Host RESTHeart on IBM WebSphere - mongodb

I want to host/run RESTHeart on an IBM WebSphere Application Server (traditional V8.5 or Liberty). For default RESTHeart is made to run on Undertow/JBoss(?).
Is there any possibility to do so? I couldn't find anything about that.

You can't. RESTHeart is a plain Java application, it is NOT meant to be ran inside any application server. It's not true it's made to run inside Undertow/JBoss, instead RESTHeart embeds Undertow, to serve HTTP requests very efficiently.
RESTHeart has been developed with a micro-services architecture in mind, because we wanted something simple, without the need to run and manage a fully fledged application server in our production environments.


Hosting REST api in web server or application server

I would like to know if there is any difference in hosting REST web service APIs in a web server or application server, is there any reason one is preferred over the other?
So i think you are confused about what are application servers and web servers.
Application Server is the name of a machine/server which is running any application used by an organization and it depends of any other servers to run the application functionalities correctly, like Database Servers, Caching Servers and other kind of servers.
Web server is a software which puts an application online for being accessed by clients through the web.
An application server commonly has a web server running inside it, as part of a stack needed to run the application in the server, like libraries and other sofwares need to execute the application objective.
So you can run a REST api inside of an application server with help of the web server application.
Some examples of web servers are Apache, Nginx, LightHttpd, etc.

how can I test my published restful web service in azure

I created a restful web service with java in eclipse
I used Eclipse toolkit to deploy my WS.
I'm just wondering how to test http requests? I mean there is the default URL to the app porvided by azure
but how to do a POST or GET?
and also DO I need to chose the same tomcat version when deploying my app in azure?
I have tomcat 6 on my computer, but in azure i chose tomcat 8 for example
thank you all for your answers.
I don understand your question. You can perform a GET request in any browser and a Post using tools like Postman or Fiddler (just to name a few). We can' tell you which path you have to use because it depends on your application but it should be the same as if you run it local (except the different host address). Also whether you have to choose the same tomecat version depends on your application and the component it uses - you are the only person who can answer that.

Elastic search to be deployed as embedded or client/server mode

Which is the preferred mode of deployment for Elasticsearch, embedded mode (embedded in to the product/application) or client/server mode?
Apache Solr and most of the SQL, NOSQL databases are usually deployed in client/server mode. Where server runs as standalone, the client might be a driver library which will be used in the application.
In case of Elasticsearch, client and server binaries are the same. It would be difficult to package two separate Elasticsearch binaries, one for client to use in the application and another for the standalone server. I am planning to go with Rest API because I cannot package two set of Elasticsearch binaries in my product.
What is the general practice for Elasticsearch deployment? Keep Elasticsearch as standalone and use Rest API or embedded Elasticsearch within the application?
For production usage it is better to decouple your application from elasticsearch srever.
Lets say you want to upgrade to elastic 2.X that mean that you will need to re-compile your application - wouldnt it be overhead?
If you to run unit/data integration test you can use elasticsearch as embedded service to your testing needs

GWT 2.7 with Rest

We are building a project and will be using gwt 2.7 with rest ( spring) and weblogic server.
The problem which we face is that I want to run the gwt module on superdev mode (which runs on 8888 port by default) but the rest is deployed on 7001 port on weblogic server.
I cannot call the rest services from superdev mode as it gives a cross site scripting error.
How can get my super dev mode running so that I can test and develop UI and connect to rest services on different port.
I know there has been topic on use a different server for dev mode. But i don't see any examples.
Can some please suggest wat needs to be done. Even if it requires changing the project structure to get the dev mode working with rest.
This is a common problem for web-development. It can be solved by using:
CORS (at the REST server)
Using a proxy servlet (I use this approach, but with a handwritten servlet)
Disable the browser security (I would not do this)
did you try running GWT module on external server mode?

start solrserver deployed inside tomcat from within eclipse

I am working in windows 7 machine.I want to implement search using apache solr with hbase ta
bles as datasource. I have configured apache solr 4.3.1 in tomcat 7. I can able to deploy it successfully by manually starting tomcat server.
When i try to start solr server from within spring mvc web application it says solrserver started,but when i query the solr its giving the following without any errors:
page 0 of 0 containing UNKNOWN instances
As per my research on solr, it is mentioned embedded solrserver is unfit for production so i need to have httpsolrserver.
So somebody help me clear my head and give me some solution...
Thanks in advance..
For production, you would be better with hosting Solr as a seperate instance.
This would keep the responsibility separate, web application and search engine.
Indexing process are resource intensive and would the web application behavior as well.
This can be catered by Master Slave arch, providing best search performance.
External instance can be scaled at will and would not impact the web application.