What are all the required details for create Paypal Business Account for my Indian e-comm site - paypal

Actually my site from India, I need to get cash from my international customer by using Paypal.
What are all the required details for creating India business account?
Note: Not for India, only for international customers.

You can check these pages on PayPal to create a business account for Indian merchants:
Get up and running quickly
Accept Payments From Across The World
If you already have a PayPal account you can login and click the link that says Upgrade to a Business account in the bottom left corner under the Manage your account section.
To start accepting PayPal in India, you only need a PAN card and a bank account to receive payments in.
I hope these links help


PayPal to differents accounts

i want to make a website where a seller can create his products and the buyer can pay directly to his paypal account. i know how to use the IPN notification for a lonely business account per website. Do i have to ask all my seller to configure my IPN Url in their paypal account? or is it enough to use this " $this->paypal->add_field('notify_url',www.site.com/ipn_paypal'));"?
I am just asking if there is another requirement for seller to make this type of sites. Does paypal allow this?

How do I set up monthly contribitions in Paypal

I am a novice when it comes to coding buttons in Paypal. We are a non profit ORG and we currently have the "donate now" button for a 1 time contribution. I want to change this to allow for a monthly (reoccurring) contribution amount. What button/API do I use and can you share some sample code?
I am also not sure how this process would work. Does the person that wants to contribute on a monthly basis (ex: $10/month) need to have their own paypal account? Or, does our paypal business account store the persons credit card info and would know to bill the person monthly? Our current donate button doesn't require the person to have a paypay account. They just enter their credict card info at the time of the 1 time donation. But it does allow them to log on to paypal if they do have an account. Any info would be helpful....
I recommend you to use PayPal standard subscription button.
For sample code, click here
By default, the buyers either have a PayPal account or have to create a PayPal account to buy your subscription plan.
But you could contact & request to PayPal Customer support team to enable Enhanced Recurring Payments for your PayPal business account.
With ERP, the buyers could buy a subscription either using PayPal account or direct credit card without PayPal account.

Taking payment from customer's card and giving to merchant

I am creating a booking site, where the public can make bookings and then pay using their card. I want to take the card details and send them to PayPal via their REST api, and then send the amount to a merchant who will be one of our customer's selling the booked product.
Is this possible to do? PayPal documentation is confusing at best. I currently have the card payments being taken successfully and paid into our own 'developer' account, but what I can't seem to find is how to credit the money to a PayPal account that isn't our own instead.
I have looked into the PayPal Permissions API but again the documentation is unclear, and I don't see where I specify the merchants id or email address when calling RequestPermissions.
What you're looking to do can be accomplished by using PayPal's Adaptive Payments product (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/products/adaptive-payments/). Unfortunately, Adaptive Payments are not currently available with REST APIs. So if you have the option of going with classic APIs, this is currently available to you.

Paypal Subcription payment want 3 option?

When user click on subscribe button of paypal, then it will redirect to paypal site, after that it will show 2 option which are:
1: login with paypal
2: i need to create a paypal account and below showing credit card form
and my requirement is to show 3 option.
1: Login with Paypal account.
2: If no paypal account then create paypal account.
3: no need paypal account, then payment through credit card
Yes, you can create subscriptions without requiring users to have a PayPal account.
However, it's not available for regular Website Payments Standard; you'll need to purchase an add-on service called 'Enhanced Recurring Payments' (US) or 'Premium Services' (UK).
I believe - from the top of my head - that it's available in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. However, you'd need to double-check those last two with PayPal Sales.
If you want to let your users to subscribe (aka recurring payment), they must have a PayPal account.
Source: https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/How-to-use-PayPal/Subscriptions-is-a-PayPal-account-required/td-p/44420
For recurring payments you can try using ChargeBee, Recurly, Chargify. These provide credit card data portability. It is must to have requirement for recurring payment businesses.

Paypal - payment without account

I need to integrate paypal into online store..
- All credit cards (secure) details should be inputed on PayPal site
- User do not need paypal account
So there is couple ways of integration
Standart IPN - when you redirect
user to paypal site and he use his
(or create new) paypal account and
than redirected back to site
PayPal Payments Pro - user input his details including credit card number on my site(and I make payment using API)
But is there a way where I can redirect user to paypal site and he just input a credit card number and redirected back.. So user input just credict card number and that it is - he do not need a paypal account or fill any other fields.. Does it possible?
Stanard Paypal does offer you the ability pay via credit card without a paypal account
I am experiencing the same problem as you, and would like to put my findings on record. With Website Payments Standard, depending on which country your user selects, he/she may or may not need to create a PayPal account. These are the three most typical form submit buttons that he/she may encounter:
Case 1:
Review and Continue
No requirement to create an account
Countries: US, Australia, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan
Case 2:
A so-called optional account is created for you, and you will need to register a PayPal account after 10 transactions.
You will only be able to use PayPal via PayPal Account Optional for up to [10] transactions before we will require you to open a PayPal
account with PPEL to enable further use of the PayPal system. At that
point you will be required to enter into our standard user agreement
to govern the ongoing relationship with PayPal.
Countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, United Kingdom
Case 3:
Agree and Create Account
You must create a PayPal account to transact.
Countries: Albania, Algeria, China, Ecuador, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Vietnam
Although most credit card processors require only the card number, card verification code and at most the card expiry date, PayPal requires that address and contact number be provided. I am not sure how PayPal is going to enforce the accuracy of such information without also being a card association. If you get what I mean.