Eclipse is crashing on launch; can't figure out why - eclipse

My copy of Eclipse (Mars.2) on Windows 10 stopped working this past Sunday for no obvious reason. Ever since then, when I try to launch Eclipse, I get a very brief glimpse of the splash screen, then it closes. There is no new log file in the eclipse\configuration folder; the oldest one is several days old. There was no exit code screen like the ones I've seen when I had exit code 13 or exit code 1. I've got a single JDK in C:\Program Files and it is the latest and greatest 64-bit JDK (at least the download link said it was a 64-bit version. I've forgotten how to determine with certainty what version it is via command line parameters.) I've tried installing newer versions of Eclipse, including both a version of Neon and the latest version of Oxygen, on both my C: drive and my F: drive (the other logical drive on my internal hard drive) and all of them have the same symptoms.
I've installed a copy of Netbeans 8.2 just to see if it would install and work and it seems to do fine. I was able to import projects from my Eclipse workspace and the various bits of code seemed to import fine. I also wrote a very basic HelloWorld just to see if it would run and it did. I think that means my JDK and my Eclipse workspace are fine. But Eclipse still won't launch. I'm completely baffled and can't think of what to do to make it work again. It was just fine right up until Sunday morning.
Logically, you have to be suspecting I did something silly right about then: messed with settings that I should have left alone, deleted something I shouldn't have deleted or something along those lines. I can't think of anything I did that in retrospect seems foolish. All I did was reboot Windows as I periodically do. Now, Eclipse resolutely refuses to work and won't tell me why.
I could just abandon Eclipse and move on to Netbeans or IntelliJ or one of the other IDEs but I've been using Eclipse happily for some time. I really don't want to invest the time it's going to take to learn how to do all the things I do in Eclipse in another IDE. How can I get it working again?

Ultimately, I solved this problem by uninstalling the sole JDK and JRE on the computer, then reinstalling them. I'm not sure what was messed up but that got my Eclipse working normally again.


Eclipse Java IDE restore

I was developing a plugin, using Eclipse IDE for java developers (Version: 2021-09 (4.21.0)
Build id: 20210910-1417)
During development, when I run it as an eclipse application, it opens a runtime-Eclipse application where the plug-in is present. In my setup this new runtime-eclips app opened from a folder next to the workspace, where C codes were present. (and my progrem would get the tests run in C , and get the results from it's exe)
Then I downloaded the Eclipse IDE for committers, which is a newer version. I downloaded it as a zip and after unpacking I run the eclipse.exe. My program had problems opening the runtime-Eclipse application in C there, so i went back to the older one which is installed on my computer.
After opening the original eclipse, on which I was working and had no problems, I was hoping everything will be fine. It opens the IDE for java developers (same version, same build) but I have the same problems with the runtime-eclipse application as the one I run as an eclipse.exe , (not recognising the C code?? I don't understand).
When i try to run the plug-in I get this error.
And when the runtime-app opens i get this error.
I cannot create C projects anymore on the runtime-app. I don't know the reason behind this.
Also I have billion of these
[" downdload.eclipse.ort"]
[" org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: Unknown Host: http://downdload.eclipse.ort/eclipse/updates/4.2/content.xml "]
Thank you in advance!
I don't know if it is possible or not, since seemingly it did not update the older eclipse IDE. If it can be restored the way it was before i run the eclipse.exe, I would be happy.
eclipse.ort is obviously a typo, it should be, I don't know where it is coming from - but its possible you enter it yourself as update site
the runtime error means eclipse cannot resolve all dependencies, which means it could not load bunch of plugins including yours, you need to figure out why on your own, its not possible to debug this remotely, its best to start from the scratch in the new workspace
The solution was easier than expected. The run configuration was modified by the other eclipse version. It was not launched with every plugin. only a selected handful

JDK 8 and Windows 8.1

I installed the JDK 8 64-bit for use with eclipse on a win 8.1 machine. I had an odd problem where my file browser kept crashing when trying to right click or open files. Chrome also frequently crashed.
It took me a while to figure out what was causing it. I got a different (new) PC with a new install of windows 8.1 x64 and the same thing happened as soon as JDK 8 x64 was installed.
It stopped after it was removed. I only have a few other things installed (VS2013, Steam, Nvidia drivers, Samsung Magician, Git, etc).
I tried installing JDK x32 which seemed OK at first, but eclipse was still looking in the x64 location. I tried restarting, but when the desktop was loading the whole desktop froze and took ages to respond. I uninstalled the JDK but my desktop is still freezing on startup.
After a few minutes it starts responding and works fine again....
I need eclipse for work and I have never seen anything like this before? Any idea what is happening or why it is now not responding at startup?
I doubt that we can find out what software causes incompatibilities on your system. However, it’s worth noting that Java can be used without modifying any system resources, if you are willing to sacrifice some of the comfort functions like having a Java control panel, the ability to launch runnable jars via double-click or the browser-plugin(s).
Most of these features are associated with the “public JRE”, so if you disable this feature during a JDK install, the installation should touch much less system resources. If that doesn’t help, you can go farther by just copying the jdk/jre folder from a different installation (having the same architecture) without going through any installation procedure. If you don’t have such second installation nor virtual machines to copy from, you may copy the installation folder from your machine to an unrelated folder, revert the system to the state before the installation (which doesn’t touch unrelated folders) and use the copy.
If Eclipse doesn’t find the Java installation folder then (not touching system resources implies not leaving a hint about the Java installation location), you have to modify Eclipse’s INI file to point to the Java installation location, as said by Archimedes Trajano. Alternatively, you may place the JRE right into a folder named “jre” within the Eclipse installation folder. Then, Eclipse will find it automatically.
you can set your JVM in the eclipse.ini
Generally I modify it to point to the jvm.dll of whatever JDK I am using so that I won't see eclipse.exe spawning off a java.exe process. Instead it will just be all in one process.

Upgrade Eclipse without opening it

I have Eclipse Juno with Java EE, PHP, C++ and PyDev in it and it was working perfectly under Ubuntu 12.04 and later under 14.04.
Yet, when I upgraded my OS to Ubuntu 14.10, Eclipse doesn't work anymore, whenever I try to open it, it shuts down immediately.
I want to upgrade it to Luna but it doesn't give me the chance to launch the upgrade, I have an idea I have and wish to hear your advice on whether it is right or wrong.
What I'd like to do is to download Luna and extract it over the older version.
Will this work? Or will it make it even worse?
Is there anyone who tired it before?
You may even download Luna, and extract it to a different folder (not necessary on top of the older version).
Afterwards, launch Luna and try to load your previous workspace(s). You might want to backup your workspaces folder, before letting Luna attempt and load from there.
Updating the eclipse through the command line is safer. Try it using eclipse site
and also refer to this answer
I find solution here on comment 20
This seems to be a bug in GTK according to
(there a similar problem for Meld was reported).
Another workaround mentioned there is
For oxygen, edit the normally already existing file "/usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" and change
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 0
This workaround is working for me.

Eclipse Kepler Freezes when copying

I have an Eclipse Kepler IDE where ADT Plugins, CDT plugis, Android NDK and Java is installed. It is sort of my lifeline IDE at work. Without this my whole work will come to a standstill. I have this IDE installed on a Vbox Ubuntu machine and have been using it for the past one year(ever since the glorious JUNO version days!). About 2 months ago, my IDE was veyr slow so I upgraded it from Juno to Kepler expecting better performance. I must admit it was not any at all. Also, on my VBox, the IDE froze a couple of times whenever I plugged in a USB in my Virtual Box. I assumed it must be some bug with the USB and just left it. Today, all of a sudden (this is the 5th time I have rebooted my virtual image) whenever I tried to copy a piece of code in my IDE, the whole IDE freezes. Only a kill -9 pid number command came to rescue after that. What should I do? Please suggest!!
thanks a lot.
First, you should configure the Java VM to create a thread dump when Eclipse hangs. Eclipse doesn't just hang for the fun of it; something is wrong but since there is a deadlock, Eclipse can't tell you anymore. Read up on debugging deadlocks.
The next step when Eclipse is acting up is always to clean the .metadata folder since a crash sometimes corrupts important files in there. See this blog post.
If that also doesn't help, you can try to reinstall Eclipse. Install the plugins one after the other, noting down what you do until you find the one which breaks the others.

Eclipse entries under launch group are missing

I do C++ embedded development for the NetBurner platform. They have plug-ins that customize Eclipse and in addition to a build tool-chain they add a Launch Group under the Run Configuration area. Everything was working fine under Indigo (32 bit) when I decided to install Subclipse (big mistake). As soon as the install finished I could no longer run my existing configurations successfully. When I went into the Run Configurations area I noticed the Launch Group I used to use was missing. Here is what it looked like earlier yesterday:
Here's what it looks like today:
Things I've tried
First I uninstalled the Subclipse plugins using the
Help->About->Installation Details and then selecting them one at a
time, Uninstalling and restarting after each uninstall. No change.
Then I unpacked the original Eclipse Indigo/CDT 32 bit download to a
fresh folder. Copied over the NetBurner plugins from the zip I got
from the manufacturer. No change.
Launched with different Workspaces, no change.
Launched a Galileo version, it uses older plug-ins, and it still
Copied older plug-ins into Indigo, the older NetBurner launcher
shows up (but it doesn't really work with Indigo)
Removed the older plug-ins put in the newer ones, old NetBurner
launcher went away new launcher does not show up.
Tried removing the
{Workspace}.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core.launches - no
Interestingly even though launches has many .launch files that should show up under Run Configuration, nothing shows up.
One other strange (possibly relevant) thing is that icon for the NetBurner Perspective went away, now it just has <NetBurner> as the text and a generic perspective icon.
I can still cross-compile and build for the NetBurner (i.e. the build toolchain still works), it's just the ability to use run configurations that seems to be missing.
I'm out of ideas, does anyone know of some global setting that sits outside the workspace and outside the Indigo installation folder that could be causing this?
I'm running on Win 7 64 bit ultimate, I run the 32 bit version of Indigo because the 64 bit doesn't appear to work with the NetBurner plug-ins. I've also disabled the two Mylyn tasks under General->Startup and Shutdown (they seemed to cause many Permgen memory crashes). This is the same setup I had working flawlessly yesterday.
I also noticed that only 3 of the 4plug-ins are showing up in the Installation Details plug-in pane. The nbeclipse.core_2.6.0.jar is in the eclipse plugin directory but not showing as loaded. So I guess I know now the problem is the plug-in isn't loading but I don't know why or how to get it to load, or what subclipse could have changed that would cause this.
I suspect that the Subclipse installation may have caused an update to some other plugin(s) that it depended on (keep in mind the transitive nature plugin dependency resolution; if you're installing plugin A and it requires a certain version of Plugin B that you don't have, Plugin B will be installed or updated to that version). In doing so, maybe the NetBurner plugin can no longer load because its declared dependencies are no longer met (ie, it depended on an earlier version and does not tolerate a later version).
You can use the OSGi Console to help determine why a plugin is not loading. Here are a couple of references that should help:
By the way, you can not just copy plugins into an Eclipse installation and expect them to work. For several versions now, Eclipse has not supported that ability. You must use Help > Install New Software or File > Import > Install > From Existing Installation to install plugins. Ask the vendor if they have an update site to install from; like I said above, simply dropping things into Eclipse's plugins folder is not supported any more, it won't work. Other than the vendor providing an update site, the only other option is to use the dropins folder, as described here.