Can I modify container's environment variables without restarting pod using kubernetes - kubernetes

I have a running pod and I want to change one of it's container's environment variable and made it work immediately. Can I achieve that? If I can, how to do that?

Simply put and in kube terms, you can not.
Environment for linux process is established on process startup, and there are certainly no kube tools that can achieve such goal.
For example, if you make a change to your Deployment (I assume you use it to create pods) it will roll the underlying pods.
Now, that said, there is a really hacky solution reported under Is there a way to change the environment variables of another process in Unix? that involves using GDB
Also, remember that even if you could do that, there is still application logic that would need to watch for such changes instead of, as it usually is now, just evaluate configuration from envs during startup.

This worked with me
kubectl set env RESOURCE/NAME KEY_1=VAL_1 ... KEY_N=VAL_N
check the official documentation here
Another approach for runtime pods you can get into the Pod command line and change the variables in the runtime
RUN kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- /bin/bash
Run export VAR1=VAL1 && export VAR2=VAL2 && your_cmd

I'm not aware of any way to do it and I can't think of real world scenario where this makes too much sense.
Usually you have to restart a process for it to notice the changed environment variables and the easiest way to do that is restart the pod.
The solution closest to what seem to want is to create a deployment and then use kubectl edit (kubectl edit deploy/name) to modify it's environment variables. A new pod is started and the old one is terminated after you save.

Kubernetes is designed in such a way that any changes to the pod should be redeployed through the config. If you go messing with pods that have already been deployed you can end up with weird clusters that are hard to debug.
If you really want to you can run additional commands in your running pod using kubectl exec, but this is only recommended for debug purposes.
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> export VARIABLENAME=<thing>

If you are using Helm 3> according to the documentation:
Automatically Roll Deployments
Often times ConfigMaps or Secrets are
injected as configuration files in containers or there are other
external dependencies changes that require rolling pods. Depending on
the application a restart may be required should those be updated with
a subsequent helm upgrade, but if the deployment spec itself didn't
change the application keeps running with the old configuration
resulting in an inconsistent deployment.
The sha256sum function can be used to ensure a deployment's annotation
section is updated if another file changes:
kind: Deployment
checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/configmap.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
In the event you always want
to roll your deployment, you can use a similar annotation step as
above, instead replacing with a random string so it always changes and
causes the deployment to roll:
kind: Deployment
rollme: {{ randAlphaNum 5 | quote }}
Both of these methods allow your Deployment to leverage the built in update strategy
logic to avoid taking downtime.
NOTE: In the past we recommended using the --recreate-pods flag as
another option. This flag has been marked as deprecated in Helm 3 in
favor of the more declarative method above.

It is hard to change from outside. But it is easy to change from inside. Your App running in the pod can change it. Just oppose an Api to change environment variable.

You can use configmap with volumes to update environment variables on the go..


Restart Pod when secrets gets updated

We are using secret as environment variables on pod, but every time we have updated on secrets, we are redeploying the pods to take changes effect. We are looking for a mechanism where Pods get restarted automatically whenever secrets gets updated. Any help on this?
Thanks in advance.
There are many ways to handle this.
First, use Deployment instead of "naked" Pods that are not managed. The Deployment will create new Pods for you, when the Pod template is changed.
Second, to manage Secrets may be a bit tricky. It would be great if you can use a setup where you can use Kustomize SecretGenerator - then each new Secret will get its unique name. In addition, that unique name is reflected to the Deployment automatically - and your pods will automatically be recreated when a Secret is changed - this match your origin problem. When Secret and Deployment is handled this way, you apply the changes with:
kubectl apply -k <folder>
If you mount your secrets to pod it will get updated automatically you don't have to restart your pod as mentioned here
Other approaches are staker reloader which can reload your deployments based on configs, secrets etc
There are multiple ways of doing this:
Simply restart the pod
this can be done manually, or,
you could use an operator provided by VMware carvel kapp controller (documentation), using kapp controller you can reload the secrets/ configmap without needing to restart the pods (which effectively runs helm template <package> on a periodic basis and applies the changes if it founds any differences in helm template), check out my design for reloading the log level without needing to restart the pod.
Using service bindings

Tool to check YAML files for Kubernetes offline

Is there some tool available that could tell me whether a K8s YAML configuration (to-be-supplied to kubectl apply) is valid for the target Kubernetes version without requiring a connection to a Kubernetes cluster?
One concrete use-case here would be to detect incompatibilities before actual deployment to a cluster, just because some already-deprecated label has been finally dropped in a newer Kubernetes version, e.g. as has happened for Helm and the switch to Kubernetes 1.16 (see Helm init fails on Kubernetes 1.16.0):
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
apiVersion: apps/v1
I want to check these kind of incompatibilities within a CI system, so that I can reject it before even attempting to deploy it.
just run below command to validate the syntax
kubectl create -f <yaml-file> --dry-run
In fact the dry-run option is to validate the YAML syntax and the object schema. You can grab the output into a variable and if there is no error then rerun the command without dry-run
You could use kubeval
I don't think kubectl support client-side only validation yet (02/2022)

Editing Kubernetes pod on-the-fly

For the debug and testing purposes I'd like to find a most convenient way launching Kubernetes pods and altering its specification on-the-fly.
The launching part is quite easy with imperative commands.
kubectl run nginx-test --image nginx --restart=Never
gives me exactly what I want: the single pod not managed by any controller like Deployment or ReplicaSet. Easy to play with and cleanup when it needed.
However when I'm trying to edit the spec with
kubectl edit po nginx-test
I'm getting the following warning:
pods "nginx-test" was not valid:
* spec: Forbidden: pod updates may not change fields other than spec.containers[*].image, spec.initContainers[*].image, spec.activeDeadlineSeconds or spec.tolerations (only additions to existing tolerations)
i.e. only the limited set of Pod spec is editable at runtime.
Getting Pod spec saved into the file:
kubectl get po nginx-test -oyaml > nginx-test.yaml
edited and recreated with
kubectl apply -f
A bit heavy weight for changing just one field though.
Creating a Deployment not single Pod and then editing spec section in Deployment itself.
The cons are:
additional API object needed (Deployment) which you should not forget to cleanup when you are done
the Pod names are autogenerated in the form of nginx-test-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx and less
convenient to work with.
So is there any simpler option (or possibly some elegant workaround) of editing arbitrary field in the Pod spec?
I would appreciate any suggestion.
You should absolutely use a Deployment here.
For the use case you're describing, most of the interesting fields on a Pod cannot be updated, so you need to manually delete and recreate the pod yourself. A Deployment manages that for you. If a Deployment owns a Pod, and you delete the Deployment, Kubernetes knows on its own to delete the matching Pod, so there's not really any more work.
(There's not really any reason to want a bare pod; you almost always want one of the higher-level controllers. The one exception I can think of is kubectl run a debugging shell inside the cluster.)
The Pod name being generated can be a minor hassle. One trick that's useful here: as of reasonably recent kubectl, you can give the deployment name to commands like kubectl logs
kubectl logs deployment/nginx-test
There are also various "dashboard" type tools out there that will let you browse your current set of pods, so you can do things like read logs without having to copy-and-paste the full pod name. You may also be able to set up tab completion for kubectl, and type
kubectl logs nginx-test<TAB>

How to make an environment variable different across two pods of the same deployment in kubernetes?

Based on this it is possible to create environment variables that are the same across all the pods of the deployment that you define.
Is there a way to instruct Kubernetes deployment to create pods that have different environment variables?
Use case:
Let's say that I have a monitoring container and i want to create 4 replicas of it. This container has a service that is mailing if an environment variables defines so. Eg, if the env var IS_MASTER is true, then the service proceeds to send those e-mails.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Deployment
replicas: 4
-name: IS_MASTER
value: <------------- True only in one of the replicas
(In my case I'm using helm, but the same thing can be without helm as well)
What you are looking for is, as far as I know, more like an anti-pattern than impossible.
From what I understand, you seem to be looking to deploy a scalable/HA monitoring platform that wouldn't mail X times on alerts, so you can either make a sidecar container that will talk to its siblings and "elect" the master-mailer (a StatefulSet will make it easier in this case), or just separate the mailer from the monitoring and make them talk to each other through a Service. That would allow you to load-balance both monitoring and mailing separately.
monitoring-1 \ / mailer-1
monitoring-2 --- > mailer.svc -- mailer-2
monitoring-3 / \ mailer-3
Any mailing request will be handled by one and only one mailer from the pool, but that's assuming your Monitoring Pods aren't all triggered together on alerts... If that's not the case, then regardless of your "master" election for the mailer, you will have to tackle that first.
And by tackling that first I mean adding a master-election logic to your monitoring platform, to orchestrate master fail-overs on events, there are a few ways to do so, but it really depends on what your monitoring platform is and can do...
Although, if your replicas are just there to extend compute power somehow and your master is expected to be static, then simply use a StatefulSet, and add a one liner at runtime doing if hostname == $statefulset-name-0 then MASTER, but I feel like it's not the best idea.
By definition, each pod in a deployment is identical to its other replicas. This is not possible in the yaml definition.
An optional solution will be to override the pod command and have it process and calculate the value of the variable, set the variable (export IS_MASTER=${resolved_value}) and trigger the default entrypoint for the container.
It means you'll have to figure out a logic to implement this (i.e. how does the pod know it should be IS_MASTER=true?). This is an implementation detail that can be done with a DB or other shared common resource used as a flag or semaphore.
All the Pod replicas in the deployment will have the same environment variables and no unique value to identify a particular Pod. Creating multiple Deployments is a better solution.
Not sure why, the OP is for only one Deployment. One solution is to use StatefulSets. The node names would be like web-0, web1, web-2 and so on. In the code check for the host name, if it is web-0 then send emails or else do something else.
It's a dirty solution, but I can't think of a better solution than creating multiple deployments.
One other solution is to use the same Helm Chart for both cases and run one helm deployment for each case. You can overwrite env variables with helm (using --set "0" or "1")
Please note that Helm/K8s will not allow you to POST the very same configuration twice.
So you will have to conditionally apply some Kubernetes specific configuration (Secrets, ConfigMaps, Secrets etc) on the first deployment only.
{{- if eq "1" }}
{{- end }}

Kubernetes deployments: Editing the 'spec' of a pod's YAML file fails

The env element added in spec.containers of a pod using K8 dashboard's Edit doesn't get saved. Does anyone know what the problem is?
Is there any other way to add environment variables to pods/containers?
I get this error when doing the same by editing the file using nano:
# pods "EXAMPLE" was not valid:
# * spec: Forbidden: pod updates may not change fields other than `containers[*].image` or `spec.activeDeadlineSeconds`
Not all fields can be updated. This fact is sometimes mentioned in the kubectl explain output for the object (and the error you got lists the fields that can be changed, so the others probably cannot).:
$ kubectl explain pod.spec.containers.env
RESOURCE: env <[]Object>
List of environment variables to set in the container. Cannot be updated.
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
If you deploy your Pods using a Deployment object, then you can change the environment variables in that object with kubectl edit since the Deployment will roll out updated versions of the Pod(s) that have the variable changes and kill the older Pods that do not. Obviously, that method is not changing the Pod in place, but it is one way to get what you need.
Another option for you may be to use ConfigMaps. If you use the volume plugin method for mounting the ConfigMap and your application is written to be aware of changes to the volume and reload itself with new settings on change, it may be an option (or at least give you other ideas that may work for you).
We cannot edit env variables, resource limit, service account of a pod that is running live.
But definitely, we can edit/update image name, toleration and active deadline seconds,, etc.
However, the "deployment" can be easily edited because "pod" is a child template of deployment specification.
In order to "edit" the running pod with desired changes, the following approach can be used.
Extract the pod definition to a file, Make necessary changes, Delete the existing pod, and Create a new pod from the edited file:
kubectl get pod my-pod -o yaml > my-new-pod.yaml
vi my-new-pod.yaml
kubectl delete pod my-pod
kubectl create -f my-new-pod.yaml
Not sure about others but when I edited the pod YAML from google Kubernetes Engine workloads page, the same error came to me. But if I retry after some time it worked.
feels like some update was going on at the same time earlier, so I try to edit YAML fast and apply the changes and it worked.