Better options than Vuforia for Extended Tracking? - unity3d

Me and a friend are trying to develop an app with a very unique and strange concept. I have a rubiks cube, where all the stickers have been replaced with QR Codes,
So that to the naked eye, they are impossible to distinguish from each other, but through a QR-Code reader (and a fair bit of patience) you can scan one and one sticker to reveal which color it in fact is, and use this system to ultimately solve the rubiks cube. The idea was widely received in the cubing community, and I am now looking to expand on that idea by making an app that recognizes each sticker, tracks them using a tracking plugin, and virtually colors in that sticker, so that through the lens of my smartphone, the stickers have colors. I have so far made a simple version of the app, using the Vuforia tracking plugin, and it's produced really promising results Screenshot from said app
My problem though, is that Vuforia only allows 2-3 stickers to be tracked and painted at a time, and while I've had it read 6 stickers before, that requiered me to hold the cube very still. I am developing a brand new set of stickers that isn't QR Codes, but rather random patterns that hopefully will be easier for the app to recognize, but what I really need is a tracking plugin that allows more stickers to be tracked at once. Vuforia is, to my understanding, the best free tracking plugin out there, but are there any other tracking plugins that can produce the results I'm seeking? Optimally, I would like to track 27 stickers at once, as that's the maximum amount of stickers visible on a rubiks cube at a time. but if that's too much, 9 stickers, which is the amount of stickers for each side, would do just fine too. Can anyone with more knowledge to tracking and extended tracking help me? I didn't make this app, only the stickers, cube and concept, so I don't know how to use the plugins. Would it be possible to use several plugins at once? I am willing to pay for the license for a better plugin if that's what it takes. If there are any better ways to approach my idea, I am also very open to hear them. Thank you very much for your time


make an app that displays desktop on iphone in vr on unity

I would like to make an AR iPhone app in unity that places an object in the real world which you can then interact with it on your iPhone. like you have a bar at the bottom of your screen and you can drag the objects into the ar world and interact with them with the ability of hand tracking. This will work kind of like the meta 2 interface which you can grab things and drag them. it uses hand tracking to do this.
I have done some research on this but, I need some help doing this because I don't know where to start and how to accomplish what I am trying to do.
I don't have any code.
You can email me at for any comments and questions. also, you can email me to help me with this. thanks so much for your support!
To get started in mobile AR in Unity, I would recommend starting with Unity's resources:
Here's a tutorial resource for learning ARKit:
As for hand tracking, obviously the Meta 2 has specialized hardware to execute its features... you shouldn't necessarily be expecting to achieve the same feature set with only a phone driving your experience. Leap Motion is the most common hand tracker I've seen integrated into VR and AR setups and it works well, but if you really need hand tracking with just a phone, you could check out ManoMotion which seeks to bring hand tracking and gesture recognition to ARKit, although I haven't personally worked with it.

Augmented Reality : Recognize hand written number?

I am trying to find a solution for this AR app as the topic tells.
I want my app to recognize a hand-written number by the user.
The app will tell the user to write down for example number 24 on a paper and move the camera over the written number to see the 3d object.
This might be used for saving a Birthday, a wedding date .. etc
For accuracy, the app instructions will show the user a preview to tell please write the number 24 similar to this..
Although each hand writing will differ, but at least we do not get curly "2"-s or "4" with an open edge ..etc
So here we need AR to recognize the number, or be able to read the number according to approximation.
And the first question is: Is such a behavior doable or anyone familiar with a similar concept?
After searching similar apps, I found "Ink Hunter" apps for tatoo preview-s, although these apps use symbols not number, but we can think of a number as a symbol as well.
Also as this video: shows, each user draws the symbol in a different way and still they get it working.
I am using Unity3d and Vuforia.
Vuforia offers free samples(unity3d packages) on the website, and there is one named "Text Recognition" , and here's the tutorial link:
But unfortunately couldn't make it work.
If someone has developed such a functionality using these sample projects from vuforia or have any ulternative method please I need you help :)
thanks in advance moghes
Here's a tutorial our team created on text recognition using the Hololens and Vuforia with Unity: In the first portion of the video, we show how to get text recognition working with just Vuforia and Unity - no Hololens required. For your application, just change the text to numbers.
I believe the biggest challenge you will have is the "hand-written" component. From our research, Vuforia prefers computer-generated, predefined font types.

VR/360 playback of gameplay recording

Apologies if this question has been asked before, and apologies too if it is obvious to those with knowledge - I'm completely tech illiterate especially when it comes to gaming etc so bear with me!
I'm wondering whether it is possible to record gameplay (any console/platform) but be able to play this back in a 360/VR format?
The usecase is this:
I want to watch and follow a game but rather than having 1st person PoV, I'd love to be able to use either a VR headset device (most ideal) or a 360 viewer (tablet or smartphone) to move perspective beyond forward facing field of vision.
Ideally the PoV would follow players (think specatator mode) and not necessarily be a static camera - although not necessarily a deal breaker.
Is this possible?
How would this be done with existing tools etc or would new tools need to be developed?
Would it be 'recorded' client side or serverside - and would this matter?
Huge thanks in advance - also very very happy to be pointed in the direction of sources of info around this subject to consume if readily available.
You need to connect the gameobject(character) in your game that has the camera to your VR display (wherever you are coding the display at) and write a code that takes the image that it displaces in that camera under that gameobject and make it so it is continuously updating, making it seem like you are in the game.
look here

Unity 3D vs. UDK 3 for iOS

I have a couple ideas for some 3D games/apps and need to know which 3D engine to go with. I like the high-level approach of Unity and UDK. I have done some 2D games using cocos2d before, but I'm entirely new to the 3D world, which is why i think Unity or UDK are a good choice. I know about the differences in licensing, and i am more concerned with the learning curve instead of the licensing cost.
A 3D "side scroller" that goes forwards (up) instead of to the side. Third person space ship. This would primarily be for learning. Tilt to steer, tap to jump. Very simple graphics, vertex coloring would be enough.
A 2.5D "side scroller" like the above one but with a car. This game would generate the levels randomly out of a couple prefab blocks of a certain length that fit together seamlessly.
A 3D augmented reality display for pilots with a terrain mesh loaded from DEM data. Accelerometer and GPS access required.
Other important points:
Must be able to tie in to In-App purchases.
The more community content like tutorials and forums the better.
Ability to add third party libraries like Flurry Analytics is a big plus! But i guess this isn't possible?
Which engine would you recommend for these projects, and why? Preferably, i'd like to pick one and stick with it.
You’re going to have a way, way better time developing with Unity. UDK’s got a fantastic, incredibly capable engine, but its tools don’t have the ease-of-use of Unity’s, its developer documentation leaves a lot to be desired, and the community hasn’t been using it for long enough for there to be much help to be found there. Some quick Googling suggests you can write your own Objective-C plug-ins for Unity games, so in-app purchases and third-party libraries are definitely a possibility. I think Unity’s your best bet.
What about cryengine? it free for non commercial use and also provides mono c#.
Check it out CryEngine

How to make good looking custom ui in mobile and tablet devices?

I'm looking for an intro into designing and making a custom and dynamic UI on mobile specific platforms. As I understand Nokia(Qt), Android, and iOS all use OpenGL ES (2.0?). I haven't looked into Windows phone 7 yet so not sure what that uses. So I think OpenGL would be a pretty good place to start. While OpenGL is mostly about 3D, I'm also open to 2d ways of creating dynamic UI.
I've never really been big on designing interfaces or coming up with cool concepts but now I have an idea for a mobile app that really needs a good looking user-interface. It's sort of a half app, half game type of thing. It really targets people in the gaming community who I think are used to a bit more polish and advanced UI. I could still probably get away with a simple UI(simple not being a bad thing) but I think I at least should learn some design techniques for future reference.
Of course I realise that excessive eye candy which hurts usability, like bloated graphics that slow down the mobile, are of no use at all. I'm trying to make a sleek UI that while looking good allows the user to interact well with the app effectively.
Any suggestions, resources, experience you can share would be most helpful.
EDIT: While I'm looking for ways to use 3D graphics, I'm more concerned with how to come up with a sleek UI in a mobile. I come from a mostly web developer background, with some experience in Photoshop(CSS is the furthest I've gone in designing). I have never really had to design a dynamic interface that reacted to touch and moved all around the screen with some laws of physics attached. There are lots of such effects, such as the carousal effect, which gives the user an enhanced experience. I have no idea how to incorporate these effects into a mobile device. For example, one of the things I need this app to do is take a glassy circular object(a button) that moves around, then turn it into a sort of convex glass lens so it's sort of zooming in on the image underneath to make it look like its actually a magnifying glass. I looked around and this effect is created by a "grid warp" or a "mesh warp". Suffice it to say I have no idea how to do it.
This will help you not only with Windows Phone 7. WP7 uses DirectX 9, but not directly, you must pick XNA or Silverlight(no other options). Also these blog posts I find quite usefull.
For game, game related app I would stick to one design, and as you said start with OpenGL.
I have been searching since yesterday and thought I'd add some links for anyone interested.
Although I'm dividing them up by the platform the articles refer to, with some elbow grease the ideas should be cross-platform compatible.
Carousal animation in Qt
Shadow effect Qt
Qt Kinetic Scrolling describes kinetic scrolling algorithm in Qt(self descriptive really)
Qt OpenGL Nehe tutorials converted to the Qt environment
OpenGL from the ground up - expansive list
Flow Cover tutorial.
Android 3d Tutorial
Another Android OpenGL tutorial
Yet another Android OpenGl ES tutorial, seems people have gone open-source mad.
Custom UI on Android
One finger zoom tutorial at Sony Ericsson Developer World
3D list at Sony Ericsson Developer World
OpenGl tutorials at NeHe, there are tons, I read through the first one (on light) and it was really informative.
TheRedBook intro to OpenGl
Books list at Design4Mobile, these do not cover the technical side rather covers the things to keep in mind when designing mobiles, I think the O'Rielly one should be pretty good.
10 beautifully designed Iphone Apps - for a touch of inspiration
All rounder
Mobile TutsPlus sort of a gathering of tutorials for android and iPhone
That's I found in the last four or five hours, as I find more I'll add it on. I've also made this a community Wiki so others can correct any mistakes I've made here, or to add anything they feel relevant.