Query on Tableau Dashboard - tableau-api

I am a new to Tableau and having some issues with it.I am Using a parameter to filter month data across Sheets connected to different Data Sources.
I want to Filter Current Month Data Automatically when the dashboard starts.
Can anyone guide me on how to do it.
Thanks in Advance.

Introduced in version 10.3 is a feature called Latest date preset. The release notes say "Start with up-to-date data. Set filters to display latest date values automatically, as soon as your workbook opens." Create a filter that spans applies across the data sources and use this new setting. The setting is in the filter dialog.
See https://www.tableau.com/new-features/10.3#tab-analytics-2

The critical aspect of your question is that you are filtering multiple data sources using a parameter. Given that, the most straightforward approach is to define a boolean calculated field in each data source, called say Within_Date_Range.
Each of those calculated fields should compare the appropriate Date field in that data source to the selected parameter value and return true or false to indicate whether the current record should be included in the query. (Parameters are scoped to the workbook and visible from all data sources)
Place the [Within_Date_Range] field for data source X on the filter shelf for the worksheets that use that data source X. Check the true box of course.
Now when you change the parameter, all the worksheets filter accordingly.
Alternatively, you can abandon the use of a parameter. Define relationships between your data sources using the corresponding Date fields (under the data menu). Show a filter control for the date field for one of the worksheets and set the scope to "related data sources"

Hope this helps!
Create a calculated field Date_Filter as
Drag this to 'Filter'; select 'relative date' option and choose last 1
month (because you wanted to show just the current month data by default).
Right click this filter and select "Apply to selected worksheet" and
choose sheets in which you want this filter to be applied on the
With this solution you can very well see current month's data by default and can go back to as many time periods you want.


Get full date range of linked field in tableau

Gif of problem
I am currently working on a dashboard in tableau, which shows the count of New-User-Signups and Interactions side-by-side given different date windows. The first New-User-Signup happened before the first Interaction, and the last Interaction happened after the last User Signup.
In order to choose a date window, I linked the date fields in both data sources, and made a date filter, which I applied to all worksheets using related data sources.
However, depending on which "date" field I choose, (from the User Signup table or the Interaction table), the "All Dates" option of the date filter only goes from start to end of that data source's date range.
No matter what I try, I exclude some entries in either one graph or the other. How can I make the "All Dates" filter go from the minimum first date between both data sources, to the maximum last date between the two data sources?
I run into this issue a lot with the data that I use. The problem is that the filter will only be able to contain dates that are in the dataset it is created off of, even if you link the data sources. When I run into this issue, I use parameters instead.
You can find instructions here:

Jaspersoft Studio: Force input parameter of subreport to be entered manually

In my main report I get a (small) list of string values from the data base. I then want to use this list for selecting records in a subreport, along with other input parameters:
The user shall be able to select records based on a range of begin and end date -- this is easy using an input parameter of type java.util.Date with "Is For Prompting" set to true. Another criteria shall be one or more items from a list showing values from a data base field. I could define the list in the report template, but then I'd have hard-coded strings (filled from the data base, but at definition time only).
Now the dilemma is: If I define the input parameters in the main report, I cannot get the values for the list beforehand; if I define them in the subreport, I get no prompt at all, so there's no way to set any of them.
So the report requires values for start and end date, and a list of string values to select from (multiple itmes can be selected). This list shall be built from values from the data base. In the subreport all these values shall be joined into a filter for the records. A user shall be able to define the dates and select items from the list manually before executing the report.
Is there a way to achieve this?
After some more hours of trial & error, and some more research, of course, I found that the keyword is "Query-based Input Controls". This documentation describes their creation on the JasperReports Server. Such input controls can be edited in Jaspersoft Studio as well, however, they actually work on the server only. Anyway, this is the solution to my problem.

Tableau - Filter/Parameter For Different Date Ranges

I am trying to set up a filter or parameter for different date ranges in Tableau, such as:
Previous Week
Previous 4-Weeks
Previous 8-Weeks
based on the most recent data in the database. Is this possible?
I should have been more clear here.
Is it possible to only have these options in the filter and have it based on the maximum date in the database?
Based on your comment and updated question, you can do it as you intend, though it isn't as straight-forward.
NOTE: I did this very quickly and with a random data set, so it will be important for you to test this thoroughly with your data set.
Create a parameter control that the users will use to change the selected date range. I created this as a list of strings with values that I can use directly in a calculated (after simple casting):
Create a calculated field that you will use as a filter that references the selection of the parameter control. It tests to see if the difference (in weeks) between the maximum date in the view and the date of any given row is less than the value of the parameter.
Calculation: INT([Date Filter Parameter]) > DATEDIFF("week",ATTR([Date Field]),WINDOW_MAX(MAX([Date Field])))
Place the calculated field in the filter box and set it to True.
You will be able to filter your data like so:
Original Answer
Yup - that is built into Tableau.
Add your date to the filter and select the "Relative Date" option:
You can set the defaults - users can change these later:
Then just "Show Filter":

Set the latest date value to the Quick Filter in TABLEAU

There is a live worksheet called Person with columns - Names & Birthdays. Need to create a quick filter with a default value pointing to the latest birthday.
For example: If there are 3 Records as follows,
Names Birthdays
A 8/9/1993
S 6/5/1994
Z 8/15/2000
The filter should hold the default value 8/15/2000 in it with other values unchecked in the drop down list.
I believe I see what you are asking. When you add your filter click the little drop down arrow in the filter --> edit filter-->select the tab labeled "Top"--> by field radio button==>Top from the first drop down-->enter 1 in the next field which will say by after it-->select birthday from the next drop down--then maximum. This will change the view to show only the most recent birthdate. Hope this helps.
Tableau currently doesn't give you dynamic control over quick filter defaults. For dates. They generally start out with the settings that were published.
Here are a few easy suggestions that are similar to, but not exactly, what you want. At the end, there is a way to do exactly what you want at the cost of more effort.
For continuous date fields, you can set the filter to show Relative Dates and the filter allows the user to easily set a range of dates showing the last N days, weeks or months relative to an anchor date. The anchor date defaults to the current date.
For discrete date fields, you can display a top filter as tia97 recommended, and show an integer valued parameter control to allow the user to pick N to see the latest N birthdays. (i.e. the N youngest people)
You could try other variations using parameters, calculated fields and quick filters, but it might be simpler to just show the list of birthdates and let people choose.
Finally, if you are publishing this workbook to Tableau Server, you can use the Javascript API to control the filtering user experience yourself. You can embed the Tableau visualization in a web page, surrounded by custom HTML, CSS and Javascript that you define. Build whatever controls you want for user interaction, and then send JavaScript commands to Tableau to direct the filter actions. More effort, but you get a lot more control over the UX.
Generally, I'd use the builtin features in Tableau Desktop as far as they go to get most of your desired UX quickly and easily, and then save the JavaScript API work for final polish on only your most public visualizations that really need it.

SSRS 2008 limiting scope based on expression

I have a fairly simple problem, but I don't think I understand SSRS and scopes well enough to figure this out.
What I have is a case (one entity) that can have multiple appointments (another entity). Appointments have a date and a status. I want to display the next soonest appointment date and its status. To display the date I'm using
=Min(IIf(Fields!appt_start.Value > Globals!ExecutionTime, Fields!appt_start.Value, Nothing))
The idea is that I first pick only those appointments that occur in the future, and then grab the soonest one. It seems to work great.
Now, I need to apply the same filtering logic, but display the appointment status rather than the date. From my understanding, this is where scopes would come in. I could limit my scope to just the appointment I want, and then show its status. But I don't understand how to do that.
One way to go about this particular problem would be to use a filter in combination with the First function. Add a filter to the table to only show dates greater than the current day. Use a table row with no grouping and use expressions like this:
Another option would be to add calculated fields to the dataset to only populate values such as status when the date is greater than the current day. This is useful if you need to show more information later on.
Edit: Yes, you would want to sort the data by date for the First function to work right. You can actually filter at 3 different levels in SSRS. Right-click on your dataset and go to Dataset Properties. Click on Filters. Click Add. Fill in the expression, operator, and value to meet your need. You can also do this in the group properties or the table properties.