How to give column names after one hot encoding with sklearn? - encoding

Here is my question, I hope someone can help me to figure it out..
To explain, there are more than 10 categorical columns in my data set and each of them has 200-300 categories. I want to convert them into binary values. For that I used first label encoder to convert string categories into numbers. The Label Encoder code and the output is shown below.
After Label Encoder, I used One Hot Encoder From scikit-learn again and it is worked. BUT THE PROBLEM IS, I need column names after one hot encoder. For example, column A with categorical values before encoding.
A = [1,2,3,4,..]
It should be like that after encoding,
A-1, A-2, A-3
Anyone know how to assign column names to (old column names -value name or number) after one hot encoding. Here is my one hot encoding and it's output;
I need columns with name because I trained an ANN, but every time data comes up I cannot convert all past data again and again. So, I want to add just new ones every time. Thank anyway..

As #Vivek Kumar mentioned, you can use the pandas function get_dummies() instead of OneHotEncoder. I wanted to preserve a version of my initial DataFrame so I did the folowing;
import pandas as pd
DataFrame2 = pd.get_dummies(DataFrame)

I used the following code to rename each one-hot encoded columns to "original name_one-hot encoded name". So for your example it would give A_1, A_2, A_3. Feel free to change the "_" below to "-".
#Create list of columns with "object" dtype
cat_cols = [col for col in df_pro.columns if df_pro[col].dtype == np.object]
#Find the array of new columns from one-hot encoding
cat_labels = ohenc.categories_
#Convert array of columns into list
cat_labels = np.concatenate(cat_labels).ravel().tolist()
#Use list comprehension to generate new list with labels needed
cat_labels_new = [(col + "_" + label) for label in cat_labels for col in cat_cols if
label in df_pro[col].values.tolist()]
#Create new DataFrame of transformed columns using new list labels
cat_ohc = pd.DataFrame(cat_arr, columns = cat_labels)
#Concat with original DataFrame and drop original columns (only columns with "object" dtype)


selecting a range of colums in SKlearn column transformer

I am encoding catagorical data, many columns need to be seletced, I have typed them in individually and it works ok but there is obviouly a more elegant way.
dataset =pd.read_csv('train.csv')
x = dataset.iloc[:,:-1].values
y = dataset.iloc[:, -1].values
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
ct = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('encoder', OneHotEncoder(),[2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,39,40,41,42,53,54,55,56,57,58,60,63,64,65,72,73,74,78,79])], remainder='passthrough')
x = np.array(ct.fit_transform(x))
I have tried using (23:34) I have tried using slice but that does not work as it is not that data type.
Which method should I use for selecting a range of columns?
Also what datatype is it at this point were I am selecting the columns?
I made a search I an not able to see a solution for this exact question.
Finally, is this an effecient way to encode catagorical data or should I be looking at an alternative method?
you can use the following workaround:
ct = ColumnTransformer(
("ordinal_enc", OrdinalEncoder(), data.loc[:, "col1":"col100"].columns)

How to keep keep original column after applying data validation in same column

I have a task to validate decimal and date field.I am able to validate decimal and date filed on same column but not able to keep old column values.
Current Output:
Expected Output:
Below is the code, I am able to validate decimal filed but not able to keep original values. Kindly help me on this. I want to keep its original column in dataframe itself.
SourceFileDF = SourceFileDF.withColumn("amt1", DecimalConversion(col(amt1)))
DecimalConversion is my UDF and SourceFileDF is my dataframe.
You can use a temporary column name for "amt1" and the use column rename
SourceFileDF.withColumn("amt1_converted", DecimalConversion(col(amt1)))
SourceFileDF.withColumnRenamed("amt1", "original_amt1_values")
SourceFileDF.withColumnRenamed("amt1_converted", "amt1")
You can use select and provide the alias in a single line :
DecimalConversion($"amt1").as("amt1") ,

pyspark unindex one-hot encoded and assembled columns

I have the following code which takes in a mix of categorical, numeric features, string indexes the categorical features, then one hot encodes the categorical features, then assembles both one hot encoded categorical features and numeric features, runs them trough a random forest and prints the resultant tree. I want the tree nodes to have the original features names (i.e Frame_Size etc). How can I do that? In general how can I decode one hot encoded and assembled features?
# categorical features : start singindexing and one hot encoding
column_vec_in = ['Commodity','Frame_Size' , 'Frame_Shape', 'Frame_Color','Frame_Color_Family','Lens_Color','Frame_Material','Frame_Material_Summary','Build', 'Gender_Global', 'Gender_LC'] # frame Article_Desc not slected because the cardinality is too high
column_vec_out = ['Commodity_catVec', 'Frame_Size_catVec', 'Frame_Shape_catVec', 'Frame_Color_catVec','Frame_Color_Family_catVec','Lens_Color_catVec','Frame_Material_catVec','Frame_Material_Summary_catVec','Build_catVec', 'Gender_Global_catVec', 'Gender_LC_catVec']
indexers = [StringIndexer(inputCol=x, outputCol=x+'_tmp') for x in column_vec_in ]
encoders = [OneHotEncoder(dropLast=False, inputCol=x+"_tmp", outputCol=y) for x,y in zip(column_vec_in, column_vec_out)]
tmp = [[i,j] for i,j in zip(indexers, encoders)]
tmp = [i for sublist in tmp for i in sublist]
#categorical and numeric features
cols_now = ['SODC_Regular_Rate','Commodity_catVec', 'Frame_Size_catVec', 'Frame_Shape_catVec', 'Frame_Color_catVec','Frame_Color_Family_catVec','Lens_Color_catVec','Frame_Material_catVec','Frame_Material_Summary_catVec','Build_catVec', 'Gender_Global_catVec', 'Gender_LC_catVec']
assembler_features = VectorAssembler(inputCols=cols_now, outputCol='features')
labelIndexer = StringIndexer(inputCol='Lens_Article_Description_reduced', outputCol="label")
tmp += [assembler_features, labelIndexer]
# converter = IndexToString(inputCol="featur", outputCol="originalCategory")
# converted = converter.transform(indexed)
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=tmp)
all_data =
trainingData, testData = all_data.randomSplit([0.8,0.2], seed=0)
rf = RF(labelCol='label', featuresCol='features',numTrees=10,maxBins=800)
model =
After I run the spark machine learning pipeline I want to print out the random forest as a tree.Currently it looks like below.
What I actually want to see is the original categorical feature names instead of feature 1, feature 2 etc. The fact that the categorical features are one hot encoded and vector assembled makes it hard for me to unindex/decode the feature names. How can I unidex/decode onehot encoded and assembled feature vectors in pyspark? I have a vague idea that I have to use " IndexToString()" but I am not exactly sure because there is a mix of numeric, categorical features and they are one hot encoded and assembled.
Export the Apache Spark ML pipeline to a PMML document using the JPMML-SparkML library. A PMML document can be inspected and interpreted by humans (eg. using Notepad), or processed programmatically (eg. using other Java PMML API libraries).
The "model schema" is represented by the /PMML/MiningModel/MiningSchema element. Each "active feature" is represented by a MiningField element; you can retrieve their "type definitions" by looking up the corresponding /PMML/DataDictionary/DataField element.
Edit: Since you were asking about PySpark, you might consider using the JPMML-SparkML-Package package for export.

Why does Open XML API Import Text Formatted Column Cell Rows Differently For Every Row

I am working on an ingestion feature that will take a strongly formatted .xlsx file and import the records to a temp storage table and then process the rows to create db records.
One of the columns is strictly formatted as "Text" but it seems like the Open XML API handles the columns cells differently on a row-by-row basis. Some of the values while appearing to be numeric values are truly not (which is why we format the column as Text) -
some examples are "211377", "211727.01", "209395.388", "209395.435"
what these values represent is not important but what happens is that some values (using the Open XML API v2.5 library) will be read in properly as text whether retrieved from the Shared Strings collection or simply from InnerXML property while others get sucked in as numbers with what appears to be appended rounding or precision.
For example the "211377", "211727.01" and "209395.435" all come in exactly as they are in the spreadsheet but the "209395.388" value is being pulled in as "209395.38800000001" (there are others that this happens to as well).
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to which values get messed up and which ones which import fine. What is really frustrating is that if I use the native Import feature in SQL Server Management Studio and ingest the same spreadsheet to a temp table this does not happen - so how is that the SSMS import can handle these values as purely text for all rows but the Open XML API cannot.
To begin the answer you main problem seems to be values,
"209395.388" value is being pulled in as "209395.38800000001"
Yes in .xlsx file value is stored as 209395.38800000001 instead of 209395.388. And it's the correct format to store floating point numbers; nothing wrong in it. You van simply confirm it by following code snippet
string val = "209395.38800000001"; // <= What we extract from Open Xml
Console.WriteLine(double.Parse(val)); // < = Simply pass it to double and print
The output is :
209395.388 // <= yes the expected value
So there's nothing wrong in the value you extract from .xlsx using Open Xml SDK.
Now to cells, yes cell can have verity of formats. Numbers, text, boleans or shared string text. And you can styles to a cell which would format your string to a desired output in Excel. (Ex - Date Time format, Forced strings etc.). And this the way Excel handle the vast verity of data. It need this kind of formatting and .xlsx file format had to be little complex to support all.
My advice is to use a proper parse method set at extracted values to identify what format it represent (For example to determine whether its a number or a text) and apply what type of parse.
ex : -
string val = "209395.38800000001";
Console.WriteLine(float.Parse(val)); // <= Float parse will be deduce a different value ; 209395.4
Update :
Here's how value is saved in internal XML
Try for yourself ;
Make an .xlsx file with value 209395.388 -> Change extention to .zip -> Unzip it -> goto worksheet folder -> open Sheet1
You will notice that value is stored as 209395.38800000001 as scene in attached image.. So nothing wrong on API for extracting stored number. It's your duty to decide what format to apply.
But if you make the whole column Text before adding data, you will see that .xlsx hold data as it is; simply said as string.

Matlab: get numeric values from table

I import a sheet from Excel into matlab using the command "readtable":
TABLE = readtable(Excel.FN, 'sheet', Excel.Sheet);
The table contains both, numeric values and strings.
If I try to access the numeric values, I can't get them as double.
TABLE{j,i} = '0.00069807'
is still a cell.
cell2num(TABLE{j,i}) = NaN
cell2mat(TABLE{j,i}) = 0.00069807,
but this is a char. So I use
to obtain the numeric value. There must be a simpler way. Could you please tell me the command.
If you don't insist on readtable, the xlsread would be better for you. Loaded data are more "matlab-friendly" with this function.
I am not sure whether there is a simpler solution with readtable. I think that's just the price you need to pay for not working with the "rawer" data such as CSV or simple text files.