Polymer: ERROR no ports available start_server.js - server

can anybody help me with my issue when i do polymer serve -H [] it brings up an error saying no ports available? im really stuck on this.
i am running a 1&1 cloud server with centOS 7

I had this problem.
I changed --hostname value to the ip instead of the domain name or localhost
if you are doing it on your machine put instead of localhost.


The Python http server not working in local network

I´ve tried to start the python server with the following command python -m http.server and it says serving... so it should be working. I have this in a VM Linux maschine and the network adapter is set to bridged. When I access the localhost on port 8000 on the linux maschine the server is running on I can get access to the site and all the folders which the server serves but the problem is that I can´t access the site on any other VM nor the host maschine via the IP adress . The site is simply not loading. Can someone tell me whats wrong? I´ve also checked the firewall settings and allowed it for chrome. But this is not working as well.

Connect Laravel Sail App to Local MySql Server

I have a Laravel Sail app that was installed without the MySql service, since I want to use the MySql server on the local mac where the application is installed.
How do I do this? Presumably I need to modify the docker-compose file to redirect port 3306, but how? (I tried binding 3306:3306 in docker-compose beneath the line assigning port 80, but it tells me the port is already taken).
As it turns out, the answer is quite simple. Use host.docker.internal as the hostname when inside the container.

Connection problem with postgresql and docker

I'm running a composition of docker containers of a preexisting project on Ubuntu 20. One container for apache2, one for postresql. I can connect to the webserver through my browser and the webserver container establishes a connection to the postgresql container - so far everything works.
The problem is: I can't establish a connection from my host machine to the postgresql database using php. Whenever I try, I get an password authentication failed for user .. error.
I know that the php code, the username and the password are correct, as all three work when I execute them from within the webserver container.
$db_connection = pg_connect("host=db dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER password=MYPASS");
I configured /etc/hosts on my host to resolve "db" to and also tried using host=localhost. Both didn't help.
Am I getting something wrong about how docker works? I found a couple of OSX solutions which were talking about docker containers running in virtual machines and therefore not being accessible from the host... Which is confusing, as apache2 is reachable from my host.
I did my research on stackoverflow tried solutions from e.g. Connecting to Postgresql in a docker container from outside but they didn't work for me.

How to Connect using Port Forwarding Database Postgrsql on Openshift 3

I Have a problem on Connect from Port Forwarding Database on Openshift :
Running Pods Postgresql :
I Try Connect to Container running the database to check process and psql command, then it works :
Next, I Try Port Forwarding for Try Connection from outside Openshift Cluster:
Then I Try Connect from Outside Cluster to connect Postgresql have Error: Connection Refuse
Im Using IP Based or Hostname / FQDN Not Working and Error Still Exist
And When I Try Check Firewall port it has been opened port 5432/TCP :
Anyone Can Help Me With This problem ?
Note: Before I have Been Looking Documentation but Not Working Resolve the Problem
Source Documentation:
"psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused" Error when connecting to remote database
The oc port-forward command is forwarding from only your loopback interfaces.
If you are running your client on the same machine where the cluster is running, then use localhost as your "Host".
If you are running your client on a different machine, they you need more network redirection to get this to work. Please see this post for more information as well as work-arounds for your problem: Access OpenShift forwarded ports from remote host

Docker container, running PostgreSQL not allowing php's pg_connect from another container

I have the following architecture:
A network with 3 containers:
container_db, running PostgreSQL
container_pg_admin, running a simple pgAdmin environment
container_php_dev, running the whole environment, needed for the application to function properly (nginx, php, angular for the frontend, etc.)
When I try to pg_connect() from container_php_dev to container_db the connection gets refused. This is the actual error message I get: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: No route to host↵ Is the server running on host "container_db" ( and accepting↵ TCP/IP connections on port 5432?.
However, when I try to connect to container_db from container_pg_admin I face no problem achieving this (host is container_db and port is 5432). Even if I map port 5432 of container_db to 5555 on host, I'm able to connect to from DBeaver or other DB Manager (TeamSQL).
All containers were restarted a few times as well as docker itself. And as this is my development machine, the host PC was restarted as well.
What might be the problem, how to diagnose and possibly solve? Have any of you experienced such strange docker behaviour?
Try running the container_db in the hosted network using flag --network host