MATLAB: Fast correlation computation for all indices in 2 vectors - matlab

I have 2 vectors A and B, each of length 10,000. For each of ind=1:10000, I want to compute the Pearson's correlation of A(1:ind) and B(1:ind). When I do this in a for loop, it takes too much time. parfor does not work with more than 2 workers in my machine. Is there a way to do this operation fast and save results in a vector C (apparently of length 10,000 where the first element is NaN)? I found the question Fast rolling correlation in Matlab, but this is a little different than what I need.

You can use this method to compute cumulative correlation coefficient:
function result = cumcor(x,y)
n = reshape(1:numel(x),size(x));
sumx = cumsum(x);
sumy = cumsum(y);
sumx2 = cumsum(x.^2);
sumy2 = cumsum(y.^2);
sumxy = cumsum(x.*y);
result = (n.*sumxy-sumx.*sumy)./(sqrt((sumx.^2-n.*sumx2).*(sumy.^2-n.*sumy2)));

I suggest the following approach:
Pearson correlation can be calculated by using the following formula:
calculating the accumulative mean of each of the random variabiles above efficiently is realtively easy
(X, Y, XY, X^2, Y^2).
given the accumulative mean calculated in 2, we can calculate the accumulative std of X and Y.
given the accumulative std of X,Y and accumulative mean above, we can calculate the accumulative pearson coefficient.
%defines inputs
N = 10000;
X = rand(N,1);
Y = rand(N,1);
%calculates accumolative mean for X, Y, X^2, Y^2, XY
EX = accumMean(X);
EY = accumMean(Y);
EX2 = accumMean(X.^2);
EY2 = accumMean(Y.^2);
EXY = accumMean(X.*Y);
%calculates accumolative pearson correlation
accumPearson = zeros(N,1);
for ii=2:N
stdX = (EX2(ii)-EX(ii)^2).^0.5;
stdY = (EY2(ii)-EY(ii)^2).^0.5;
accumPearson(ii) = (EXY(ii)-EX(ii)*EY(ii))/(stdX*stdY);
%accumulative mean function, to be defined in an additional m file.
function [ accumMean ] = accumMean( vec )
accumMean = zeros(size(vec));
accumMean(1) = vec(1);
for ii=2:length(vec)
accumMean(ii) = (accumMean(ii-1)*(ii-1) +vec(ii))/ii;
for N=10000:
Elapsed time is 0.002096 seconds.
for N=1000000:
Elapsed time is 0.240669 seconds.
Testing the correctness of the code above could be done by calculative the accumulative pearson coefficient by corr function, and comparing it to the result given from the code above:
%ground truth for correctness comparison
gt = zeros(N,1)
for z=1:N
gt(z) = corr(X(1:z),Y(1:z));
Unfortunately, I dont have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, so I cant make this check.
I do think that it is a good start though, and you can continue from here :)


Julia vs. MATLAB - Distance Matrix - Run Time Test

I started learning Julia not a long time ago and I decided to do a simple
comparison between Julia and Matlab on a simple code for computing Euclidean
distance matrices from a set of high dimensional points.
The task is simple and can be divided into two cases:
Case 1: Given two datasets in the form of n x d matrices, say X1 and X2, compute the pair wise Euclidean distance between each point in X1 and all the points in X2. If X1 is of size n1 x d, and X2 is of size n2 x d, then the resulting Euclidean distance matrix D will be of size n1 x n2. In the general setting, matrix D is not symmetric, and diagonal elements are not equal to zero.
Case 2: Given one dataset in the form of n x d matrix X, compute the pair wise Euclidean distance between all the n points in X. The resulting Euclidean distance matrix D will be of size n x n, symmetric, with zero elements on the main diagonal.
My implementation of these functions in Matlab and in Julia is given below. Note that none of the implementations rely on loops of any sort, but rather simple linear algebra operations. Also, note that the implementation using both languages is very similar.
My expectations before running any tests for these implementations is that the Julia code will be much faster than the Matlab code, and by a significant margin. To my surprise, this was not the case!
The parameters for my experiments are given below with the code. My machine is a MacBook Pro. (15" Mid 2015) with 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 (Quad Core), and 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3.
Matlab version: R2018a
Julia version: 0.6.3
LAPACK: libopenblas64_
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
The results are given in Table (1) below.
Table 1: Average time in seconds (with standard deviation) over 30 trials for computing Euclidean distance matrices between two different datasets (Col. 1),
and between all pairwise points in one dataset (Col. 2).
Two Datasets || One Dataset
Matlab: 2.68 (0.12) sec. 1.88 (0.04) sec.
Julia V1: 5.38 (0.17) sec. 4.74 (0.05) sec.
Julia V2: 5.2 (0.1) sec.
I was not expecting this significant difference between both languages. I expected Julia to be faster than Matlab, or at least, as fast as Matlab. It was really a surprise to see that Matlab is almost 2.5 times faster than Julia in this particular task. I didn't want to draw any early conclusions based on these results for few reasons.
First, while I think that my Matlab implementation is as good as it can be, I'm wondering whether my Julia implementation is the best one for this task. I'm still learning Julia and I hope there is a more efficient Julia code that can yield faster computation time for this task. In particular, where is the main bottleneck for Julia in this task? Or, why does Matlab have an edge in this case?
Second, my current Julia package is based on the generic and standard BLAS and LAPACK packages for MacOS. I'm wondering whether JuliaPro with BLAS and LAPACK based on Intel MKL will be faster than the current version I'm using. This is why I opted to get some feedback from more knowledgeable people on StackOverflow.
The third reason is that I'm wondering whether the compile time for Julia was
included in the timings shown in Table 1 (2nd and 3rd rows), and whether there is a better way to assess the execution time for a function.
I will appreciate any feedback on my previous three questions.
Thank you!
Hint: This question has been identified as a possible duplicate of another question on StackOverflow. However, this is not entirely true. This question has three aspects as reflected by the answers below. First, yes, one part of the question is related to the comparison of OpenBLAS vs. MKL. Second, it turns out that the implementation as well can be improved as shown by one of the answers. And last, bench-marking the julia code itself can be improved by using BenchmarkTools.jl.
num_trials = 30;
dim = 1000;
n1 = 10000;
n2 = 10000;
T = zeros(num_trials,1);
XX1 = randn(n1,dim);
XX2 = rand(n2,dim);
DD2ds = zeros(n1,n2);
for (i = 1:num_trials)
DD2ds = distmat_euc2ds(XX1,XX2);
T(i) = toc;
mt = mean(T);
st = std(T);
fprintf(1,'\nDifferent Matrices:: dim: %d, n1 x n2: %d x %d -> Avg. Time %f (+- %f) \n',dim,n1,n2,mt,st);
%%% SAME Matrix
T = zeros(num_trials,1);
DD1ds = zeros(n1,n1);
for (i = 1:num_trials)
DD1ds = distmat_euc1ds(XX1);
T(i) = toc;
mt = mean(T);
st = std(T);
fprintf(1,'\nSame Matrix:: dim: %d, n1 x n1 : %d x %d -> Avg. Time %f (+- %f) \n\n',dim,n1,n1,mt,st);
function [DD] = distmat_euc2ds (XX1,XX2)
n1 = size(XX1,1);
n2 = size(XX2,1);
DD = sqrt(ones(n1,1)*sum(XX2.^2.0,2)' + (ones(n2,1)*sum(XX1.^2.0,2)')' - 2.*XX1*XX2');
function [DD] = distmat_euc1ds (XX)
n1 = size(XX,1);
GG = XX*XX';
DD = sqrt(ones(n1,1)*diag(GG)' + diag(GG)*ones(1,n1) - 2.*GG);
num_trials = 30;
dim = 1000;
n1 = 10000;
n2 = 10000;
T = zeros(num_trials);
XX1 = randn(n1,dim)
XX2 = rand(n2,dim)
DD = zeros(n1,n2)
# Euclidean Distance Matrix: Two Different Matrices V1
# ====================================================
for i = 1:num_trials
DD = distmat_eucv1(XX1,XX2)
T[i] = toq();
mt = mean(T)
st = std(T)
println("Different Matrices V1:: dim:$dim, n1 x n2: $n1 x $n2 -> Avg. Time $mt (+- $st)")
# Euclidean Distance Matrix: Two Different Matrices V2
# ====================================================
for i = 1:num_trials
DD = distmat_eucv2(XX1,XX2)
T[i] = toq();
mt = mean(T)
st = std(T)
println("Different Matrices V2:: dim:$dim, n1 x n2: $n1 x $n2 -> Avg. Time $mt (+- $st)")
# Euclidean Distance Matrix: Same Matrix V1
# =========================================
for i = 1:num_trials
DD = distmat_eucv1(XX1)
T[i] = toq();
mt = mean(T)
st = std(T)
println("Same Matrix V1:: dim:$dim, n1 x n2: $n1 x $n2 -> Avg. Time $mt (+- $st)")
function distmat_eucv1(XX1::Array{Float64,2},XX2::Array{Float64,2})
(num1,dim1) = size(XX1)
(num2,dim2) = size(XX2)
if (dim1 != dim2)
error("Matrices' 2nd dimensions must agree!")
DD = sqrt.((ones(num1)*sum(XX2.^2.0,2)') +
(ones(num2)*sum(XX1.^2.0,2)')' - 2.0.*XX1*XX2');
function distmat_eucv2(XX1::Array{Float64,2},XX2::Array{Float64,2})
(num1,dim1) = size(XX1)
(num2,dim2) = size(XX2)
if (dim1 != dim2)
error("Matrices' 2nd dimensions must agree!")
DD = (ones(num1)*sum(Base.FastMath.pow_fast.(XX2,2.0),2)') +
(ones(num2)*sum(Base.FastMath.pow_fast.(XX1,2.0),2)')' -
DD = Base.FastMath.sqrt_fast.(DD)
function distmat_eucv1(XX::Array{Float64,2})
n = size(XX,1)
GG = XX*XX';
DD = sqrt.(ones(n)*diag(GG)' + diag(GG)*ones(1,n) - 2.0.*GG)
First question: If I re-write the julia distance function like so:
function dist2(X1::Matrix, X2::Matrix)
size(X1, 2) != size(X2, 2) && error("Matrices' 2nd dimensions must agree!")
return sqrt.(sum(abs2, X1, 2) .+ sum(abs2, X2, 2)' .- 2 .* (X1 * X2'))
I shave >40% off the execution time.
For a single dataset you can save a bit more, like this:
function dist2(X::Matrix)
G = X * X'
dG = diag(G)
return sqrt.(dG .+ dG' .- 2 .* G)
Third question: You should do your benchmarking with BenchmarkTools.jl, and perform the benchmarking like this (remember $ for variable interpolation):
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> #btime dist2($XX1, $XX2);
Additionally, you should not do powers using floats, like this: X.^2.0. It is faster, and equally correct to write X.^2.
For multiplication there is no speed difference between 2.0 .* X and 2 .* X, but you should still prefer using an integer, because it is more generic. As an example, if X has Float32 elements, multiplying with 2.0 will promote the array to Float64s, while multiplying with 2 will preserve the eltype.
And finally, note that in new versions of Matlab, too, you can get broadcasting behaviour by simply adding Mx1 arrays with 1xN arrays. There is no need to first expand them by multiplying with ones(...).

Matlab: Monte Carlo Value at Risk - Rolling calculation (very basic)

I have a stock index for which I need to compute the VaR using a MC simulation with the geometric brownian motion model as the stochastic process. This is my first try, disregarding the gbm, just to get familiar with the program and syntax:
x=logreturn; %file with 500 returns
rand=normrnd(mu,sigma,2000,1); %random normal distr numbers
VaR=quantile(rand,0.05); %95 percent VaR
It's very basic and calculates the VaR only for one day, but I need to calculate the VaR for the first 250 days with a 250-day rolling window for mu and sigma.
Based on Ahmed's comment I tried to implement arrayfun and cellfun for the full function:
mydata = normrnd(0,1,1,20000)
muforsample=arrayfun(#(v) mu*250, mu, 'un', false);
sigmaforsample=arrayfun(#(v) sigma*sqrt(250), sigma, 'un', false);
k=arrayfun(#(v) muforsample-(sigmaforsample.^2)/2, muforsample, sigmaforsample, 'un', false); %this line is faulty and gives an error message (too many input arguments)
gbm=k*t+sigmaforsample*sqrtt; %didnt't try to fix this since I don't have a k
VaR=quantile(gbm, 0.05) %unchanged, needs cellfun too, right?
For k I need basically a value based on the corresponding muforsample and sigmaforsample so that I can calculate the gbm
Using a for loop is definitely easier than cellfun and arrayfun. Here's my solution:
% file with log returns until t(n-1)
x = logreturns;
t = 1/250;
% mu and sigma based on 250 returns, moving window
mu = movmean(x,250);
sigma = movstd(x,250);
% k for every cell
k = zeros(size(mu));
for i = 1:length(mu);
k(i) = mu(i)*250 - (((sigma(i)*sqrt(250)).^2)/2);
% 0.99 or 0.95 VaR, quantiles based on 500,000 values
VaR = zeros(size(mu));
for j = 1:length(mu)
VaR(j) = quantile(normrnd(0,1,1,500000) * sqrt(t) * ...
(sigma(j) * sqrt(250)) + k(j) * t, 0.01);
This is the formula by the way:

My example shows SVD is less numerically stable than QR decomposition

I asked this question in Math Stackexchange, but it seems it didn't get enough attention there so I am asking it here.
I learned from some tutorials that SVD should be more stable than QR decomposition when solving Least Square problem, and it is able to handle singular matrix. But the following example I wrote in matlab seems to support the opposite conclusion. I don't have a deep understanding of SVD, so if you could look at my questions in the old post in Math StackExchange and explain it to me, I would appreciate a lot.
I use a matrix that have a large condition number(e+13). The result shows SVD get a much larger error(0.8) than QR(e-27)
% we do a linear regression between Y and X
data= [
47.667483331 -122.1070832;
47.667483331001 -122.1070832
X = data(:,1);
Y = data(:,2);
X_1 = [ones(length(X),1),X];
%SVD method
[U,D,V] = svd(X_1,'econ');
beta_svd = V*diag(1./diag(D))*U'*Y;
%% QR method(here one can also use "\" operator, which will get the same result as I tested. I just wrote down backward substitution to educate myself)
[Q,R] = qr(X_1)
%now do backward substitution
[nr nc] = size(R)
Y_1 = Q'*Y
for i = nc:-1:1
s = Y_1(i)
for j = m:-1:i+1
s = s - R(i,j)*beta_qr(j)
beta_qr(i) = s/R(i,i)
svd_error = 0;
qr_error = 0;
for i=1:length(X)
svd_error = svd_error + (Y(i) - beta_svd(1) - beta_svd(2) * X(i))^2;
qr_error = qr_error + (Y(i) - beta_qr(1) - beta_qr(2) * X(i))^2;
You SVD-based approach is basically the same as the pinv function in MATLAB (see Pseudo-inverse and SVD). What you are missing though (for numerical reasons) is using a tolerance value such that any singular values less than this tolerance are treated as zero.
If you refer to edit pinv.m, you can see something like the following (I won't post the exact code here because the file is copyrighted to MathWorks):
[U,S,V] = svd(A,'econ');
s = diag(S);
tol = max(size(A)) * eps(norm(s,inf));
% .. use above tolerance to truncate singular values
invS = diag(1./s);
out = V*invS*U';
In fact pinv has a second syntax where you can explicitly specify the tolerance value pinv(A,tol) if the default one is not suitable...
So when solving a least-squares problem of the form minimize norm(A*x-b), you should understand that the pinv and mldivide solutions have different properties:
x = pinv(A)*b is characterized by the fact that norm(x) is smaller than the norm of any other solution.
x = A\b has the fewest possible nonzero components (i.e sparse).
Using your example (note that rcond(A) is very small near machine epsilon):
data = [
47.667483331 -122.1070832;
47.667483331001 -122.1070832
A = [ones(size(data,1),1), data(:,1)];
b = data(:,2);
Let's compare the two solutions:
x1 = A\b;
x2 = pinv(A)*b;
First you can see how mldivide returns a solution x1 with one zero component (this is obviously a valid solution because you can solve both equations by multiplying by zero as in b + a*0 = b):
>> sol = [x1 x2]
sol =
-122.1071 -0.0537
0 -2.5605
Next you see how pinv returns a solution x2 with a smaller norm:
>> nrm = [norm(x1) norm(x2)]
nrm =
122.1071 2.5611
Here is the error of both solutions which is acceptably very small:
>> err = [norm(A*x1-b) norm(A*x2-b)]
err =
1.0e-11 *
0 0.1819
Note that use mldivide, linsolve, or qr will give pretty much same results:
>> x3 = linsolve(A,b)
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 2.159326e-16.
x3 =
>> [Q,R] = qr(A); x4 = R\(Q'*b)
x4 =
SVD can handle rank-deficiency. The diagonal matrix D has a near-zero element in your code and you need use pseudoinverse for SVD, i.e. set the 2nd element of 1./diag(D) to 0 other than the huge value (10^14). You should find SVD and QR have equally good accuracy in your example. For more information, see this document
Try this SVD version called block SVD - you just set the iterations equal to the accuracy you want - usually 1 is enough. If you want all the factors (this has a default # selected for factor reduction) then edit the line k= to the size(matrix) if I recall my MATLAB correctly
A= randn(100,5000);
% A is your correlation matrix
k = 1000; % number of factors to extract
bsize = k +50;
block = randn(size(A,2),bsize);
iter = 2; % could set via tolerance
[block,R] = qr(A*block,0);
for i=1:iter
[block,R] = qr(A*(A'*block),0);
M = block'*A;
% Economy size dense SVD.
[U,S] = svd(M,0);
U = block*U(:,1:k);
S = S(1:k,1:k);
% Note SVD of a symmetric matrix is:
% A = U*S*U' since V=U in this case, S=eigenvalues, U=eigenvectors
V=real(U*sqrt(S)); %scaling matrix for simulation
% reduced randomized matrix for simulation
sims = 2000;
randnums = randn(k,sims);
corrrandnums = V*randnums;
est_corr_matrix = corr(corrrandnums');
total_corrmatrix_difference =sum(sum(est_corr_matrix-A))

Matlab - How to improve efficiency of two port matrix calculations?

I'm looking for a way to speed up some simple two port matrix calculations. See the below code example for what I'm doing currently. In essence, I create a [Nx1] frequency vector first. I then loop through the frequency vector and create the [2x2] matrices H1 and H2 (all functions of f). A bit of simple matrix math including a matrix left division '\' later, and I got my result pb as a [Nx1] vector. The problem is the loop - it takes a long time to calculate and I'm looking for way to improve efficiency of the calculations. I tried assembling the problem using [2x2xN] transfer matrices, but the mtimes operation cannot handle 3-D multiplications.
Can anybody please give me an idea how I can approach such a calculation without the need for looping through f?
Many thanks: svenr
% calculate frequency and wave number vector
f = linspace(20,200,400);
w = 2.*pi.*f;
% calculation for each frequency w
for i=1:length(w)
H1(i,1) = {[1, rho*c*k(i)^2 / (crad*pi); 0,1]};
H2(i,1) = {[1, 1i.*w(i).*mp; 0, 1]};
HZin(i,1) = {H1{i,1}*H2{i,1}};
temp_mat = HZin{i,1}*[1; 0];
Zin(i,1) = temp_mat(1,1)/temp_mat(2,1);
temp_mat= H1{i,1}\[1; 1/Zin(i,1)];
pb(i,1) = temp_mat(1,1); Ub(i,:) = temp_mat(2,1);
Assuming that length(w) == length(k) returns true , rho , c, crad, mp are all scalars and in the last line is Ub(i,1) = temp_mat(2,1) instead of Ub(i,:) = temp_mat(2,1);
temp = repmat(eyes(2),[1 1 length(w)]);
temp1(1,2,:) = rho*c*(k.^2)/crad/pi;
temp2(1,2,:) = (1i.*w)*mp;
H1 = permute(num2cell(temp1,[1 2]),[3 2 1]);
H2 = permute(num2cell(temp2,[1 2]),[3 2 1]);
HZin = cellfun(#(a,b)(a*b),H1,H2,'UniformOutput',0);
temp_cell = cellfun(#(a,b)(a*b),H1,repmat({[1;0]},length(w),1),'UniformOutput',0);
Zin_cell = cellfun(#(a)(a(1,1)/a(2,1)),temp_cell,'UniformOutput',0);
Zin = cell2mat(Zin);
temp2_cell = cellfun(#(a)({[1;1/a]}),Zin_cell,'UniformOutput',0);
temp3_cell = cellfun(#(a,b)(pinv(a)*b),H1,temp2_cell);
temp4 = cell2mat(temp3_cell);
p(:,1) = temp4(1:2:end-1);
Ub(:,1) = temp4(2:2:end);

How to calculate p-value for t-test in MATLAB?

Is there some simple way of calculating of p-value of t-Test in MATLAB.
I found something like it however I think that it does not return correct values:
I want to calculate the p-value for the test that the slope of regression is equal to 0. Therefore I calculate the Standard Error
$SE= \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{s = i-w }^{i+w}{(y_{s}-\widehat{y}s})^2}{(w-2)\sum{s=i-w}^{i+w}{(x_{s}-\bar{x}})^2}}$
where $y_s$ is the value of analyzed parameter in time period $s$,
$\widehat{y}_s$ is the estimated value of the analyzed parameter in time period $s$,
$x_i$ is the time point of the observed value of the analysed parameter,
$\bar{x}$ is the mean of time points from analysed period and then
$t_{score} = (a - a_{0})/SE$ where $a_{0}$ where $a_{0} = 0$.
I checked that p values from ttest function and the one calculated using this formula:
% Let n be your sample size
% Let v be your degrees of freedom
% Then:
pvalues = 2*(1-tcdf(abs(t),n-v))
and they are the same!
Example with Matlab demo dataset:
load accidents
x = hwydata(:,2:3);
y = hwydata(:,4);
stats = regstats(y,x,eye(size(x,2)));
fprintf('T stat using built-in function: \t %.4f\n', stats.tstat.t);
fprintf('P value using built-in function: \t %.4f\n', stats.tstat.pval);
n = size(x,1);
v = size(x,2);
b = x\y;
se = diag(sqrt(sumsqr(y-x*b)/(n-v)*inv(x'*x)));
t = b./se;
p = 2*(1-tcdf(abs(t),n-v));
fprintf('T stat using own calculation: \t\t %.4f\n', t);
fprintf('P value using own calculation: \t\t %.4f\n', p);