Referring to current object from different scope - powershell

I want to be able to refer to $_ object in catch block from the function I call in catch block like this:
function foo
$something = ((Get-Variable -Name "_" -Scope 1).Value).Exception.Message
Write-Host $something
I want to use this in situations like these:
foo #write-host should print empty line
try {
} catch {
foo #write-host should print $_.Exception.Message from this catch block
How to do that properly?
The goal is to avoid passing $_ as parameter to foo every time I use it in a catch block, and not to print anything when I call foo not in a catch block.
I have also tried this:
function foo
$something = (($ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get("_")).Value).Exception.Message
Write-Host $something
This seems to produce the result I want when working interactively, but not when launching script.

The clean way of doing this is, of course, an (optional) parameter on foo, called with foo $_ from catch blocks. This makes it perfectly clear what we're calling foo with, it has no issues with scoping, it makes foo testable, all that niceness. You will see this approach in most anything that prints errors (as in the answers to this question, for example).
Even so, if you insist on plucking the error variable from the parent frame, it can be done:
function foo {
$lastError = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].GetFrameVariables()["_"].Value
if ([Object]::ReferenceEquals($lastError.Exception, $error[0].Exception)) {
Note the extra trickery with Object.ReferenceEquals to be absolutely sure that $_ is referring to the last error record and not some arbitrary pipeline item (which also use $_). This will still fail if the error record itself is in the pipeline (e.g. $error |% { foo }), but at that point you might as well call it a feature.


Two PowerShell methods: SetString() accept a string from the user and PrintString() print the string in upper case

What can I do so that I write the desired phrase in brackets and it will be accepted?
Where exactly to get the "basis" in order to make a return using the "PrintString" method?
# Example 1
# Example 2
# Returns
Here is one of my attempts:
class Object {
[string]SetString() {
return Write-Host "gamarjoba"
[string]PrintString() {
return Write-Host "gamarjoba".ToUpper()
I understand that this is a very basic question, but I have already spent too much time on it.
You're probably looking for this:
class MyObject {
[string] $gamarjoba = '' # instance variable
# Method has no return type; accepts a string parameter
# and assigns it to instance variable $this.gamarjoba
[void] SetString([string] $gamarjoba) {
$this.gamarjoba = $gamarjoba
# Returns the uppercased form of the $this.gamarjoba instance variable.
# Do NOT use Write-Host.
[string] PrintString() {
return $this.gamarjoba.ToUpper()
$obj = [MyObject]::new() # create an instance
$obj.SetString('aha') # set the string
$obj.PrintString() # print the uppercased string
Note that I've named the class MyObject, because Object would clash with the root class of the .NET type hierarchy.
As for what you tried:
return Write-Host "gamarjoba".ToUpper()
Fundamentally, do NOT use Write-Host to return or output data - it is meant for printing information to the display (console), and bypasses the success output stream and thereby the ability to send output to other commands, capture it in a variable, or redirect it to a file - see this answer for more information.
In the context of class definitions, use only return to return data from a method, passing it an expression or command as-is (e.g, return 'foo'.ToUpper() or return Get-Date -Format yyy)
PowerShell classes participate in the system of output streams only in a very limited way:
returning a value from a method writes it to the success output stream.
Notably, implicit output and use of Write-Output (i.e. what you would use in a script or function) are not supported and quietly ignored. (While you can use return Write-Output ..., there's no good reason to do so.)
throwing an error writes it to the error stream - but you'll only see that if you catch or silence such a fatal-by-default error.
Notably, using Write-Error to write non-terminating errors does not work and is quietly ignored.
However, you can write to all other output streams using their respective Write-* cmdlets, such as Write-Warning.

Can a powershell module call functions in its importer's scope?

Is it possible for a powershell module to call functions that live in its importer's scope?
For example, say I have module.psm1, and script.ps1. Inside script.ps1 I import module.psm1, and define a function called Execute-Payload. Is there any way for the code in module.psm1 to call Execute-Payload?
If I understood correctly what you're trying to do, there are 2 commonly used ways to load custom functions to your main script. I'll give you a few examples, since, I'm not sure if there is a best practice for this.
The script being executed will always be main.ps1 on all given examples.
Example 1: All functions are stored on one file
Folder structure
function myCustomFunction1 {
function myCustomFunction2 {
function myCustomFunction3 {
On the first lines of code you could add something like this:
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# Option 1: Using Import-Module.
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\functions.ps1"
"Failed to load dependency Functions.`nError: $_"
# Option 2: Dot Sourcing
. "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\functions.ps1"
"Failed to load dependency Functions.`nError: $_"
Note: both options will load ALL functions.
Example 2: Many functions stored on different files. This is used when you have lots of complex and/or lengthy functions.
Folder structure
function myCustomFunction1 {
function myCustomFunction2 {
function myCustomFunction3 {
On the first lines of code you could add something like this:
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# Option 1: Using Import-Module.
Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\*.ps1" | Import-Module
"Failed to load dependency Functions.`nError: $_"
# Option 2: Dot Sourcing
Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\*.ps1" | ForEach-Object {
. $_.FullName
"Failed to load dependency Functions.`nError: $_"
From inside an (advanced) function in your module, you can use $PSCmdlet.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript() with argument $PSCmdlet.SessionState and a script block created from a string to execute arbitrary code in the caller's scope.
The technique was gratefully adapted from this comment on GitHub.
For brevity, the following code demonstrates the technique with a dynamic module created with New-Module, but it equally applies to regular, persisted modules:
# The function to call from the module.
function Execute-Payload {
"Inside Execute-Payload in the script's scope."
# Create (and implicitly import) a dynamic module.
$null = New-Module {
# Define the advanced module function that calls `Execute-Payload`
# in its caller's scope.
function Invoke-Something {
# Pass a *string* with arbitrary code to execute in the caller's scope to
# [scriptblock]::Create().
# !! It is imperative that [scriptblock]::Create() be used, with
# !! a *string*, as it creates an *unbound* script block that then
# !! runs in the specified session.
# !! If needed, use string expansion to "bake" module-local variable
# !! values into the string, or pass parameters as additional arguments.
# !! However, if a script block is passed *by the caller*,
# !! bound to *its* context, it *can* be used as-is.
[scriptblock]::Create(' Execute-Payload ')
# Now invoke the function defined in the module.
The above outputs Inside Execute-Payload in the script's scope., proving that the script's function was called.

Access External Variable from with-in Mock Script Block (Pester)

Pretend I have a function like...
function Get-Something {
return Get-DogShit
} my Pester test script...
$var = 1
Mock 'Get-Dogshit' { return $var }
it 'should return true' {
Get-Something | should $var
This doesn't work, but you see what I'm trying to do here? I want to get the value from a local variable into a MOCK script block. I want to avoid hard coding the return value in the mock and the expected result in the it-block. Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
I had this problem myself, and script scope didn't work and I didn't care to use global scope. A bit of research shows how you can use closures for this.
$var = 1
Mock 'Get-Dogshit' { return $var }.GetNewClosure()
it 'should return true' {
Get-Something | Should be $var
Wasn't sure if it would work as not messed with pester before but apparently it follows the same scope rules as standard PowerShell.
So $script:var = 1, and the brute-force $global:var = 1 if it doesn't or if you need to call it from outside the script scope.

How to pass a named function as a parameter (scriptblock)

Let's take the classic first-order functions example:
function Get-MyName { "George" }
function Say-Hi([scriptblock]$to) {
Write-Host ("Hi "+(& $to))
This works just fine:
Say-Hi { "Fred Flintstone" }
this does not:
Say-Hi Get-MyName
because Get-MyName is evaluated, not passed as a value itself. How do I pass Get-MyName as a value?
You have to pass Get-Myname as a scriptblock, because that's how you've defined the variable type.
Say-Hi ${function:Get-MyName}
If you are ready to sacrifice the [scriptblock] parameter type declaration
then there is one more way, arguably the simplest to use and effective. Just
remove [scriptblock] from the parameter (or replace it with [object]):
function Get-MyName { "George" }
function Say-Hi($to) {
Write-Host ("Hi "+(& $to))
Say-Hi Get-MyName
Say-Hi { "George" }
So now $to can be a script block or a command name (not just a function but also alias, cmdlet, and script).
The only disadvantage is that the declaration of Say-Hi is not so self describing.
And, of course, if you do not own the code and cannot change it then this is
not applicable at all.
I wish PowerShell has a special type for this, see this suggestion.
In that case function Say-Hi([command]$to) would be ideal.
This might be a better example to illustrate the question, and details of execution scope. #mjolinor's answer appears to work nicely for this use case:
function Get-MyName($name) { $name; throw "Meh" }
function Say-Hi([scriptblock]$to) {
try {
Write-Host ("Hi "+(& $to $args)) # pass all other args to scriptblock
} catch {
Write-Host "Well hello, $_ exception!"
The command and its output:
PS C:\> Say-Hi ${function:Get-MyName} 'George'
Well hello, Meh exception
In particular, I'm using this pattern for wrapping functions that work with a flaky remote SQL Server database connection, which sleep, then retry several times before finally succeeding or throwing a higher exception.
Strictly based on your code, the correct answer is this:
Say-Hi {(Get-MyName)}
This will produce "Hi George"

How does name lookup work in Powershell script blocks?

User cashfoley has posted what appears to be a fairly elegant set of code at codeplex for a "module" called PSClass.
When I dot-source the psclass code into some code of my own, I am able to write code like:
$Animal = New-PSClass Animal {
constructor {
param( $name, $legs )
# ...
method -override ToString {
"A $($this.Class.ClassName) named $($ with $($this.Legs) Legs"
When I tried to create a module out of the PSClass code, however, I started getting errors. The constructor and method names are no longer recognized.
Looking at the actual implementation, what I see is that constructor, method, etc. are actually nested functions inside the New-PSClass function.
Thus, it seems to me that when I dot-source the PSClass.ps1 file, my script-blocks are allowed to contain references to functions nested inside other local functions. But when the PSClass code becomes a module, with the New-PSClass function exported (I tried both using a manifest and using Export-ModuleMember), the names are no longer visible.
Can someone explain to me how the script blocks, scoping rules, and visibility rules for nested functions work together?
Also, kind of separately, is there a better class definition protocol for pure Powershell scripting? (Specifically, one that does not involve "just write it in C# and then do this...")
The variables in your script blocks don't get evaluated until they are executed. If the variables in the script block don't exist in the current scope when the block is executed, the variables won't have any values. Script blocks aren't closures: they don't capture the context at instantiation time.
Remove-variable FooBar
function New-ScriptBlock
$FooBar = 1
$scriptBlock = {
Write-Host "FooBar: $FooBar"
$FooBar = 2
& $scriptBlock # Outputs FooBar: 2 because $FooBar was set to 2 before invocation
return $scriptBlock
function Invoke-ScriptBlock
& $ScriptBlock
$scriptBlock = New-ScriptBlock
& $scriptBlock # Prints nothing since $FooBar doesn't exist in this scope
$FooBar = 3
Invoke-ScriptBlock $scriptBlock # Prints $FooBar: 3 since FooBar set to 3