I have to transform the following function into a curried function:
def findAllUsed(t: List[Task]): List[String] = {
t.flatMap(x => x.resources.map(x => x.FIELD_TO_SEARCH)).distinct
So I did this:
def findAllUsed(t: List[Task], f: Resource => String): List[String] = {
t.flatMap(x => x.resources.map(f)).distinct
findAllUsed(taskSchedules, ((x: Resource) => { x.id }))
findAllUsed(taskSchedules, ((x: Resource) => { x.kind }))
The problem is that it seems to me that I am confusing currying with higher order functions.
Can anyone if I am doing it right and if not, how could I manage to do it right?
I'm assuming the exercise meant something like this:
// separate into two argument lists
def findAllUsed(t: List[Task])(f: Resource => String): List[String] = {
t.flatMap(x => x.resources.map(f)).distinct
// apply the first argument list once,
// getting a curried function as a result
val curried = findAllUsed(taskSchedules)
// now you can use it twice with different inputs for the second argument list:
curried(x => x.id)
curried(x => x.kind)
The benefit here (if there is any), is the removal of the duplication passing taskSchedules to your function: since it has "it's own" argument list, you can pass it once, assign the result into a value (curried), and then reuse it over and over;
p.s. the type of curried is (Resource => String) => List[String] - it's a function from a Resource => String (which is another function...) to a list of strings.
I have many functions in my code defined with return type as Either[Throwable, String] and all of them have one argument of type String. Three representative functions of my code are defined as:
val f1 = (input: String) => {
/* Processing from the input using a library in my actual code returns a Either[Throwable, String] */
if (input == "a") Left(new Exception(input))
else Right("Success")
val f2 = (input: String) => {
if (input == "b") Left(new Exception(input))
else Right("Success")
val f3 = (input: String) => {
if (input == "c") Left(new Exception(input))
else Right("Success")
To chain the function outputs, I'm writing code like:
def x(input: String) = f1(input) match {
case Left(value) => Left(value)
case Right(_) => f2(input) match {
case Left(value) => Left(value)
case Right(_) => f3(input)
Since this is just three functions so this might look like a short code. However there are multiple such matches that are happening in my code, so it's a very long code. I am looking to avoid such a chaining.
I know that Scala has a way to chain functions like f1.andThen(f2).andThen(f3), however the problem is that in each andThen we need to pass the same argument, in this case being input. However I want to chain these functions so that if there is a Left output, it should not go to the next andThen.
I believe this can be simplified using Functional Programming, but I don't know where to start. Is there a way we can achieve this using Scala functional programming?
If you have cats in scope, then all you need to do is this:
import cats.syntax.all._
val functions: List[String => Either[Throwable, Unit]] = List(
// put your functions here.
val result: Either[Throwable, Unit] =
functions.traverse_(f => f(input))
Otherwise, you may emulate it using this:
val init: Either[Throwable, Unit] = Right(())
functions.foldLeft(init) {
case (acc, f) =>
acc.flatMap(_ => f(input))
There are quite a few questions about this error message on SO, but none of them seem to be about this issue.
The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)
The offending block of code is attempting to emulate Ruby's block functionality, with the added benefit that an argument can be pattern matched in the process.
object Block {
def apply(f: => Unit) = apply((_: String) => f)
def apply(f: String => Unit) = ???
def example() = {
Block { // Error!
case "A" => println("First letter of the alphabet")
case _ => println("Not the first letter of the alphabet")
Even though, one line down, Scala can clearly see that I'm matching against a string, it can't infer the argument type.
The trouble here is that there are two apply methods. If there was only one:
object Block {
def apply(f: String => Bool) = ???
Then everything would work fine, as Scala would see the application and immediately understand the required type of the anonymous function. However, when there are two or more different methods:
object Block {
def apply(f: => Bool) = apply((_: String) => f)
def apply(f: String => Bool) = ???
Scala cannot deduce the type of the argument from the application of apply, and it cannot deduce which application of apply to use from the type of the argument, so it gets caught in a loop. The simplest solution, it seems, is to simply rename one of the methods.
object Block {
def apply(f: => Unit) = apply((_: String) => f)
def branchOff(f: String => Unit) = ???
It's not much more difficult to call now.
Block { println("This is a regular application.") }
Block.branchOff {
case "A" => println("A is for aardvark")
case "B" => println("B is for beaver")
case _ => println("Huh?")
And you don't have to specify any type arguments, or any explicit arguments at all for that matter.
More details on this in a thread over on GitHub: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxScala/issues/160.
If you really like the idea of having two different apply() methods then you have to offer some help to the inference engine.
def example() = {
Block{s:String => s match {
case "A" => println("First letter of the alphabet")
case _ => println("Not the first letter of the alphabet")
Suppose this function
def func[A](data: List[A], mapper: A => String) = {
data.map(item => mapper(item))
Why this code doesn't compile:
val list = List(1, 2, 3)
func(list, a => a.toString)
But this one does:
val list = List(1, 2, 3)
func[Int](list, a => a.toString)
val list = List(1, 2, 3)
func(list, (a: Int) => a.toString)
While a type can be inferred from list which is List of Int. Why doesn't scala infer the type here?
Is there any other way?
There is another way! It also happens to make for some nice syntatic sugar:
def func[A](data: List[A])(mapper: A => String) = data map mapper
which looks like:
case Left(one) => one
case Right(_) => default
The reason that you can not get the type information to flow the way you'd expect is that type information in Scala is left to right. In other systems, type information is known and deduced for useage where it is defined. You sometimes have to work around these limitations but at the same time, in this case, you can get to work with something that looks akin to your own defined control structure.
func[Int]( //I've just told the typer what the information is and it can flow to the right.
func(list //the typer has to deduce the type and without a guide can not figure out what a => a.toString should be
This is also an old "issue" you can see here SI-4773.
Response to Q in Comment:
If you want to have a Seq[A => B] then I'd do something similar to
func[A, B](data: List[A])(actions: A => B*) = actions map {
data map
which is using varargs (translates to a WrappedArray, hence the map) to accept any list of commands so that you can pass is
func(list)(_.name, _.age, _.sex, _.stalker)
as far as pulling out and matching on what you've passed in:
func[A, B](data: List[A])(actions: (String, A => B)*) = actions map {
case (name, f) => (name, data map f)
wherein you're using the case statement to pattern match and extract the tuple.
I'd like to implement validation for a sequence of operations that all return Either[Error,Item]
It should be fail-fast (in my initial need), I mean, returning Either[Error,Seq[Item]].
If there is an error, it's obvious i do not want the following operations to be performed.
But in the future i may want to collect all the errors instead of returning only the first one.
I know Scalaz can do the job but for now I quite don't understand all parts of Scalaz and I'm pretty sure there's a simpler way to do it without using Scalaz, but using by-name parameters for exemple.
Is there a way to store by-name parameters in a sequence?
So that i can create a sequence of by-name values that represent my operations?
I mean, some kind of type Seq[=> Either[Error,Item]]
Then I could do something like calling takeWhile or collectFirst or something somilar, without all the operations being performed before the creation of the sequence?
I would expect the operations to be performed only when iterating on the sequence.
You can indeed use a Seq[() => Either[Error, Item]] to defer the computation at collection creation time. So for example
val doSomething1: () => Either[Error, Item] = () => { println(1); Right(1) }
val doSomething2: () => Either[Error, Item] = () => { println(2); Right(2) }
val doSomething3: () => Either[Error, Item] = () => { println(3); Left("error") }
val doSomething4: () => Either[Error, Item] = () => { println(4); Right(3) }
val doSomething5: () => Either[Error, Item] = () => { println(5); Left("second error") }
val l = Seq(doSomething1, doSomething2, doSomething3, doSomething4, doSomething5)
(Items are Ints in the example and Errors are Strings)
Then you can process them lazily stopping at first failure using the following recursive function:
def processUntilFailure(l: Seq[() => Either[Error, Item]]): Either[Error, Seq[Item]] = {
l.headOption.map(_.apply() match {
case Left(error) => Left(error)
case Right(item) => processUntilFailure(l.tail).right.map(_ :+ item)
So now when I run processUntilFailure(l)
scala> processUntilFailure(l)
res1: Either[Error,Seq[Item]] = Left(error)
If you wanted to generate a Either[Seq[String], Seq[Int]] (processing all the operations). You could do it with a little change:
def processAll(l: Seq[() => Either[Error, Item]]): Either[Seq[Error], Seq[Item]] = {
l.headOption.map(_.apply() match {
case Left(error) => processAll(l.tail) match {
case Right(_) => Left(Seq(error))
case Left(previousErrors) => Left(previousErrors :+ error)
case Right(item) => processAll(l.tail).right.map(_ :+ item)
The only change as you can see is the Left case in the pattern match. Running this one:
scala> processAll(l)
res0: Either[Seq[Error],Seq[Item]] = Left(List(second error, error))
processAll can be replaced with a generic foldLeft on l
val zero: Either[Seq[Error], Seq[Item]] = Right(Seq[Item]())
l.foldLeft(zero) { (errorsOrItems: Either[Seq[Error], Seq[Item]], computation: () => Either[String, Int]) =>
{ (error: String) => Left(errorsOrItems.left.toOption.map(_ :+ error).getOrElse(Seq(error))) },
{ (int: Int) => errorsOrItems.right.map(_ :+ int) })
processUntilFailure can as well but not easily. Since aborting early from a fold is tricky. Here's a good answer about other possible approaches when you find yourself needing to do that.
You should be able to pull this off with the type Seq[Function0[Either[Error, Item]]]. Function0 is, obviously, a zero-argument function. The rest should be self-explanatory.
Scalaz provides the type IO for exactly this purpose, so you could actually use that as well. You may not want to yet, however, if you're just beginning to work with Scalaz.
This is a followup to this question.
Here's the code I'm trying to understand (it's from http://apocalisp.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/scalaz-tutorial-enumeration-based-io-with-iteratees/):
object io {
sealed trait IO[A] {
def unsafePerformIO: A
object IO {
def apply[A](a: => A): IO[A] = new IO[A] {
def unsafePerformIO = a
implicit val IOMonad = new Monad[IO] {
def pure[A](a: => A): IO[A] = IO(a)
def bind[A,B](a: IO[A], f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = IO {
implicitly[Monad[Function0]].bind(() => a.unsafePerformIO,
(x:A) => () => f(x).unsafePerformIO)()
This code is used like this (I'm assuming an import io._ is implied)
def bufferFile(f: File) = IO { new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)) }
def closeReader(r: Reader) = IO { r.close }
def bracket[A,B,C](init: IO[A], fin: A => IO[B], body: A => IO[C]): IO[C] = for { a <- init
c <- body(a)
_ <- fin(a) } yield c
def enumFile[A](f: File, i: IterV[String, A]): IO[IterV[String, A]] = bracket(bufferFile(f),
enumReader(_:BufferedReader, i))
I'm now trying to understand the implicit val IOMonad definition. Here's how I understand it. This is a scalaz.Monad, so it needs to define pure and bind abstract values of the scalaz.Monad trait.
pure takes a value and turns it into a value contained in the "container" type. For example it could take an Int and return a List[Int]. This seems pretty simple.
bind takes a "container" type and a function that maps the type that the container holds to another type. The value that is returned is the same container type, but it's now holding a new type. An example would be taking a List[Int] and mapping it to a List[String] using a function that maps Ints to Strings. Is bind pretty much the same as map?
The implementation of bind is where I'm stuck. Here's the code:
def bind[A,B](a: IO[A], f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = IO {
implicitly[Monad[Function0]].bind(() => a.unsafePerformIO,
(x:A) => () => f(x).unsafePerformIO)()
This definition takes IO[A] and maps it to IO[B] using a function that takes an A and returns an IO[B]. I guess to do this, it has to use flatMap to "flatten" the result (correct?).
The = IO { ... } is the same as
= new IO[A] {
def unsafePerformIO = implicitly[Monad[Function0]].bind(() => a.unsafePerformIO,
(x:A) => () => f(x).unsafePerformIO)()
I think?
the implicitly method looks for an implicit value (value, right?) that implements Monad[Function0]. Where does this implicit definition come from? I'm guessing this is from the implicit val IOMonad = new Monad[IO] {...} definition, but we're inside that definition right now and things get a little circular and my brain starts to get stuck in an infinite loop :)
Also, the first argument to bind (() => a.unsafePerformIO) seems to be a function that takes no parameters and returns a.unsafePerformIO. How should I read this? bind takes a container type as its first argument, so maybe () => a.unsafePerformIO resolves to a container type?
IO[A] is intended to represent an Action returning an A, where the result of the Action may depend on the environment (meaning anything, values of variables, file system, system time...) and the execution of the action may also modify the environment. Actually, scala type for an Action would be Function0. Function0[A] returns an A when called and it is certainly allowed to depend on and modify the environment. IO is Function0 under another name, but it is intended to distinguish (tag?) those Function0 which depends on the environment from the other ones, which are actually pure value (if you say f is a function[A] which always returns the same value, without any side effect, there is no much difference between f and its result). To be precise, it is not so much that function tagged as IO must have side effect. It is that those not so tagged must have none. Note however than wrapping impure functions in IO is entirely voluntary, there is no way you will have a guarantee when you get a Function0 that it is pure. Using IO is certainly not the dominant style in scala.
pure takes a value and turns it into a value contained in the
"container" type.
Quite right, but "container" may mean quite a lot of things. And the one returned by pure must be as light as possible, it must be the one that makes no difference. The point of list is that they may have any number of values. The one returned by pure must have one. The point of IO is that it depends on and affect the environment. The one returned by pure must do no such thing. So it is actually the pure Function0 () => a, wrapped in IO.
bind pretty much the same as map
Not so, bind is the same as flatMap. As you write, map would receive a function from Int to String, but here you have the function from Int to List[String]
Now, forget IO for a moment and consider what bind/flatMap would mean for an Action, that is for Function0.
Let's have
val askUserForLineNumber: () => Int = {...}
val readingLineAt: Int => Function0[String] = {i: Int => () => ...}
Now if we must combine, as bind/flatMap does, those items to get an action that returns a String, what it must be is pretty clear: ask the reader for the line number, read that line and returns it. That would be
val askForLineNumberAndReadIt= () => {
val lineNumber : Int = askUserForLineNumber()
val readingRequiredLine: Function0[String] = readingLineAt(line)
val lineContent= readingRequiredLine()
More generically
def bind[A,B](a: Function0[A], f: A => Function0[B]) = () => {
val value = a()
val nextAction = f(value)
val result = nextAction()
And shorter:
def bind[A,B](a: Function0[A], f: A => Function0[B])
= () => {f(a())()}
So we know what bind must be for Function0, pure is clear too. We can do
object ActionMonad extends Monad[Function0] {
def pure[A](a: => A) = () => a
def bind[A,B](a: () => A, f: A => Function0[B]) = () => f(a())()
Now, IO is Function0 in disguise. Instead of just doing a(), we must do a.unsafePerformIO. And to define one, instead of () => body, we write IO {body}
So there could be
object IOMonad extends Monad[IO] {
def pure[A](a: => A) = IO {a}
def bind[A,B](a: IO[A], f: A => IO[B]) = IO {f(a.unsafePerformIO).unsafePerformIO}
In my view, that would be good enough. But in fact it repeats the ActionMonad. The point in the code you refer to is to avoid that and reuse what is done for Function0 instead. One goes easily from IO to Function0 (with () => io.unsafePerformIo) as well as from Function0 to IO (with IO { action() }). If you have f: A => IO[B], you can also change that to f: A => Function0[B], just by composing with the IO to Function0 transform, so (x: A) => f(x).unsafePerformIO.
What happens here in the bind of IO is:
() => a.unsafePerformIO: turn a into a Function0
(x:A) => () => f(x).unsafePerformIO): turn f into an A => Function0[B]
implicitly[Monad[Function0]]: get the default monad for Function0, the very same as the ActionMonad above
bind(...): apply the bind of the Function0 monad to the arguments a and f that have just been converted to Function0
The enclosing IO{...}: convert the result back to IO.
(Not sure I like it much)