Leaflet sidebar v2 how to not expand tab when click on button - plugins

I'm using leaflet sidebar v2 and I need to have a button in sidebar that allows user to active control to click over map to get a poppup. That it works, but tab is expanded without content, and this is not necesary, in fact, in mobiles screen, is better not expand tab.
Is possible to click over a button in sidebar "collapsed" and continue "collapsed"?
Thanks a lot.

I got it myself :)
Just changing the "normal" code to add a sidebar's button:
<li><i class="fa fa-info"></i></li>
<li><a class="customButtonSideBar"><i class="fa fa-info"></i></a></li>
Pay attention, the diference is eliminate href attribute of a element, then add a jquery click binding to control the action:
...your code...


IONIC : Need to set a side-menu to Right side of the application header

I got two menu on the header menu. A left side "Burger Menu" and a right side menu with "add" symbol. The html content for the two menu are included in a seperate side-menu.html [not on app.html]
id for the left menu is "menuLeft" and the id for right menu as "menuRight"
The Burger menu appears on the main page and upon proceeding to a child menu , its replaced with a BACK button. This is expected and I am happy with that.
The Right menu is not enabled in any of the pages. I included the below code on only one of the child menu html file where the right menu needs to be appear.
<button ion-button end>
<ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
In its corresponding *.ts file I enabled the right menu in the ionViewWillEnter
ionViewWillEnter() {
this.menu.enable(true, 'menuRight');
Now, I have two issues.
1. When I include menuToggle in the button tag, the menu disappears. But I want the menu to appear and I should have the menu Toggle feature
I am able to make the right menu appear only when menuToggle attribute not mentioned.And still, it is not appearing on the right end of the header, it appears just prior to the Title. Refer screenshot attached.
Not sure why I am getting the background for the "add" button. Can I make it transparent?
Kindly let me know if you need more info. Thanks in advance
Change your navbar to make the menu appears on the right side, and i need more information about to awnser the other questions. Where are you placing the menuToggle ?
<ion-buttons right>
<button ion-button>
<ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>

Protractor - element click is not working

My element looks like this:
<div id="searchBarFilters">
<div class="filterBox">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h3>Adjust Filters<span ng-click="closeGlobalFilters()" class="icon-close"></h3>
When the user clicks on this close icon, the particular div panel visibility is hidden. I am checking this functionality using protractor as below:
I had to use both the attributes of span tag because there are 2 other elements with the same className.
The above code is not showing any error but I do not see the click action eing executed in action.
What am I missing here? Thanks in advance for your help.

ionic click delays on iOS

I have a simple project which has a button and an image. The image shows when pressing the button. But the image shows with delay about 1000ms.
On the browser, there aren't any problems.
and these are the codes
<span (click)="getImage()">Click it!</span>
<img src="assets/{{img}}" *ngIf="img" alt="">
img = "";
this.img = "aa.jpg";
To remove this delay, you can add the tappable attribute to your element.
<div tappable (click)="doClick()">I am clickable!</div>
Source: Click Delays
In general, we recommend only adding (click) events to elements that
are normally clickable. This includes and elements. This
improves accessibility as a screen reader will be able to tell that
the element is clickable.
However, you may need to add a (click) event to an element that is not
normally clickable. When you do this you may experience a 300ms delay
from the time you click the element to the event firing.

Ionic page transitions

Im having a hard time understanding how Ionic handles ion-nav-view vs. ion-view. I'm trying to build an app where the views are not nested (as example apps). This is what I've done
In index.html I have an ion-nav-view
I have 3 pages. 1 login, 1 list, and 1 item (item is a list item beeing clicked)
My list page is an ion-side-menus while the other 2 are ion-view's
Now to my question
When I click an item in my list I get a transition to my item page but when I go back to my list there is no page transition. This is the HTML
<ion-header-bar class="bar-dark">
<div class="buttons">
<button nav-transition="slide-left-right" class="button button-icon button-clear ion-android-arrow-back" ui-sref="list">
<h1 class="title">Item</h1>
How can I get transitions to work even though each page is its own ion-view?
I solved the "transition back" using nav-direction="back"
Next problem is that transition only works ones from the list?
If i click the above the slide left transition occurs, but if I go back and press it again I don't get a transition? Is it some sort of cache?
The way I do is to have ion-side-menus inside index.html as the only directive, and inside it and with an ion-nav-view inside.
Then define an ion-side-menu with side="left" and include the list you want to show.
That way you can define a side-menu that will show throughout the whole app and be available with all the content you need.
Now to answer your question, I think the list page (in your case the one with ion-side-menus) does not have transition when going back because it is now an ion-view. The page transitions occur on ion-views when they are swapped in-out inside the . But the ion-side-menus page is not swapped in-out it's just there.
Regarding this:
EDIT I solved the "transition back" using nav-direction="back"
It worked because you explicitly told ionic that you want a nav-transition when going back.
Hope this helps a bit

mvc renderpartial dialog difficulty

I have a view in which I have the following code:
<div id="DivPassword" >
<%Html.RenderPartial("PasswordDetails"); %>
I want to display the div as a dialog, in which I am successful. When I click on a link the dialog opens.
However, I can see that the partial view is also being displayed in the View, when the page loads. Why is it so? How can I correct that?
It displays because your code generates markup like:
<div id="DivPassword" ><!-- contents of partial view here --></div>
When a browser sees this markup, id displays stuff. :)
In order to not display the dialog until you run some JavaScript to make it display, you need to hide it. You can do this with a CSS rule:
visibility: hidden;
Pretty much all JS dialog libraries will change the visibility when you pop up the dialog.