I'm working on a watchOS SpriteKit project. I know I can get the location of a tap within the displayed scene using WKTapGestureRecognizer, but I noticed that SKScene.convertPoint(fromView point:) is unavailable in watchOS.
So, how do I convert the CGPoint provided by WKTapGestureRecognizer.locationInObject() to a point in the SpriteKit scene?
See https://developer.apple.com/library/content/samplecode/HelloGameKit/Listings/HelloGameKit_WatchKit_Extension_GameScene_swift.html
It will show you how to develop SpriteKit apps for apple watch. There is too much code to explain what is going on here. But the basic jist of it looks like your node.position is your location's position, no need to convert
My problem is that my GameScene starts with about double the nodes and draws count and 40 fps for several seconds. This problem appears only on my iPad (mini retina) while on my iPhone (5) the game runs smoothly from the start although the nodes are still a lot more than what it should be
This 40fps problem is an issue within the iOS frameworks. It's created by some kind of throttling (by iOS).
Perhaps this throttling was designed to give a more consistent experience for an app struggling to maintain 60fps. But nobody knows.
Apple has never commented on it.
It became prevalent throughout the rollout of iOS 9 in Scene Kit, Sprite Kit and Metal. But has been seen within OpenGL ES locked projects, too.
However it was noticed in previous versions of iOS, too. Particularly within apps/games using CADisplayLink.
//Don't worry about those asking for code, you're right in your assumption that something is wrong that's not pertinent to your code.
Here's a deeper examination of a similar issue (probably from the same route cause) within Scene Kit: Inconsistent SceneKit framerate
Also got a problem with low FPS at the start (when using spritekit and uikit together )
I used xib with SKView and for me the solution was to add a dependency to the scene in the 'attribute inspector'
like at the picture below:
I would like to pass an avatar that I made on Maya to my project on Xcode 6(swift language). The app that I made was created in Single View Application and now I would like to know how I can implement my project to add the 3d avatar.
PS: I know that some of you guys think that my question already exists but mine is a little different.
I think SceneKit is the simplest solution for you. iOS 8+ only.
Also you can write OpenGL ES code (pure OpenGL ES or using game engines like cocos3d), but it's more diffucult than SceneKit if you have no experience with it before.
Am working on taking snap from my device camera. The front camera is working good,but the rear camera is not upto the mark. It is showing upside down. I donno why it is behaving strange.
Can anyone help me out.
It's difficult to come up with a simple answer for your problem, this depends on wether you run it on iOS and Android. In general you need to adjust ( rotate and flip ) the resulting image based on the mirror and rotate value in the WebCamTexture.
There is a toolkit available that help you with solving some of these issues that you can take a look at. It's called Camera Capture Kit and is available on the assetstore ( https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/56673 ) - since the source is included for both iOS and Android it might be a good foundation for helping you tweak and solve your issue in your game or maybe it will just be a plug'n'play solution for your needs. It might let you save literally weeks in the long run since there is a lot of tweaking to get camera capturing right in Unity. Furthermore there is a functionality available to enable and disable flash light which might come in handy as well.
There is also a demo app included which is quite similar to what you have already been doing on your screens.
Following a tutorial on YouTube for Swift. Trying to make a game. The tutorial shows a GameScene.swift file and a GameScene.sks file and mine are not showing. Is there a setting somewhere that I've missed? The only thing different from a single-page app setup is the view controller is now named GameViewController.swift.
Watching this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sjh-IV5IamY
I'm in Yosemite and Xcode 6 Beta 2.
Like 0x7fffffff♦ said, the issue is the Game Technology, needs to be SpriteKit (not SceneKit).
Select SpriteKit in Game technology instead of the default option which is SceneKit.
Anyone know whether (and if so, how) we can create the half-turned page effect Google Maps on the iPad uses to show the options to change the Map type?..
See below image to see what I'm talkin' about..
Incidentally, any pretty good Map Kit tutorials you guys know of that are out there? (covering anything new brought on through iOS4) Support for Map Kit ain't much out there it seems...
It's a new UIModalTransitionStyle in iOS 4.0 called UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl
re: good mapkit tutorials, watch the WWDC map overlays video.