I have sample dataframe,
After grouping by level1 and date i got the resulted dataframe:
val group_df = qwe.groupBy($"level1",$"date").agg(sum("rel_amount").as("amount"))
|level1| date|amount|
| A|2016-03-31| 100|
| A|2016-02-28| 100|
| A|2016-01-31| 400|
| A|2015-12-31| 500|
| A|2015-11-30| 1200|
| A|2015-10-31| 1300|
| A|2014-12-31| 600|
| B|2016-03-31| 10|
| B|2016-02-28| 300|
| B|2016-01-31| 423|
| B|2015-12-31| 501|
| B|2015-11-30| 234|
| B|2015-10-31| 1234|
| B|2014-12-31| 3456|
Now I want to add extra column(previous) as year end, in this column I need to get the value for previous year end amount for each group.
For example: for level1 :A, date=2016-03-31 the value should be 500 because it is the amount for 2015-12-31.
Similarily, for date= 2015-12-31 the value should be 600 because the amount for 2014-12-31.Need to calculate the previous year end amount for each row.
Expected output :
|level1| date|amount|Previous|
| A|2016-03-31| 100| 500|
| A|2016-02-28| 100| 500|
| A|2016-01-31| 400| 500|
| A|2015-12-31| 500| 600|
| A|2015-11-30| 1200| 600|
| A|2015-10-31| 1300| 600|
| A|2014-12-31| 600| 600|
| B|2016-03-31| 10| 501|
| B|2016-02-28| 300| 501|
| B|2016-01-31| 423| 501|
| B|2015-12-31| 501| 3456|
| B|2015-11-30| 234| 3456|
| B|2015-10-31| 1234| 3456|
| B|2014-12-31| 3456| 3456|
Can someone help me on this.
One approach would be to use an UDF to manipulate column date as String to create a new column that holds the previous end-of-year value:
val df = Seq(
("A", "2016-03-31", 100),
("A", "2016-02-28", 100),
("A", "2016-01-31", 400),
("A", "2015-12-31", 500),
("A", "2015-11-30", 1200),
("A", "2015-10-31", 1300),
("A", "2014-12-31", 600),
("B", "2016-03-31", 10),
("B", "2016-02-28", 300),
("B", "2016-01-31", 423),
("B", "2015-12-31", 501),
("B", "2015-11-30", 234),
("B", "2015-10-31", 1234),
("B", "2014-12-31", 3456)
"level1", "date", "amount"
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def previousEOY = udf( (d: String) => (d.substring(0, 4).toInt - 1).toString + "-12-31" )
val df2 = df.withColumn("previous_eoy", previousEOY($"date"))
For the convenience of standard SQL's scalar subquery capability, I'm reverting to using Spark's TempView (Note that max() is used in the subquery simply to satisfy single-row return):
val df3 = spark.sqlContext.sql("""
level1, date, amount, (
SELECT max(amount) FROM dfView v2
WHERE v2.level1 = v1.level1 AND v2.date = v1.previous_eoy
) previous
dfView v1
|level1| date|amount|previous|
| A|2016-03-31| 100| 500|
| A|2016-02-28| 100| 500|
| A|2016-01-31| 400| 500|
| A|2015-12-31| 500| 600|
| A|2015-11-30| 1200| 600|
| A|2015-10-31| 1300| 600|
| A|2014-12-31| 600| null|
| B|2016-03-31| 10| 501|
| B|2016-02-28| 300| 501|
| B|2016-01-31| 423| 501|
| B|2015-12-31| 501| 3456|
| B|2015-11-30| 234| 3456|
| B|2015-10-31| 1234| 3456|
| B|2014-12-31| 3456| null|
val amount = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(("B","2014-12-31", 3456))).toDF("level1", "dateY", "amount")
val yearStr = udf((date:String) => {(date.substring(0,4).toInt - 1) +"-12-31" })
val df3 = amount.withColumn( "p", yearStr($"dateY"))
val df4 = df3.filter( s => s.getString(1).contains("12-31")).select( $"dateY".as("p"), $"level1",$"amount".as("am"))
df3.join( df4, Seq("p", "level1"), "left_outer").orderBy("level1", "amount").drop($"p").show()
First, create a dataframe that is year to year-end-value. Then join that into your original data frame where year is equal.
Using spark dataframe i need to convert the row values into column and partition by user id and create a csv file.
val someDF = Seq(
("user1", "math","algebra-1","90"),
("user1", "physics","gravity","70"),
("user3", "biology","health","50"),
("user2", "biology","health","100"),
("user1", "math","algebra-1","40"),
("user2", "physics","gravity-2","20")
).toDF("user_id", "course_id","lesson_name","score")
| user1| math| algebra-1| 90|
| user1| physics| gravity| 70|
| user3| biology| health| 50|
| user2| biology| health| 100|
| user1| math| algebra-1| 40|
| user2| physics| gravity-2| 20|
val result = someDF.groupBy("user_id", "course_id").pivot("lesson_name").agg(first("score"))
| user3| biology| null| null| null| 50|
| user1| math| 90| null| null| null|
| user2| biology| null| null| null| 100|
| user2| physics| null| null| 20| null|
| user1| physics| null| 70| null| null|
With the above code i'm able to convert row value(lesson_name) to column name.
But I need to save the out in csv in a course_wise
Expected out in csv should be like this below formate.
biology.csv // Expected Output
| user3| biology| 50 |
| user2| biology| 100 |
physics.csv // Expected Output
| user2| physics| 50 | null |
| user1| physics| 100 | 70 |
**Note: Each course in a csv it should contain only it's specifi lesson names and it should not contain any non relevant course lesson names.
Actually in csv i'm able to in below formate**
.option("header", "true")
biology.csv // Wrong output, Due to it is containing non-relevant course lesson's(algebra-1,gravity-2,algebra-1)
| user3| biology| null| null| null| 50|
| user2| biology| null| null| null| 100|
Anyone can help to solve this problem ?
Just filter by course before you pivot:
val result = someDF.filter($"course_id" === "physics").groupBy("user_id", "course_id").pivot("lesson_name").agg(first("score"))
|user2 |physics |null |20 |
|user1 |physics |70 |null |
I'm assuming you mean you'd like to save the data into separate directories by course_id. you can use this approach.
scala> val someDF = Seq(
("user1", "math","algebra-1","90"),
("user1", "physics","gravity","70"),
("user3", "biology","health","50"),
("user2", "biology","health","100"),
("user1", "math","algebra-1","40"),
("user2", "physics","gravity-2","20")
).toDF("user_id", "course_id","lesson_name","score")
scala> val result = someDF.groupBy("user_id", "course_id").pivot("lesson_name").agg(first("score"))
scala> val eventNames = result.select($"course_id").distinct().collect()
var eventlist =eventNames.map(x => x(0).toString)
for (eventName <- eventlist) {
val course = result.where($"course_id" === lit(eventName))
//remove null column
val row = course
.select(course.columns.map(c => when(col(c).isNull, 0).otherwise(1).as(c)): _*)
.groupBy().max(course.columns.map(c => c): _*)
val colKeep = row.getValuesMap[Int](row.schema.fieldNames)
.map{c => if (c._2 == 1) Some(c._1) else None }
var final_df = course.select(row.schema.fieldNames.intersect(colKeep)
.map(c => col(c.drop(4).dropRight(1))): _*)
| user3| biology| 50|
| user2| biology| 100|
| user2| physics| null| 20|
| user1| physics| 70| null|
| user1| math| 90|
if it solves your purpose please accept the answer.HAppy Hadoop
Hi I have 2 Differente DF
scala> d1.show() scala> d2.show()
+--------+-------+ +--------+----------+
| fecha|eventos| | fecha|TotalEvent|
+--------+-------+ +--------+----------+
|20180404| 3| | 0| 23534|
|20180405| 7| |20180322| 10|
|20180406| 10| |20180326| 50|
|20180409| 4| |20180402| 6|
.... |20180403| 118|
scala> d1.count() |20180404| 1110|
res3: Long = 60 ...
scala> d2.count()
res7: Long = 74
But I like to join them by fecha without loose data, and then, create a new column with a math operation (TotalEvent - eventos)*100/TotalEvent
Something like this:
|fecha |eventos|TotalEvent| KPI |
| 0| | 23534 | 100.00|
| 20180322| | 10 | 100.00|
| 20180326| | 50 | 100.00|
| 20180402| | 6 | 100.00|
| 20180403| | 118 | 100.00|
| 20180404| 3 | 1110 | 99.73|
| 20180405| 7 | 1204 | 99.42|
| 20180406| 10 | 1526 | 99.34|
| 20180407| | 14 | 100.00|
| 20180409| 4 | 1230 | 99.67|
| 20180410| 11 | 1456 | 99.24|
| 20180411| 6 | 1572 | 99.62|
| 20180412| 5 | 1450 | 99.66|
| 20180413| 7 | 1214 | 99.42|
The problems is that I can't find the way to do it.
When I use:
scala> d1.join(d2,d2("fecha").contains(d1("fecha")), "left").show()
I loose the data that isn't in both table.
| fecha|eventos| fecha|TotalEvent|
|20180404| 3|20180404| 1110|
|20180405| 7|20180405| 1204|
|20180406| 10|20180406| 1526|
|20180409| 4|20180409| 1230|
|20180410| 11|20180410| 1456|
Additional, How can I add a new column with the math operation?
Thank you
I would recommend left-joining df2 with df1 and calculating KPI based on whether eventos is null or not in the joined dataset (using when/otherwise):
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df1 = Seq(
("20180404", 3),
("20180405", 7),
("20180406", 10),
("20180409", 4)
).toDF("fecha", "eventos")
val df2 = Seq(
("0", 23534),
("20180322", 10),
("20180326", 50),
("20180402", 6),
("20180403", 118),
("20180404", 1110),
("20180405", 100),
("20180406", 100)
).toDF("fecha", "TotalEvent")
join(df1, Seq("fecha"), "left_outer").
withColumn( "KPI",
round( when($"eventos".isNull, 100.0).
otherwise(($"TotalEvent" - $"eventos") * 100.0 / $"TotalEvent"),
// +--------+----------+-------+-----+
// | fecha|TotalEvent|eventos| KPI|
// +--------+----------+-------+-----+
// | 0| 23534| null|100.0|
// |20180322| 10| null|100.0|
// |20180326| 50| null|100.0|
// |20180402| 6| null|100.0|
// |20180403| 118| null|100.0|
// |20180404| 1110| 3|99.73|
// |20180405| 100| 7| 93.0|
// |20180406| 100| 10| 90.0|
// +--------+----------+-------+-----+
Note that if the more precise raw KPI is wanted instead, just remove the wrapping round( , 2).
I would do this in several of steps. First join, then select the calculated column, then fill in the na:
# val df2a = df2.withColumnRenamed("fecha", "fecha2") # to avoid ambiguous column names after the join
# val df3 = df1.join(df2a, df1("fecha") === df2a("fecha2"), "outer")
# val kpi = df3.withColumn("KPI", (($"TotalEvent" - $"eventos") / $"TotalEvent" * 100 as "KPI")).na.fill(100, Seq("KPI"))
# kpi.show()
| fecha|eventos| fecha2|TotalEvent| KPI|
| null| null|20180402| 6| 100.0|
| null| null| 0| 23534| 100.0|
| null| null|20180322| 10| 100.0|
|20180404| 3|20180404| 1110|99.72972972972973|
|20180406| 10| null| null| 100.0|
| null| null|20180403| 118| 100.0|
| null| null|20180326| 50| 100.0|
|20180409| 4| null| null| 100.0|
|20180405| 7| null| null| 100.0|
I solved the problems with mixed both suggestion recived.
val dfKPI=d1.join(right=d2, usingColumns = Seq("cliente","fecha"), "outer").orderBy("fecha").withColumn( "KPI",round( when($"eventos".isNull, 100.0).otherwise(($"TotalEvent" - $"eventos") * 100.0 / $"TotalEvent"),2))
I'm trying to solve this kind of problem with Spark 2, but I can't find a solution.
I have a dataframe A :
| 1 | US | 1 |
| 2 | FR | 1 |
| 4 | DE | 1 |
| 5 | DE | 2 |
| 3 | DE | 3 |
And a dataframe B :
|COUNTRY| US | 5 |
|COUNTRY| FR | 15 |
|MONTH | 3 | 2 |
The idea is to apply "rules" of dataframe B on dataframe A in order to get this result :
dataframe A' :
| 1 | US | 1 | 5 |
| 2 | FR | 1 | 15 |
| 4 | DE | 1 | 20 |
| 5 | DE | 2 | 20 |
| 3 | DE | 3 | 2 |
I tried someting like that :
dfB.collect.foreach( r =>
var dfAp = dfA.where(r.getAs("COLUMN") == r.getAs("VALUE"))
dfAp.withColumn("PRIO", lit(r.getAs("PRIO")))
But I'm sure it's not the right way.
What are the strategy to solve this problem in Spark ?
Working under assumption that the set of rules is reasonably small (possible concerns are the size of the data and the size of generated expression, which in the worst case scenario, can crash the planner) the simplest solution is to use local collection and map it to a SQL expression:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{coalesce, col, lit, when}
val df = Seq(
(1, "US", "1"), (2, "FR", "1"), (4, "DE", "1"),
(5, "DE", "2"), (3, "DE", "3")
).toDF("id", "COUNTRY", "MONTH")
val rules = Seq(
("COUNTRY", "US", 5), ("COUNTRY", "FR", 15), ("MONTH", "3", 2)
val prio = coalesce(rules.as[(String, String, Int)].collect.map {
case (c, v, p) => when(col(c) === v, p)
} :+ lit(20): _*)
df.withColumn("PRIO", prio)
| 1| US| 1| 5|
| 2| FR| 1| 15|
| 4| DE| 1| 20|
| 5| DE| 2| 20|
| 3| DE| 3| 2|
You can replace coalesce with least or greatest to apply the smallest or the largest matching value respectively.
With larger set of rules you could:
melt data to convert to a long format.
val dfLong = df.melt(Seq("id"), df.columns.tail, "COLUMN", "VALUE")
join by column and value.
Aggregate PRIOR by id with appropriate aggregation function (for example min):
val priorities = dfLong.join(rules, Seq("COLUMN", "VALUE"))
Outer join the output with df by id.
df.join(priorities, Seq("id"), "leftouter").na.fill(20)
| 1| US| 1| 5|
| 2| FR| 1| 15|
| 4| DE| 1| 20|
| 5| DE| 2| 20|
| 3| DE| 3| 2|
lets assume rules of dataframeB is limited
I have created dataframe "df" for below table
| 1| US| 1|
| 2| FR| 1|
| 4| DE| 1|
| 5| DE| 2|
| 3| DE| 3|
By using UDF
val code = udf{(x:String,y:Int)=>if(x=="US") "5" else if (x=="FR") "15" else if (y==3) "2" else "20"}
| 1| US| 1| 5|
| 2| FR| 1| 15|
| 4| DE| 1| 20|
| 5| DE| 2| 20|
| 3| DE| 3| 2|
I have dataframe: df1
| Name | value1 | value2 | value3 |
| A | 100 | null | 200 |
| B | 10000 | 300 | 10 |
| c | null | 10 | 100 |
second dataframe: df2:
| Col1 | col2 |
| X | 1000 |
| Y | 2002 |
| Z | 3000 |
I want to read the values from table1 like value1,value2 and value3
Apply condition to table2 with new columns:
cond1: when name= A and col2>value1, flag it to Y or N
cond2: when name= B and col2>value2 then Y or N
cond3: when name =c and col2>value1 and col2> value3, then Y or N
source code:
df2.withColumn("cond3",when($"col2")>value1 && when($"col2")>value3,lit("Y")).otherwise(lit("N"))
| Col1 | col2 | cond1 | cond2 | cond3 |
| X | 1000 | Y | Y | y |
| Y | 2002 | N | Y | Y |
| Z | 3000 | Y | Y | Y |
If I understand your question correctly, you can join the two dataframes and create the condition columns as shown below. A couple of notes:
1) With the described conditions,null in df1 is replaced with Int.MinValue for simplified integer comparison
2) Since df1 is small, broadcast join is used to minimize sorting/shuffling for better performance
val df1 = Seq(
("A", 100, Int.MinValue, 200),
("B", 10000, 300, 10),
("C", Int.MinValue, 10, 100)
).toDF("Name", "value1", "value2", "value3")
val df2 = Seq(
("A", 1000),
("B", 2002),
("C", 3000),
("A", 5000),
("A", 150),
("B", 250),
("B", 12000),
("C", 50)
).toDF("Col1", "col2")
val df3 = df2.join(broadcast(df1), df2("Col1") === df1("Name")).select(
when(df2("col2") > df1("value1"), "Y").otherwise("N").as("cond1"),
when(df2("col2") > df1("value2"), "Y").otherwise("N").as("cond2"),
when(df2("col2") > df1("value1") && df2("col2") > df1("value3"), "Y").otherwise("N").as("cond3")
|Col1| col2|cond1|cond2|cond3|
| A| 1000| Y| Y| Y|
| B| 2002| N| Y| N|
| C| 3000| Y| Y| Y|
| A| 5000| Y| Y| Y|
| A| 150| Y| Y| N|
| B| 250| N| N| N|
| B|12000| Y| Y| Y|
| C| 50| Y| Y| N|
You can create rowNo column in both dataframes as below
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val tempdf1 = df1.withColumn("rowNo", row_number().over(Window.orderBy("Name")))
val tempdf2 = df2.withColumn("rowNo", row_number().over(Window.orderBy("Col1")))
Then you can join them with the created column as below
val joinedDF = tempdf2.join(tempdf1, Seq("rowNo"), "left")
Finally you can use select and when function to get the final dataframe
when($"col2">$"value1" || $"value1".isNull, "Y").otherwise("N").as("cond1"),
when($"col2">$"value2" || $"value2".isNull, "Y").otherwise("N").as("cond2"),
when(($"col2">$"value1" && $"col2">$"value3") || $"value3".isNull, "Y").otherwise("N").as("cond3"))
you should have your desired dataframe as
|X |1000|Y |Y |Y |
|Y |2002|N |Y |Y |
|Z |3000|Y |Y |Y |
I hope the answer is helpful
I want to filter a column of an RDD source :
val source = sql("SELECT * from sample.source").rdd.map(_.mkString(","))
val destination = sql("select * from sample.destination").rdd.map(_.mkString(","))
val source_primary_key = source.map(rec => (rec.split(",")(0)))
val destination_primary_key = destination.map(rec => (rec.split(",")(0)))
val src = source_primary_key.subtractByKey(destination_primary_key)
I want to use IN clause in filter condition to filter out only the values present in src from source, something like below(EDITED):
val source = spark.read.csv(inputPath + "/source").rdd.map(_.mkString(","))
val destination = spark.read.csv(inputPath + "/destination").rdd.map(_.mkString(","))
val source_primary_key = source.map(rec => (rec.split(",")(0)))
val destination_primary_key = destination.map(rec => (rec.split(",")(0)))
val extra_in_source = source_primary_key.filter(rec._1 != destination_primary_key._1)
equivalent SQL code is
Thank you
Since your code isn't reproducible, here is a small example using spark-sql on how to select * from t where id in (...) :
// create a DataFrame for a range 'id' from 1 to 9.
scala> val df = spark.range(1,10).toDF
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint]
// values to exclude
scala> val f = Seq(5,6,7)
f: Seq[Int] = List(5, 6, 7)
// select * from df where id is not in the values to exclude
scala> df.filter(!col("id").isin(f : _*)).show
| id|
| 1|
| 2|
| 3|
| 4|
| 8|
| 9|
// select * from df where id is in the values to exclude
scala> df.filter(col("id").isin(f : _*)).show
Here is the RDD version of the not isin :
scala> val rdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 10)
rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = ParallelCollectionRDD[2] at parallelize at <console>:24
scala> val f = Seq(5,6,7)
f: Seq[Int] = List(5, 6, 7)
scala> val rdd2 = rdd.filter(x => !f.contains(x))
rdd2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = MapPartitionsRDD[3] at filter at <console>:28
Nevertheless, I still believe this is an overkill since you are already using spark-sql.
It seems in your case that you are actually dealing with DataFrames, thus the solutions mentioned above don't work.
You can use the left anti join approach :
scala> val source = spark.read.format("csv").load("source.file")
source: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [_c0: string, _c1: string ... 9 more fields]
scala> val destination = spark.read.format("csv").load("destination.file")
destination: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [_c0: string, _c1: string ... 9 more fields]
scala> source.show
|_c0| _c1| _c2| _c3| _c4|_c5|_c6| _c7| _c8| _c9| _c10|
| 1| Ravi kumar| Ravi | kumar| MSO | 1| M|17-01-1994| 74.5| 24000.78| Alabama |
| 2|Shekhar shudhanshu| Shekhar|shudhanshu| Manulife | 2| M|18-01-1994|76.34| 250000| Alaska |
| 3|Preethi Narasingam| Preethi|Narasingam| Retail | 3| F|19-01-1994|77.45|270000.01| Arizona |
| 4| Abhishek Nair|Abhishek| Nair| Banking | 4| M|20-01-1994|78.65| 345000| Arkansas |
| 5| Ram Sharma| Ram| Sharma|Infrastructure | 5| M|21-01-1994|79.12| 45000| California |
| 6| Chandani Kumari|Chandani| Kumari| BNFS | 6| F|22-01-1994|80.13| 43000.02| Colorado |
| 7| Balaji Kumar| Balaji| Kumar| MSO | 1| M|23-01-1994|81.33| 1234678|Connecticut |
| 8| Naveen Shekrappa| Naveen| Shekrappa| Manulife | 2| M|24-01-1994| 100| 789414| Delaware |
| 9| Milind Chavan| Milind| Chavan| Retail | 3| M|25-01-1994|83.66| 245555| Florida |
| 10| Raghu Rajeev| Raghu| Rajeev| Banking | 4| M|26-01-1994|87.65| 235468| Georgia|
scala> destination.show
|_c0| _c1| _c2| _c3| _c4|_c5|_c6| _c7| _c8| _c9| _c10|
| 1| Ravi kumar| Revi | kumar| MSO | 1| M|17-01-1994| 74.5| 24000.78| Alabama |
| 1| Ravi1 kumar| Revi | kumar| MSO | 1| M|17-01-1994| 74.5| 24000.78| Alabama |
| 1| Ravi2 kumar| Revi | kumar| MSO | 1| M|17-01-1994| 74.5| 24000.78| Alabama |
| 2| Shekhar shudhanshu| Shekhar|shudhanshu| Manulife | 2| M|18-01-1994|76.34| 250000| Alaska |
| 3|Preethi Narasingam1| Preethi|Narasingam| Retail | 3| F|19-01-1994|77.45|270000.01| Arizona |
| 4| Abhishek Nair1|Abhishek| Nair| Banking | 4| M|20-01-1994|78.65| 345000| Arkansas |
| 5| Ram Sharma| Ram| Sharma|Infrastructure | 5| M|21-01-1994|79.12| 45000| California |
| 6| Chandani Kumari|Chandani| Kumari| BNFS | 6| F|22-01-1994|80.13| 43000.02| Colorado |
| 7| Balaji Kumar| Balaji| Kumar| MSO | 1| M|23-01-1994|81.33| 1234678|Connecticut |
| 8| Naveen Shekrappa| Naveen| Shekrappa| Manulife | 2| M|24-01-1994| 100| 789414| Delaware |
| 9| Milind Chavan| Milind| Chavan| Retail | 3| M|25-01-1994|83.66| 245555| Florida |
| 10| Raghu Rajeev| Raghu| Rajeev| Banking | 4| M|26-01-1994|87.65| 235468| Georgia|
You'll just need to do the following :
scala> val res1 = source.join(destination, Seq("_c0"), "leftanti")
scala> val res2 = destination.join(source, Seq("_c0"), "leftanti")
It's the same logic I mentioned in my answer here.
You can try like--
//This will list all the columns of df where Dept NOT IN 30 or 20
You can try something similar in Java,
ds = ds.filter(functions.not(functions.col(COLUMN_NAME).isin(exclusionSet)));
where exclusionSet is a set of objects that needs to be removed from your dataset.