I'm triyg to configure a project with projectile, Jdee and flycheck.
I have customized flycheck-check-syntax-automatically to just check the buffer when it is saved. But when I save, this error is showed:
error in process filter: Removing directory: Permission denied, c:/Users/xxxxx/AppData/Local/Temp/JDEE_flycheck_13016Htm
That folder seems to be locked by jdee-server. Any clue?
I have vsc version 1.63.2. I'm getting the following notification:"File changes watcher stopped unexpectedly. A reload of the window may enable the watcher again unless the workspace cannot be watched for file changes." In the "Window" logs (opened using the "Developer: Open Log File..." command from the Command Palette), there's an error:
[renderer4] [error] [File Watcher (parcel)] Unexpected error: Bad file descriptor (EUNKNOWN) (path: /home/username/project_root)
[renderer4] [error] [File Watcher (parcel)] gave up attempting to restart watcher after error: Bad file descriptor
Any help troubleshooting this is greatly appreciated!
There is a bug when the project directory contains files you don't own.
For instance, you can have a docker volume that generate root files. -_-
A fix has been done but isn't released yet: http://giters.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/139523
As a workaround you can find offending files with:
find . ! -user myusername
Then you should add them to settings.json:
"files.watcherExclude": {
"**/.git/objects/**": true,
"**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true,
"**/node_modules/*/**": true,
"**/mongodb/mongo-volume/**": true,
"**/rabbitmq/data/**": true,
"**/rabbitmq/logs/**": true
You must provide full relative path from project root directory or it won't work.
I need help getting agda mode to work on my emacs system. Essentially, syntax highlighting only occurs after I save and not in real time like other standard modes. I did the basic tutorial. I run Manjaro on my system so I used pacman to install agda ( and agda-stdlib (1.2-1). After that, I did
agda-mode setup
What this did was add
(load-file (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8))
(shell-command-to-string "agda-mode locate")))
to my .init.el in my .emacs.d file. So then, I thought everything was well. However, when I did boot up emacs and I tried using some file I found on the internet to learn agda ( https://oxij.org/note/BrutalDepTypes.lagda). However, there only seems to be syntax highlighting when I save the file and any new text is not colored until saved. I tried to solve this by instead removing the code from .init.el in .emacs.d and instead putting it in my .init.el in .doom.d instead. But still I get the same results. I also did sudo agda-mode compile as well which gives me the following output:
Loading quail/latin-ltx...
I use sudo because otherwise I get this
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-abbrevs.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-abbrevs.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-abbrevs.elc
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/annotation.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/annotation.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/annotation.elc
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-queue.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-queue.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-queue.elc
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/eri.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/eri.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/eri.elc
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2.elc
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda-input.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda-input.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda-input.elc
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-highlight.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-highlight.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-highlight.elc
Loading quail/latin-ltx...
>>Error occurred processing /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-mode.el: File error (("Opening output file" "Cannot overwrite file" "/usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-mode.elc"))
Removing old name: Permission denied, /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode/agda2-mode.elc
Unable to compile the following Emacs Lisp files:
But this failed to work too.
I tried a different file too:
{- My Agda Tutorial-}
Module Tut where
open import Data.List
rev : {A : Set} -> List A -> List A
which didn't change much, but also gave me this error when I tried to typecheck the file
/usr/share/agda/lib/_build: createDirectory: permission denied
(Permission denied)
Any thoughts on how to fix this? I would really like to use my same doom config.
syntax highlighting only occurs after I save
This is intended. The coloration occurs after the buffer has successfully been typecked. You are trying to solve an issue that presumably does not exist.
Since type checking the buffer is an essential part in an Agda development you should not have a hard time getting used to doing it often while programming.
In order to manually call the type checker, the shortcut is CTRL-C CTRL-L.
(1/1) #1476107295 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\Exception PHP Warning:
filemtime(): stat failed for
line 625
It seems that the file fileadmin/templates/main_1_column_with_menu.htmldoesn't exist. Create the file, check the file permission or change the path in your configuration.
I am doing an iphone app, were my code works fine with out any error, but when i build the code its failing. and i am getting an error like
rsync: rename "/Users/pcmac/Desktop/Digidrive(IPhone)/Build/RestKit/Support/.svn/.format.0FKOPh" -> "RestKit/Support/.svn/format": Operation not permitted (1)
I am getting this error many at a time and finally says:
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 23
Can anyone give me solution to solve this ?
It seems you've added RestKit via Subversion (SVN). Is this really what you want? Why not get this dependency from CocoaPods or donwload it from RestKit.org as a source package?
I'd suspect the file permissions on .svn/.format.OFKOPh; to check them:
open a terminal window
change to the .svn dir:
cd /Users/pcmac/Desktop/Digidrive(IPhone)/Build/RestKit/Support/.svn/
check permissions:
ls -la .format*
if the permissions are wrong (i.e. you are not allowed to move the file):
chmod 644 .format.OFKOPh
My Project is running under ZF 1.11, and it throws this error randomly:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Session_Exception' with message 'Zend_Session::start() - /home/user/www/MyProject/library/Zend/Session.php(Line:469): Error #8 session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/tmp) failed: Permission denied (13) Array' in /home/user/www/MyProject/library/Zend/Session.php:482 Stack trace:
#0 /home/user/www/MyProject/library/Zend/Session/Namespace.php(143): Zend_Session::start(true)
#1 /home/user/www/MyProject/library/Dlx/Acl/Permissao.php(8): Zend_Session_Namespace->__construct('user_info')
#2 /home/user/www/MyProject/application/Bootstrap.php(72): Dlx_Acl_Permissao->__construct(Object(Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql))
#3 /home/user/www/MyProject/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/BootstrapAbstract.php(669): Bootstrap->_initLoaders()
#4 /home/user/www/MyProject/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/BootstrapAbstract.php(622): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_BootstrapAbstract->_executeResource('loaders')
#5 /home/user/ in /home/user/www/MyProject/library/Zend/Session.php on line 482
As you can see, it tries to clean the session in /tmp directory, but in my application.ini the configuration sets session.save_path to APPLICATION_PATH "/../data/session" (ZF default conf), and it saves the session in this path, but when gc runs, it tries to clean in the wrong directory
This is my application.ini session configuration:
Btw, /data and /data/session permission are set to 777
Any ideas ?
Check your php.ini /tmp seems top be the default directory for php session saves. Although in my installation the save path line is commented out. ;session.save_path = "/tmp"
You can also debug by dumping Zend_Session::getOptions(); (it is a static method) to make sure your parameters are being correctly set.
This might be the cause of the exception:
string save_path - The correct value is system dependent, and should
be provided by the developer using an absolute path to a directory
readable and writable by the PHP process. If a writable path is not
supplied, then Zend_Session will throw an exception when started
(i.e., when start() is called).
Hopefully it's this simple, just supply an absolute path and check permissions.
The .. in the path may be the problem. APPLICATION_PATH "/../data/session"