Correct HTTP code for authentication token expiry - 401 or 403? - http-authentication

401 seems to be used to indicate an authentication failure whereas 403 for an authorization failure (which means authentication succeeded?)
In case of an oauth flow if I try to authenticate with an expired token what is the right error code that prompts the client to refresh the token and try again?

A 401. The 401 vs 403 confusion is not new. See some discussion in a email here:, though the cited RFC 2616 has been obsoleted.
Re 401, see
Re 403, see
From the 401 description, though "valid" is up for interpretation:
The 401 (Unauthorized) status code indicates that the request has not
been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for
the target resource.
But even more relevant, see RFC 6750 regarding Bearer Token authentication, Section 3, last paragraph.
And in response to a protected resource request with an
authentication attempt using an expired access token:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="example",
error_description="The access token expired"

Think about the boarding process in an airport. They check 2 things:
They check your identity card. This is authentication. Online, any token or user/password couple stands for your identity card.
They check you are in the passenger list for that plane (the plane is the resource you are trying to access). This is authorization. Online, the page the user is trying to access stands for the resource.
So now when you think about an access problem (token expired, token parsing failed, invalid password, user is not allowed) and which HTTP code you should return, you just have to think "if this issue was transposed into an airport scenario and I was denied access to the plane, would this have anything to do with the identity card check step?" If yes, this is 401. If not, this is 403.
For instance:
Missing token <=> Missing identity card <=> Rejected because of identity card check <=> 401
Expired token <=> Expired identity card <=> Rejected because of identity card check <=> 401
Malformed token <=> Unreadable/damaged identity card <=> Rejected because of identity card check => 401
User doesn't have privilege for the resource <=> Passenger is not allowed to access this plane <=> Not rejected because of identity card check => 403
You banned a user <=> Passenger is blacklisted <=> Not rejected because of identity card check => 403

TL;DR: 401
Long version, in addition to crunk1 (valid) answer:
401 would mean that the token was missing or invalid. In other words, it failed validation or parsing for some reason.
403 would mean that the token was successfully validated/parsed, but then the authorization to perform the action was denied for some reason.
Now, an expired token means that the token was successfully parsed but that the expiration date set in that token is already passed. Which is somewhat in-between if you consider that checking the expiration date is part of the authorization process. Personally I believe that it is part of the token validation, not the authorization, for those reasons:
There are some cases where the resource server (the API that receives and validates the token) would not even be able to know that the token is expired, and would return a 401 instead:
if the resource server uses its Authorization Server introspection endpoint and that one only returns {"active": false} with no further info, which means that the token is not valid (it might have been valid in the past, but that information was "forgotten" by the AS).
if the resource server tries to validate the token signature but the token is so old and expired that the validation keys have been renewed since it was issued. In that case even if the token is syntaxically valid but expired, the RS has no reason to trust that and should consider it as invalid instead.
Also, a 403 response would instruct the client that it is an authorization issue, so retrying with an new token carrying the same access rights doesn't have much chance to succeed, while a 401 would pass the information that the token was not accepted, so maybe retrying with a new fresh token might work.
For those reasons, I chose to return a 401 in my implementations. But TBH this doesn't matter much, since the token expiration is supposed to be handled by the client, based on the expires_in information returned by the AS at the same time as the token, more than by a return code from the API when the token is expired.


Huawei Subscription Validation ResponseCode:6 ResponseMessage:Token is expired or invalid InappPurchaseData

I'm trying to verify subscription purchase in our backend servers, considering from this hms-iap-serverdemo GitHub repo.
I'm trying to connect OAuth 2.0-based authentication servers using app ID and app secret. I took ID and secret from AppGallery Connect → my app → app information. The auth servers returns base64 encoded token. When I try to verify with this subscription purchase, I am getting ResponseCode:6 ResponseMessage:Token is expired or invalid InappPurchaseData error from server.
The status of the application is currently draft. Is that why I'm getting this error? I believe client ID and client secret is correct. Or something else. I do not know. Do you have an idea?
Thank you
ResponseCode:6 ResponseMessage:Token is expired or invalid InappPurchaseData
The possible causes are as follows:
Check whether the token is invalid.The token validity period is 1 hour. If the token expires, obtain a new token to ensure that the token is valid.
Check whether the AT is invalid and whether only the AT in the cache is obtained. If the AT is invalid, clear the cache and obtain the AT again. Generally, use the token interface to obtain the application-level AT again.
For details about how to obtain the application level AT, see docs.
The token format is incorrect.
According to the docs:
App-level access token: Authorization: Basic Base64(APPAT:atvalue)
Example: The app-level access token is thisIsAppAtValue, then APPAT:atvalue is APPAT:thisIsAppAtValue.
Therefore, replace APPAT:atvalue in Base64(APPAT:atvalue) with "APPAT:thisIsAppAtValue" to generate value QVBQQVQ6dGhpc0lzQXBwQXRWYWx1ZQ==.
The value of Authorization in the request header is as follows: Basic QVBQQVQ6dGhpc0lzQXBwQXRWYWx1ZQ==
The site request is incorrect.
Switch to a proper site based on your location and try again.

REST unauthorized error meaning

I am asking maybe an open question about REST authentication practice. We use OpenID to authenticate with REST API. However there are some API where we do POST with body that also contain a secret (to support certain business rules). Now, if that secret is wrong am I still fine to return a 401 error? Does REST prescribe (like HTTP does) where token, password, secret should go in a REST call (e.g. always in HTTP Authorization header...)?
The 401 Unauthorized error is an HTTP status code that means the page you were trying to access cannot be loaded until you first log in with a valid user ID and password. If you have just logged in and received the 401 Unauthorized error, it means that the credentials you entered were invalid for some reason.

What status code should a REST API return for login requests performed with wrong credentials?

I have found a lot of answers and explanations for the meanings of HTTP status codes. My question is specifically about the POST request to a login endpoint, which asks for username and password for example and the scenario where incorrect ones are provided.
Some thoughts:
400 Bad Response
I think this code is not appropriate, because it says the request was syntactically incorrect and not understood by the server, which is not the case here. The login data is just semantically not correct.
401 Unauthorized
Here is the tricky part for me.
If 401 can only occur on requests requiring an authentication header then this is not correct. But if 401 can occur on all requests, which require authentication (either as header or in the body) then 401 is a candidate.
403 Forbidden
Usually, 403 is returned if the user already is authenticated and known to the system but requested a resource he/she is not allowed to access.
The user definitely is not authenticated before the login. I don't know if there is a semantic for 403 for unauthenticated users.
I'm happy to be told the answer or hear your thoughts.
If a user is attempting to authenticate, but provides invalid credentials, the response should have a status of 401, regardless of if you are using Basic Authorization or not. 401 indicates that authentication failed, but the user can alter their request and attempt again.
If a user is authenticated, but not authorized to access the requested resource, then the response should have a status of 403. 403 indicates that the user is forbidden from accessing the resource, and no matter how they alter the request, they will not be permitted access.
In the scenario that your endpoint requires the credentials to be in the body of the request, you should return a 400 if the request body does not meet your specifications.
My question is specifically about the POST request to a login endpoint, which asks for username and password for example and the scenario where incorrect ones are provided.
It depends on how the credentials are sent:
If you are using HTTP Authentication (sending credentials in the Authorization header), you can return 401 to indicate that the credentials are invalid.
If you send credentials in the request body (for example a JSON with username and password), 401 doesn't seem to be the most suitable status code (once it's not a real HTTP Authentication). In this situation, consider 403 instead with a descriptive response payload.
The 403 status code also can be used to indicate authorization problems, that is, to indicate that a user is not allowed to perform an action.
401 for invalid credentials when using HTTP Authentication
403 for user logged in but attempting to access area that is not allowed

How to distinguish between invalid token and lack of permission in rest

What is the standard way to respond so the client can distinguish if their token is invalid/revoked OR they just tried to access some resource they do not have authorization for ? Do both use 401? Should I use a custom body?
Having an invalid or revoked token is basically the same as not having a token. This is typically indicated with the HTTP 401 Unauthorized status code. It means, we cannot establish who you are. (unauthorized should really have been unauthenticated)
The HTTP 403 Forbidden response means, we know who you are (you are authenticated), but you do not have permission to access the requested resource.

Is checking subsequent REST API request with token secure enough?

In my REST API, user will log in with their username and password for the first time.
When they logged in successfully, we will response with the following format.
"token": "0c7f8b870675bc61d92baeef1e274c2d31343736393530373230",
"expire_on": "2016-11-19T18:05:20+0000",
"user_id": 30,
"user": {...}
On the subsequent to the REST API, we will just send token in the header to verify the user. token is 52 letters long.
Is it secure enough?
Should I send both token and user_id to verify to secure more?
It depends on how do you generate your token.
If someone can guess how they are generated then it can create a fake one.
If this is a random string that is saved on your server and for each request you check the existence in your server then you are safe.
The best current solution for stateless token is JWT. Take a look at
Did you implement your authentication layer? I would suggest having a look at the Oauth2 specification and you are interested in the section when the grant_type is password. If you follow it, it will be safe to return just the access token:
5.1. Successful Response
The authorization server issues an access token and optional
refresh token, and constructs the response by adding the following
parameters to the entity-body of the HTTP response with a 200 (OK)
status code:
REQUIRED. The access token issued by the authorization server.
REQUIRED. The type of the token issued as described in
Section 7.1. Value is case insensitive.
RECOMMENDED. The lifetime in seconds of the access token. For
example, the value "3600" denotes that the access token will
expire in one hour from the time the response was generated.
If omitted, the authorization server SHOULD provide the
expiration time via other means or document the default value