps the $pluginSignature variable was incorrect due to the casing. Therefore in ext_tables.php in have tried the following:
$extensionName = strtolower(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::underscoredToUpperCamelCase($_EXTKEY));
$pluginSignature = $extensionName.'_'.'Pi1';
$extensionName = strtolower(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::underscoredToUpperCamelCase($_EXTKEY));
$pluginSignature = $extensionName.'_'.'pi1';
$pluginSignature = 'myeventplugin_Pi1';
$pluginSignature = 'myeventplugin_pi1';
...but still no luck
I have a look in my last extension: in ext_tables.php i wrote
$extensionName = strtolower(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::underscoredToUpperCamelCase($extKey));
$pluginName = strtolower('plg');
$pluginSignature = $extensionName.'_'.$pluginName;
so, im my case $pluginSignature = 'thoffer_plg', in your case it has to be 'myeventplugin_pi1'.
Next lines:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_excludelist'][$pluginSignature] = 'layout,select_key,pages,recursive';
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$pluginSignature] = 'pi_flexform';
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPiFlexFormValue($pluginSignature, 'FILE:EXT:'.$extKey . '/Configuration/FlexForms/contentPlugin.xml');
This is functional for me, in your case it looks ok. The best way is to reinstall the extension, if you change values for flexforms, because this is normally deeply cached.

TYPO3 FlexForm is not appearing

This is my code. I don't know where is the mistake? Please refere following code and help me
$pluginSignature = str_replace('_','',$_EXTKEY) . '_rock';
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::registerPlugin( 'Rocktechnolabs.' . $_EXTKEY, 'rock', 'THE FAQS' );
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPiFlexFormValue($pluginSignature, 'FILE:EXT:' . $_EXTKEY . '/Configuration/FlexForms/flexform_rock.xml');
in Configuration/FlexForms/flexform_rock.xml
<label>Select function</label>
<numIndex index="0">
<numIndex index="0">List</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">Faq->list</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">
<numIndex index="0">Search</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">Faq->search</numIndex>
I tried a lot but i am not getting flexform during select plugin. Can you help me to find out the mistake?
You must add the flexform field to the subtypes_addlist:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$pluginSignature] = 'pi_flexform';
make sure your $pluginSignature matches result of $pluginSignature within ExtensionUtility::registerPlugin().
This is what's happening in that method:
$extensionName = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $extensionName)));
$pluginSignature = strtolower($extensionName) . '_' . strtolower($pluginName);
To me this looks different :)
Adding $GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$pluginSignature] = 'pi_flexform'; as Rene suggested is important as well.

How to translate templavoila template code to Fluid/Flux templating

I have a question regarding templavoila and Fluid.
I migrated my website from TYPO3 4.7.x to TYPO3 6.2.x where the TYPO3 4.7.x uses Templavoila.
I now want to translate Templavoila code to Fluid/Flux code.
for example I have a TemplaVoila Flexible CE for dropdown:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<meta type="array">
<ROOT type="array">
<tx_templavoila type="array">
<el type="array">
<field_dropdown_toggle type="array">
<tx_templavoila type="array">
<title>Text Dropdown Toggle</title>
<sample_data type="array">
<numIndex index="0">Style</numIndex>
<proc type="array">
<HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
<TypoScript type="NULL"></TypoScript>
<TCEforms type="array">
<config type="array">
<label>Text Dropdown Toggle</label>
<field_dropdown_menu type="array">
<tx_templavoila type="array">
<sample_data type="array">
<numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
10.source.current = 1
10.tables = tt_content
<oldStyleColumnNumber type="integer">0</oldStyleColumnNumber>
<TCEforms type="array">
<config type="array">
<field_dropdown_header type="array">
<tx_templavoila type="array">
<sample_data type="array">
<numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
10 = TEXT = register:tx_templavoila_pi1.parentRec.header
<field_dropdown_header_layout type="array">
<tx_templavoila type="array">
<title>Header Typ</title>
10 = TEXT
10 {
data = register:tx_templavoila_pi1.parentRec.header_layout
wrap = dropdown-header h|
<proc type="array">
<HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
and I would like to transform this code to flux like this:
<flux:field.input name="textToggle" label="Text Dropdown Toggle" />
Is there a documentation how to transform?
here is the screenshot of templavoila
How do I get exactly like using flux/fluid. I can get Input field but cannot get dropdown-menu.
Can anyone please suggest me what to do.
If my question is not clear, please let me know and I will try to explaiin it again.
I would appreciate your Help.
The extension sf_tv2fluidge (I'm the author) only supports migration of TV flexible content elements to GridElements. Since you are using flux, the migration will not work with sf_tv2fluidge.
You could try to use the fork of sf_tv2fluidge from techniConcept. They support flux, but require fluidpages and fluidcontent.

TYPO3 - How to show the right language only in FlexForm

In Flexform I have a tree view where I can select categories for my product. But it shows all three languages. It should only show the language that is the same as the element language.
What did I miss?
<meta type="array">
<langChildren type="integer">0</langChildren>
<langDisable type="integer">1</langDisable>
<label>Vælg kategori 1:</label>
<!-- ###STORAGE_PID### is set by the field GENERAL STORAGE PAGE on the page record - or a parent page record to affect a hole branch -->
<items type="array">
<numIndex index="100">
<numIndex index="0">Alle</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">-1</numIndex>
Here is a snippet that only shows the foreign entries of the same language.
<foreign_table_where>AND (sys_language_uid=CAST('###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid###' AS UNSIGNED) OR sys_language_uid = '-1') AND tx_origproducts_domain_model_category.deleted = 0 AND tx_origproducts_domain_model_category.hidden = 0</foreign_table_where>