Changing camera in two different scenes in Unity - unity3d

I have a mobile game, and this game have two different scenes. I want to do in first scene the camera should be vertical, and in second scene the camera should be horizontal. However, when I change the scene the camera always be vertical. How can I fix this.

You can attach a script to your cameras and use the following to change the screen orientation:
i.e. to set screen vertical
Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;


How do i make to a collider match the image size on Unity 2D Game?

I'm trying to make my game to work on every device screen, i'm using images to be able to scale my game for every screen size.. When i use a collider on my image and when the screen size changes, the collider doesn't follow the image size correctly, how do i do to make it work? My game is 2D, i tried everything to make the game to scale with all screen sizes but only setting anchors right using images worked, sprites doesn't match the screen size correctly

How do I get the 2d sprite gameObject in front of the UI Canvas?

2d sprite
panel UI
in game
Fist make sure your canvas' Render Mode is not set to Screen Space - Overlay.
If it is, then switch it to Screen Space - Camera and then change its Render Camera property to point to your main camera.
You can then use the following canvas' properties to control where it appears in relation to other sprites (which appears on top of which), the same way you control any other 2D Sprite:
Sorting Layer
Order in Layer
Also worth noting that 2D Sprites with same Sorting Layer and Order in Layer will use the distance to the camera to decide which one appears on top of which, and the same is true for the canvas:
If your canvas' Render Mode is set to Screen Space - Camera, it will always be positioned in front of your camera and you need to use its Plane Distance property in order to position it correctly.
If your canvas' Render Mode is set to World Space, you can position it freely in the world in the same way you position any other sprite.
First of all the hierarchy window in unity is completely irrelevant when its about positioning.
In Unity everything is 3D, even if you switch to 2D perspective.
So in your case you still have your camera, your sprite and your canvas in a 3D Dimension.
To set your sprite in front of the canvas you only need to increase the positioning stats (seen in your "panel UI" screenshot) at least slightly closer to your camera than the canvas is.

Unity3D - Embedding a 3d scene in a 2d scene

I'm fairly new to Unity and I'm trying to embed a 3d view inside a 2d one.
I'm working on an emulation app that has a 2d UI for controls and a preview of the result in a 3d box that should be embedded in the 2d one, sort of as a player.
What's the right approach to doing that in Unity? Is there a way of "embedding" one scene in another?
If you want to create 3D effect with UI canvas, you should look to this link.
If you are using 2D project, it is basically 3D scene with camera set to use ortographic projection, not perspective. So you can use 3D models as well.
You should look into Render Texture. Those allows to render a camera view onto a texture in a scene. Say you have a part of a scene an dyou want to render onto a TV screen in your game. You would place the TV scene somewhere and place your camera to view it. Then you create a render texture and apply onto the mesh that is making your tv screen.
Now if you wish to make a UI system, like a radar with a top view, you would modify the viewport of your top view camera (0,0,.2,.2 would place it bottom left corner with 20% height and width) and make the depth higher so that it renders on top of the main camera.

Unity coordinates doesn't work

I'm very beginner in Unity so please forgive if, this questions isn't so hard to answer:)
So, I have a text on a Canvas in the editor, it is okay, it's showing well on Scene editor and In Game as well.
But, when I added two Sprites, which going to be the player and the enemy, the positions of these sprites are behave a bit weird.
The text position is: x: -293 y: 195, when I'm modifying the position of the text it works fine.
When I add the sprites to x:0 y:0 and x:1 y:1, in the scene editor they appear in the left bottom corner, but when I check in the game, they placed in the middle of the screen.
My question is why the coordinates and the positions are so different on Scene (grey) and on Game (blue) ?
Because initialized render mode of Canvas in Unity is "ScreenSpace - Overlay". So it is shown on too big area in scene. If you want to work only in view field of camera, in inspector just change render mode of Canvas to "ScreenSpace-Camera" and drag your MainCamera to RenderCamera in inspector. Even if you use ScreenSpace-Camera, coordinate system of RectTransform (UI Objects transform) is different than Transform (Normal game objects transform)
in this view, if you get closer to the left-down corner of your scene, you will see your main camera area and Sprites that are in correct positions.
I hope this helps.

Sprites disappear from scene when change the size of screen

I am coding my first game by using sprite kit.
I added boundary around my scene but when I have different screens for different devices, it shows that there is some gap region and the sprites will be disappear from the screen when they reach that gap region. I would like to know how to set the boundary automatically to be exactly the screen size when changing the screen size?
Try this
let scene = GameScene(size: skView.bounds.size)
This will take your current game scene, scene and set the boundaries of it to that of the screen.
Hope that helps :D