How read in parallel all data from OrientDB - orientdb

I want read all data from Orientdb database and I dont want get an iterator, I want read in some way all data in parallel by chunks from distinct pc across the network. There is any way to read databaseĀ“s clusters in parallel or any other way to do this?

I have seen the Spark connector for Orientdb, they query directly the clusters of the Orientdb classes in order to read the values of a complete class in parallel.

You can use PARALLEL in a SELECT query.
PARALLEL Executes the query against x concurrent threads, where x refers to the number of processors or cores found on the host operating system of the query. You may find PARALLEL execution useful on long running queries or queries that involve multiple cluster. For simple queries, using PARALLEL may cause a slow down due to the overhead inherent in using multiple threads.


ksqlDB recommendations for deploying large set of queries

I am running a ksqlDB streaming application that consists of a large number of queries (>60 queries), including many joins and aggregations. My data comes from various sources, and requires plenty of manipulation to produce the desired processed data, hence the large number of queries. I've run this set of queries on a single machine, using interactive mode, and it produces the right results. But I observe an increasing consumer lag when I increase the amount of data fed into the application.
I read on ksqlDB's Capacity Planning page that I can scale by adding more servers, which is what I plan to do.
Under Important Sizing Factors, it's also stated that "You should avoid running a large number of queries on one ksqlDB cluster. Instead, use interactive mode to play with your data and develop sets of queries that function together. Then, run these in their own headless cluster." However, I am unsure how to do this- my queries are all dependent on each other.
Does anyone have any general recommendations on how to deploy a large number of interdependent ksql queries? As an added requirement, the data is refreshed each day and is independent for the each new day, so I need to do some sort of refresh of the queries each day.
I think that's just a recommendation if you can group queries that depend each other, and then split those groups into headless mode servers.
Another way, if you use interactive mode, is to partitioned your topics and add more ksql servers to your cluster. This will allow ksql to split the workload across the cluster, each server consuming and processing one partition. Say you have 4 partitions per topic and 2 servers, then you'll have 1 server processing 2 partitions and another server other 2 partitions. This should decrease the workload on each server.
Another improvement is to reduce the number of streams threads. Each query you create runs with 4 kafka streams threads by default. The more number of threads, the more parallel work is done in the server. With a large number of queries, performance decreases and lag is incremented. Try with 1 thread and see if that works. Set in the to configure it.

How to use Concurrency API on data frames?

I have a requirement to parallelize the Scala Data Frames to load various tables. I have a fact table that is having around 1.7 TB of data. This is taking around 5 minutes to load. I want to concurrently load my dimension tables so that I can reduce my overall scala . I am not well versed with Concurrent API in Scala?.
You need to read up on Spark - the whole point of it is to parallelize processing of data beyond the scope of single machine. Essentially Spark will parallelize the load by as many tasks you'd have running in parallel - It all depends on how you set your cluster - from the question I am guessing you only use on and that you ran it in local model in which case you should at least run it with local[number of processors you have]
If I didn't make it clear you shouldn't also use any other Scala concurrency APIs

Spark/Scala parallel write to redis

Is it possible to write to Redis in parallel from spark?
(Or: how to write tens of thousands of keys/lists quickly from spark)
Currently, I'm writing to Redis by key in sequence, and it's taking forever. I need to write about 90000 lists (of length 2-2000). Speed is extremely important. Currently, it's taking on the order of 1 hour. Tradition benchmarks of Redis claim thousands of Redis writes per second, but in my pipeline, I'm not anywhere near that.
Any help is appreciated.
A single Redis instance runs in one thread so operations are inherently sequential. If you have a Redis cluster then the instance to which a datum is written depends on a hash slot calculated from the key being written. This hash function (amongst other things) ensures that the load gets distributed across all the Redis instances in the cluster. If you cluster has N instances, you have (almost) at most N parallel writes that you can execute. This because each cluster instance is still a single thread. A reasonable Spark Redis connector should exploit the cluster efficiently.
Either way, Redis is really quick, especially if you use mass inserts.

Understanding parallelism in Spark and Scala

I have some confusion about parallelism in Spark and Scala. I am running an experiment in which I have to read many (csv) files from the disk change/ process certain columns and then write it back to the disk.
In my experiments, if I use SparkContext's parallelize method only then it does not seem to have any impact on the performance. However simply using Scala's parallel collections (through par) reduces the time almost to half.
I am running my experiments in localhost mode with the arguments local[2] for the spark context.
My question is when should I use scala's parallel collections and when to use spark context's parallelize?
SparkContext will have additional processing in order to support generality of multiple nodes, this will be constant on the data size so may be negligible for huge data sets. On 1 node this overhead will make it slower than Scala's parallel collections.
Use Spark when
You have more than 1 node
You want your job to be ready to scale to multiple nodes
The Spark overhead on 1 node is negligible because the data is huge, so you might as well choose the richer framework
SparkContext's parallelize may makes your collection suitable for processing on multiple nodes, as well as on multiple local cores of your single worker instance ( local[2] ), but then again, you probably get too much overhead from running Spark's task scheduler an all that magic. Of course, Scala's parallel collections should be faster on single machine. - are your files big enough to be automatically split to multiple slices, did you try setting slices number manually?
Did you try running the same Spark job on single core and then on two cores?
Expect best result from Spark with one really big uniformly structured file, not with multiple smaller files.

Distributing work to multiple cores: Hadoop or Scala's parallel collections?

What is the better way of making full use of multiple cores for parallel processing in a Scala/Hadoop system?
Let's say I need to process 100 million documents. Documents are not very large, but processing them is computationally intensive. If I have a Hadoop cluster with 100 machines with 10 cores each, I could either:
A) send 1000 documents to each machine and let Hadoop start a map on each of the 10 cores (or as many as are available)
B) send 1000 documents to each machine (still using Hadoop) and use Scala's parallel collections to make full use of the multiple cores. (I would put all documents in a parallel collection, and then call map on the collection). In other words, use Hadoop for distribution at cluster level, and use parallel collections to manage the distribution to cores within each machine.
Hadoop is going to offer a lot more than just parallelization. It offers a platform to distribute work, a scheduler for handling concurrent jobs, a distributed filesystem, the ability to perform a distributed reduce, and fault tolerance. That said, it is a complicated system and can sometimes be difficult to work with.
If you plan to have multiple users submitting many different jobs, Hadoop is the way to go (out of the two options). However, if you are devoting a cluster to be always be processing documents through the same function, you could, without too much trouble, develop a system with Scala parallel collections and actors for inter-machine communication. The Scala solution would give you more control, the system could respond in real time, and you wouldn't have to deal with a lot of Hadoop configuration that doesn't pertain to your task.
If you need to run varied jobs over large amounts of data (larger than would fit on a single node), then use Hadoop. I can give you more information if you describe your requirements in more detail.
Update: one million is a fairly small number. You might want to do some calculations and see how long it would take on a single machine with parallel collections. The advantage here is that the development time is minimal!
The answer depends on the following question - does your Scala code capable to fully utilize all cores available. Probabbly if you have good intrinsic synchronization between parts of the document to be processed or some other way to parralelyze algorithm without lock contention - then the "B"" is the way. If so - configure one mapper per node and let your mapper to utilize cores in a best way.
If your gain from the parralelization is not that good, and adding more threads (cores) to the processing does not improve performance in a linear way - then the "A" can be better way. Efficiency of "A" also depends on the size of your RAM - you will need enough ram for 10 mappers per node.
I can suspect that ideal solution can be somewhere in between. So my suggestion is to develop mapper which takes number of threads used as a parameter and then do a few tests increasing number of threads per mapper and decreasing number of mappers per node.
Hadoop is not very good for processing a lot of small files, but for processing a small amount of very large files. Is there any way you can merge the files before processing them, or are they all totally different? Hadoop takes care of distribution and parallelism itself, so there is no need to explicitly send X docs to Y machines. And also i don't think you should use hadoop only as a distribution mechanism, that is not what it's made for. You should either use a real map/reduce, or build your own system for whatever you are trying to do, but not try to bend hadoop to your will.