Casting failure with a view controller instantiated from a storyboard - swift

I have a view controller that instantiates a new window controller.
I need to pass an object to that window controller's view controller.
Here is what I have so far:
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
if let windowController = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "customerEditWindowController") as? NSWindowController
let viewController = windowController.contentViewController as! EditCustomerViewController
viewController.customer = customer // (An object)
The window is displayed as expected and then Xcode traps into the debugger with the error:
Could not cast value of type 'NSViewController' (0x7fffd1dcc4e0) to
'Inventory2.EditCustomerViewController' (0x100011660).
I'm confused since my EditCustomerViewController extends NSViewController.
class EditCustomerViewController: NSViewController
1) Why can't NSViewController be cast to EditCustomerViewController?
2) Is there a better way to get data into the new view controller?

This is a simple shot in the dark but did you set the view controller’s class name in Interface Builder?


How do I pop out a ViewController(like a modal) programmatically?

I am doing a swift , cocoa macos app project with multiple ViewControllers in one storyboard.
I know if I do segue and link the segue from second ViewController to first ViewController.
I can pop out ViewController.
But what if I have a function and want to call another ViewController to present programmatically from first ViewController?
I search a lot of examples start with UIStoryBoard, but my Storyboard is NSStoryboard.
Could anyone hint me a little to start with?
my code:
func checkPassword(SystemMsg:String) -> String{
let storyBoard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let mainViewController : NSViewController = storyBoard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "PasswordInput") as! NSViewController
//self.present(mainViewController, asPopoverRelativeTo: <#T##NSRect#>, of: sender, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge, behavior: <#T##NSPopover.Behavior#>)
return ""
And my viewController in storyboard look like(no segue,no link):
enter image description here
If anyone can guide me through this step by step would be appreciated.
I figure it out myself.
The most simple way contains 4 steps:
Identify your main ViewController and second ViewController in storyboard
Create your main ViewController with instantiateController
Create your second ViewController with instantiateController
use presentAsModalWindow or presentAsSheet to present secondController on main ViewController
first we need to Identify storyboard correctly:
Identify first storyboard , we need to click top blue cube and then name it in Storyboard Id area
Identify second storyboard , we need to click top blue cube and then name it in Storyboard Id area
example code:
func checkPassword(SystemMsg:String) -> String{
//let storyBoard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let mainViewController : NSViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "MainController") as! NSViewController
let passwordInputViewController : NSViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "PasswordInput") as! NSViewController
return ""
If I miss something please correct me gently.
reference: Transitioning between view controller, OS X
PS. if you want to pass value between ViewController, this is good reference :

Cannot Programmatically Switch Storyboards

I'm attempting to switch storyboards when a button only if a condition (The textfield not being empty) is met. I found this piece of code as an answer to a similar question, and it doesn't seem to be working. My program crashes with "'Storyboard () doesn't contain a view controller with identifier 'Avatar Controller''"
I'm not completely sure as to where to find the view controller identifies, or whether or not I have to add '.storyboard' at the end of the storyboard name.
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Avatar", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Avatar Controller")
self.navigationController!.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
To make it works, Use Storyboard ID has to be checked
This could be happening for 2 reasons.
1) Because in your Avatar.storyboard you are referencing a view controller with the id Avatar Controller but you have not set that value on any of the view controllers in the storyboard file. Go into your Avatar.storyboard, click on the view controller you want to show and go to this panel:
Make sure that the Storyboard ID for your viewController matches what value you use in storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Avatar Controller")
2) Because you are not providing a bundle when you are loading your storyboard. You are calling this
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Avatar", bundle: nil);
but because you specify bundle as nil it doesn't know where to look for the Avatar.storyboard file. To fix it, specify bundle as Bundle.main:
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Avatar", bundle: Bundle.main);

How to instantiate a view controller programatically, without storyboard

Is there a way to instantiate a view controller programatically without using storyboard identifier. I want to push CNContactPickerController into my root view controller .
let controller = CNContactPickerViewController()
controller.delegate = self
navigationController?.present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)
i did this but in contactPicker (delegate) i push a VC from storyboard where i save what info i want from that specific contact.
The problem: when i pop the last view controller i want to go on the CNConctactPickerControllerView but i go on the first view controller
i tried with dismiss but nothing happens..
The problem with doing this is that NONE of the UI for your view controller is created. What you are doing is simply instantiating an instance of the class. None of the corresponding UI is created, also your IBOutlets will be nil.
You have 2 options, either you use Interface builder and instantiate from the Nib or Storyboard, or you create ALL your UI manually in code.
For the sake of resuability you could create a static method on CNContactPickerViewController to handle the storyboard instantiation for you. See the following:
class CBContactPickerViewController: UIViewController {
static func fromStoryboard() -> CNContactPickerViewController {
return UIStoryboard(name: "foobar", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(identifier: "CNContactPickerViewController") as! CNContactPickerViewController
You can then utilise this as follows:
self.present(viewController: CNContactPickerViewController.fromStoryboard(), animated: true, completion: nil)

Add storyboard in Swift

How do you create multiple storyboards in the same project using Swift? I know I have to go to File -> New -> File and then choose Storyboard, but how do I integrate that storyboard into my project and navigate to the new storyboard's views in Swift code?
You need to get a reference to the desired storyboard
let aStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "storyboardName", bundle: nil)
Then instantiate desired view controller
let vc = aStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("viewControllerIdentifier") as! UIViewController

How To Dismiss Popover From Destination View Controller in Swift

I have a main view controller that has been setup in Interface Builder to open a table view controller via popover segue connected to a button. I want to be able to dismiss the popover when an item inside of my popover table view is selected in didSelectRowAtIndexPath. In Objective-c I can just typecast the the segue in the prepareForSegue delegate to a UIStoryboardPopoverSegueand pass along its UIPopoverController to the table view controller. However, in Swift my downcast fails because it sees the segue as type UIStorybaordPopoverPresentationSegue (when stepping through with the debugger) which doesn't appear to be a public API.
Here's my code:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject!) {
if segue.identifier == "ShowCollectionsSegue" {
if let collController:CollectionsTableViewController! = segue.destinationViewController as? CollectionsTableViewController {
if let popoverSegue = segue as? UIStoryboardPopoverSegue { // <-- This fails
collController.popover = popoverSegue.popoverController
How do I coerce the segue to a UIStoryboardPopoverSegue in order to access its popoverController property?
I'm open to solving the problem of dismissing the popover in response to a table view cell tap a different way, but it seems that when using a segue from the storyboard, the only way to dismiss the popover is by holding onto a reference to the popover controller somehow and the only way to do that as far as I can tell is to cast the segue to a popover segue which Swift doesn't want to let me do. Any ideas?
A strange problem, indeed. I noticed in the documentation, that UIStoryboardPopoverSegue does not inherit from any class. That explains why the cast does not work - UIStoryboardSegue is not its superclass. So I just tried to create a new object - it looks weird but works:
let popoverSegue = UIStoryboardPopoverSegue(
identifier: segue.identifier,
source: self,
destination: segue.destinationViewController as UIViewController)
println("Is there a controller? \(popoverSegue.popoverController.description)")
// YES !!
But this controller will not dismiss the popover :(
The fix is to specify the segue in Interface Builder as "Deprecated Segues : Popover". Then the code would be as expected
let popoverSegue = segue as UIStoryboardPopoverSegue
if let destination = segue.destinationViewController as? TableViewController {
destination.delegate = self
self.popoverController = popoverSegue.popoverController