how to get beaglebone black wifi with buildroot - buildroot

I am trying to build beaglebone black wifi with buildroot but it seems that there are several configuration , for u-boot and kernel.
What is the right def config , am335-evm or omap3-beagle for BBB wireless?
What is the right kernel and def config for BBB wireless?
U-boot should be the target image format u-boot.bin or u-boot.img?
Does anyone has a git repo of a working beaglebone black ( wireless or not) working?
What are the minimum uEnv.txt settings to get u-boot start working?

You can use beaglebone_defconfig configuration file:
make beaglebone_defconfig
It enables support for multiple am335x boards like BBB, am335x-evm etc. This BR configuration provides U-Boot and U-Boot's internal scripts would read the board ID and load corresponding device tree blob. At the end of the build process you'll get a SD card image, that you can directly burn onto your SD card.
The only things missing are WiLink firmware and wpa_supplicant. Just select following packages in BR's menuconfig:

Ok, so it does work, but i was waited to see on the HDMI the login.
After I connected UART using this post: ( but i did replace tx and rx)
Pressed the S2 button i do see the linux prompt.


Buildroot ir remote using ir-keytable or lirc

I created an image for raspberry pi zero 2 w using buildroot,
Also added overlay gpio-ir in config.txt but not able to receive ir signal.
No logs are printed for gpio in dmesg.
No devices are showing in /proc/bus/input/devices
Can anyone help?
I found solution my self.
Actually buildroot is not start gpio-ir-recv module at boot time.
So we need to load module manually at boot time.
We can load module by this command
modprobe gpio-ir-recv
So i have created one service to load module in /etc/init.d

How to enable the Raspberry Pi 4 to work remotely?

Anyone knows how to operate the Raspberry Pi 4 remotely? So that I don't need to always connect it to a monitor when I want to use it.
My Pi is Raspberry Pi 4 with Yocto image built inside. I wonder how to configure the Pi so that it can be used remotely without the need to connect to a monitor. Any helps will be appreciated!
If you're using the Yocto reference distro 'Poky', then you can enable one of the following IMAGE_FEATUREs:
ssh-server-dropbear (uses Dropbear SSH)
ssh-server-openssh (uses OpenSSH)
and that will start a SSH server at boot.
A quick way to do this, is to add the following to your local.conf:
# local.conf
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "ssh-server-dropbear"
A more permanent solution is to define a custom image recipe:
DESCRIPTION = "A small image with a SSH server for remote access"
IMAGE_FEATURES += "ssh-server-dropbear"
Alternatively, if you already have your own Yocto configurations - just add either the dropbear or openssh package to your image/packagegroups.

CodeSys killing eth0 on Raspberry Pi 4?

I'm running into a very strange issue attempting to run CodeSys on a 4GB RasPi-4. Long story short, the Pi works fine right up until I start running the CodeSys project. When I do, within 60sec, eth0 goes down and cannot be brought back up. Even rebooting the Pi has no effect. The only way I've found to recover eth0 is to re-burn RasPiOS from the source image from (which I've done about 30 times over the past few days, trying to trial-and-error my way out of this).
Linux raspberrypi 5.4.79-v7l+ #1373 SMP Mon Nov 23 13:27:40 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
I have eth0 set to a static IP using /etc/dhcpcd.conf. Whatever is causing this issue is not altering my settings there. Attempts to use ifconfig eth0 up/down have no effect -- no errors, no feedback, just nothing. Checking eth0's state shows "waiting for carrier," despite being connected to an active switch (I've also swapped out all the cables and the switch to eliminate them as the source of the problem).
When I re-burn the Pi and install CodeSys, eth0 stays up indefinitely (24hrs+ in my longest test). It's starting the CodeSys project that kills eth0. A reboot after etho "dies" gives a series of bcmgenet messages that appear to be related:
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ dmesg | grep bcmg
[ 1.033665] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet: failed to get enet clock
[ 1.033685] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet: GENET 5.0 EPHY: 0x0000
[ 1.033709] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet: failed to get enet-wol clock
[ 1.033730] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet: failed to get enet-eee clock
[ 1.044648] libphy: bcmgenet MII bus: probed
[ 9.528502] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet: configuring instance for external RGMII
[ 9.535175] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down
I also tried creating a new CodeSys project from scratch that had no eth0 drivers (ModBus, Ethernet/IP) installed, only the GPIO driver. That didn't help either -- eth0 dies within 60sec.
The strangest part is, only eth0 seems to be affected. The GPIO pins keep cycling as controlled by the CodeSys project (I have a simple LED-blinking program running), and I can still SSH into the Pi using wifi. But since my main reason for setting this Pi up is to use Ethernet/IP and ModBus....
This thread: at GitHub is the only place I've found anyone describing anything similar to what I'm experiencing, but in that case CodeSys is not installed. I did try adding genet.skip_umac_reset=n to my cmdline.txt as suggested in the thread, but it had no effect.
So, it turned out this was an issue configuring the GPIO pins.
CodeSys has two difference "device" files for adding the GPIO pins to the project device tree. The default selection is for older Pi models, and the alternate choice (labelled only for B+ and Pi2) is the correct one for the Pi4.
As it turns out, the outdated GPIO device file will work on a Pi4, mostly. But using the wrong device file allows CodeSys to try configuring GPIO pins that shouldn't be tampered with. In this case, GPIO 28 and 29. Setting either of them to Output mode killed eth0.
Using the correct device file removes 28&29 from the list of configurable GPIO pins. It also gives the correct list of available GPIO pins for the newer Pi models, hopefully avoiding other potential config issues that I didn't trip over.
In CodeSys, right-clicking on the GPIOs element in the device tree offers the option to "Update the Device." Select this option to get the list of available device files, and select the correct one before using the "Update Device" button in the bottom of the window.

Bare metal Raspberry Pi 2: Generating an SD card image for QEMU emulation

I've recently been getting into bare metal development for the Raspberry Pi 2, and having some success. Admittedly I've hesitated to buy an actual physical device until I feel I can do something useful with it, for the time being I've been emulating the device using qemu 2.11.0.
So far I've developed multicore capabilities for my kernel, as well as simple Serial I/O, but I feel I'd like to get much further before working with a physical device.
My issue right now is that I'm trying to learn how to place my kernel onto an SD card image and boot qemu-system-arm from that SD card image, so I can properly emulate a kernel loaded from the raspberry pi 2 bootloader.
I've gotten as far as grabbing the SD card contents from ... aster/boot, and using the following script to create the image and load my kernel into it. I've seen that people have figured out how to load Raspbian from an emulated SD card, so I figure I can do the same.
TEMP_MOUNT_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
# the SD card boot partition contents are in this folder...
dd if=/dev/null of=${OUTPUT_IMG} bs=1M seek=${OUTPUT_IMG_SIZE}
mkfs.fat -F 32 ${OUTPUT_IMG}
sudo mount -t vfat -o loop ${OUTPUT_IMG} ${TEMP_MOUNT_DIR}
make -C ${OS_DIR} clean
make -C ${OS_DIR}
sudo cp ${OS_BINARY} "${TEMP_MOUNT_DIR}/kernel.img"
The only issue is that qemu doesn't seem to boot from this image using the following command:
qemu-system-arm -machine raspi2 -serial file:serial.log -sd ./dev/os.img
I've tried a few different combinations, but to no avail.
I can see from hooking GDB that the kernel is simply not booting from this card image. Loading the kernel directly into qemu with the -kernel argument works otherwise perfectly.
I was wondering if anyone here had any insight on how to accomplish this!
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Your command won't work because you haven't passed QEMU either a guest BIOS or a guest kernel to run. The QEMU arm boards aren't like the x86 PC machine, which always automatically runs a guest BIOS image. If you want to run a BIOS (probably UEFI?) you need to find a suitable BIOS blob and pass it to QEMU with the -bios argument. Then QEMU will run the BIOS code, which will hopefully include SD card drivers to load the kernel and so on off the SD card.
Just using -kernel is much simpler...
After doing a bit of reading and searching online, as well as a bit of help from other contributors such as Peter Maydell with his answer above, I think I've answered my own question. Unless I'm mistaken qemu-system-arm does not fully emulate the Raspberry Pi boot process, and instead just loads the kernel specified with the -kernel argument by loading the binary into the guest system's memory and jumping to the entry point. It doesn't look like any additional hardware bootloading is emualted for -M raspi2 unfortunately.
Can ARM qemu system emulator boot from card image without kernel param?
This question is similar and contains some more useful details on this issue, relating to qemu-system-arm as a whole..

Uploading code from platform IO to esp32

I'm sorry for that stupid question but I really can't find what I need.
I made a code to use a ESP Wrover 32 with PlatformIO/VScode and I need to upload the code to the ESP32 (connected to the computer using USB) but I can't find how to select the right USB port to upload the code.
The error is :
Please specify 'upload_port' for environment or use global
'--upload-port' option.
I tried to use the command lines but nothing works.
How can I upload my code ?
To find the USB port: Hit WindowsKey-X, select Device Manager, plug in the device and observe what's listed under Ports (COM & LPT) - the one that just appeared has the port in brackets (COMn).
Then in platformio.ini in your PlatformIo initialised project folder, you specify the port as a line under the platform section (env: square brackets line): upload_port = com9 or whatever you got from Device Manager.
I hope this helps.