Moment Convert From/To ISOString with Timezone - coffeescript

moment = require('moment-timezone')
fromISO = (format, dateISO)->
if !format? then format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
return moment(dateISO).tz("Europe/Amsterdam").format(format)
toISO = (dateTime)->
return moment(dateTime, "DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss").tz("Europe/Amsterdam").toISOString()
First I want to convert from an ISOString to a specific format in a specific timezone.
Second the other way around.
Unfortunately, it ignores the timezone. I always get the same ISOString back. In the browser console, it takes my local time of the browser, on my server it just converts it without subtracting time.
PS: First I used:
return moment(dateISO).utcOffset('+02:00').format(format)
return moment(dateTime, "DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss").utcOffset('-02:00').toISOString()
Currently, I use .add and .subtract

This works in Chrome:
From a local time to ISO:"2014-06-01 12:00", "Europe/Amsterdam").toISOString()
instead of
moment("2014-06-01 12:00").tz("Europe/Amsterdam").toISOString()
From ISO time to local,"Europe/Amsterdam").format(format)


Why my Cloud records Time isn't the same when I load it into my app

In a training project to learn the cloudKit capacity I record a date via a Datepicker and I save it into a cloudKit data base. I use the French format "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM". Everything work fine and the date which is entered by the user is the same format in the data base.
Now I would like to work with this date in an other view in my app. So I load it into an array from cloudKit and I would like to compare it with the current time.
let recordTime = LastMealRecords[LastMealRecords.count - 1]
let currentSavedTime = (recordTime.object(forKey: "Timming"))
let diffComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour], from: currentSavedTime as! Date, to: Now)
let intervals = diffComponents.hour
So here the print show :
Now : DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM (which is the correct local time !)
currentSavedTime : DD/MM/YYY HH:MM (but HH:MM is not the same value as the one which is save on the Cloud data base. In fact it seem to be the UTC time cause there is 2h difference in less like the Local and UTC time in France... )
Question : How could I fixe this matter ? I'm trying to find the same value which is saved on the cloud..
Thanks for your help !
You can't make changes to the time saved at server end, all you can do is manipulate your current time accordingly
// Return time zone used by the system right away
let timeZone = NSTimeZone.system
// Returns the difference in seconds between the server and GMT at a given date.
let timeZoneOffset = timeZone.secondsFromGMT(for: currentDate) / 3600
print(timeZoneOffset, "hours offset for timezone", timeZone)

How to convert local date to UTC?

Can anyone help me with the following:
I have am recording date in my UI, which is IST +5:30
First, I want to convert that date to UTC with start time 00:00
Second, I want to convert that to long time (which I think it is
Saved to DB
Third, I want to convert a long time back to UTC in format
This is what I tried so far:
const dateUnix => moment(myMomentObj)
The above gets a long time which I don't know if it correct.
const dateMoment = moment.unix(dateUnix)
const formatedDate = dateUnix.format('L'); //which should be in MM/DD/YYYY format
But the formatDate is giving me something like 02/12/15235 which is wrong.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
This code might help you
//input in IST +5:30
var inputDate = moment().utcOffset("+05:30").format();
//moment.unix outputs a Unix timestamp
var unixTs = moment.utc(inputDate).unix();
//there is a unix method that accepts unix timestamps in seconds followed by format to format it
var formattedDate = moment.unix(unixTs).format("MM/DD/YYYY");
<script src=""></script>

Converting time in SPSS from hhmm:ss to hh:mm:ss (TIME8)

After a data export I get a string variable with "2017/02/22 1320:35 +000 4".
compute #TS = char.index(Timestamp_1, " ").
string date (A10).
compute date = char.substr(Timestamp_1,1,#TS).
alter type date (A10 = SDATE10).
I manage to get the date in a separate variable.
The same:
string time (A8).
compute time = char.substr(Timestamp_2,#TS+1,7).
alter type time (A8 = TIME8).
doesn't work for the time because it is in the 'hhmm:ss' format. How do I change the string variable '1320:35' into a time variable '13:20:35'?
You can insert a ":" manually into the time string by using the concat function before you alter the type.
COMPUTE time = CONCAT(CHAR.SUBSTR(time,1,2),":",(CHAR.SUBSTR(time,3))).
Another approach would be to extract hours, minutes and seconds from Timestamp variable individually and to use these elements inside the TIME.HMS function:
COMPUTE #hh = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+1,2),F2).
COMPUTE #mm = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+3,2),F2).
COMPUTE #ss = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+6,2),F2).
COMPUTE time = TIME.HMS(#hh,#mm,#ss).
Statistics has a datetime format and, new in V24, an ISO 8601 timestamp format, YMDHMS. If the string is converted to a regular date/time value, then the XDATE.DATE and XDATE.TIME functions can be used to extract the pieces. The Date and Time wizard may accommodate the format you have (not sure about that +000 4 part at the end).

Groovy date format for UTC with milliseconds

I'm having trouble finding a good way of formatting a UTC-time stamp with this format: yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.<three additional digits>
I wasn't able to find any character that represents milliseconds/hundredths, I'm not even sure this is possible, to parse that format that is.
Ideally I'd like to use the parseToStringDate that's part of the Date library.
My plan b is to convert yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss to milliseconds and then add the three last digits to that number.
Use yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS
This will get you milliseconds as well.
Test Code:
def now = new Date()
println now.format("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
I would convert it like that:
def now = new Date()
println now.format("YYYYMMdd-HH:mm:ss")
You can try this:
Date date = new Date()
String newdate = date.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.Ms") newdate

What is the most efficient way to convert an eight digit number to a date?

I am using ColdFusion 9.0.1 and some database that I cannot change.
I am accessing a database that stores a date as an eight digit numeric with zero decimal places like this:
I need to be able to read the date, add and subtract days from a date, and create new dates. I am looking for a ColdFusion solution to efficiently (not much code) to convert the date to our standard format, which is
And then convert it back into the database's format for saving.
I need to code this in such a way that non-ColdFusion programmers can easily read this and use it, copy and modify it for other functions (such as adding a day to a date). So, I am not looking for the most least amount of code, but efficient and readable code.
Can you suggest anything that would make this code block more flexible, readable, or more efficient (less code)?
DateFromDB = "20111116";
DatedToBrowser = createBrowserDate(DateFromDB);
function createBrowserDate(ThisDate) {
ThisYear = left(ThisDate, 4);
ThisMonth = mid(ThisDate, 4, 2);
ThisDay = right(ThisDate, 2);
NewDate = createDate(ThisYear, ThisMonth, ThisDay);
NewDate = dateFormat(NewDate, "MM/DD/YYYY");
return NewDate;
DateFromBrowser = "11/16/2011";
DateToDB = createDBDate(DateFromBrowser);
function createDBDate(ThisDate) {
ThisYear = year(ThisDate);
ThisMonth = month(ThisDate);
ThisDay = day(ThisDate);
NewDate = "#ThisYear##ThisMonth##ThisDay#";
return NewDate;
First find who ever did the database and kick them in the nads...
Personally I'd Convert with sql so my code only dealt with date objects.
Select Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(8),DateTimeInventedByIdjitColumn))
From SomeTable
As stated by our peers, store dates as dates.
'08/06/2011' could be 8th of june of the 6th of August depending on locale.
20111643 is a valid integer..
Not using a proper date type is just a massive collection of features and bugs that at best are waiting to happen.
You can actually rewrite each function into 1 line of code.
function createBrowserDate(ThisDate) {
return mid(ThisDate,4,2) & "/" & right(ThisDate,2) & "/" & left(ThisDate,4);
function createDBDate(ThisDate) {
return dateFormat( ThisDate, "YYYYMMDD" );
Don't keep dates as strings - keep dates as dates and format them when you need to.
If you can't correct the database to use actual date columns (which you should if you can), then you can use these two functions to convert to/from YYYYMMDD and a date object:
function parseYMD( YYYYMMDD )
if ( ! refind('^\d{8}$' , Arguments.YYYYMMDD ) )
throw "Invalid Format. Expected YYYYMMDD";
return parseDateTime
( Arguments.YYYYMMDD.replaceAll('(?<=^\d{4})|(?=\d{2}$)','-') );
function formatYMD( DateObj )
return DateFormat( DateObj , 'yyyymmdd' );
By using date objects it means that any level of developer can work with them, without needing to care about formatting, via built-in functions like DateAdd, DateCompare, and so on.
I'm not a regular expression fan since it's not that readable to me.
Since you're using CF9, I'd typed the argument and specify the returntype of the functions to be even more readable for the next person picking up your code.
First, right after I read the date from DB, I'd parse it to a Date object using parseDBDate()
Date function parseDBDate(required String dbDate)
var yyyy = left(dbDate, 4);
var mm = mid(dbDate, 4, 2);
var dd = right(dbDate, 2);
return createDate(yyyy , mm, dd);
Once you have the date object, you can use all those built-in Date functoin like DateAdd() or DateDiff().
Call browserDateFormat() right before you need to display it.
String function browserDateFormat(required Date date)
return dateFormat(date, "MM/DD/YYYY");
Call dBDateFormat() inside <cfqueryparam value=""> when it's time to persist to DB
String function dBDateFormat(required Date date)
return dateFormat(date, "YYYYMMDD");
One liner :)
myDateString = "20110203";
myCfDate = createObject("java","java.text.SimpleDateFormat").init("yyyyMMdd").parse(myDateString,createObject("java","java.text.ParsePosition").init(0*0));
If you want to parse different patterns, change "yyyyMMdd" to any other supported pattern.
The ParsePosition is used to say where to start parsing the string.
0*0 is shorthand for JavaCast("int",0) - in the Adobe cf engine, 0 is a string, until you apply math to it, then it becomes a Double, which the ParsePosition constructor supports. Technically, it constructs with an int, but cf is smart enough to downgrade a Double to an int.