OTRS REST API with Python - rest

I try to use the REST API from Webservice OTRS. Actual I use python with the extention pyotrs, the request to OTRS found my configuration-File (yml) but there is the error "Session was not found on this server".
The documentation is really bad, I try this yml-File https://github.com/OTRS/otrs/blob/master/development/webservices/GenericTicketConnectorREST.yml
and try to do it manual,
but nothing worked :-(
Has anyone experience with the configuration of the OTRS (5) webservice with REST?


Not Found http://localhost:3000/openapi.json -loopback 3

Please help me,I'm stuck at this point.
Steps done succesfully,
1)Install loopback 3
2)datasource is created ,generated models from mysql and generator script
3)updated model-config.json
4)loopback has run with no errors
Web server listening at: http://localhost:3000
Browse your REST API at http://localhost:3000/explorer
---This was command prompt
5)when trying to access that Not Found http://localhost:3000/openapi.json
LoopBack 3 does not support OpenAPI v3, we support the older v2 specification only (it's usually referred to as Swagger).
The API spec in Swagger JSON format is available at the following URL:
Please check out the recently announced LoopBack 4 version if you are interested in OpenAPI v3: the announcement and the new website.
I faced same error
Clear your browser cache then run URl

WSO2 Carbon 404 Error Redirection for Webapp Deployment?

We are using WSO2 Carbon 4.2.0 through the WSO2 Application Server (AS) package. In replacing an older, highly customized Carbon installation (provided by a company that no longer supports the product, has abandoned it and refuses to work on it, and left us no details on how/what they modified in Carbon), we have deployed a couple web applications in the webapps container as they were deployed before in the older instance. We have changed our WebContextRoot in the carbon.xml from the default "/" to a sub-URL of ex: "/stuff", as is also detailed in the self-answered SO question here. However the answer given there is not detailed in what the OP actually encountered when he modified his WSO2 instance.
In testing the above configuration we noticed that if a user were to go to a non-existent web address on the server, depending on the format of the URL they are either:
redirected to a blank page;
receive a "500 Internal server error" (I suspect this is the embedded Tomcat?);
get sent to the Carbon login page (which we definitely do not want to happen for security reasons); or
get an XML document stating:
<faultString> The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) /stuff/services/nonexistantservicename </faultString>
At least in the case of missing content we wish the user to be sent to a standardized 404 error page, or at the least be sent an HTTP 404 error by the server. For services the XML error is palatable, we can deal with that.
The only option for us right now to circumvent this issue is to place a proxy in front of the WSO2 instance, which would be another layer to manage and tune, and possibly degrade performance. Please know that I am not a programmer but just an admin with DevOps experience. I would not know how to handle this with e.g. a Java solution or re-coding parts of WSO2. Customizing the core product would also hamper future upgrades of WSO2, a scenario we are trying to dig ourselves out of now as detailed above. Is there no internal WSO2 mechanism to handle non-existent content? Can we not redirect any errors to a standard canned response page?

Where do I find the Spotify auth.js script?

I'm trying to use Spotify's auth.authenticateWithFacebook API and am getting the following error in the console log:
Uncaught Error: Failed to read "sp://import/scripts/api/auth.js"
This occurs when the following is execute:
var auth = sp.require('sp://import/scripts/api/auth');
Is the auth module public yet?
I am trying this as a result of a response to "How do I connect my Spotify App to Facebook Connect?" where they suggest the use of the auth module.
I have downloaded the latest client preview with no difference.
Download the preview version from this post.
This is a really old post, but in case anyone ends up here from a search engine or a related SO post, I'd just like to add that Facebook authentication has since been added to the API (version 1.x.). Please see this page for documentation around auth.

issues running jiraSOAP from ruby

I am trying my hands on accessing jira from ruby using the jiraSOAP gem.
I'm running ruby 1.9.2
But the moment I pass in my login credentials, I get the following error:
RuntimeError: The response is not a valid SOAP envelope
from /Users/rahulbaxi/.rvm/gems/ruby1.9.2p180/gems/handsoap1.1.8/lib/handsoap-/service.rb:388:in on_missing_document'
from /Users/rahulbaxi/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/handsoap-1.1.8/lib/handsoap/service.rb:442:in `parse_http_response'`
from /Users/rahulbaxi/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/handsoap-1.1.8/lib/handsoap/service.rb:250:in `invoke'
from /Users/rahulbaxi/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/jiraSOAP-0.10.3/lib/jiraSOAP/api.rb:55:in `build'
from /Users/rahulbaxi/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/jiraSOAP-0.10.3/lib/jiraSOAP/api.rb:69:in `soap_call'
from /Users/rahulbaxi/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/jiraSOAP-0.10.3/lib/jiraSOAP/api.rb:18:in `login'
from (irb):3
from /Users/rahulbaxi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'`
Please help me out fix this!
Perhaps one of these samples will help.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'jira4r/jira4r'
jira = Jira::JiraTool.new(2, "http://jira.atlassian.com")
jira.login("soaptester", "soaptester")
puts jira.getProject("DEMO").inspect
Did you ensure that the JIRA instance has the RPC feature turned on?
It would be really helpful to see the HTTP response that is coming from the JIRA server and to know what version of JIRA it is
ended up using jira4r-jh which works just fine with ruby 1.9

How to push contacts to Microsoft Exchange from Talend?

I'm trying to use Talend Open Studio to sync contacts from a variety of input sources into an Exchange 2007 server.
I know Talend can talk SOAP, and EWS has a WSDL, but having bumped into all
sorts of problems trying to marry the two together (since Exchange's WSDL is lacking elements which Talend needs) I don't know if that's the best plan of attack, or if I should be looking at building a more Exchange-specific plugin for Talend using the EWS Java API from MS.
Alternatively, if these are both known to not be possible, I'd appreciate a pointer to an explanation as to why - all the buzzwords seem to line up on each side, after all.
I work at Talend and would be happy to try and help you out a bit, but I myself am not familiar with the Exchange WSDL. I would assume that a SOAP interface from an established vendor like Microsoft is going to be WS-I Basic Profile compatible and should be easily invoked directly just like any regular WS. Would you mind trying the following:
What particular elements are missing from the MS WSDL, or is it trying to use some non-standard feature? CXF is fully JAX-WS compliant, and it is certified WS-I BP compliant, so I have to assume something odd is going on.
post the WSDL from exchange that you are trying to invoke from Talend.
create a proxy client for that WSDL using CXF.
Give it a try and send the error message.
Generate a mock service provider based on that wsdl using CXF and run the CXF mock and try against that with the CXF wsdl client. This will give you added confidence that the client and wsdl have no problems.
you can also try generating a simple test case with just SOAP UI or similar tooling against the Exchange WS.
ps: CXF is apache based open source. It is easy to use and has tight integration with Talend via the ASF suite. But you can also just use it by itself for diagnostic purposes.
I have been struggling with that too...
You can use tSoap for that purpose.
tWebServiceInput does not work for me with EWS.
tSoap component that resolves a given name is the method ResolveNames()
Value to resolve = Thierry
Set "Need Authentication" with username and password
Set End Point, eg "https://yourserver/EWS/Exchange.asmx"
Set SOAP Action,
SOAP Version 1.1
Set SOAP Message:
... Enter Soap Method enclosed with ".
Joins tSoap to tLogRow
Run the Job. Voila the result...
Starting job xSoap_ResolveNames_LogRow at 13:43 30/05/2012.
[statistics] connecting to socket on port 3682
[statistics] connected
<Header><t:ServerVersionInfo xmlns:t="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/types" MajorBuildNumber="685" MajorVersion="8" MinorBuildNumber="24" MinorVersion="0" /></Header>|<m:ResolveNamesResponse xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/messages" xmlns:t="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/types"><m:ResponseMessages><m:ResolveNamesResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success"><m:ResponseCode>NoError</m:ResponseCode><m:ResolutionSet IncludesLastItemInRange="true" TotalItemsInView="1"><t:Resolution><t:Mailbox><t:Name>Thierry TYS. Yen Suin</t:Name><t:EmailAddress>thierry.suin#sc-mauritius.com</t:EmailAddress><t:RoutingType>SMTP</t:RoutingType><t:MailboxType>Mailbox</t:MailboxType></t:Mailbox><t:Contact><t:DisplayName>Thierry Yen Suin</t:DisplayName><t:GivenName>Thierry</t:GivenName><t:EmailAddresses><t:Entry Key="EmailAddress1">SMTP:thierry.suin#sc-mauritius.com</t:Entry></t:EmailAddresses><t:ContactSource>ActiveDirectory</t:ContactSource><t:Surname>Yen Suin</t:Surname></t:Contact></t:Resolution></m:ResolutionSet></m:ResolveNamesResponseMessage></m:ResponseMessages></m:ResolveNamesResponse>|
[statistics] disconnected
Job xSoap_ResolveNames_LogRow ended at 13:43 30/05/2012. [exit code=0]
It should work similarly with a method that creates a contact.
Hope it helps because I haven't found a lot of post on integrating Talend with Exchange Web Services despite searching for a long time.