Does Meteor Allow Self Signed SSL Certificates - sockets

I am currently trying to connect a React Native app to a Meteor server. I am able to connect to the web socket using a browser Web Socket Client. However, my react native app which uses the react-native-meteor boilerplate is unable to connect to the web socket (it is able to connect to web sockets on the local network). I am using a self-signed SSL certificate. Could this be preventing a successful connection from the phone app to the web socket?
Any help is appreciated!

Turns out that the answer is yes. I added an SSL certificate to my server and was finally able to connect to the server through a secure websocket.


Can ssl handshake be established only with client certification validation instead of server certificate validation?

From my browser I want to communicate to localhost application using ssl. Here browser(which acts as client) will submit the certificate instead of localhost application(which acts as server). Can Ssl be established in this scenario? So finally it boils down to problem statement can a ssl communication be established by server validating the client certificate and client not validating the server certificate.
The SSL/TLS implementation inside the browser do not support this scenario. A server certificate is always required by the browser with SSL/TLS in order to be sure that the browser is communicating with the expected server (as specified in the URL) and not some man in the middle. Apart from that it is not clear what you want to achieve with such a setup in the first place - maybe there is a better design for your unknown use case.

I wonder about a secure gateway of IBM using a web socket?

I want to consider using a Bluemix to run my application? For a firewall problem, I want to use a secure gateway of IBM that is one service in Bluemix. It uses a web socket. I customized a web socket of jetty in the past. So I am wondering if a web socket client makes a permanent connection with a web socket server. Does the server giving data back to the client? If the connection is disconnected for some reason, how can the web socket handle this exception?
If you're wondering about how Bluemix Secure Gateway handles these situations, then yes, the Secure Gateway Client creates a persistent secure websocket connection to the Secure Gateway Servers which allows for the necessary communication between your application and your resource(s) behind the firewall. If the websocket connection goes down, the Secure Gateway Client will attempt to establish a new websocket connection with the Secure Gateway Servers.

SSL details of installation, connection & authorization for iphone

I don't have SSL on server side i am using microsoft IIS Server. I want to make the access secured with Https & SSL with my iphone application can anyone send me the details what to do & what are the requirements. I am new in both iphone & SSL

Push notification not working with HTTPS

I have used push notification for my project & was working fine with HTTP connection. Server was responding well. Now Its not working with HTTPs . Please guide if any one figure it out. What's the solution ?
You can't use a self-signed certificate, as far as I'm aware.
From the developer guide:
For each interface you should use TLS (or SSL) to establish a secured
communications channel. The SSL certificate required for these
connections is provisioned through the iPhone Developer Program
portal. (See "Provisioning and Development" for details.) To establish
a trusted provider identity, you should present this certificate
to APNs at connection time using peer-to-peer authentication.

SSL Client For Row Tcp/Ip in iphone

i want to make a client of SSL Server Socket in iphone but i cannot find any API in iPhone.
i have valid certificate file with password
Have you looked at OpenSSL?