REST Client not generating Webhook Events in Sandbox - rest

I am unable to get the Paypal provided REST client (the client side js) to trigger webhook events in the sandbox to receive payment confirmation on my server app.
Here's what I can do/ have done:
I have created a REST app in the sandbox.
I have subscribed to all webhook events.
I am able to pay with the client app using my sandbox client id and see see the payment reflected in the facilitator account.
I am able to generate a webhook event using the Webhook simulator and receive it / parse it on my server.
However, when I do a sandbox payment transaction using the client, no webhook event is created (as reflected in the Webhook events list provided in the dashboard), nor it is sent to my server. Again, my server receives simulated webhooks just fine.
The problem seems to be that the Paypal REST Client is not generating a webhook event. I have tripled checked everything, but cannot see what I've missed. Help!

I have the same problem. I racked my brain trying to figure out if something was wrong with my code. I contacted Paypal and they said this is an ongoing issue with Paypal sandbox and are working to resolve it.


Does PayPal REST Webhook supports instant payments notification

I am building the system to listen to the Payment changes in PayPal for that I research and recommended using Webhooks over the IPN.
As of now, I can able to create an app and add webhooks with event subscribers. Also, with the webhook simulator I am getting notified correctly but with the actual Payment made in the sandbox does not trigger anything to the listener.
I have verified the correct business account linked with credentials as well.
Everything is working perfectly except the Webhooks triggering from PayPal.
Also, as noting is triggering I do not have debug id as well.
If you have not registered any webhook listeners for any of your REST Apps (either sandbox or live), PayPal will not send any webhooks because it does not know which ones to send events for, or where to send them.
To register webhooks for an app, either:
Find the app for the correct sandbox account in My Apps and Credentials (or create one), and Add Webhook
Do so via using thewebhooks API, with the correct REST App client id and secret for authentication
Until you register a listener URL for event(s), no webhooks will be sent.

PayPal webhook did not receive any events

I created a PayPal plus Payment in my website. I can choose a payment methode and I can pay.
I have also created a PayPal webhook. The webhook works. I tested it in the webhook simulator.
The problem is: if I pay i receive nothing in my webhook.
What can I do?
Presumably you need to Subscribe to Events by providing your webhook URLs PayPal; note that this is completely separate from testing in the simulator. See:

Paypal webhook events never shows on log

I'm currently working on paypal sandbox enviroment. My web app based on nodejs is able to successfully create a new paypal sale and process the data. My problem take place when there is no webhook event related to the new sale even when it was all ok and it's logged into paypal-facilitator balance.
I already follow the paypal webhook integration guide and I am able to receive notifications with mock webhook simulator.

How to test webhooks in paypal sandbox?

I have implemented paypal payment in my shop with the new paypal rest api.
I noticed the is no notification url any more to get a callback when i create a transaction. But i saw that there are now webhooks. So i configured some webhooks in paypal and would not like to test them.
But i can not find any tool or interface to test the webhooks. I do not mean the way to access them by the rest api. I want paypal to execute a request to my server when a payment is for e.g. revoked somehow.
Where can i tell paypal to execute webhook request?
You need to setup the APN gateway.
In the developer account, you can log into the test accounts in sand box mode.
Next go to the account settings and look for APN.
You can setup the path to your test servers url and capture the "webhooks" there.
Hope this helps.

I am not able to trigger Paypal REST API webhook events

I'm trying to implement the Paypal REST API for a client and I'm at the point where I need to test the webhook system. I can not get the API to generate an event; a successful payment should generate one, I've also tried using the REST API to issue refunds, and I've tried issuing refunds from the developer sandbox. None of those activities have generated an event for me.
For example, if I execute the command:
curl -v -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer VALID_BEARER_TOKEN' ''
I get this:
Even after a dozen or so successful payments and maybe a half-dozen refunds, in both sandbox and live, I see "count": 0. The sandbox merchant center and transaction detail both are aware of the correct state of each transaction, and if I query the /v1/payments/payment/{id} resource, I see the correct state for that {id}.
Operationally, I have everything set up correctly:
the webhook uri is registered correctly in the app details, with subscriptions to all event types
the endpoint has a valid SSL Certificate
the endpoint has no firewall or other security that would prevent a successful SSL connection (I've tested this thoroughly)
I have application logging ratcheted up to the finest detail, with no results. I have tcpdump listening on the webhook target machine just to see if any handshake is attempted, also with no results. I've even tried the old "delete and recreate" trick with the app, which didn't help. I've also registered a new PayPal merchant account and encountered the same problem.
I do see IPN traffic for one of the accounts that had a default IPN handler enabled. I would prefer to use the webhooks if at all possible, the reason my client wants to do this in the first place is to get away from IPN.
Am I missing a setting somewhere? Is there some magic undocumented flag? Or is webhook support too new and I shouldn't rely on it and just stop wasting my time and go back to IPN?
There's nothing wrong on your side. If you do sale, paypal webhooks only support echeck case for now. PayPal is adding webhooks support covering other funding sources for sale payment, estimated release is in next Jan.
To update this thread, PayPal has added webhooks support for other funding sources for sale payment.