Rundeck[passing parameters between the jobs] - rundeck

I have a job which calls another rundeck job, I want to pass parameters between the jobs. I can only pass options from the 1st job to 2nd job, i want results(output) of the 1st job to be passed to the second job as an argument.
Example: 1st job content.
set -x;
echo $sql_file
I want to call 2nd job, and pass sql_file location as the variable
I can refer the 2nd job and give options of the 1st job as an argument, i cannot find a way to give the output of the 1st job as an arguemnt to the 2nd job.

Rundeck 2.9 will support this ability. It is not released yet, but you can try the beta version here


Rundeck Community passing variable/parameter between job

I have job in rundeck inline script where I have defined variable like
echo "ABC=$ABC"
Now,I would like to call this job in another job(like job2) and want to print the value of ABC.
How can I catch the value of 'ABC' in another job's inline script?
The easier way is to pass that data value by creating an option on the second job to "receive" the data generated by the first job. That was answered here.

in build variable to detect rerun of failed builds

Is there an inbuilt pipeline or build variable to check if the run is actually a re-run of a job/stage.
I need to add this in condition as some of the steps needs to be skipped based on this variable.
- conditions: rerun()
Yes, there are variables regarding this:
System.JobAttempt - Set to 1 the first time this job is attempted, and increments every time the job is retried.
System.StageAttempt - Set to 1 the first time this stage is attempted, and increments every time the job is retried.
You can find the full variable list here.
You can use the predefinded variables System.JobAttempt or System.StageAttempt to determine if it is a re-run of a job/stage.
To skip a step if it is a re-run of a job/stage, you can set the condtion as below:
condition: eq(variables['System.JobAttempt'], '1')

Passing value from one task output to other task

Unable to find the option to pass value from one task output to other task in Azure deveops pipeline.
Pass value of Id which is an output of task to next task as an input.
task output
You can do this through Output variables part of the task.
1.Use outputs in the same job
In the Output variables section, give the producing task a reference name. Then, in a downstream step, you can use the form $(<ReferenceName>.<VariableName>) to refer to output variables.
2.Use outputs in a different job
You must use YAML to consume output variables in a different job.
For details,please refer to this document.

HTCondor job submission tags

I want to run different batches of jobs on our HTCondor pool. Let's say 10 jobs of Type1, 20 jobs of Type2 and so on. Each of these job types should get new jobs when the current jobs are finished.
With just one type I use a simply query if all jobs are finished or if the time limit for the whole job batch passed. If one of these requirements is fulfilled the next iteration of x jobs is submitted to the cluster.
This is done by a small function (written in Lua, which is not really important for the question):
function WaitForSims(CheckupDelay)
while io.popen([[condor_q -format "%d\n" clusterid]]):read('*all'):len()~=0 do
os.execute("echo Checkup timestamp: ""%x %X"))
os.execute(string.format("timeout %d 1>nul",CheckupDelay))
Is there a possibility to separate the jobs of Type1, Type2 and Type3 and check them independently? Currently it checks for all jobs as my current user.
Adding a tag or something to the jobs would be ideal, as I could simply change the checkup call. In the documentation I couldn't find anything which is easy to add, I could remember the JobID-s, but then I'll have to store those adding more complexity.
Linked Answer
Solution could be found in another answer, I didn't find where it is described in the documentation though.
In the job.sub file add:
+YourCustomVarName = 1
+YourCustomStringName = "String"
For checking against it use:
condor_q -constraint 'YourCustomVarName == 1' -f "%s" JobStatus
condor_q -constraint "YourCustomStringName == \"String\"" -f "%s" JobStatus
(handling of quotations could vary)

Can a list of strings be supplied to Capistrano tasks?

I have a task whose command in 'run' is the same except for a single value. This value would out of a list of potential values. What I would like to do is create a task which would use this list of values to define the task and then use that same value in the command defined in 'run'. The point is that it would be great to define the task in such a way where I don't have to repeat nearly identical task definitions for each value.
For example: I want a task that will get the status of a single program from a list of programs that I have defined in an array. I would like to define task to be something like this:
set programs = %w["postfix", "nginx", "pgpool"]
programs.each do |program|
desc "#{program} status"
task :#{program} do
run "/etc/init.d/#{program} status"
This obviously doesn't work, but hopefully it shows what I am attempting here.
Well, I answered my own question... with a little trial and error. I also did the same thing with namespace so the control of services is nice and elegant. It works quite nicely!
set :programs, %w[postfix nginx pgpool]
set :init_commands, %w[status start stop]
# init.d service control
init_commands.each do |init_command|
namespace :"#{init_command}" do
programs.each do |program|
desc "#{program} #{init_command}"
task :"#{program}" do
run "/etc/init.d/#{program} #{init_command}"