Q: Loading CodeEffects RuleEditor instance with a different source object - rule-engine

I am attempting to load a selected source object from a dropdown menu into the Rule Editor.
I'm already creating the RuleModel from the selected source object in a new instance of the RuleEditor and loading the settings into CodeEffects from the RuleEditor's client settings (calling my LoadSettings function again).
At this point the source object is changed, but the rule fields have not (After selecting a different class, executing rules for the old source object throws this error: No "field" nodes with "x" value of the "y" attribute found)
How to I go about re-rendering the RuleEditor instance in my view?

It turned out to be an unrelated issue with loading one of my source objects: The MaxTypeNestingLevel was set too high and was causing editor.GetClientSettings() to return a string too long for an Ajax post...
I should have checked that first.
Simply calling LoadSettings() after the event that changes the source object is all that's needed.


How to make eclipse cdt UI Blocking code run in background and show the result in an editor after finishing the run?

In Eclipse CDT at DefaultBinaryFileEditor class, in the method getStorage there is a comment that tells the line objdump.getOutput(limitBytes) is a UI blocking call...
How can I make it run in background without UI Blocking to process longer files than it is stated with parameter int limitBytes = 6*1024*1024;
I can access org.eclipse.cdt.utils.Objdump class' getOutput method via plugin.xml extension point "org.eclipse.cdt.core.BinaryParser"...
I tried to replace the class that is used in extension point "org.eclipse.ui.editors" in editor tag with id "org.eclipse.cdt.ui.binaryEditor" via my plugin.xml, but this did not worked.
I put a boolean flag to outer class and in inner class BinaryFileEditorInput in method getStorage I put a Job and before this job works I created an empty fStorage = new FileStorage. I return this empty fstorage. So first the editor gets blank. Then when the objdump.getOutput(limitBytes) method returns in job, I set the fStorage to the returned output. I simply call the outer class'es refresh method. I put a reference of created outer class to inner static class in outerclasses constructor. This way I can access the refresh method. Also I moved fStorage varible to outerclass because refresh method triggers creating a new inner class so it overrides the valuable fStorage variable.
Finally If you want to update the opened elf file editor when you build the project again, assign the boolean variable and fStorage to first values in method resourceChanged before calling refresh method.

AnyLogic - create objects dynamically on simulation time

Is it possible to dynamically create objects or modify them on run-time ?for example,on button click,another button created or change number of lines of a road?
When I write this code for a button Action,in run-time
I get error below:
road123: Markup element is already initiated and cannot be modified.Please use constructor without arguments,perform setup and finally call initialize() .function
You'll get that error with any object you attempt to create at runtime using a parameterized constructor. If you create the object with a simple constructor (just "()") and then set all of the parameters individually, you won't run into that issue. Check the Anylogic API for specific information about the object you are using, because some require you to call .initiliaze() on that object after setting all of it's parameters if you created it using a simple constructor. Furthermore, if you want to add the object to the screen at runtime you'll need to add this code to the function that creates it:
public void onDraw( Panel panel, Graphics2D graphics) {
obj.drawModel(panel, graphics, true);
where obj is replaced with the name of the object you created dynamically.

Extending CQ5 List component

I'm looking into extending the cq5 list component to create custom list displays (obviously). The constructor takes a SlingHttpServletRequest and the minimal java doc says "creates a list from the specified request".
Can someone explain how those request settings are used to build the list? what things in the request should I change to alter the list? Is there better documentation somewhere?
The component uses the request to retrieve the resource object.
In the init method it retrieves a the resource node's properties.
The "listFrom" property should matter for you the most as it controls how the list is created. Either by querybuilder, search, retrieving the children ("children") or tags.
The List component does a simple string equals to find out which option is set and executes the associated logic.
At the end a PageIterator is returned, which is processed by the jsp.

GWT: Is it OK to edit the same proxy multiple times?

I'm using GWT 2.4 with RequestFactory but not still everything is clear for me.
In this article author wrote about situation when we used an entity proxy with one instance of RequestContext and want to reuse (edit()) this entity proxy with other instance of RequestContext:
It cannot be edited because it has already a requestContext assigned.
If you want to change it you must retrieve instance of this entity
from server again
But I'm getting no exceptions when I execute this code:
RequestContext newRequest1 = factory.myRequest();
RequestContext newRequest2 = factory.myRequest();
The problems (exception) described by autor pop up when I run this version:
RequestContext newRequest1 = factory.myRequest();
MyProxy edited = newRequest1.edit(proxy);
RequestContext newRequest2 = factory.myRequest();
So it seems that only editable copy returned by edit() is directly related with RequestContext instance.
In that case is there something wrong in approoach in which I keep one instance of (uneditable/frozen) proxy in my edit view and each time user clicks "edit" button I edit() it with new fresh RequestContext? Or should I obtain fresh instance of proxy each time too?
Getting new instance of proxy seems a bit awkward for me but I guess reusing one proxy instance may cause some issues related to sending delta of changes to server?
So to rephrase the question: it a good practice to reuse single instance of proxy with multiple RequestContexts?
There's no problem editing the same proxy twice (or more), as long as there's only a single editable instance at a time (your first code snippet should throw; if it's not then it's a bug; it could work if you don't keep references on both the RequestContext and the edited proxy).
Note that RequestFactory sends only the modified properties to the server, but it does so by diff'ing with the non-editable instance passed to edit(); so you should try to use the most recent instance as possible to keep your server-side/persisted data as close to your client-side data as possible (could seem obvious, but can lead to some surprises in practice: if you see foo on the client but have bar on the server, you'll keep the bar on the server-side until you modify the property on the client-side to something other than foo)

Setting a dependency property's default value at design time in a Windows Workflow Foundation Custom Activity

I'm implementing a Custom Workflow and Activities to be reused in multiple projects and trying to get them to be as easy to use as possible. In this workflow I have a Property whose name is 'UserID' which I'd like to bind to a dependencyproperty in one of my activities. I can currently bind it at design time searching explicitly for the property each time I add one of these activities to the workflow, but I'd like for this activity to be binded automatically.
As far as i know (correct me if I'm wrong), to bind a dependency property at design time I need to specify a string of the form "Activity=NameOfWorkflow, Path=UserID" to the DefaultBindingProperty metadata tag, and I'd like the name of the workflow to be completed in some way. Any way of doing this?
I finally managed to achieve this by attaching an ActivityToolboxItem to the Activity, and overriding a method in it that creates the instance shown in the designer. I used an ActivityBind object to bind the dependencyproperty to the workflow's property. To get the instance of the workflow, I just searched for an ancestor to my activity by calling act.Parent until the activity had no parent (and thus was the StateMachineWorkflowActivity itself)