Query console vs .xqy file - date

I am running the following code in the query console:
let $age := xs:integer(fn:days-from-duration(fn:current-date() - xs:date(/wl:leader/wl:dob/text())) div 365.25)
return $age
And the following in the .xqy file:
for $leader in /wl:leader
let $age := xs:integer(fn:days-from-duration(fn:current-date() - xs:date($leader/wl:dob/text())) div 365.25)
return $age
Now, both are similar, however when running on the query console I get the error: arg1 is not of type xs:duration?
I understand the error is cause by the time duration part in 'fn:current-date()', but why do I not face the same issue with .xqy file ?

As Mr Hunter points out, the difference in the code explains the error.
The second example passes one leader at a time into the expression.
The first examples passes all of the leaders into an expression that's expecting a single leader.
Hoping that helps,


KDB:Trying to read multiple csv files at a location

I am trying to run below code to read all csv files available at location C:/q/BitCoin/Input.Getting an error and dont know what the solution is?csv files are standard ones with three fields.
filelist1:key inputdir;
filelist2:` sv' inputdir,'filelist1;
filelist3:string filelist2;
select from r
} each `$filelist3
Hard coding the file names and running below code works but I don't want to hard code
raze {[x]
select from r
} each (`$"C:/q/BitCoin/Input/bitbayPLN.csv";`$"C:/q/BitCoin/Input/anxhkAUD.csv")
Getting below error
An error occurred during execution of the query.
The server sent the response:
Can someone help with issue?
The reason that you are receiving the error 'filelist3 is because filelist3 is defined in the lambda and outside of the lambda it is not recognised or defined. There are various ways to overcome this as outlined below.
Firstly you can essentially take all of the defined work done on the inside of the lambda and put it on the right side of the each.
raze{[x] r:flip`Time`Qty`Price!("ZFF";",")0:x; select from r
} each `$(string (` sv' `:C:/q/BitCoin/Input,'(key `:C:/q/BitCoin/Input)))
Or if you wanted to you could create a function which will generate filelist3 for you and use that on the right hand side of the each also.
f:{[inputdir] filelist1:key inputdir; filelist2:` sv' inputdir,'filelist1; filelist3:string filelist2; filelist3}
raze{[x] r:flip`Time`Qty`Price!("ZFF";",")0:x; select from r
} each `$f[`:C:/q/BitCoin/Input]
I hope this helps.
Many thanks,

kdb/q - geting an expression by location to its containing source code string?

I'm playing around with Q's new .Q.trp, and the debug object which you're given in case of an error.
From what I see, the debug object contains a string representation of the source code where the error occured, as well as the offset in that string where the error was triggered.
For example,
something: 123;
x: 123; ThisThrowsAnError[456;789]; y: 123;
when executing above code, the debug object would contain this code in its entirity, as well as the offset pointing to (the beginning of) ThisThrowsAnError[].
My question is - based on this information, how can I extract the entire statement that cuased the error?
For example, in above example, I'd like to extract "ThisThorwsAnError[456;789]".
Things I've thought of so far...
Extract string from the offset, until the end of line. Doesn't work though, as there might be other statements in the same line (e.g. the "y: 123" above)
Parse the source code (literally, with "parse"). But then what..? The output could be anything (e.g. a lambda or a statement list), and then whatever it is still needs to be mapped back to the source locations somehow
Appreciate any ideas! Thanks

How to find out KDB Query Execution Time

I would like to find out how much time a query took for getting executed. I plan to log this for audit and support purposes.
I have found this in the documentation:
q)\t log til 100000 / milliseconds for log of first 100000 numbers
But the above method actually evaluates the query again and tells us the time. It doesn't return the results of the query. So if I use this it will actually be like running every query twice, once for getting the results and once for knowing the execution time.
Is there any other method someone is aware of?
You could also capture the time before/after the query runs to figure out the execution time.
Execute on one line:
q)start:.z.p;result:log til 100000;exectime:.z.p-start
-0w 0 0.6931472 1.098612 1.386294 ...
This method will give you nano-second precision but can easily be adapted to return the same as \t.
q)res:system"t a:{st:.z.p;log til 10000000;.z.p-st}[]"
q)`long$`time$a /convert to Ms
You can use a "system t" call (the equivalent of \t) to store the result and the time in one go.
b:system"t a:log til 100000"
It's not very general or functional though so it mightn't suit your needs to have the commands inside a string.
Expanding on Connor's idea, you can wrap this in a function that will return the value and print the time taken to stdout:
time:{ t0:.z.t; r:eval x; 0N!.z.t-t0; :r }
And then send the parse tree of your function as the argument:
q)a:time (log;til 100000)
-0w 0 0.6931472 1.098612 1.386294 1.609438 1.791759 1.94591 2.079442 2.197225..

Job executed with no data in Spark Streaming

My code:
// messages is JavaPairDStream<K, V>
Fun01, Fun02, Fun03 all have transformations, output operations (foreachRDD) .
Fun01, Fun03 both executed as expected, which prove "messages" is not null or empty.
On Spark application UI, I found Fun02's output stage in "Spark stages", which prove "executed".
The first line of Fun02 is a map function, I add log in it. I also add log for every step in Fun02, they all prove "with no data".
Does somebody know possible reasons? Thanks very much.
#maasg Fun02's logic is:
msg_02 = messages.mapToPair(...)
msg_03 = msg_02.reduceByKeyAndWindow(...)
msg_04 = msg_03.mapValues(...)
msg_05 = msg_04.reduceByKeyAndWindow(...)
msg_06 = msg_05.filter(...)
msg_07 = msg_06.filter(...)
I have done test on Spark-1.1 and Spark-1.2, which is supported by my company's Spark cluster.
It seems that this is a bug in Spark-1.1 and Spark-1.2, fixed in Spark-1.3 .
I post my test result here: http://secfree.github.io/blog/2015/05/08/spark-streaming-reducebykeyandwindow-data-lost.html .
When continuously use two reduceByKeyAndWindow, depending of the window, slide value, "data lost" may appear.
I can not find the bug in Spark's issue list, so I can not get the patch.

Cannot update one field at a time with VSTO for Word

When fields are nested, there is a problem.
foreach (Word.Field field in this.Application.ActiveDocument.Fields)
text = field.Result.Text;
The above code does not work.
The process starts, but winds up in an endless loop or some other process that hangs the system.
Thinking about it, I can surmise that when you update a field, it might have an effect on the fields collection - thus, the loop fails.
Does anyone have any ideas on implementing this?
P.S. I know there is a Document.UpdateFields() method to update ALL fields. However, there are reasons why I cannot use this and need to only update specific field types.
My apologies! I was going to give an example of a nested field but was trying to test some more before sending anyone (Jack) on a goose-chase.
I waited and waited and waited, and after a good 2 or 3 minutes, it finished. After the last field, it crashed with this message:
Object has been deleted.
The error was generated from the following line inside the loop:
string text = field.Code.Text;
The template is being tested on mergefields that are not being found because I am testing without database connectivity. It would be odd, but explainable, that it goes through all the fields and then, at the end of the day, the very OUTER IF field's result is "Error! Reference source not found." But I still don't get why this could happen.
Nor do I understand why looping takes 3 minutes while a call to document.Fields.Update() will do the same thing in about 1 second and NOT result in the error described above.
Again, my apologies. I never considered updating inside a loop would be vastly slower that a call to doc.fields.update().