I am using the WatchKit framework, and using the class WKCrownDelegate. I am trying to move my spriteNode Named "PLAYER" in x direction using the Digital Crown of the Apple Watch. in the console I see my Digital Crown Working and Presenting me with print numbers regarding which direction I'm scrolling but my spriteNode is not moving.
I want to detect the action of rotate the wheel on the new Apple TV Siri Remote 2nd Generation.
Is there a way to know which direction clockwise or anti-clockwise?
How can i get the speed of rotation or any data related to this circular action?
Apple did not announce any new gesture recognizer for this new gesture, but you can implement it by yourself.
To do it you can use the GameController SDK that will allow you to get the absolute location of the user finger in the digitizer. Once you have the coordinates of the gesture location you can apply some trigonometry maths to detect if they are rotating the finger clockwise or anticlockwise.
I wrote a post with further details here:
I am kind of new to Unity in general, i am building a 2 player online board game using PUN 2. where players camera opposite to each other. i rotate the Game Board 180 degree for 2nd player. I have encountered a problem with the changing position. my approach to this problem is not correct to rotate 180 degree.
I am kind of new to SpriteKit and I am using Swift language.
Here is my issue..
In the attached image , the BasketBall and Ring is a SkSpriteNode type.
The physicsBody?.dynamic is set to false for the the Ring
The physicsBody?.dynamic is set to true for the the BasketBall.
as expected the ball moves around the screen and also bounces when hits the corner or bottom. The ball also bounces when it hits the Ring , which is good to some extent.
Now I would like to make the ball pass through the ring if it is at a proper location...just like in basket ball game. How to accomplish this ?
I want to detect movement of an object in iOS camera. Actually I am working on a project where the iOS camera is placed some where and when it detects any movement on the camera screen then it gives notification or fire any particular event.
Please suggest if how can I achieve the same.
I have a scene divided in 3 different planes and I want to move these planes, left or right relative to the rotation of the device on the axis, so when the device is at 0 degree to the surface the planes will be on center. I see this effect on the home screen of a game from my iPod touch (first generation).
Which sensor I must work with for creating a similar effect?
To achieve a parallax effect, add the CoreMotion framework to your project and construct a CMMotionManager. Then for a device that has a gyroscope, you can use startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue:withHandler: and inspect motion.attitude.roll in your handler block.
For a device that doesn't have a gyroscope, you can use startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue:withHandler: and inspect accelerometerData.acceleration.x, or you can use UIAccelerometer and implement UIAccelerometerDelegate. Either way, you'll probably want to create a low-pass filter to help distinguish gravity from linear acceleration. The GLGravity project has an example of this.
See the section on Motion Events in the Event Handling Guide for iOS.
try this UIView category
you get the parallax effect on chosen UIView (or it's subclasses) objects with simply setting 1 property value