Command Manager Create Fact Script not seeing table - microstrategy

I keep getting a message when I try to run the script below in command manager, that the table isn't in the folder. However when I look in the folder the table is right there, with "logical table" in the details column. Can anyone see what the issue is with my script?

Just checked and it seems you have to omit the base path to the table. Check the outline-example for "Create Fact" of the CommandManager (always helpful).
So this will work:
CREATE FACT "TestFact" IN FOLDER "\Schema Objects\Facts\BulkFactTest" EXPRESSION "StuffCount" EXPSOURCETABLES "TableName" FOR PROJECT "ProjectName";
Note: even when moving tables/table-aliases to subfolders you have to only provide the table-name in EXPSOURCETABLES. Sadly documentation is not the strong suit of MSTR.


KDB generating ERROR:file/path/location/sym os reports: No such file or directory

I am trying to save table as partition using .Q.dpt[hdbroot;.z.d;`tablename].
But it's generating No such file or directory error, but the directory is present.
can you please help me on this.
I have created blank folder to store the data but it's checking for sym file while storing data.
I have created one blank folder and gave that folder path to hdbroot variable, but it's not working.
I could replicate your error by trying to save to a location that doesn't exist on the machine.
'/does/not/exist/sym. OS reports: No such file or directory
[0] .Q.dpt[`:/does/not/exist;.z.d;`t]
Like I mentioned in my comment, make sure that the hdbroot variable is exactly the location you're expecting. key can help you determine this, here is a quick helper function for you.
q)exists:{"Folder/file ",$[11=abs type key x;"exists";"does not exist"]}
"Folder/file does not exist"
"Folder/file exists"

Object reference exception when importing content in Episerver

We are using Optimizely/Episerver CMS 11.20. When trying to export a page hierarchy from our production environment and then import the resulting ExportedFile.episerverdata file to our acceptance test environment I get the following error:
[Importing content 70725_133679] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I have no idea what 70725_133679 is referring to. Is there a way to look this up, e.g. via an SQL query against the "EPi" database?
It refers to a specific version of some content (which could be just about anything).
You could try to browse to https://yoursite/EPiServer/CMS/#context=epi.cms.contentdata:///70725_133679 (note the ID at the end) to see which content it is.
Got another answer on a Optimizely forum (thanks to Surjit Bharath):
The following SQL against the EPi database gives information about the referenced content:
select * from tblContent where pkID = 70725 
select * from tblWorkContent where pkID = 133679
This too points to a submit button. I have yet to understand why that block would cause an exception during import, but now I at least have a place to start digging.

Fully qualified name with dollar sign in SSDT project

I was working on a tsql project, and I have noticed that the existing code used a syntax that I have not seen before. They have put a dollar sign in front of the database name for fully qualified address.
Here is one example :
SELECT c.AccountCode, FROM **[$(SmartAdmin)]**.dbo.Customers c
If I rename the database name as SmartAdmin.dbo.Customers, Visual Studio throws error says "contains an unresolved reference to an object".
It appears to be a Visual Studio related thing, can anyone explain what is this and
whether I can remove it.
Please see the attached screenshots, the last one comes from project solution file.
The [$(SmartAdmin)] syntax is used in an SSDT project to reference objects in other databases. To be precise, it is SQLCMD syntax.
If you have a database reference to SmartAdmin, and if the reference is set up so that [$(SmartAdmin)] properly references it, then that is not the problem. It looks like the problem is the other two references to [SmartAdmin]. Change them to look like [$(SmartAdmin)].dbo.whatever.
Example of why these references are useful: I just edited a stored procedure I had in SSDT to misspell a column name. Within seconds, the column name was underlined in red. I then deleted the database reference the column name depended on. The red underline went away. I added the database reference back, and the column was once again underlined in red. I corrected the column name, and the red underline went away.
Without the database reference, I would have had to wait until the stored procedure was deployed, or possibly executed, to see the error. With the database reference, I found out about the problem in the editor. Just like code.
It appears to me that your database is actually called $(SmartAdmin)
As the error suggests "contains an unresolved reference to an object". which means when you change the database name to SmartAdmin, it cannot find a database with this name on server.
If you want to change the database name you will need to execute the following statement and then you will be able to use that name in your statements.
USE master;
EXEC sp_renamedb '$(SmartAdmin)', 'SmartAdmin';
USE SmartAdmin; --<-- Now you will be able to connect to this database
GO -- without the dollar ($) sign.
This issue relates to Database Project External Database References. When you add another solution to a database project, you can specify the "Database Variable Name", in my case, it is $(SmartAdmin).
Please see this link for more information.
Thanks everybody for answering my question.

How to create a view using mkview in clearcase tool?

How to create a view using the clearcase command mode? How to create it?
mkview -tag mainr2 \\ccaseind\viewstore\mainr2.vws
I even tried these too
mkview -tag mainr2 //ccaseind/viewstore/mainr2.vws
when i execute these command it says unable to create directory followed with unable to create view?What command should i follow? and how to create a view? also tell me the use trigger types, attribute types, html types in Clearcase.Thank you in advance
You would use a Windows-style UNC path, so: \\ccaseind\viewstore\mainr2.vws
You can see example of dynamic and snapshot view creation in the question "How do I create a snapshot view of some project or stream in ClearCase?"
(just remove the -stream argument which is used by UCM)
For a snapshot view, in your case, you are missing a -vws in front of the shared path.

Storing resources into "sub-bundle"?

I'd like to know if it is possible to store resources data into "sub-bundles" or "sub-packages" that I could put into my main AppBundle.
Indeed, I'd like to create a kind of player that reads "content packages", which are all organized the same way, with a standard hierarchical organization :
- index.txt
- credits.txt
- Pictures/
-- Pic1.png
-- Pic2.png
- Movies/
My problem is that I can't find any way to make benefit of a hierarchical organisation into my Application package - I mean that I don't know how to distinguish "Folder1/index.txt" from "Folder2/index.txt", because I just use the "index.txt" identifier when I try to load the content of the file ...
I hope someone could help me, by the way I apologize for my poor english,
First, make sure that you're copying the files into subdirectories of Resources. One way to do this is to add your Package1 as a "folder reference" (select "Create Folder References" instead of "Recursively create groups" when you add it to the project). Another way to do it is to create a new Copy Files build action that copies the files into a subdirectory of Resources.
Once you've done that, you can use NSBundle's -pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory: to find the particular file you want. There's no need to go to the trouble of creating a sub-bundle (which is possible, but more complex).