Cloudera does not generate missing kerberos credentials for Flume - kerberos

I have installed Flume after installing main services and enabling Kerberos. And not when I run Generate Missing Credentials t says No roles required Kerberos credentials to be generated., which is wrong since Flume needs a principal flume to be created.
Is there a way to hint Cloudera to generate credentials for Flume?


How to use a Notary client to access IBM Cloud notary server

I got the following error when trying to use a Notary client to get the digest of a signed image in my IBM Container Registry. Can anyone advise how to solve it?
# notary -s lookup latest
* fatal: unauthorized: The login credentials are not valid, or your IBM Cloud account is not active.
BTW, I built the Notary client from
Notary uses your credentials from your Docker login cache. The error message that you received suggests that your login to isn't valid. This usually means that your credentials have expired.
If you have the ibmcloud CLI and the container-registry plugin installed, you can refresh your login by making sure that you're targeting the US South registry (ibmcloud cr region-set and then logging in with ibmcloud cr login.
If you don't have the CLI plugin installed, you can log in using Docker commands directly. For more information, see Automating access to IBM Cloud Container Registry
in the IBM Cloud docs.

Nifi + Hortonworks Schema Registry + Kerberos: 401 Authentication required

I am ussing Apache Nifi 1.7 and I'm trying to use a RecordWritter that uses Hortonwors Schema Registry service controller to read schema metadata.
However, this controller service doesn't have any KErberos configuration properties like "KErberos Credential Service" that other Nifi processor have, so I am getting a 401 Error: Authentication required when I try to read schema from Hortonworks Schema Registry.
The intriguing thing here is that this workflow was working before, and after stopping nifi flow, moving the cluster to a different LAN and relaunching the flow again, it started to fail. I discarded any networks issues here since kerberos and schema registry keep the same URI's as before and I can make a query to registry service from the command line with curl as before.
Is there a way to make Hortonworks schema registry Controler working with Kerberos?
In 1.7.0 the only way to do is through a JAAS file with an entry for RegistryClient like:
RegistryClient { required
Then in nifi's bootstrap.conf you need to specify the system property:
In 1.10.0 there are new properties in the service to make it easier to configure.

How to get the password from Kerberos principal

For all the auto-generated Kerberos principals, for example HDFS, Hadoop, Livy, how can I get their passwords so that I can try kinit with it?
I created a Kerberized cluster in AWS EMR and by default it auto-generated all these principals, and now I want to actually be able to authenticate Kerberos with them, but I don't know their passwords.
How can I get their passwords, and since I have their keytabs can I get their passwords from the keytabs?

Disable Kerberos authentication for a particular user in CDH-5.15

I am using a 3rd party tool that can read data stored in parquet formaton hdfs and execute different functionalities on it. But this tool runs fine in environment which have Kerberos authentication disabled. I have Kerberos authentication enabled in my CDH-5.15 environment which cannot be disabled due to security reasons.
Is there a way to disable Kerberos authentication only for a particular user in CDH-5.15 ? Note that Parquet version that i have is 2.1.0

LDAP ACL Plugin for Zookeeper

I have customized a new LDAP plugin to provide basic Zookeeper Authenication.
some thing like
setAcl /zookeeperPath ldap:<Group>:crwda
and when I check for the znodes
addAuth ldap:<uid>:password
will grant me access to the znodes
I know this can be done using the kerberos. But in my enterprise Linux Auth is doe through sssd. kerberos is not enabled.
I am afraid I have done some customization that should have not been done. Because, I did not get any reference from internet to do it.
If theare are any plugins thats been already used please help.
There are no ldap auth plugin for zookeeper. As zookeeper supports SASL kerberos authentication. But additional ACLs can be set using Active directory or LDAP group permissions. This can be achieved by implementing
and settng -D params as