What does this mean: "You do not have to provide an explicit implementation of a required initializer if you can satisfy the requirement"? - swift

I've found this note in the Swift documentation about initializers:
You do not have to provide an explicit implementation of a required initializer if you can satisfy the requirement with an inherited initializer.
What is an "explicit" implementation? What is an "implicit" one then?
What does "satisfy the requirement with an inherited initializer" mean precisely?
Could you give me a code example, in which I don't have to provide an explicit implementation of a required initializer?

Here's an example with an inline explanation:
protocol JSONInitializable { // Use Encoders, but just for example
init(fromJSON: String)
class Foo: JSONInitializable {
let x: Int
// "required" is necessary because this init is required for the
// conformance to JSONInitializable
required init(fromJSON json: String) {
x = 123 //some value from the JSON
class Baz: Foo {
// `init(fromJSON json: String)` can be inherited,
// so it's implicitly defined for Baz, as well as Foo.
class Bar: Foo {
// The presence of this uninitialized constant `y` requires an
// a value in the declaration, or an initializer that sets it
let y: Int
// Since we didn't specify a value for `y` in its declaration,
// this initializer must be explicitly specified so as to initialize `y`.
// Doing so blocks the inheritance of `init(fromJSON json: String)` from
// the super class, and requires us to define it ourselves,
// in order to preserve conformance to `JSONInitializable`
required init(fromJSON json: String) {
y = 0
super.init(fromJSON: json)

It is saying this: If you have initialized all your properties as you declare them, there's no need to write an initializer.
Normally, when you have properties declared and not set, you write an init() method and set them there, and if there's a required initializer in the parent class, you call
super.init(possible, arg: anotherArg)
Since you don't need to set anything, you don't need to write anything, and since there's no init in your class, the super call will happen automatically. (Of course, if the required init needs values passed in, you still need to supply them.) So how is that accomplished? (see below.) The bottom line is that most of the work is done for you.
However, once you write an init(), then you're taking away this automatic behavior, and you have to make sure that those "automatic" calls are explicitly made.
Finally, before I provide an example, I should address this statement:
"if you can satisfy the requirement with an inherited initializer"
If the parent doesn't have an initializer which takes no arguments, how will it get those arguments? In that case you need initialize your class using that required super's init with the proper arguments.
Here's an example of a view controller which is not set up in IB, I would normally create it using the super's required initializer, since I didn't write an initializer for my derived class:
let vc = MagicController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
import UIKit
import Dotzu
class MagicController: UIViewController, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {
let action = #selector(MagicController.buttonTapped(_:))
let action2 = #selector(MagicController.secondButtonTapped(_:))
let mainAction = #selector(MagicController.mainButtonTapped(_:))
let defaultPalette = Palette.randomPalette()
var questions = [Question]()
var startTime = TimeInterval()
var endTime = TimeInterval()
var selectedTimeIndex = 0
var selectedTagIndex = 0
var selectedRatingIndex = 0
var selectedTag = "swift"
let timeSpanDropDown = DropDown()
let ratingDropDown = DropDown()
let tagDropDown = DropDown()
var pageNumber = 1
var savedIndex = 0
var savedPostId = -1
var quotaCount = -1
var isFirstTime = true
let queryFactory = Queries(client: APIClient())
var timeSpanButton = UIBarButtonItem()
var ratingButton = UIBarButtonItem()
var tagButton = UIBarButtonItem()
var dbButton = UIBarButtonItem() // πŸ—„
/// start the console log, configure the main view's buttons/actions and present the UI
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = []
configureButtons(container: view)
///configure the buttons/actions, prepare and present the UI
/// The first time this is called it sets up the buttons and drop downs
/// cleanupDataSource() has no effect the first time it is called
/// - Parameter animated: passed to super
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if isFirstTime {
isFirstTime = false
/// etc.
As you can see, I did not write an init for this view controller, even though a view controller has a required init. I initialized my view controller using an init() that isn't even in my code.


Swift: Convert object instance name to String for use as key

Given var varName = "varValue", is there a way in Swift to convert the variable name to String at runtime? For example in this case I would get back "varName".
I already know about Mirror APIs for reflection in Swift. That allows me to iterate over the properties of a given class but I would like to apply this to self for any given class. I want to use this to generate String keys automatically for any given object (irrespective of which class it belongs to)
extension UIView {
var key: String {
return "" //TODO: Convert self to varName as String
// Usage
let customView = UIView()
customView.key // should be "customView"
The OP added this comment clarifying the requirements:
I need the 'key' to be different for 2 instances of UIView. I want that key to be the same every time for that particular instance i.e. the key shouldn't change if the app is restarted or the view instance is destroyed and recreated. I can use this key as key in caching. Another use case can be to use it as accessibilityIdentifier to help with UITesting.
In that case, I suggest to not even think about using ✨magic✨. Just explicitly give your view instances an identifier. You could also totally just reuse existing properties on UIView like tag or accessibilityIdentifier. If that's not enough or not convenient enough, subclass:
class IdentifiableView: UIView {
public private(set) var identifier: String
init(frame: CGRect, identifier: String) {
self.identifier = identifier
super.init(frame: frame)
self.accessibilityIdentifier = identifier
init() {
fatalError("Must use init(frame:identifier:)")
override init(frame: CGRect) {
fatalError("Must use init(frame:identifier:)")
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("Must use init(frame:identifier:)")
// Usage
let firstView = IdentifiableView(frame: .zero, identifier: "First View")
let otherView = IdentifiableView(frame: .zero, identifier: "Second View")
If, according to your comment, you simply want "objects to return a unique key that does not change", you could simply use their memory address:
extension UIView {
var key: String {
return "\(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())"
let firstView = UIView()
firstView.key // -> "0x00007fbc29d02f10"
firstView.key // -> "0x00007fbc29d02f10"
let otherView = UIView()
otherView.key // -> "0x00007fbc29d06920"
otherView.key // -> "0x00007fbc29d06920"
For each instance of UIView you create this will return a unique value that will not change.
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish here but I think you can convert variable name to string in Swift with #keyPath(propertyName) but it requires you to add #objc to your var.
For example
class MyViewController : UIViewController {
#objc var name: String = "John"
prints name in the console.

Accessing a computed property outside of a method

I have a generic function inside a class in which a computed property is declared:
class CalculatorBrain {
var internalProgram = [AnyObject]()
var accumulator: Double = 0.0
var variableValues: Dictionary<String,Double> = [:]
func setOperand<T> (operand: T) {
if operand is Double {
accumulator = operand as! Double
internalProgram.append(operand as AnyObject)
else if variableName == operand as? String {
var dictionaryValue: Double? {
get {
return variableValues[variableName!]
set {
accumulator = newValue!
internalProgram.append(newValue! as AnyObject)
I want to set dictionaryValue to the value shown in the display from the view controller:
private var brain = CalculatorBrain()
#IBAction func setVariableValue(_ sender: UIButton) {
brain.dictionaryValue = displayValue
Obviously I can't, because dictionaryValue is locally defined and "Value of type CalculatorBrain has no memeber dictionaryValue" Now the question is, how can I make a computed property global, and make changes to it from inside a class method? Or, how can I access a computed property defined inside a class method from outside the function?
The problem is dictionaryValue is not a computed property of your class, it is just a variable declared in the setOperand function, so it is not accessible from outside the function.
You should declare it as a stored property of your class and change it when setOperand is called.

Call external function using WatchKit force touch MenuItem

I need to implement a WatchKit force-touch MenuItem to call a saveWorkout() method that is located in a separate class that does not subclass WKInterfaceController.
I realize that every class needs at least one designated initializer. I am guessing this is the key?
Btw, my "saveSession() reached" print statement logs to the console when using the sim but not when I use a device. All other print statements log to the console even when using the device. A bit odd.
My attempts at initialization throw various errors such as:
1.fatal error: use of unimplemented initializer 'init()' for class 'DashboardController'
2.Missing argument for parameter 'context' in call
class DashboardController: WKInterfaceController {
#IBOutlet var timerLabel: WKInterfaceTimer!
#IBOutlet weak var milesLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!
// var wSM: WorkoutSessionManager
//init(wSM: WorkoutSessionManager) {
// self.wSM = wSM
// super.init()
// }
override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {
addMenuItemWithItemIcon(.Accept, title: "Save", action: #selector(DashboardController.saveSession))
override func willActivate() {
print("Dashboard controller reached")
func saveSession() {
print("saveSession() reached")
class WorkoutSessionContext {
let healthStore: HKHealthStore
let activityType: HKWorkoutActivityType
let locationType: HKWorkoutSessionLocationType
init(healthStore: HKHealthStore, activityType: HKWorkoutActivityType = .Other, locationType: HKWorkoutSessionLocationType = .Unknown) {
self.healthStore = healthStore
self.activityType = activityType
self.locationType = locationType
protocol WorkoutSessionManagerDelegate: class {
// ... protocol methods
class WorkoutSessionManager: NSObject, HKWorkoutSessionDelegate {
let healthStore: HKHealthStore
let workoutSession: HKWorkoutSession
init(context: WorkoutSessionContext) {
self.healthStore = context.healthStore
self.workoutSession = HKWorkoutSession(activityType: context.activityType, locationType: context.locationType)
self.currentActiveEnergyQuantity = HKQuantity(unit: self.energyUnit, doubleValue: 0.0)
self.currentDistanceQuantity = HKQuantity(unit: self.distanceUnit, doubleValue: 0.0)
self.workoutSession.delegate = self
func saveWorkout() {
guard let startDate = self.workoutStartDate, endDate = self.workoutEndDate else {return}
// ...code...
The fatal error is (or was) caused by this line:
let wSM = WorkoutSessionManager()
That line creates a new instance of WorkoutSessionManager and calls init() on it.
Swift provides a default initializer called init() for any structure or class that provides default values for all of its properties and does not provide at least one initializer itself. But WorkoutSessionManager does not provide default values for the healthStore and workoutSession properties (and those properties are not optionals), and it provides its own initializer named init(context:), so it has no default initializer.
You need to either create your instance of WorkoutSessionManager using the designated initializer init(context:) (passing an appropriate instance of WorkoutSessionContext) or provide a default initializer for WorkoutSessionManager named init().
The precise manner in which you should do the former depends on the implementation of the rest of your app and the presentation of your DashboardController. I assume you are trying to recreate the "Fit" app shown in WWDC 2015 Session 203.
In that demonstration, the initial controller is an instance of ActivityInterfaceController, and that controller is responsible for presenting the next interface (via segues created in the storyboard). You can see the following code in the ActivityInterfaceController class:
override func contextForSegueWithIdentifier(segueIdentifier: String) -> AnyObject? {
let activityType: HKWorkoutActivityType
switch segueIdentifier {
case "Running":
activityType = .Running
case "Walking":
activityType = .Walking
case "Cycling":
activityType = .Cycling
activityType = .Other
return WorkoutSessionContext(healthStore: self.healthStore, activityType: activityType)
The function above creates and returns a new instance of WorkoutSessionContext using an instance of HKHealthStore held by the initial controller. The context returned by that function is passed to the destination interface controller for the relevant segue through awakeWithContext.
For transitions in code, you can pass a context instance using equivalent functions such as pushControllerWithName(context:) which also lead to awakeWithContext.
If your initial controller is similar to the above, you can access the passed context in awakeWithContext in your DashboardController class and use it to configure a new instance of WorkoutSessionManager:
class DashboardController: WKInterfaceController
// ...
var wSM: WorkoutSessionManager?
override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {
if context is WorkoutSessionContext {
wSM = WorkoutSessionManager(context: context as! WorkoutSessionContext)
addMenuItemWithItemIcon(.Accept, title: "Save", action: #selector(DashboardController.saveSession))
// ...
Creating an instance of WorkoutSessionManager in that way avoids calling the (non-existent) init() initializer and permits reuse of the HKHealthStore instance. Whether that approach is open to you depends on the rest of your code and the way you are presenting your DashboardController.
Note that you should avoid creating multiple instances of WorkoutSessionManager. Use a singleton to provide a single instance of WorkoutSessionManager that is shared across your extension.

Swift initialization stored property outside init method of class issue

I have an swift class
class ApplicationManager {
var fanMode: FanMode
func applyDefaultSettings()
if let unwrappedFanMode = userDefaults.valueForKey(Consts.kStoredFanMode) as? FanMode {
self.fanMode = unwrappedFanMode
The code above throws this issue:
Use of 'self' in method call 'applyDefaultSettings' before all stored properties are initialized
What should I do here? So as message say I need to initialize all stored properties before I call any other method of class. So it means in init method I should initialize at least fanMode property. But I want to have method that apply kind of default settings for my properties to provide simple readability and clean code architecture. But maybe it's ok to use initializer of class to init all needed fields.
You also can do it by using this code:
var fanMode: FanMode = {
if let unwrappedFanMode = userDefaults.valueForKey(Consts.kStoredFanMode) as? FanMode {
return unwrappedFanMode
} else {
return FanMode()//some default implementation
It is readable as You want.
As per Apple documentation, Swift does not allow you to left uninitialised variables or constants. If you want to set some default settings then assign your variables with initial values that will act as your default settings and later you can change them.
All instance properties must be initialized in the init method. You can either move the initialization to the init (defaultMode would be your default value if userDefaults is nil):
init() {
fanMode = (userDefaults?.valueForKey(Consts.kStoredFanMode) as? FanMode) ?? defaultMode
Set a default value for that property, for example:
var fanMode: FanMode = defaultMode
Or you can make your fanMode nullable:
var fanMode: FanMode? = nil
You can use an implicity unwrapped optional. Just add a ! to the variable declaration.
class ApplicationManager {
var fanMode: FanMode! //Implicitly unwrapped optional.
func applyDefaultSettings()
if let unwrappedFanMode = userDefaults.valueForKey(Consts.kStoredFanMode) as? FanMode {
self.fanMode = unwrappedFanMode
Basically it tricks xCode into telling it "Hey this variable is initialized and value will never be nil". But you want to be careful using these as if it does turn out to be nil your program will crash. But in your case it should be fine since you initialize it in the init method so it will never be nil before using it.

variable cannot be modified in another class

am trying to modify a variable in another class, but it doesn't change.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var t = 1
override func viewDidLoad() {
t = 9
var pp = action().test()
println(pp) // got β€œ2” here
the above should print "10" , but it shows "2".
another swift file:
class action {
var k = ViewController().t
func test()->Int{
return k
Anything I made wrong?
When you have a class with properties, and create an instance of that class, properties are bound to the class instance and not the class type. So if you create 2 instances of the same class their properties are independent, so if you change a property in one instance, that won't affect the same property in the other instance.
Note: by convention, in swift type names always start in uppercase, so I have renamed action to Action in my code.
Your code isn't working as expected because in the Action class you are creating a new instance of ViewController:
var k = ViewController().t
which has no relationship with the instance used to instantiate Action - so the new instance will have its t property set to 1.
The correct way to fix it is to pass the view controller instance to Action, and let it work on that instance.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var t = 1
override func viewDidLoad() {
t = 9
var action = Action(viewController: self)
var pp = action.test()
println(pp) // got β€œ2” here
class Action {
var k: Int
init(viewController: ViewController) {
self.k = viewController.t
func test()->Int{
return k
The above code should give an indication of what's wrong with your code, but it can be written in a better way. Action doesn't really need the ViewController instance, it just needs an integer passed in to its initializer, so a better way to achieve the same result is by modifying the code as follows:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var t = 1
override func viewDidLoad() {
t = 9
var action = Action(t: self.t)
var pp = action.test()
println(pp) // got β€œ2” here
class Action {
var k: Int
init(t: Int) {
self.k = t
func test()->Int{
return k