Ansible passing variables between host contexts - deployment

As the title says when I'd like to be able to pass a variable that is registered under one host group to another, but I'm not sure how to do that and I couldn't find anything relevant under the variable documentation
This is a simplified example of what I am trying to see. I have a playbook that calls many different groups and checks where a symlink points. I'd like to be able to report all of the symlink targets to console at the end of the play.
The problem is the registered value is only valid under the host group that it was defined in. Is there a proper way of exporting these variables?
- hosts: max_logger
- shell: ls -la /home/ubuntu/apps/max-logger/active | awk -F':' '{print $NF}'
register: max_logger_old_active
- hosts: max_data
- shell: ls -la /home/ubuntu/apps/max-data/active | awk -F':' '{print $NF}'
register: max_data_old_active
- hosts: "localhost"
- debug: >
msg="The old max_logger build is {{ max_logger_old_active.stdout }}
The old max_data build is {{ max_data_old_active.stdout }}"

You don't need to pass anything here (you just need to access). Registered variables are stored as host facts and they are stored in memory for the time the whole playbook is run, so you can access them from all subsequent plays.
This can be achieved using magic variable hostvars.
You need however to refer to a host name, which doesn't necessarily match the host group name (e.g. max_logger) which you posted in the question:
- hosts: "localhost"
- debug: >
msg="The old max_logger build is {{ hostvars['max_logger_host'].max_logger_old_active.stdout }}
The old max_data build is {{ hostvars['max_data_host'].max_data_old_active.stdout }}"
You can also write hostvars['max_data_host']['max_data_old_active']['stdout'].


List all my hetzner server names and their IPv4 addresses - getting error

I'm trying to receive a list of all my server names and their IPs on Hetzner using ansible and hcloud module however I'm receiving the following error;
ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'hcloud'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to be in '/home/melvmagr/repos/ansible/server-content/server-content.yml': line 8, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: List servers
^ here
Here is my YAML file;
- name: List Hetzner server names and IP addresses
hosts: servername_example
gather_facts: false
hcloud_token: "MY_HETZNER_API_TOKEN"
- name: List servers
state: present
command: server_list
register: server_list
- name: Print server names and IP addresses
msg: "Server {{ }} has IP address {{ item.public_net.ipv4.ip }}"
loop: "{{ server_list.servers }}"
More info that could prove to be helpful:
❯ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.12.10]
config file = /home/melvmagr/repos/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/melvmagr/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /home/melvmagr/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.8.10 (default, Nov 14 2022, 12:59:47) [GCC 9.4.0]
jinja version = 2.10.1
libyaml = True
This is my ansible.cfg file;
host_key_checking = False
I've also installed the following collections;
ansible-galaxy collection install hetzner.hcloud
❯ ls ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/hetzner/hcloud/
CHANGELOG.rst COPYING FILES.json MANIFEST.json changelogs meta plugins tests
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Managed to solve it by simplifying my playbook the following way;
- name: Get server information from Hetzner Cloud
hosts: myservername
gather_facts: false
- name: Print server names and IP addresses
msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }} IP is {{ ansible_ssh_host }}"

Ansible IP Adress from Host to Variable and use in Playbook - Save Switch Config with Ansible

I want to save the startup and running config with ansible. My script works but only on one host. I need to change the name from the save file otherwise it will overwrite the old Configuration.
- hosts: switches
gather_facts: yes
ansible_network_os: icx
ansible_become: True
ansible_become_method: enable
- name: Backup Config Files
- copy startup-config tftp Ansible-startup-config.cfg
- copy running-config tftp Ansible-running-config.cfg
Now I want to have the ip address, time and date in the name so that they will not be overwritten when I start the script again.
I think about something like this as filename:
or an consecutive number
How can I do this?
The rough idea below.
I'm not 100% sure facts gathered on ios populate ansible_default_ipv4. You will have to check that point and find the correct variable if needed. Note also you may have to run explicitly the icx_facts module to get all the info from your device.
You can run the following ad-hoc commands to browse all available facts and choose the correct one if ever:
ansible -i your_inventory some_host -m setup
ansible -i your_inventory some_host -m icx_facts
You can debug the ansible_date_time variable to see if an other key suits your needs better than below to create a time stamp. I reconstructed exactly the pattern in your question.
Of course, you need to gather facts for these vars to be available (gather_facts: true on your play meets that requirement).
And here is the sample task (untested, I don't have an ios device available for that)
- name: Backup Config Files
ip: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
stamp: "{{ }}-{{ ansible_date_time.hour }}:{{ ansible_date_time.minute }}"
prefix: "{{ ip }}-{{ stamp }}"
- "copy startup-config tftp {{ prefix }}-startup-config.cfg"
- "copy running-config tftp {{ prefix }}-running-config.cfg"

How can I get awx to use azure_rm.yml instead of the ini version?

I need to use the "plugin/azure_rm.yml" version of azure_rm instead of the older/deprecated "script/azure_rm.ini" to gather dynamic inventory in Azure, in particular because we need VMs from scalesets to be included in inventory. How can I do this?
You can use an inventory script, which (again) calls ansible-inventory, and have it create the config file via a heredoc:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cat > azure_rm.yml <<HEREDOC
plugin: azure_rm
- '*'
ansible_host: private_ipv4_addresses | first
plain_host_names: true
# places each host in a group named 'tag_(tag name)_(tag value)' for each tag on a VM.
- prefix: tag
key: tags
# places each host in a group named 'azure_loc_(location name)', depending on the VM's location
- prefix: azure_loc
key: location
# group by platform (to copy prefix from, eg: platform_windows
- prefix: platform
key: os_disk.operating_system_type
ansible-inventory -i azure_rm.yml --list
rm azure_rm.yml
So it's literally having ansible-inventory call ansible-inventory, but with a different argument. Note that in order to get the inventory for the correct subscription, you have to create a copy the credential used, with the desired subscription id; it doesn't appear that you can override AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID via the yml environment param.

Kubernetes|Helm values.yaml - How to access array using dynamic index

I have a values.yaml where I need to mention multiple ports like the following:
- 32000
- 32001
- 32002
In yaml for statefulset, I need to get value using ordinal number.
So for kf-0, I need to put first element of kafkaClientPort; and for kf-1, second element and so on.
I am trying like the following:
- "KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://$(MY_NODE_NAME):{{ index .Values.kafkaClientPort ${HOSTNAME##*-} }}"
But it is showing an error.
Please advise what is the best way to access dynamically values.yaml value.
The trick here is that Helm template doesn't know anything about ordinal in your stateful set. If you look at the Kafka Helm Chart, you see that they are using a base port 31090 and then they add the ordinal number but that substitution is in place 'after' the template is created. Something like this in your values:
"advertised.listener": |-
PLAINTEXT://kafka.cluster.local:$((31090 + ${KAFKA_BROKER_ID}))
and then in the template file, the use a bash export under command with a printf which is an alias for fmt.Sprintf. Something like this in your case:
- sh
- -exc
- |
unset KAFKA_PORT && \
export KAFKA_BROKER_ID=${HOSTNAME##*-} && \
export "KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS={{ printf "%s" $advertised.listener }} \\

Copy file to ansible host with custom variables substituted

I'm working on an ansible-playbook which should help to generate build agents for a continuous delivery pipeline. Among other issues, I'll need to install an oracle client on such an agent. I want to do something like
- name: "Provide response file"
copy: src=/custom.rsp dest=/opt/oracle
Within the custom.rsp file I've got some variables to be substituted. Normally, one could do it with a separate shell command like this:
- name: "Substitute Vars"
shell: "sed 's|<PARAMETER>|<VALUE>|g' -i /opt/oracle/custom.rsp"
I don't like it, though. There should be a more convinient way to do this. Anybody giving me a hint?
You want to be using a template rather than copying a static file.
Also, when using the copy or template modules, the dest parameter is a full path AND filename, not just a path. So if you want to end up with a copy of custom.rsp in the directory /opt/oracle then you need to do this:
- name: "Provide response file"
template: src=/custom.rsp dest=/opt/oracle/custom.rsp
I'm going to extend Bruce's answer with an example:
This is part of my inventory.yaml:
zookeeper_hosts: "kafka-stage01:2181,kafka-stage02:2181,kafka-stage03:2181"
broker_id: 0
broker_id: 1
This is part of a configuration file:
# The id of the broker. This must be set to a unique integer for each broker.{{ broker_id }}
# {{ zookeeper_hosts }}
advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://{{ ansible_host }}:9092
# {{ services }}
This command in a playbook:
- name: Copy to Host
dest: /tmp/
Gave me this on the remote host kafka-stage02:
# The id of the broker. This must be set to a unique integer for each broker.
# kafka-stage01:2181,kafka-stage02:2181,kafka-stage03:2181
# {'kafka': None, 'zookeeper': None}