How to Parse json data having array in IONIC hybrid appliaction - ionic-framework

I am beginner in hybrid Ionic App Development. I want to implement RESTful web service in my project.
My json Data is:
"records": [
"Name": "Alfreds Futterkiste",
"City": "Berlin",
"Country": "Germany"
"Name": "Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados",
"City": "México D.F.",
"Country": "Mexico"
"Name": "Antonio Moreno Taquería",
"City": "México D.F.",
"Country": "Mexico"
Here i want to Parse this Data in Listview in ionic. I don't no how to parse data with array.Please suggest the solution or tutorials to get result.I want to show all Names in Listview.
I am using this api link:
thanks in advance.

Here you no need to parse the JSON data, it is already in object format.
You can use like this
var myData = {
"records": [
"Name": "Alfreds Futterkiste",
"City": "Berlin",
"Country": "Germany"
"Name": "Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados",
"City": "México D.F.",
"Country": "Mexico"
"Name": "Antonio Moreno Taquería",
"City": "México D.F.",
"Country": "Mexico"
var record1 = myData.records[0];
var record2 = myData.records[1];
var record3 = myData.records[2];
console.log("Record 1 Data:")
console.log('\t'+"Name: "+record1.Name)
console.log('\t'+"City: "+record1.City)
console.log('\t'+"Country: "+record1.Country)
console.log("Record 2 Data:")
console.log('\t'+"Name: "+record2.Name)
console.log('\t'+"City: "+record2.City)
console.log('\t'+"Country: "+record2.Country)
console.log("Record 3 Data:")
console.log('\t'+"Name: "+record3.Name)
console.log('\t'+"City: "+record3.City)
console.log('\t'+"Country: "+record3.Country)


Updating Mongo DB collection field from object to array of objects

I had to change one of the fields of my collection in mongoDB from an object to array of objects containing a lot of data. New documents get inserted without any problem, but when attempted to get old data, it never maps to the original DTO correctly and runs into errors.
subject is the field that was changed in Students collection.
I was wondering is there any way to update all the records so they all have the same data type, without losing any data.
The old version of Student:
"_id": "5fb2ae251373a76ae58945df",
"isActive": true,
"details": {
"picture": "",
"age": 17,
"eyeColor": "green",
"name": "Vasquez Sparks",
"gender": "male",
"email": "",
"phone": "+1 (962) 512-3196",
"address": "619 Emerald Street, Nutrioso, Georgia, 6576"
"id": 0,
"name": "math",
"module": {
"name": "Advanced",
"semester": "second"
This needs to be updated to the new version like this:
"_id": "5fb2ae251373a76ae58945df",
"isActive": true,
"details": {
"picture": "",
"age": 17,
"eyeColor": "green",
"name": "Vasquez Sparks",
"gender": "male",
"email": "",
"phone": "+1 (962) 512-3196",
"address": "619 Emerald Street, Nutrioso, Georgia, 6576"
"subject": [
"id": 0,
"name": "math",
"module": {
"name": "Advanced",
"semester": "second"
"id": 1,
"name": "history",
"module": {
"name": "Basic",
"semester": "first"
"id": 2,
"name": "English",
"module": {
"name": "Basic",
"semester": "second"
I understand there might be a way to rename old collection, create new and insert data based on old one in to new one. I was wondering for some direct way.
The goal is to turn subject into an array of 1 if it is not already an array, otherwise leave it alone. This will do the trick:
update args are (predicate, actions, options).
// Match only those docs where subject is an object (i.e. not turned into array):
{$expr: {$eq:[{$type:"$subject"},"object"]}},
// Actions: set subject to be an array containing $subject. You MUST use the pipeline version
// of the update actions to correctly substitute $subject in the expression!
[ {$set: {subject: ["$subject"] }} ],
// Do this for ALL matches, not just first:
You can run this converter over and over because it will ignore converted docs.
If the goal is to convert and add some new subjects, preserving the first one, then we can set up the additional subjects and concatenate them into one array as follows:
var mmm = [ {id:8, name:"CORN"}, {id:9, name:"DOG"} ];
rc ={$expr: {$eq:[{$type:"$subject"},"object"]}},
[ {$set: {subject: {$concatArrays: [["$subject"], mmm]} }} ],

MongoDB - MongoImport of JSON (jsonl) - Rename, change types and add fields

i'm new to the topic MongoDB and have 4 different problems importing a big (16GB) file (jsonl) into my MongoDB (simple PSA-Cluster).
Below attached you will find a sample entry from the mentiond JSON-Dump.
With this file which i get from an external provider I actually have 4 problems.
"hotel_id" is the key and should normally be (re-)named as "_id"
"hotel_id" should not be treated as string rather than as Number
"location" is not properly formatted (if i understood correctly the MongoDB Manual) as GeoJSON as it should be like
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-93.26838,37.15845]
instead of
"location": {
"coordinates": {
"latitude": 37.15845,
"longitude": -93.26838
"dates" can this be used to efficiently update just the records which needs to be updated?
So my challenge is now to transform the data according to my needs before importing the data or at time of import, but in both cases of course as quickly as possible.
Therefore i searched a lot for hints and best practices, but i was not able to find a solution yet, maybe due to the fact that i'm a beginner with MongoDB.
I played around with "jq" to adjust the data and for example add the type which seems to be necessary for the location (point 3), but wasn't really successful.
cat dump.jsonl | ./bin/jq --arg typeOfField Point '.location + {type: $typeOfField}'
Beside that i was injecting a sample dump of round-about 500MB which took 1,5 mins when importing it the first time (empty database). If i run it in "upsert" mode it will take round-about 12 hours. So i was also wondering what is the best practice to import such a big JSON-dump?
Any help is appreciated!! :-)
Kind regards,
"hotel_id": "12345",
"name": "Test Hotel",
"address": {
"line_1": "123 Test St",
"line_2": "Apt A",
"city": "Test City",
"ratings": {
"property": {
"rating": "3.5",
"type": "Star"
"guest": {
"count": 48382,
"average": "3.1"
"location": {
"coordinates": {
"latitude": 22.54845,
"longitude": -90.11838
"phone": "555-0153",
"fax": "555-7249",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Hotel"
"rank": 42,
"dates": {
"added": "1998-07-19T05:00:00.000Z",
"updated": "2018-03-22T07:23:14.000Z"
"statistics": {
"11": {
"id": 11,
"name": "Total number of rooms - 220",
"value": "220"
"12": {
"id": 12,
"name": "Number of floors - 7",
"value": "7"
"chain": {
"id": -2,
"name": "Test Hotels"
"brand": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Test Brand"

Can't get Service Alerts Protobuff to include header_text or description_text using Python gtfs_realtime_pb2 module

We are having difficulty adding header_text and description_text to a Service Alerts protobuff file. We are attempting to match the example shown on this page here.
Our data starts in the following dictionary:
alerts_dict = {
"header": {
"gtfs_realtime_version": "1",
"timestamp": "1543318671",
"incrementality": "FULL_DATASET"
"entity": [{
"497": {
"active_period": [{
"start": 1525320000,
"end": 1546315200
"url": "",
"effect": 4,
"header_text": "South 183: Airport",
"informed_entity": [{
"route_type": "3",
"route_id": "17",
"trip": "",
"stop_id": "3304"
}, {
"route_type": "3",
"route_id": "350",
"trip": "",
"stop_id": "3304"
"description_text": "Stop closed temporarily",
"cause": 2
"460": {
"active_period": [{
"start": 1519876800,
"end": 1546315200
"url": "",
"effect": 4,
"header_text": "Ave F / Duval Detour",
"informed_entity": [{
"route_type": "3",
"route_id": "7",
"trip": "",
"stop_id": "1167"
}, {
"route_type": "3",
"route_id": "7",
"trip": "",
"stop_id": "1268"
"description_text": "Stop closed temporarily",
"cause": 2
Our Python code is as follows:
newfeed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage()
newfeedheader = newfeed.header
newfeedheader.gtfs_realtime_version = '2.0'
for alert_id, alert_dict in alerts_dict["entity"][0].iteritems():
newentity = newfeed.entity.add()
newalert = newentity.alert = str(alert_id)
newtimerange = newalert.active_period.add()
newtimerange.end = alert_dict['active_period'][0]['end']
newtimerange.start = alert_dict['active_period'][0]['start']
for informed in alert_dict['informed_entity']:
newentityselector = newalert.informed_entity.add()
newentityselector.route_id = informed['route_id']
newentityselector.route_type = int(informed['route_type'])
newentityselector.stop_id = informed['stop_id']
newdescription = newalert.header_text
newdescription = alert_dict['description_text']
newalert.cause = alert_dict['cause']
newalert.effect = alert_dict['effect']
pb_feed = newfeed.SerializeToString()
with open("servicealerts.pb", 'wb') as fout:
The frustrating part is that we don't receive any sort of error message. Everything appears to run properly but the resulting pb file doesn't contain the new header_text or description_text items.
We are able to read the pb file using the following code:
feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage()
response = open("servicealerts.pb")
We truly appreciate any help that anyone can offer in pointing us in the right direction of figuring this out.
I was able to find the answer. This Python Notebook showed that by properly formatting the dictionary the PB could be generated with a few of lines of code.
from google.transit import gtfs_realtime_pb2
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
newfeed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage()
ParseDict(alerts_dict, newfeed)
pb_feed = newfeed.SerializeToString()
with open("servicealerts.pb", 'wb') as fout:
All I had to do was format by dictionary properly.
if ALERT_GROUP_ID not in entity_dict.keys():
entity_dict[ALERT_GROUP_ID] = {"id": ALERT_GROUP_ID,
"active_period": [{
"start": int(START_TIME),
"end": int(END_TIME)
"cause": cause_dict.get(CAUSE, ""),
"effect": effect_dict.get(EFFECT),
"url": {
"translation": [{
"text": URL,
"language": "en"
"header_text": {
"translation": [{
"text": HEADER_TEXT,
"language": "en"
"informed_entity": [{
'route_id': ROUTE_ID,
'route_type': ROUTE_TYPE,
'trip': TRIP,
'stop_id': STOP_ID
"description_text": {
"translation": [{
"text": "Stop closed temporarily",
"language": "en"
# print(entity_dict[ALERT_GROUP_ID]["alert"]['informed_entity'])
'route_id': ROUTE_ID,
'route_type': ROUTE_TYPE,
'trip': TRIP,
'stop_id': STOP_ID

How do I get user's checked-in places' categories?

I want to get logged in user's Check-ins along with the category of the place he has checked-in.
I tried to fetch the user likes and their categories and this is what worked for me - "/me/likes?fields=category"
Following is the response returned:
"data": [{
"name": "11 East Street Cafe",
"category": "Restaurant/Cafe",
"id": "94871278677"
"name": "ABC DEF",
"category": "Politician",
"id": "177526890164"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "NDkyMzg4OTc3NTYyMjk3",
"after": "MTc3NTI2ODkwMTY0"
For check-ins, I tried "/me/feed?with=location&fields=place,story" and it returns the checked in places list. It returns me following:
"data": [{
"place": {
"id": "117586118328311",
"name": "Carraba's",
"location": {
"city": "Ellicott City",
"country": "United States",
"latitude": 39.27153726574,
"longitude": -76.800542073324,
"state": "MD",
"zip": "21043"
"story": "ABC was at Carraba's.",
"id": "1533836476934935_1546360939015822"
}, {
"place": {
"id": "876737405718973",
"name": "Chipotle Mexican Grill",
"location": {
"city": "Baltimore",
"country": "United States",
"latitude": 39.2866707,
"longitude": -76.6196671,
"state": "MD",
"street": "300 W Pratt St",
"zip": "21201"
"story": "Aadya Extentia was at Chipotle Mexican Grill.",
"id": "1533836476934935_1546360502349199"
"paging": {
"next": ",story&wi…WzlgXDpe8ZCV8kHWcO2aNxlARSpwIZByS9OWkU8VC3nj2E3VoiLkJNpy2ESOI1R7fHIOJQZDZD"
But it does not return the category of checked-in place. i.e. I want know if it is a restaurant, museum or stadium, etc.
How do I do it?
You can do this using Field Expansion:
Edit: Looks like this is working for API version <= 2.4 only, but not any more with v2.5.
Edit #2: I filed a bug report to ask if this was deliberately removed, or if it is a bug.
Even though a Place is a Page, I can't successfully retrieve the category field through Field Expansion...
This can be done with a batch request, by using the output of the first query as input for the second query:
curl \
-F 'access_token={USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-F 'include_headers=false' \
-F 'batch=[{ "method":"GET","name":"get-places","relative_url":"me/feed?with=location&fields=place{id,name,location},story&limit=100", "omit_response_on_success": false },{"method":"GET","relative_url":"?ids={result=get-places:$.data.*}&fields=id,name,category"}]' \

MongoDB Database Structure and Best Practices Help

I'm in the process of developing Route Tracking/Optimization software for my refuse collection company and would like some feedback on my current data structure/situation.
Here is a simplified version of my MongoDB structure:
Database: data
“customers” - data collection containing all customer data.
"cust_id": "1001",
"name": "Customer 1",
"address": "123 Fake St",
"city": "Boston"
"cust_id": "1002",
"name": "Customer 2",
"address": "123 Real St",
"city": "Boston"
"cust_id": "1003",
"name": "Customer 3",
"address": "12 Elm St",
"city": "Boston"
"cust_id": "1004",
"name": "Customer 4",
"address": "16 Union St",
"city": "Boston"
"cust_id": "1005",
"name": "Customer 5",
"address": "13 Massachusetts Ave",
"city": "Boston"
}, { ... }, { ... }, ...
“trucks” - data collection containing all truck data.
"truckid": "21",
"type": "Refuse",
"year": "2011",
"make": "Mack",
"model": "TerraPro Cabover",
"body": "Mcneilus Rear Loader XC",
"capacity": "25 cubic yards"
"truckid": "22",
"type": "Refuse",
"year": "2009",
"make": "Mack",
"model": "TerraPro Cabover",
"body": "Mcneilus Rear Loader XC",
"capacity": "25 cubic yards"
"truckid": "12",
"type": "Dump",
"year": "2006",
"make": "Chevrolet",
"model": "C3500 HD",
"body": "Rugby Hydraulic Dump",
"capacity": "15 cubic yards"
“drivers” - data collection containing all driver data.
"driverid": "1234",
"name": "John Doe"
"driverid": "4321",
"name": "Jack Smith"
"driverid": "3421",
"name": "Don Johnson"
“route-lists” - data collection containing all predetermined route lists.
"route_name": "monday_1",
"day": "monday",
"truck": "21",
"stops": [
"cust_id": "1001"
"cust_id": "1010"
"cust_id": "1002"
"route_name": "friday_1",
"day": "friday",
"truck": "12",
"stops": [
"cust_id": "1003"
"cust_id": "1004"
"cust_id": "1012"
"routes" - data collections containing data for all active and completed routes.
"routeid": "1",
"route_name": "monday1",
"start_time": "04:31 AM",
"status": "active",
"stops": [
"customerid": "1001",
"status": "complete",
"start_time": "04:45 AM",
"finish_time": "04:48 AM",
"elapsed_time": "3"
"customerid": "1010",
"status": "complete",
"start_time": "04:50 AM",
"finish_time": "04:52 AM",
"elapsed_time": "2"
"customerid": "1002",
"status": "incomplete",
"start_time": "",
"finish_time": "",
"elapsed_time": ""
"customerid": "1005",
"status": "incomplete",
"start_time": "",
"finish_time": "",
"elapsed_time": ""
Here is the process thus far:
Each day drivers begin by Starting a New Route. Before starting a new route drivers must first input data:
Once all data is entered correctly the Start a New Route will begin:
Create new object in collection “routes”
Query collection “route-lists” for “day” + “truck” match and return "stops"
Insert “route-lists” data into “routes” collection
As driver proceeds with his daily stops/tasks the “routes” collection will update accordingly.
On completion of all tasks the driver will then have the ability to Complete the Route Process by simply changing “status” field to “active” from “complete” in the "routes" collection.
That about sums it up. Any feedback, opinions, comments, links, optimization tactics are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time.
You database schema looks like for me as 'classic' relational database schema. Mongodb good fit for data denormaliztion. I guess when you display routes you loading all related customers, driver, truck.
If you want make your system really fast you may embedd everything in route collection.
So i suggest following modifications of your schema:
customers - as-is
trucks - as-is
drivers - as-is
Embedd data about customers inside stops instead of reference. Also embedd truck. In this case schema will be:
"route_name": "monday_1",
"day": "monday",
"truck": {
_id = 1,
// here will be all truck data
"stops": [{
"customer": {
_id = 1,
//here will be all customer data
}, {
"customer": {
_id = 2,
//here will be all customer data
When driver starting new route copy route from route-list and in addition embedd driver information:
//copy all route-list data (just make new id for the current route and leave reference to routes-list. In this case you will able to sync route with route-list.)
"_id": "1",
route_list_id: 1,
"start_time": "04:31 AM",
"status": "active",
driver: {
//embedd all driver data here
"stops": [{
"customer": {
//all customer data
"status": "complete",
"start_time": "04:45 AM",
"finish_time": "04:48 AM",
"elapsed_time": "3"
I guess you asking yourself what do if driver, customer or other denormalized data changed in main collection. Yeah, you need update all denormalized data within other collections. You will probably need update billions of documents (depends on your system size) and it's okay. You can do it async if it will take much time.
What benfits in above data structure?
Each document contains all data that you may need to display in your application. So, for instance, you no need load related customers, driver, truck when you need display routes.
You can make any difficult queries to your database. For example in your schema you can build query that will return all routes thats contains stops in stop of customer with name = "Bill" (you need load customer by name first, get id, and look by customer id in your current schema).
Probably you asking yourself that your data can be unsynchronized in some cases, but to solve this you just need build a few unit test to ensure that you update your denormolized data correctly.
Hope above will help you to see the world from not relational side, from document database point of view.