Interpolation on 4D data - matlab

I am trying to perform an interpolation/fit (preferably non-linear, but linear should also be fine) on 4D data. My data has a form of:
[a,b,c] = func(input)
obviously, func is unknown and ultimately data looks like (input, a, b, c):
0 -0.1253 0.0341 0.01060
35 -0.0985 0.0176 0.02060
50 -0.0315 -0.0533 0.1118
60 -0.0518 -0.0327 0.03020
80 0.2939 -0.0713 0.05670
100 0.3684 -0.0765 0.06740
I take observations at e.g. input = [0, 35, 50, 60, 80, 100] (0 being min and 100 being max; I take 6 samples in between min and max) and then I get corresponding a, b and c values (I understand that 6 sample points are a bad design of experiment so I will extend it in future).
I am trying to guess the value of a, b and c at say input = 19? Any pointers?
How to estimate goodness of fit in such scenario?

This is not 4D interpolation, this is 3 times 1D interpolation. You just interpolate interp1([0 35],[-0.1253 -0.0985],19) and the same for b and c. (interp1(intput,a,19))
Note that for the most basic 1D interpolation in a mesh grid (not what you have), you need 2 data points in general. For the most basic 2D interpolation, you need 4 data points. For 3D interpolation, 8 minimum, 4D, 16.... (2^d in general).
Also note that 1D interpolation uses 2 "dims". Because you use one to guide the interpolation, the other one is interpolated. General, with [v,a,b,c] data you would use 3D interpolation.
all that said, you do are nto in this case. You have scattered data, not a grid, thus the problem becomes considerably more complicated.
In case you can generate a few more points (not necessarily 16) you can use the function griddatan for interpolating scattered data. Note that you can not just say "give me [a,b,c] for input=19, there could be infinite amount of a,b,cs that have that condition. In any case, you always need to give dim-1 amount of sample points, and get the last one interpolated. Just an advice: this function is computationally and memory-wise very expensive. Do not use for big data points because it will crash your PC.
In the case you want to find a set of parameters that make input=19 then you are getting to more complicated area. You want to minimise a function f(x), where x=[a,b,c] for f(x)=input
In math terms:
argmin_x |f(x)-input|^2= \vec{input}
this is a harder problem and arguably more mathematics than a programming question. Perhaps a ND bspline fitting of your data would be a good f


Average across matrices within a structures

I have a structure P with 20 matrices. Each matrix is 53x63x46 double. The names of the matrices are fairly random, for instance S154, S324, S412, etc. Is there any way I can do an average across these matrices without having to type out like this?
M=(P.S154 + P.S324 + P.S412 + ...)/20
Also, does it make sense to use structure for computation like this. According to this post, perhaps it should be converted to cell array.
is a cell array each of whose elements is one of your structure fields (the field names are discarded). Then
is the result of concatenating these matrices along the first axis. You might reasonably ask why it does that rather than, say, making a new axis and giving you a 4-dimensional array, but expecting sensible answers to such questions is asking for frustration. Anyway, unless I'm getting the dimensions muddled,
reshape(cell2mat(struct2cell(P)),[53 20 63 46])))
will then give you roughly the 4-dimensional array you're after, with the "new" axis being (of course!) number 2. So now
mean(reshape(cell2mat(struct2cell(P)),[53 20 63 46]),2)
will compute the mean along that axis. The result will have shape [53 1 63 46], so now you will need to fix up the axes again:
reshape(mean(reshape(cell2mat(struct2cell(P)),[53 20 63 46]),2),[53 63 46])
If you are using structures, and by your question, you have fieldnames for each matrix.
Therefore, you need to:
1 - use function fieldnames to extract all the matrix names inside your structure. -
2- then you can access it by doing like:
names = fieldnames(P);
matrix1 = P.names{1}
Using a for loop you can then make your calculations pretty fast!

How to visualize binary data?

I have a dataset 6x1000 of binary data (6 data points, 1000 boolean dimensions).
I perform cluster analysis on it
[idx, ctrs] = kmeans(x, 3, 'distance', 'hamming');
And I get the three clusters. How can I visualize my result?
I have 6 rows of data each having 1000 attributes; 3 of them should be alike or similar in a way. Applying clustering will reveal the clusters. Since I know the number of clusters
I only need to find similar rows. Hamming distance tell us the similarity between rows and the result is correct that there are 3 clusters.
[EDIT: for any reasonable data, kmeans will always finds asked number
of clusters]
I want to take that knowledge
and make it easily observable and understandable without having to write huge explanations.
Matlab's example is not suitable since it deals with numerical 2D data while my questions concerns n-dimensional categorical data.
The dataset is here
[EDIT1: how to check if clusters are significant?]
For more information please visit the following link:
If the question is not clear ask, for anything you are missing.
For representing the differences between high-dimensional vectors or clusters, I have used Matlab's dendrogram function. For instance, after loading your dataset into the matrix x I ran the following code:
l = linkage(a, 'average');
and got the following plot:
The height of the bar that connects two groups of nodes represents the average distance between members of those two groups. In this case it looks like (5 and 6), (1 and 2), and (3 and 4) are clustered.
If you would rather use the hamming distance rather than the euclidian distance (which linkage does by default), then you can just do
l = linkage(x, 'average', {'hamming'});
although it makes little difference to the plot.
You can start by visualizing your data with a 'barcode' plot and then labeling rows with the cluster group they belong:
% Create figure
% Calculate patch xy coordinates
[r,c] = find(A);
Y = bsxfun(#minus,r,[.5,-.5,-.5, .5])';
X = bsxfun(#minus,c,[.5, .5,-.5,-.5])';
% plot patch
% Set axis prop
set(gca,'pos',[0.05,0.05,.9,.9],'ylim',[0.5 6.5],'xlim',[0.5 1000.5],'xtick',[],'ytick',1:6,'ydir','reverse')
% Cluster
c = kmeans(A,3,'distance','hamming');
% Add lateral labeling of the clusters
nc = numel(c);
h = text(repmat(1010,nc,1),1:nc,reshape(sprintf('%3d',c),3,numel(c))');
cmap = hsv(max(c));
The Hamming distance for binary strings a and b the Hamming distance is equal to the number of ones (population count) in a XOR b (see Hamming distance).
Since you have six data strings, so you could create a 6 by 6 matrix filled with the Hamming distance. The matrix would be symetric (distance from a to b is the same as distance from b to a) and the diagonal is 0 (distance for a to itself is nul).
For example, the Hamming distance between your first and second string is:
hamming_dist12 = sum(xor(x(1,:),x(2,:)));
Loop that and fill your matrix:
hamming_dist = zeros(6);
for i=1:6,
for j=1:6,
hamming_dist(i,j) = sum(xor(x(i,:),x(j,:)));
(And yes this code is a redundant given the symmetry and zero diagonal, but the computation is minimal and optimizing not worth the effort).
Print your matrix as a spreadsheet in text format, and let the reader find which data string is similar to which.
This does not use your "kmeans" approach, but your added description regarding the problem helped shaping this out-of-the-box answer. I hope it helps.
0 182 481 495 490 500
182 0 479 489 492 488
481 479 0 180 497 517
495 489 180 0 503 515
490 492 497 503 0 174
500 488 517 515 174 0
Edit 1:
How to read the table? The table is a simple distance table. Each row and each column represent a series of data (herein a binary string). The value at the intersection of row 1 and column 2 is the Hamming distance between string 1 and string 2, which is 182. The distance between string 1 and 2 is the same as between string 2 and 1, this is why the matrix is symmetric.
Data analysis
Three clusters can readily be identified: 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6, whose Hamming distance are, respectively, 182, 180, and 174.
Within a cluster, the data has ~18% dissimilarity. By contrast, data not part of a cluster has ~50% dissimilarity (which is random given binary data).
I recommend Kohonen network or similar technique to present your data in, say, 2 dimensions. In general this area is called Dimensionality reduction.
I you can also go simpler way, e.g. Principal Component Analysis, but there's no quarantee you can effectively remove 9998 dimensions :P
scikit-learn is a good Python package to get you started, similar exist in matlab, java, ect. I can assure you it's rather easy to implement some of these algorithms yourself.
I have a concern over your data set though. 6 data points is really a small number. moreover your attributes seem boolean at first glance, if that's the case, manhattan distance if what you should use. I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong) Hamming distance only makes sense if your attributes are somehow related, e.g. if attributes are actually a 1000-bit long binary string rather than 1000 independent 1-bit attributes.
Moreover, with 6 data points, you have only 2 ** 6 combinations, that means 936 out of 1000 attributes you have are either truly redundant or indistinguishable from redundant.
K-means almost always finds as many clusters as you ask for. To test significance of your clusters, run K-means several times with different initial conditions and check if you get same clusters. If you get different clusters every time or even from time to time, you cannot really trust your result.
I used a barcode type visualization for my data. The code which was posted here earlier by Oleg was too heavy for my solution (image files were over 500 kb) so I used image() to make the figures
function barcode(A)
B = (A+1)*2;
colormap flag;
axis([0 size(B,2) 0 size(B,1)]);
ax = gca;
ax.TickDir = 'out'

Matlab fast neighborhood operation

I have a Problem. I have a Matrix A with integer values between 0 and 5.
for example like:
Now I want to call a filter, size 3x3, which gives me the the most common value
I have tried 2 solutions:
fun = #(z) mode(z(:));
y1 = nlfilter(x,[3 3],fun);
which takes very long...
y2 = colfilt(x,[3 3],'sliding',#mode);
which also takes long.
I have some really big matrices and both solutions take a long time.
Is there any faster way?
+1 to #Floris for the excellent suggestion to use hist. It's very fast. You can do a bit better though. hist is based on histc, which can be used instead. histc is a compiled function, i.e., not written in Matlab, which is why the solution is much faster.
Here's a small function that attempts to generalize what #Floris did (also that solution returns a vector rather than the desired matrix) and achieve what you're doing with nlfilter and colfilt. It doesn't require that the input have particular dimensions and uses im2col to efficiently rearrange the data. In fact, the the first three lines and the call to im2col are virtually identical to what colfit does in your case.
function a=intmodefilt(a,nhood)
[ma,na] = size(a);
aa(ma+nhood(1)-1,na+nhood(2)-1) = 0;
aa(floor((nhood(1)-1)/2)+(1:ma),floor((nhood(2)-1)/2)+(1:na)) = a;
[~,a(:)] = max(histc(im2col(aa,nhood,'sliding'),min(a(:))-1:max(a(:))));
a = a-1;
x = randi(5,10,10);
y3 = intmodefilt(x,[3 3]);
For large arrays, this is over 75 times faster than colfilt on my machine. Replacing hist with histc is responsible for a factor of two speedup. There is of course no input checking so the function assumes that a is all integers, etc.
Lastly, note that randi(IMAX,N,N) returns values in the range 1:IMAX, not 0:IMAX as you seem to state.
One suggestion would be to reshape your array so each 3x3 block becomes a column vector. If your initial array dimensions are divisible by 3, this is simple. If they don't, you need to work a little bit harder. And you need to repeat this nine times, starting at different offsets into the matrix - I will leave that as an exercise.
Here is some code that shows the basic idea (using only functions available in FreeMat - I don't have Matlab on my machine at home...):
N = 100;
A = randi(0,5*ones(3*N,3*N));
B = reshape(permute(reshape(A,[3 N 3 N]),[1 3 2 4]), [ 9 N*N]);
hh = hist(B, 0:5); % histogram of each 3x3 block: bin with largest value is the mode
[mm mi] = max(hh); % mi will contain bin with largest value
figure; hist(B(:),0:5); title 'histogram of B'; % flat, as expected
figure; hist(mi-1, 0:5); title 'histogram of mi' % not flat?...
Here are the plots:
The strange thing, when you run this code, is that the distribution of mi is not flat, but skewed towards smaller values. When you inspect the histograms, you will see that is because you will frequently have more than one bin with the "max" value in it. In that case, you get the first bin with the max number. This is obviously going to skew your results badly; something to think about. A much better filter might be a median filter - the one that has equal numbers of neighboring pixels above and below. That has a unique solution (while mode can have up to four values, for nine pixels - namely, four bins with two values each).
Something to think about.
Can't show you a mex example today (wrong computer); but there are ample good examples on the Mathworks website (and all over the web) that are quite easy to follow. See for example

Removing extreme values in a vector in Matlab?

So say, I have a = [2 7 4 9 2 4 999]
And I'd like to remove 999 from the matrix (which is an obvious outlier).
Is there a general way to remove values like this? I have a set of vectors and not all of them have extreme values like that. prctile(a,99.5) is going to output the largest number in the vector no matter how extreme (or non-extreme) it is.
There are several way to do that, but first you must define what is "extreme'? Is it above some threshold? above some number of standard deviations?
Or, if you know you have exactly n of these extreme events and that their values are larger than the rest, you can use sort and the delete the last n elements. etc...
For example a(a>threshold)=[] will take care of a threshold like definition, while a(a>mean(a)+n*std(a))=[] will take care of discarding values that are n standard deviation above the mean of a.
A completely different approach is to use the median of a, if the vector is as short as you mention, you want to look on a median value and then you can either threshold anything above some factor of that value a(a>n*median(a))=[] .
Last, a way to assess an approach to treat these spikes would be to take a histogram of the data, and work from there...
I can think of two:
Sort your matrix and remove n-elements from top and bottom.
Compute the mean and the standard deviation and discard all values that fall outside:
mean +/- (n * standard deviation)
In both cases n must be chosen by the user.
Filter your signal.
%choose the value
N = 10;
filtered = filter(ones(1,N)/N, 1, signal);
Find the noise
noise = signal - filtered;
Remove noisy elements
THRESH = 50;
signal = signal(abs(noise) < THRESH);
It is better than mean+-n*stddev approach because it looks for local changes so it won't fail on a slowly changing signal like [1 2 3 ... 998 998].

For loop inside another for loop to make new set of vectors

I would like to use a for loop within a for loop (I think) to produce a number of vectors which I can use separately to use polyfit with.
I have a 768x768 matrix and I have split this into 768 separate cell vectors. However I want to split each 1x768 matrix into sections of 16 points - i.e. 48 new vectors which are 16 values in length. I want then to do some curve fitting with this information.
I want to name each of the 48 vectors something different however I want to do this for each of the 768 columns. I can easily do this for either separately but I was hoping that there was a way to combine them. I tried to do this as a for statement within a for statement however it doesn't work, I wondered if anyone could give me some hints on how to produce what I want. I have attached the code.
Qne is my 768*768 matrix with all the points.
for ii=1:N1;
for iii = 1:768;
for iv = 1:39
Use a normal 2D matrix for your inner split. Why? It's easy to reshape, and many of the fitting operations you'll likely use will operate on columns of a matrix already.
for ii=1:N1
x{ii} = reshape(Qnew(:, ii), 16, 48);
Now x{ii} is a 2D matrix, size 16x48. If you want to address the jj'th split window separately, you can say x{ii}(:, jj). But often you won't have to. If, for example, you want the mean of each window, you can just say mean(x{ii}), which will take the mean of each column, and give you a 48-element row vector back out.
Extra reference for the unasked question: If you ever want overlapping windows of a vector instead of abutting, see buffer in the signal processing toolbox.
Editing my answer:
Going one step further, a 3D matrix is probably the best representation for equal-sized vectors. Remembering that reshape() reads out columnwise, and fills the new matrix columnwise, this can be done with a single reshape:
x = reshape(Qnew, 16, 48, N1);
x is now a 16x48x768 3D array, and the jj'th window of the ii'th vector is now x(:, jj, ii).